© Entomologica Fennica. 29.III.1993 Hemiptera of Iraq. II. Cydnidae, Thaumastellidae, Pentatomidae, Stenocephalidae, Coreidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae, and Pyrrhocoridae Rauno E. Linnavuori Linnavuori, R. E. 1993: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. Cydnidae, Thaumastellidae, Pentatomidae, Stenocephalidae, Coreidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae, and Pyrrho­ coridae. - Entomol. Fennica 4:37- 56. The article contains a list of the known records of the Cydnidae, Thaumastel­ lidae, Pentatomidae, Stenocephalidae, Coreidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae, and Pyrrhocoridae of Iraq and Kuwait. Notes on the biology and distributional data are also included. New synonymy: Aethus sahlbergi (Reuter) = A. hispidulus (Klug). Lectotype is designated for Aethus sahlbergi (Reuter). Rauno E. Linnavuori, Somersoja, SF-21220 Raisio 22, Finland Surprisingly few records have hitherto been pub­ Canthophorus melanopterus (Herrich-Schliffer, lished on the Hemipteran fauna of Iraq and Ku­ 1835) wait. The present paper is primarily based on my Material: Ana, I ex, 25.VI.l966; Rawa, 3 exx, own field work in 1979-1981, when I was 24.VI.l966, in AG. working in the Ministry of Agriculture, Abu Distribution: Holomediterranean. Ghraib, in Iraq. The collection of this institute was also revised. The new species detected were published by me separately in 1984. Exosehirus validus (Jakovlev, 1877) N Iraq (Hoberlandt 1961:200). Distribution: Irano-Turanian. Cydnidae Exosehirus sargon Linnavuori, 1984 Sehirinae Exosehirus sargon Linnavuori 1984:2. Material: Irbil, near Salahuddin, male holotype, 13- 14.VI.l980, Linnavuori, in coli. Linnavuori. Sehirus robustus Horvath, 1895 Distribution: Endemic. Material: Duhok, 1 ex, 12.VIII.l972, Al-Qadi, in AG (=the Plant Protection Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Abu Ghraib, Baghdad). Crocistethus waltlianus (Fieber, 1836) Distribution: Anatolian, known from Turkey Material: Kuysunjag-Irbil, I ex, 12.IV.I980, Linnavuori. and Caucasia. Distribution: Holomediterranean. 38 Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 Ochetostethus opacus (Scholtz, 1847) Aethus rugosus (Jakovlev, 1874) Material: near Darbandikhan, I ex, 13.V.l980; Shaykh Material: Abu Ghraib, 5 exx, 29.V.l965, 6.VI.l966, Addi, I ex, II.V.l981, Linnavuori. 22.VI.l967, in AG; near Safwan, 2 exx, 25.VI.l980, A revision of the genus in Kerzhner 1976:33- Linnavuori. 43. Distribution: Irano-Turanian. Distribution: Holomediterranean with a wide range in Central and southern parts of North Europe. Aethus pilosulus (Klug, 1845) Material: Many exx from Abu Ghraib, 6.VI.l956, 15.XI.l965, 1- 8.1X.l966, in AG; Baghdad, IX.1979, IV­ Cydninae VII.1980; AI Haditha, 13.VII1.1979; Tharthar lake, 23 .VIII.l979, 2.VI.l980, Linnavuori. Distribution: Holomediterranean. Cydnus aterrimus (Forster, 1771) Material: Mosul, many exx, 28.VIII.l980; AI Qosh, I ex, 25.VIII.I980, Linnavuori. Byrsinocoris nigroscutellatus Montandon, 1900 Distribution: Holomediterranean, extending Material: Arabia: Oman Desert, 1 ex, in coli. Linna­ into Central Europe and the Oriental Region. vuori. Distribution: Eremian; previously known from Amaurocoris curtus (Brulle, 1838) Algeria. The first record from The Arabian Pe­ ninsula. Material: Najaf-Shabakah, 2 exx, 23 .VI.l981, Linna­ vuori. Distribution: Eremian. Macroscytus brunneus (Fabricius, 1803) Material: Numerous exx from Abu Ghraib; Darband, Amaurocoris orbicularis Jakovlev, 1885 24.VIII.1970, J. Abdulla; Duhok, 12.VIII.l972, I. Naser; Mosul, 24.VI.1973, in AG; Baghdad, IV- VII.1980; Material: Nukhayb, 5 exx, 2.V.I980; Nukhayb- km Sarsang, 26-28.VIII.l980, Linnavuori. 160, I ex, 3.V.l980; Ukhaydir-Nukhayb, I ex, 2.V.I980, Linnavuori. Distribution: Widely distributed within the Holomediterranean subregion and the Oriental Distribution: Eremian. and Ethiopian Regions. Recorded from Iraq (Stichel1962:775). Aethus hispidulus (Klug, 1845) Cydnus hispidulus Klug 1845:43. Geotomus elongatus (Herrich-Schaffer, 1840) Aethus hispidulus Signoret 1881:431. Aethus setosus Walker 1867:39 (Linnavuori 1993:75). Material: Arbil, I ex, 21.1.1968, J. Sultan, in AG. Cydnus sahlbergi Reuter 1900:222, syn. n. Distribution: Holomediterranean, extending Types: Iraq, Euphrates, male lectotype of setosus, into Central Europe, the Middle East and designated by Linnavuori, in the British Museum; Greece, Turkestan. Corfu, female syntype of sahlbergi, here designated as the lectotype, U. Sahlberg, in Mus. St. Petersburg. Geotomus pygmaeus (Dallas, 1851) Taxonomy of the species will be treated by me elsewhere (Linnavuori 1993). An examina­ Material: Numerous exx from Abu Ghraib, 30.V.I953, tion of a syntype of Cydnus sahlbergi Reuter in 5.XI.l965, 15.1X.l966, 8.VII and 28.X.1967, in AG; Ain Mus. St. Petersburg revealed that the species is a al Tamar, 17.VII.1980; Amara, 23- 24.X.1979; Samawa, synonym of A. hispidulus. 21.X.1979, Linnavuori. Distribution: Apparently Pontomediterranean, Distribution: The Oriental Region, extending recorded from Greece, Cyprus, Syria, Israel, into Iraq, the eastern parts of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Arabia, and Iraq. the Jordan Valley in Israel. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 • Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. 39 Geotomus intrusus Wagner, 1953 Material: Abu Ghraib, 1 ex, 8.IV.1958; S. Rashed; Diwaniya, I ex, ll.IX.l954, S. Alyasiri, in AG. Material: Abu Ghraib, several exx, 30.III.l953, 6.VI.1956, in AG; Baghdad, 3 exx, IV- VIII.l980, Lin­ Description in Linnavuori 1984:3-4. navuori. Biology: On Chenopodiaceae halophytes in Distribution: Eremian. saline habitats. Distribution: Endemic. Thaumastellidae Odontotarsus robustus Jakovlev, 1883 Material: several exx from Aqra, 12.V.l981; AI Qosh, Thaumastella aradoides Horvath, 1896 IO.V.l981; Sawarah Tuka, 28.VIII.l980, Linnavuori. Material: Baghdad, 2 exx, IX.l979, Linnavuori; also Biology: Swept from vegetation in hilly recorded from Baghdad in Seidenstticker (1964:274). steppes. Distribution: Holomediterranean. Distribution: Eremian. Odontotarsus rufescens Fieber, 1861 Pentatomidae Recorded from Shaqlawa (Hoberlandt 1953: 378). Scutellerinae Distribution: Pontomediterranean. Odontoscelis litura (Fabricius, 1775) Odontotarsus purpureolineatus (Rossi, 1790) Material: AI Qosh, <:J neotypus, <:J paraneotypus, des­ ignated by Gi:illner-Scheiding, 10.V.l981, Linnavuori, in Material: Aqra, 2 exx, 12.V.l981; AI Qosh, 2 exx, coli. Linnavuori. 10.V.l981; Sawarah Tuka, 1 ex, 28.VIII.l980; Zawita, 1 ex, 26.VII1.1980; Linnavuori; Bismi1, 2 exx, 31.VII.l963, GOllner-Scheiding ( 1986) published a revision Y. Baysed. of the genus Odontoscelis Laporte de Castelnau Biology: On vegetation in hilly steppes of and proved that 0. litura is a valid species and northern Iraq. not a form of 0. fuliginosa as previously as­ Distribution: Holomediterranean. sumed. Biology: The specimens were found on ground among vegetation in a brook valley at the Odontotarsus impictus Jakovlev, 1886 foot of a hill. Recorded from Shaqlawa (Hoberlandt 1953: Distribution: Syrio-Anatolian. Recorded from 378). Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Cyprus and Turkey. Distribution: Irano-Turanian. Odontoscelis dorsalis (Fabricius, 1803) Odontotarsus armiger Kiritshenko, 1914 Material: near Bawa Nur, 1 ex, IO.VI.1980; AI Qosh, Material: AI Hadr, 2 exx, 6-7.V.l981; AI Qosh, 1 ex, I ex, IO.V.1981; As Salman-Shabakah, several exx, 25.VIII.l980; Khan Ruhabah, 1 ex, 6.1V.1981 ; Shaykh 4.IV.l981; Waqisah, several exx, 10.1V.l981, Linnavuori. Addy, I exx, 11.V.l981, Linnavuori. Biology: On ground among vegetation m Biology: In steppes of northern Iraq. sandy habitats. Distribution: Irano-Turanian. Known from the Distribution: Holomediterranean. Sinai Peninsula, Jordan and Turkestan. Alphocoris halophilus Linnavuori, 1984 Odontotarsus angustatus Jakovlev, 1883 Types: Tharthar Lake, <:J holotype, several paratypes, Material: Darbandikhan, 1 ex, 21.V.l980; Sawarah 20.X.l980; AI Hillah, 1 paratype, 2l.IX.1979; Saw a Lake, Tuka, 1 ex, 28.VIII.1980, Linnavuori; Jamjamal, 1 ex, 2 paratypes, 19.1V.1980, Linnavuori, in coli. Linnavuori. 21.V.I980, R. T. Kasnaw. 40 Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 Previously recorded from Bishapur (Haber­ Taxonomy treated in Linnavuori 1986:51-52. landt 1949:2). Biology: In saline habitats on Anabasis Biology: In steppes of northern Iraq. articulata, Suaeda vermiculata and Zygophyllum. Distribution: Irano-Turanian, recorded from Hibernating specimens on Lycium barbarum. Iraq, Iran and Turkestan. Distribution: Eastern parts of the Eremian subregion. Recorded from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Psacasta cypria Puton, 1881 Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, and Central Asia. Material: Qora, 1 ex, 12.VI.l980, Linnavuori . Tshingisella bella Kiritshenko, 1913 Taxonomy treated in Seidenstiicker 1975: 265-266. Material: Bawa Nur, I ex, 10.VI.l980; Shaykh Addy, Biology: Swept from vegetation in a steppe I ex, 11. V .1981, Linnavuori. in northern Iraq. Biology: Swept from vegetation in hilly Distribution: Anatolian, recorded from Cy­ steppes in northern Iraq. prus, Turkey and Iraq (Seidenstiicker 1975:265- Distribution: Irano-Turanian, recorded from 266). Turkey, Syria and Central Asia. Eurygaster integriceps Puton, 1881 Leprosoma inconspicuum Baerensprung, 1859 Material: Numerous exx from Gali Ali Beg, Material: near Salahuddin, 1 ex, 12.VI.1980, Linnavuori. 13.VI.l980; Shaykh Addy, ll.V.l981; Linnavuori; Abu Biology: Swept from vegetation in a hilly Ghraib, 2.VIII.1954, A. Mahmood; El Abbasiye, steppe in northern Iraq. 29.III.l944, Y. Fethi; Biyara, 19.III.l944, Y. Yousuf; Dekon, 29.V.l951, A. Meymarian; Sulaymaniyah, Distribution: Holomediterranean. ll.V.1951 , Abiel, in
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