Weather Wstribufion Today lnaewlag thnidineM, Today MOW «nd Ttin developing te- BEDBANK aftfrt tnd ending Satodjy. 18,700 Htftett temperature today in UOKBty THWUGHTKJDAY-tm.im tfi, lowMf tonight, low M'I. - • Dial SH I-0010 mi 1"uea At"T- * 'V ihnniib »rUu B»«md Ciua POKH. 7c PER COPY VOL M NO P«ld 11 Red Buk tnd U Adiitloaal Mlllln* OKces, RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1962 PAGE ONE West Will Protect Corridor Air Traffic BERLIN (AP) — The Western flight level for certain periods to 'Such a practice would amount, scribed as harassing tactios. A Big Three were reported ready carry out maneuvers. The Allies, to an arbitrary limitation on the spokesman for U.S. Air Force'i today to send fighter patrols in- sensing a move to chop away at free use of air corridors by the European headquarters in Wies- to the Berlin air corridors unless their air rights to isolated Ber-'aircraft of the three Western pow- baden said yesterday: "There Soviet Migs stop buzzing allied lin, rejected the Russian requesters as guaranteed by quadra- was no interference with our air- military and passenger planes. and said each flight would have partite (lour-power) agree- craft." The Russians were accused of to be cleared individually by the ments." Under the four-power pacts the playing a "reckless and danger- four-power air safety center in Soviet M1G jets buzzed Allied Russians are obligated to give ous" game by Allied officials Berlin. planes in the Berlin-Frankfurt air advance notice of operations in who admitted they were puzzled The Western notes declared corridor for four hours yesterday the air corridors to the Berlin by the Soviet harassment. any attempt by the Russians to even as the Western protest was air safety center but the United U.S. officials in Washington ex- take over "exclusive use of flight being delivered to the Kremlin States charged they failed to do pressed fear that a dangerous sit- levels for any period of time is warning Ihe Russians they were so. uation could develop rapidly rf entirely unacceptable," and "running grave risks." Diplomatic circles In London the Soviets keep up their air added: The Soviet manuvers were de- (See BERLIN, Page 2) antics in the 20-mile-wide cor-j ridors Unking West Berlin ant BIZARRE CRASH — First aid men and a doctor, behind car in photo, administer to William Holle, 22, of Leon- West Germany. ardo, who was critically injured in crash on Swimming River Rd., Middletown, early today. Another passenger, The United States, Britain and Girl, 4, Perishes in Blaze; an unidentified girl, was killed in the accident. The driver of the car, Lawrence Schwarti, 16, of Woodbridge, France in stiff notes to Moscow yesterday charged the Russian; fed tho scene of the crash and was captured later after he broke into a home in Lincroft. Police said the car with "aggressive and dangerous win stolen yesterday morning in Matawan Township. Standing at left is Patrolman William Hunting, Eatontown. behaviour" and warned the Al Mother, 3 Others Rescued lies were determined to protec their rights to clear air passage NEPTUNE — A mother and to this outpost 110 miles inside three of her four children were Communist territory. rescued from their burning home Girl Killed, Youth Critical Will Take Steps yesterday through efforts of a 'The United States govern- Bclford man on his way to work ment," the U.S. note said, "wil' at Evans Signal Laboratories. take the necessary steps to insure After a brief period of exulta- Stolen Car's the safety of such flights (of tion, it was discovered that the transport and passenger aircraft) fourth child, a 4-year-old girl, had Driver Flees and will hold the Soviet govern- re-entered the house after being ment responsible for the conse rescued and burned to death. quences of any Incidents which Mrs. Marion Youngs, 3G, of 624 Crash Scene might occur." Wayside Rd. and her children LINCROFT — An unidentified The Soviets four times in the were trapped In a fire discovered girl was killed and a 22-ycar-old past week asked for exclusive by Mathias Pelzer, 50 of 133 Leonardo man critically injured use of various of the three Berlin Ninth St., Belford, as he drove when a car crashed into a utility air corridors below the 7,500-foo to work at Evans Signal Labora- pole and tree near the Swimming tory. River Bridge here early today. After halting an oncoming mo- The injured man has been iden- torist and sending him to sound tified as William Holle, of Leon- the fire alarm, Mr. Pelzer en- Glenn's tered Ihe house through an open irdo. Police said he suffered fractures of the skull and both front door and in three trips legs. He was in critical con brought out Mrs. Youngs and dition in Riverview Hospital thir Try three ot the childrren. Next Followed Rescuer Back morning. The driver, Lawrence Schwartz The fourth child was later IS, of 71 Coley St., Woodbridge saved by a man reaching through fled from the scene of the crash Tuesday a window and pulling the tot, Police reported that Schwartz 25-month-old Thomas, out ot his crip. later broke into the home of Col CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) Rollin L. Bauchspies, Lindy La. —The oft-postponed flight of as- But while the efforts to rescua Llncroft, a retired Army doctor tronaut John H. Glenn Jr., three Thomas were under way, 4-year- ind was found asleep on the floor times around the world, is now old Nancy apparently followed Of the recreation room. off until next Tuesday—at the Mr. Pelzer back Into the house. Police said he gave up with- earliest—because of continuing Her charred remains were not cut a fight. discovered until after Ihe blaze rough seas in the Atlantic re- FIRE HERO — Mathias Pelzer, 133 Ninth St., Bolford, He was taken to Riverview covery areas. was put out more than an hour Hospital after he complained o hero in the laving of four lives in a firs *t Neptune yes- later. This was the tenth postpone- pains in the chest and arms. Though for some time it was ment since the 81,000-mile flight terday, is pictured at home. A former volunteer fire- The youth, wanted since he es- hoped the child was in a neigh- was originally scheduled Dec. 20. caped two weeks ago from the man in Pennsylvania, he credits hit know-how in yastar- bor's home, or was wandering The further delay was an- Jamesburg Home for Boys, faces SWITCH MADE — Miss Carol Cominsky of Neptune, Miss Jersey Coast, was on hand day's drama to training received at a fireman. He is about the area, the fact that tha nounced at 1:05 a.m. at a special « variety of charges. Police said burned body was hcr's was es- yesterday fo open the Asbury Park-New York Transit Corporation's headquarters in weather briefing by the Nationel shown perusing a training text. lie probably will be charged with tablished after an examination by The Port Authority Terminal, New York City. With her are Lee C. Webb, right, mana- Aeronautics and Space admnls- causing death by auto, breaking Dr. Harry L. Harwood, assistant tration (NASA). end entering, auto theft and ger of the terminal, and Louis J. Rollo, president of the bus line. Mr. Rollo said the Monmouth County physician. charges in connection with his move to the PA building will cut down the time to and from Lincoln Tunnel, and provide In addition, the NASA spokes- Hies Saves Life escape from Jamesburg. man said the entire countdown Building Permit Fee better ticket and waiting room facilities. for both the 360,000 pound-thrust Besides the heroism of Mr. Pel- Police said he was sentenced zer, police credited T, R. Hies, to an indeterminate term in Atlas booster and the 4,200 pound space capsule would be re-cycled. 38, of 541 Forrest Ave., Nep- Jamesburg for a series of thefts Increase is Rejected tune, with saving the life of In Middlesex County. This means that all systems in Thomas. Mr. Illes also is em- According to police he refused Hydrofoil Ferry Trial Set both the missile and the cap- NEW SHREWSBURY - An 3d, John E. Lemon, Jr., E Don- ployed by Fort Monmouth, al to give his name, but his descrip-' sule will be checked all over ordinance setting new and much ald Cole, Robert Davidson and ASESA, Eatontown. again, from .top to bottom de- •ion, including a tattoo, matches higher building permit fees was Lawrence Malohe voted against Mr. Pelzer could not reach tha thai of "Schwartz. Builders Seek Atlantic Highlands Harbor Facilities spite the previous exhaustive voted down, 5 to 1, by Borough it. checks. boy. despite four entries into his Police said he would not Iden- Council last night. The measure would have set room, and finally went outside tify the girl. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Trial could cut commuting time be- mission Wednesday night to dis- Replace Part* Councilman Francis Cooper fees of $10 for the first 53,000 of and directed a group of other The crash climaxed a chase runs will begin here next summer tween here and New York City cuss the possibility of using fa Because certain electronic gave the measure its only aye the value of a house and $10 for men in placing a board through by New Shrewsbury police at on a new mode of transportation to 35 minutes, its proponents say. cilities at the local harbor as t part; in both the missile and vote.
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