Cambridge University Press 0521829925 - Viking Empires Angelo Forte, Richard Oram and Frederik Pedersen Index More information Index Aachen, 8 Alan fitz Walter, 246—8 Aalborg, 174 Alba, see Scotland Aarhus, 177, 181 Albert, bishop of Livonia or Riga, 385, 386, bishop in, 177, 178, 357—8, 359 387, 388, 389—90 Aberdeen, 216 Albert, count of Holstein and Orlamnde, Absalon, bishop of Roskilde, archbishop 388 of Lund, 376, 377, 378, 382, 383, 386, Albert the Bear, count of Brandenburg, 375 391, 392 Alcuin, 8, 14, 44 Acleah, Battle of, 67 writings of, 8—9, 45 Adalbert, archbishop of Hamburg- Aldhun, bishop of Durham, 201, 204 Bremen, 354—5, 356, 359, 360, 361 Alexander I, king of Scots, 96, 289 Adam, bishop of Caithness, 296 Alexander II, king of Scots, 248—54, 256, Adam of Bremen, 6, 14, 42, 172—3, 174, 296, 398—9 214, 359, 360, 361, 400 Alexander II, Pope, 360 Adela, 214, 367, 369 Alexander III, king of Scots, 254, 255—64, Adomnþn, 130 297, 399 fi vold, 31 Alexander III, Pope, 6, 382, 383, 384, Åed, king of Ulaid, 108 385 fiðelbald, king of Mercia, 10 Alfonso VII, king of Castile-Lon, 375 fiðelfld, Lady of the Mercians, 80, 102, Alfonso Henriques, king of Portugal, 375 103 Alfred, son of fiðelred II, 194, 199 fiðelheard, archbishop of Canterbury, 9 Alfred the Great, king of Wessex, 45, 54, fiðelred I, king of Wessex, 71, 72, 78 72, 73, 75, 76—7, 78—80, 165, 167, 168, fiðelred II (the Unready), king of England, 185, 187, 190 183, 185—8, 193, 199, 200, 207, 208, Algeciras, 54 209, 222 Allerdale, 203 fiðelred, king of Northumbria, 9 Alney, treaty of, 192 fiðelred, Mercian nobleman, 80 Amiens, 62 fiðelstan, king of Kent, 67 Amounderness, 92—3 fiðelstan, king of Wessex, 93, 98—9, 100, Anders Sunes¿n, archbishop of Lund, 104, 109, 111, 164 386—7, 388, 389, 391, 392 fiðelweard, 125 Angers, 62 fiðelwold, West Saxon prince, 78 count of, see Robert fiðelwulf, king of Wessex, 67 Anglesey, 206, 218, 237, 279 filei, 32 Anglo-Danish kingdom, see Denmark, filfgifu, see Emma of Normandy England filfgifu, daughter of fiðelred II, 200 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 8, 14, 40, 109, 125, filfgifu of Northampton, wife of Canute, 218, 237 193, 198 ship descriptions in, 164, 165 filfheah, archbishop of Canterbury, 190 Anglo-Saxons, 7, 8, 394 filfhelm, ealdorman of Northampton, 193 Christianity of, 44 filfric, 4 church, 44 filfwold, Anglo-Saxon bishop, ship owned colonise England, 173 by, 166 sea-faring, 7 fille, king of Northumbria, 69, 70 Ankara, 15 filnoth, Danish chronicler, 362—3, Annagassan, 106 365, 366 Annals of Ulster, 55, 95, 220, 239 Aggersborg, 180—1 Annan, River, 89, 204 Aidan, saint, 8 Aongus mac Somhairlidh, 247 Ailech, 111, 239 Aquitaine, 61, 353 Airgialla, king of, 108 Viking pressure on, 60—1 Alan, lord of Galloway, see Galloway, see also Pippin II lords of Ardennes, 62 426 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521829925 - Viking Empires Angelo Forte, Richard Oram and Frederik Pedersen Index More information Index 427 Argyll, 54, 81, 241, 243, 246, 256 Bothnia, Gulf of, 13 rulers of, see Somhairlidh Bourges, 62 sculptural tradition of, 133—4 Brattahlð, 321—2, 323 see also Dþl Riada Brega, kingdom of, 108 Ari Thorgilsson, 309, 311 Northern, 115, 116 Arkona, 377, 384, 388, 389 Bremen, town of, 49 Armagh, 88, 105, 107, 115, 225 Brendstrup, 27—8 Book of, 225 Brian Bruma, king of Munster, 224, 225, Arnkell, joint earl of Orkney, 117, 269 227, 229, 271 Arnulf, king of East Franks, 63 Bridgnorth, 80 Arran, island of, 242, 246, 247, 258, 260 Bristol Channel, 208 Ashdown, 72 British Isles, 2, 7, 43, 54, 58, 86, 118—19, Ashingdon, Battle of, 192 177, 299, 394 ffskekrr, see ships Brittany, 60, 92, 394 Asser, archbishop of Lund, 372, 374, 379, dukes of, 380, 391 Alan Barbetorte, 66 Athelney, 76 Alan the Great, 65 Aud the Deep-minded, 86, 91, 92 Saloman, 61 Augustus, Roman emperor, 15—16, 23 Scandinavian rule in, 65 Avoco, bishop in Jylland (Jutland), 359 Viking raids from, 102 Axholme, island of, 212, 213 Viking raids on, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64—6, 101 Ayr, castle at, 247, 250, 258, 259—60 Brunanburh, Battle of, 100, 109, 111, 164 Bruno of Toul, see Leo IX, Pope b¾ndr, see Iceland, social system in Brusi, earl of Orkney, 271, 272, 278 Baltic Sea, 3, 11, 13, 39, 43, 46, 135, 175, Bryggen stick, 123, 148 378 Bugislav, Duke of Pomerania, 378 Bamburgh, 113, 117, 184 Burgundians, 63 Barra, island, 87 Burhred, king of Mercia, 71—2 Barrow, River, 87 Bute, island of, 242, 243, 246, 247, 250, Basing, 72 257, 258 Bayeux, 64 Rothesay Castle in, 251—2, 257 Tapestry, 123, 139, 147, 148, 152, 158, Stewart lordship in, 247 161, 163, 346 Byrhtnoth, ealdorman of Essex, 186—7 Beaduheard, West Saxon reeve, 8, 40, 125, Byzantium, 13, 352, 355 128, 173—4 see also Constantinople Bede, writings of, 130 Benedict IX, Pope, 354, 355 Cadzow, 89 Benfleet, 79 Caithness, 100, 109, 267, 268, 270, Beorhtric, king of Wessex, 7, 125 271—2, 273—4, 284, 285, 288—93, 295, Beowulf, 49 397 Bergen, 147, 153, 174, 291 bishops of, 296 Bernard of Clairvaux, 375, 380, 382 see also Adam, John Bernicia, 75, 111 Gaelic-Norse interactions in, 267, 270 rulers of, see Ealdred, son of Eadwulf, Norse settlement in, 91, 267 Oswulf Scottish lordship of, 269—70, 271, 277, Birka, 47—8, 49, 118—19, 126, 149, 164 280, 283—4, 285—6, 288, 295—6 churches in, 49 Cambridge, 75 Birsay, 282, 302, 303 Canada, 299—300, 323 Bjarni Herjolfsson, 323, 328, 333, 347, Canossa, castle, 356 348 Canterbury, 67, 190 Blacaire Guthfrithsson, king of Dublin, archbishops of, 9, 114, 372 115, 115—16 see also filfheah, fithelheard, Black Foreigners, see Norway St Dunstan Black Sea, 2, 30, 299—300, 393 Canute II, king of Denmark/Norway and Blackfriars ship, see ships England, 5, 147, 191, 192, 200, 201, Blathmacc Mac Flaind, prior of Iona, 55—7 203, 206, 207, 208, 209, 212, 214, 215, Blekinge, 13, 14, 19 227, 238, 272, 276, 352, 358, 360, agriculture in, 14 372, 396 see also Scandia government of England, 193—5, 198 Bordeaux, 60, 61 overlordship of British Isles, 196, 198, Bornholm, 34 227, 228 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521829925 - Viking Empires Angelo Forte, Richard Oram and Frederik Pedersen Index More information 428 Index Canute II, king of Denmark/Norway and cities, 174—5 England, (cont.) migration to, 175 relationship of with Orkney, 196—7, see also Denmark, emporia, 201—2, 272 Norway, Scandinavia, Sweden relationship of with Scots, 201—2 Clement II, Pope, 354, 355 sons of, 198 Clement III, Pope, 365 wives of, see filfgifu of Northampton, Clermont, council of, 370 Emma of Normandy Cleveland, 210 Canute IV, king of Denmark, 4, 6, 170—1, Clonkeen, Battle of, 115 211, 212—13, 214—15, 238, 360, 362—3, Clonmacnoise, 108 364—8, 369, 372, 379, 396—7 Clontarf, Battle of, 196, 226, 227, 230, 271 Canute V, king of Denmark, 374, 375—6, Clovesho, synod of, 9 376—7, 381 Cluniac reform, 352—7 Canute VI, king of Denmark, 378, 383, Clunie, 86 386, 392 Cluny, abbey of, 353 Canute Lavard, Duke, son of Eirik I king of Clyde, River, 89, 113, 245, 247 Denmark, 374, 376, 380, 383, 392 Norse colonisation around estuary of, 97 Cape Wrath, 55 Norse-Gaelic culture around, 96 Capua, 24, 25 portage point, 109 Carham, Battle of, 201 strategic significance of Firth of, 89, Carlingford, 105, 106 100, 242, 243, 244, 249, 251, Carlisle, 75, 99, 204, 238—9 255—6, 261 see of, 206 Chochilaicus, Scandinavian chieftain, 40, 45 Carolingians, 19, 58 Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh, 225, 226 links with Denmark, 43—4, 46 Cologne, archbishop of, 356, 359 missionary activities by, 43—4 combs, 38 written sources, 42 Concordat of Worms, 379, 382 Carrick, 97, 98, 233, 241 Cond, 62 lords and earls of, 247 Congalach mac Mþelmithig, king of Norse-Gaelic settlement in, 97 Northern Brega, 115, 116 Cath Finntra´gha, 163 Connacht, 82, 84 Causantin mac Aeda, king of the Scots, 99, kings of, see Toirrdelbach Ua 100, 104, 108, 109, 164 Conchobair Cenred, king of Mercia, 10 Conrad II, Emperor, 358, 396 Ceolwulf, king of Mercia, 74, 76, 80 Conrad III, Emperor, 381, 382 Cerball mac Dnlainge, king of Osraige, Constantinople, 151, 288, 299—300 87—8, 92 see also Byzantium see also Kjarval conversion, 41—4, 113, 177—9, 182, 187—8 Cerball mac Muirecþin, king of Leinster, 92 Copenhagen, 41, 376 Charlemagne, Emperor, 7, 8, 58 Cork, Charles the Bald, Emperor, 61 longphort, 81, 83 policies of, 62 monastery, 82 Charles the Fat, Emperor, 63 Cormac Ua Liathþin, Irish monk, 130 Charles the Simple, king of the Franks, 64 Cornwall, 66—7, 186 Chartres, 64 Cospatric, Cumbrian nobleman, 203—4 Charudes, 19 Cospatric, earl of Northumbria, 211, Chester, 80, 92, 99, 218, 222 212—13 earl of, see Hugh of Avranches crusades, 235, 237, 370—2, 374, Chester-le-Street, 77 375, 397 Christianity, 1, 77, 104, 170 Baltic, 3, 171, 375, 378, 381, 384 impact of, 2—3, 4—5, 43—4, 48—9, 77—8, northern, 375 177—9, 180, 182, 317—18, 396 cubbie Roos Castle, Wyre, 297 saints cults, 96, 219, 233 Cuerdale hoard, 92—3 see also Magnus Erlendsson, Cumberland, 202, 203, 204 Rognvald Kolsson Cumbraes, islands, 242, 243, 258—9 Chronicle of Melrose, 263 Cumbria, 97, 202, 203, 222 Cimbrian peninsula, 19 Church in, 205—6 Cimbrians, 15, 16 control of by Earl Siward, 203—5 Cinþed mac Alpn, king of Picts and Scots, Danish place-names in, 204 82, 86 kingship of, see Donnchad mac Crinain Cistercian order, 380, 381—2, 386 Norse-Gaelic culture in, 96 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521829925 - Viking Empires Angelo Forte, Richard Oram and Frederik Pedersen Index More information Index 429 Norse or Norse-Gaelic settlement in, conversion of, 41—4, 170, 177—80,
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