ISO Focus The Magazine of the International Organization for Standardization Volume 6, No. 6, June 2009, ISSN 1729-8709 • Baxter VP on the benefits of ISO standards • Regulations for the transport of dangerous goods © ISO Focus, www.iso.org/isofocus Contents 1 Comment George Arnold, ISO Vice-President (policy) and Chair of ISO/IEC/ITU Strategic Advisory Group on Security 2 World Scene Highlights of events from around the world 3 ISO Scene Highlights of news and developments from ISO members 4 Guest View Cheryl L. White, Corporate Vice President, Quality at Baxter ISO Focus is published 11 times a year (single issue : July-August). 7 Main Focus It is available in English. Annual subscription 158 Swiss Francs Individual copies 16 Swiss Francs Publisher Tackling hazards ISO Central Secretariat (International Organization for Standardization) 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland Telephone + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 733 34 30 E-mail [email protected] Web www.iso.org • Future ISO 31000 standard on risk management • Enhancing societal resilience Manager : Roger Frost • Ensuring safety and efficacy of medical devices Editor : Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis • Pandemic preparedness – New ISO report on use of fever Assistant Editor : Maria Lazarte screening equipment Artwork : Pascal Krieger and Pierre Granier • Condom testing contributes to disease prevention ISO Update : Dominique Chevaux • Fire safety saves lives Subscription enquiries : Sonia Rosas Friot • ISO standard for building escape and evacuation plans ISO Central Secretariat • Faster and safer interventions by emergency vehicles Telephone + 41 22 749 03 36 • Structural safety against natural hazards Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 • Earthquake design – Why do we still need experimental E-mail [email protected] confirmation ? © ISO, 2009. All rights reserved. • Rubber structural mounts save lives during earthquakes • Information security – Risks or hazards The contents of ISO Focus are copyright and may not, whether in whole or in part, be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or 32 Developments and Initiatives by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without Creating modern regulations for the transport of dangerous written permission of the Editor. goods • ISO President’s visits highlight “confidence” as key for The articles in ISO Focus express the views tackling global challenges of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of ISO or of any of its members. 35 New on the shelf ISSN 1729-8709 ISO for CEOs • ISO standard to ensure structures are not “gone Printed in Switzerland with the wind” • Lifting the safety level of cranes worldwide Cover photo : iStock. Montage ISO 37 Coming up ISO Focus June 2009 © ISO Focus, www.iso.org/isofocus Comment Be prepared ! How International Standards help our world deal with hazards azards are all around us. We sim- ing crisis, food safety, threats of con- security supply of telecommunications ply can’t escape them if we try – tamination) ; transportation (e.g. mari- and electricity. Hfrom a “ fender bender ” as we’re time port security, transport of dangerous ISO is also working on ensur- driving home, to cybersecurity attacks goods, RFID, freight container seals) ; ing there is a way to assess and manage on our business’s computer systems, to fires (e.g. equipment, protection); nat- the risks faced by business. This man- the hurricane expected to strike our area. ural disasters (e.g. earthquake resistant agement approach allows an objective The causes of hazards may be different – structures, wind actions) ; biometrics assessment of the likelihood and conse- whether human negligence, malevolence and personal identification (e.g. key quences of business risks and the poten- or natural disasters – but their likelihood in global efforts for combating terror- tial they have for business disruption. (and seriousness) is no less real. ism); and cybersecurity (e.g. preventing This is looking at hazards in a new and data theft). ISO also has in its portfo- Almost all hazards have a cost objective way. lio more generic, good practice stand- dimension, both human and economic. ards applicable to any sector or organ- One thing has become very clear. However, though calculating an exact ization, such as incident preparedness No one is immune from hazards, either figure is unrealistic, one can assume that and continuity management as well as intentionally or unintentionally provoked. the total cost to government, business and the future ISO 31000 standard on risk This has led to a global awareness that society is very high – and only getting management. organizations in the public and private higher. A number of hazards also have sectors must know how to prepare for global repercussions. Take, for exam- and respond to unexpected and poten- ple, the spread of the H1N1 influenza “ ISO is in an ideal tially devastating hazards. virus, causing fear of a pandemic across the globe. This is a stark reminder, not position to address Indeed, ISO is in an ideal posi- only of the global proportions that haz- hazards due to tion to address hazards due to the wide ards may reach, but also of the ensuing the wide spectrum of spectrum of fields it covers. But to do so implications to business continuity and it needs the concerted efforts of the glo- social life when danger strikes. fields it covers. ” bal community, from strong partnership between government and inter-govern- Response to such events before, mental organizations on one side, and when, and after they occur are matters Recognizing the global nature of security concerns, a Strategic Adviso- the private sector on the other. Let us of both hazards and disaster manage- do this together. ment practice and also of public policy ry Group on Security (SAG-S) consist- at national and international levels. In ing of members of the World Standards this context, ISO plays an important role Cooperation – ISO, the Electrotechnical by responding to market needs with glo- Commission (IEC) and the International bally relevant practical tools that assess, Telecommunication Union (ITU) – coor- prevent and combat hazards in the most dinates the efforts of the three organi- efficient manner. Standards help by : zations for a harmonized and strategic response to security needs. • Promulgating best practices and meth- odologies for addressing hazards From the reactivation of ISO tech- nical committee ISO/TC 223 on societal • Specifying test methods and param- security to proposals on updating build- eters to aid in detection of threats ing infrastructure following the report • Specifying requirements to ensure and recommendations over the collapse that equipment and systems provide of the World Trade Centre, the SAG-S the necessary performance and pro- has approached security standards with George Arnold tection in extreme conditions. a high sense of urgency and speed-to- market. Today, the Strategic Group is ISO Vice President (policy) and Chair of ISO offers an extensive portfolio looking toward the future by exploring ISO/IEC/ITU Strategic Advisory Group of International Standards that address new initiatives such as secure “ Smart on Security hazards in such diverse areas as health Grid ” (new and efficient energy sup- and resources (e.g. drinking water dur- ply mechanisms) and ways to ensure ISO Focus June 2009 1 © ISO Focus, www.iso.org/isofocus World Scene ISO Deputy Secretary-General Kevin McKinley represented : Action urged to stop ISO at the launch of the Make road deaths Roads Safe report. For more information www.standards-education. An international road safety Trade capacity building Joint effort for org/workshops/ices-2009/ decade for action, requesting standardization education presentations-2 governments to do more to for Eurasian economies prevent road accidents world- Standards, metrology, testing Organized by the Ministry of Oil and gas sector wide, was called for in Rome, and quality were the subjects Economy, Trade and Industry - of Japan, the International promotes use of ISO Italy in May 2009 following of a course on trade capacity standards the launch of the second building held at the headquar Cooperation for Education on Make Roads Safe report of ters of the Institute of Stand- Standardization (ICES) held The International Associa- its annual workshop in March the Commission for Global ards and Industrial Research - tion of Oil and Gas Producers Road Safety. of Iran (ISIRI), ISO member 2009, in Tokyo, Japan. The (OGP) has published an issue for Iran, in Karaj, Iran, in April event was attended by 75 par of its Standards Bulletin, pro- Developed for the Make Roads - 2009 (photo below). Aimed at ticipants (photo above). moting OGP’s collaboration Safe campaign (a broad-based the member states of the Eco Japanese Industrial Standards with ISO and encouraging the coalition of motoring and health organi- nomic Cooperation Organization Committee (JISC), ISO mem- sector to make use of the suite zations), the (ECO), the course was a joint ber for Japan, Vice President of ISO standards for vital oil report says and gas industry International Association of Oil & Gas Producers Sta ndard s Bull et in project of ECO and the UN support these standards for and former ISO President, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY worldwide applications. North and South Global A set of International Standards for a American, Chinese, European and other wide selection of vital oil & gas industry standards bodies are now adopting them Standards that nearly materials, equip- materials, equipment and offshore structures for regional and national use (see details is emerging from the International Standards inside). For industry, they will reduce costs Used Locally Industrial Development and delivery time, and facilitate trade Masami Tanaka, underlined in Organization, ISO. These standards are Worldwide primarily the responsibility of ISO Technical across national borders. For regulators, Committee 67 (ISO TC67). They are they offer support for goal-setting and developed using a consensus process that functional regulations, while achieving two million higher levels of safety through better design.
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