PENRITH DISTRICT RUGBY FOOTBALL LEAGUE REFEREES' ASSOCIATION [p ~ TWELTH ANNUAL REPORT & rn BALANCE SHEET SEASON 1978 rn ~ TO BE PRESENTED AT THE ANNUAL m;ETING ON FRIDAY, 2ND FEBRUARY, 1979 IT [[] J, HARRIS H. CREIGHTON H. REEDY Presid~nt Hon. Treasurer Ho n . Secret ary Phone: 636 1992 Phone: 621 5952 Ph one: 6 21 J26 J PENRITH DISTRICT RUGBY FOOTBALL LEAGUE REFEREES' ASSOCIATION NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING January, 1979 Dear Sir, The Twelth Annual Meeting of the Penrith District Rugby Football League Referees' Association will be held at St. Dominies College, Penri t h, on Friday, 2nd February, 1979, commencing a t 7.30 pm sharp. You are invited to be in attendance. BUSINESS 1. Minutes of the 11th Annual Meeting. 2. Correspondence. J. Annual Report and Balance Sheet. 4. Election of Officers. s. Elec t ion of Life-Member. 6 . Election of Appointments Board. 7. Election of Meri t Award Committee. 8. Committee Reports. 9. General Business. H. REEDY :: Han. Secretary OFFICIALS FOR 1978 SEASON c.. LIFE MEMBERS: PATRONS: J. Harris, L. Brennan, J. Turner, S. Carey, C. Wigzell, B.E.M., D. Courts, M. Edwards, B. Kandelas, 0. Cohen, E. Cullen, J. Bishop, B. Kendall, K. French, T. Murphy . N. Cahill. PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER J. Harris H. Reedy H. Creighton ASSIST. SECRETARY SOCIAL SECRETARY ASSIST. TREASURER A. North B. Kidd L. Manue l SNR. VICE PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENTS COACHING OFFICER J. Turner K. French, D. Courts B. Beve ridge .: DELEGATE TO NS\ffiFLRA JUNIOR LEAGUE DELEGATES AUDITORS K. French, H. Creighton J. Bryant, K. Hogan P. Sanders, J.Bryant SCHOOLS' COMMITTEE DELEGATE DIRECTOR OF COACHING PUBLICITY OFFICER P. Sanders B. Kandelas B. Kidd MERIT AWARD COMMITTEE r- . Cahill, T. Murphy, B. Kandelas SOCIAL COMMITTEE ~ B. Kidd (Secretary), T. Murphy, B. Beveridge, G. King, J. Bry ant, C. \-Iillard, L. Dunn, A. Thomas, L. Evans, R. Newsome. - APPOINTMENTS BOARD T. Murphy (Secretary), K . Hogan, P. Sanders, K. Fre nch, B. Kande las, N. Cahi l l, B. Kendall (resigne d), A. Danks. DELEGATE TO CONVENT COMP. R. Newsome REPORT FROM THE PATRONS ~ After s eeing the top referees in action, at home and abroad, I fe ~ l sure t hat you mus t h ave arr ived at the inevi t able conclus ion r e garding yourself. "W e ll, I 1 m n ot so bad after al l ! " This shou ld give you, e ach individua l P e nrith r efer ee, the i nspiration, confidenc e and determinat i on t o p r ove t h a t t h e c o n c lusion quoted above, won't b e valueless for you in the coming season. Good, "fair '' s e rums, efficient consistent a nd once again, scrupulously "fair", play the balls a nd intelligenT, use of t he advantage r ule are t h e main e ssentials of "an y" game of Rugby Leagu e . l~e al l agree , b ut do we consistently strive for, and obtain the s e r equired standards ? If you do n ot , t h en t h e oppor t uni t- y, which cle arly exists at pre sent, for you t o become a highly r egarded and r e spected referee, by al l con c erned wi t h Rugby League, will have slipped from you r g ras p and t- hen you become "jus t a run-of- the-mill refe ree " . Aim high, show determinati on to reach your goal, be fair and h onest with your fell ow referee s, and frank and open to advice from your ''Adviso r y" Board member, at all t imes. He is experie n ced and Hon't be t aken in, by "an alibi " covering any mis t ak e s. He' ll giv-e you more kudos for being "open" and honest in discussions, as you expect the same from him. \\Th e re an i ncident invo l ve s one, two or, at t imes, the t hree o ffi c ials in a game, I have always made a p rac tic e o f getting the t hree together. I've expected hones t y on the par t of each one, a t t he same time rec ogni sing, t hat I too, could be wr o ng. I f eel that by thi s method of trust in e ach other and willingness to see oth e r points of v iew, t here is no need for alibis or con coc t ed vers ions. I \vish success ~ o Jack Harri s in his n e w role . I was associated with him at Parramatta .., a nd sa\v him serve his app renticeship to master tradesmen, and 1vit-h co - opera t ion of his Advisory Board, I am c onfi den t- that t h ey and e s p ecially, you, the members, will bring lustre to t h e Associatio n. c My part ing hint for season 1979, - Us e a wooden me asure to mark o u t 5 metres in your yard and at ( 1) ordinary pace, ( 2) fas "L pace , ( J ) running backwards, get an idea from your paces, how many you r equire for 5 metres . In this way, I fe e l you may become more profic i ent at approximating 5 metres and no t have, what r e ferees r e fer to , as an "elastic" five metres, \vhich varies from three to ten. The ten metr e lines marked on grounds often make your judgment look very poor and t his is the reason for my mentioning it here. Sincere wishes for a Happy, Successful Season and many thanks for help at the Schoolboys' Carnival each year. STEVE CAREY Co-Patron Congratula~ions to ~ he Association on another fine year g one by. In the period of twelve years its growth and achievement have been very satisfactory, but do not let it s top here, i t should continue to adv ance in the main made possible by t he continued support of your o fficers and : c ommittees, partic ularly in your attendance at meetings. New members continue to increase this year which is pleasing to note they will find that the older members will assist them to i mprove their standards as has been the case in the past. Congratulations to Jack Harris on his new appointment I wish him all t h e bes t in his ,1 n e rous job ahead, he has been a s talwart to t he Association in his efforts in the past and a big help in mak i n g it what it is today. May the Association look forward to the coming year wi t h cont inuing progress and that each me mber resolves t o surpass t h e previous year. OS COHEN Co-Patron ,- It is with pleasure t o add my comments to your Annual Report for 1978 and when one looks back throughou·c 1978 i ~ was a busy year for all c oncerned in their particular avenue. T o our Officers of the Association we must add our congrat ulations to them in the manner in which they carried out t he Adminis t rat ion of t he Association as it augers well for the progress of an Associat ion having competent Officers. To the Appointment of Referees throughou t the season to t heir various games v as a very big occasion for those who made the Appointments. S ome would be pleased, some would be displeased. But all in all when a Referee rece i ves his Appointments, it is his duty on all occasions, to endeav our to carry it out to the best of his ability and by d o ing so h e must rec e ive the award he wishes to obtain. The way is o p en for big improvements to be made for the bet t erment of t he game and in this Referees must accept their responsibilities and play their part to leave no stone unturne d to ensure that t h e y hav e a sound knowledge of the Laws of t he Game and the ability and determin­ a t ion to apply them at all times. May we extend our congratulations to all Referees on their Ap p o intments throughout the season. In conclusion let us look forward to season 1979 for the general advancemen t of t he game of Rugby Le ague. CYRIL E. WIGZELL, B.E.M . Co-Patron PRESIDENT'S REPORT Gentlemen, The season past will be remembered for many achievements, the one mos t important to the district was the success of t he under 23's in winning our first premiership. To the players, coach and those who worked behind the scenes, congratulations on setting the standard for all others to follow particularly the first grade, because it is on ~ heir performance that we are all judged. T o the retiring President of t he Junior Le ague, Stan Morris, I wo uld like to pay tribute to his efforts and serv ice to and on behalf of Rugby League throughout the district. To John Judge, the retiring Secretary, for establishing a line of communication which contributed to the liaison that now exists between our Organisations, our appreciation. To Jack Turner on his semi final and Herb Reedy on his grand final appointment our congratulations on your personal achievements and our gratitude for keeping the Association's s t andard at ~ his level.
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