Aberdeen Cross City Transport Connecons Engagement Informaon Pack Overview Your Feedback This document provides an overview of the Aberdeen (e sought your views on the inial phase of the study in ovember 201.. Cross City Transport Connecons Study. The study is At this stage a range of public transport and acve travel opons had been being undertaken on behalf of Aberdeen City Council, developed and a high level inial appraisal of the opons undertaken. Aberdeenshire Council and estrans, by Peter Bre" Associates (now part of Stantec). The study has progressed further and we are now seeking your views on the *nal set of opons which are in the process of being appraised in The overall purpose of the study is to: detail. Examine transport connecons between new areas of development on the periphery of Aberdeen, and To ensure the transport connecons have been developed appropriately, in areas of Aberdeenshire close to the Aberdeen City we would like to hear your views and feedback on the work undertaken boundary with the aim of providing viable, for the study and whether or not you agree or disagree with the opons. aracve and direct linkages, as an alternave to To capture your feedback we invite you to: the private car. An image showing the development sites is provided ♦ Review the material within this pack within this pack. ♦ Record your views through a short on0line 1uesonnaire available here: h"ps:22consultaon.aberdeencity.gov.uk2planning2aberdeen0 (hile the study is focussing on developing transport cross0city0transport0connecons connecons between new areas of development, many of the connecons developed provide (e recommend you have this engagement pack close at hand for reference improved accessibility to e)isng communies within when compleng the survey. Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire and we are therefore seeking input from e)isng communies who may The survey will be open unl Wednesday 1st October 2018. bene*t. If you have any further 1uesons or comments, a dedicated email address is available: crosscitytransport%peterbre&.com Study (ackground The study considers the provision of appropriate public transport and acve travel (walking and cycling) connecons: ♦ Between planned residenal and employment developments ♦ Between planned residenal areas and key employment centres ♦ Between the di3erent modes of sustainable transport at key interchange points The study considers a future posion , when the development sites are built out. The sites are predominantly green,eld sites which are yet to be developed, or are only starng to be developed. This study is about opportunity , and the chance to migate against the potenal transport impacts associated with the developments. Sco-sh Transport Appraisal .uidance The study is being undertaken in line with the Sco-sh Transport Appraisal .uidance (STA4) and has covered the Pre0Appraisal , Part 1 Appraisal and Part 2 Appraisal stages. STA4 provides a mechanism by which potenal opons to address evidence0based transport problems or opportunies are iden*ed and appraised in a consistent manner and is evidence0led, not soluon0led, proporonal and robust. The Pre0Appraisal stage covers the iden*caon of transport problems and opportunies, ob5ecve se6ng, opon generaon and si7ing and subse1uent recommendaon of opons for appraisal at Part 1. Part 1 Appraisal covers a high level appraisal of the opons progressing from Pre0Appraisal against a range of criteria with *nal recommendaons for opons worthy of further detailed appraisal at STA4 Part 2. Part 2 Appraisal covers a detailed appraisal of the opons progressing from the Part 1 Appraisal stage against a range of criteria with *nal recommendaons for opons worthy of being considered further. 8urther details on STA4 can be found at: h&p122www.transport.gov.scot2stag Transport Problems 3 Opportunies Problems The iden*caon of Problems and Opportunies within the If no provision is made for sustainable transport access then transport and land0use system forms the starng point for any future problems may include: STA4 study. ♦ A heavy reliance on the private car with associated The study is considering a future posion in 20 0 when all the addional road congeson, environmental impacts development sites are potenally built out. It is therefore (increased emissions, noise and vibraon) and an important to consider the future transport network and idenfy increased safety risk for all road users future problems and opportunies. ♦ Community severance A key part of the Pre0Appraisal work was a series of baselining acvies which included review of: ♦ Reduced access to employment, services, and retail and leisure facilies ♦ Overarching policy ♦ The e)isng transport network Opportunies ♦ The current accessibility of the development sites The key opportunity for the study is to migate against the ♦ E)isng travel pa"erns above iden ed future problems by providing appropriate sustainable transport connecons. The study also provides an ♦ Commi"ed and planned future transport schemes opportunity to: ♦ Current and historical economic trends ♦ Capitalise on the Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan which ♦ :ey environmental designaons and constraints. envisages a high level of public transport priority in the city centre ♦ Recognise key infrastructure and land which needs to be safeguarded ♦ Recognise key infrastructure which developers could integrate into their proposals. Transport Planning Ob4ecves Opon 5evelopment Process Based on the iden*ed key problems and opportunies, Opon development followed a number of key steps: and overarching policy conte)t, eight Transport Planning Ob5ecves (TPOs) have been set for the study. ♦ Step 11 Review of e6isng public transport and acve travel network in the study area ♦ Step 21 Review of the potenal future public transport and acve travel network in the study area ♦ Step 1 Establishment of key interchange points and key e6isng and future employment areas to ensure: ◊ Connecvity between e)isng radial routes and new orbital routes ◊ 4ood integraon between public transport and acve travel routes ◊ 4ood access to employment opportunies ♦ Step 71 Establishment of the key constraints ♦ Step 81 The generaon of opons , undertaken separately for public transport and acve travel due to the di3erent nature of travel Engagement with key stakeholders was undertaken during Step 5 and included engagement with the council(s), bus operators, local economic and business groups and local acve travel organisaons. A number of opons were =si7ed out’ through stakeholder discussions. :ey Constraints Public Transport Opons :ey constraints iden*ed that were crical in the opon Public transport opons were developed considering: development process included: ♦ Adapng e6isng bus services i.e. increasing current service ♦ The route of the River 5on acng as an east0west barrier fre1uency and2or e)tending e)isng bus routes with limited e)isng river crossings. ♦ New bus routes ulising e6isng infrastructure ♦ The route of the River 5ee acng as a north0south ♦ New routes (bus 2 tram 2 light rail) ulising new infrastructure barrier with limited e)isng river crossings. In total 22 public transport routes were taken forward for appraisal ♦ The geography of the development sites making a single at STA4 Part 1. Of these, A were subse1uently recommended for strategic route linking all sites di?cult without being detailed appraisal at STA4 Part 2. A further =circular loop’ opon was highly circuitous. also included at this stage. ♦ The rural nature of many of the sites south of 5yce All opons taken forward relate to new bus services. It is assumed re1uiring new infrastructure to provide connecons. that all services operate with a 30 minute bus fre1uency. ♦ The implementaon of the Aberdeen Western Each opon is considered in the following slides where the key Peripheral Route (AWPR ), making it challenging to advantages and disadvantages of each opon are presented. ote provide public transport 5ourney mes that can compete that the route of each opon through the development sites is with the private car. purely inducve and ♦ The lack of footway and2or cycleway along the AWPR; would be sub5ect to discussion with each ♦ Compeon between bus and rail travel modes , relevant developer. parcularly between Chapelton of Elsick and Dyce. ♦ 5i=culty in providing acve travel links suitable for commuter funcons in the rural areas di3ering uses, surfacing re1uirements and lighng. Public Transport Opons Opon A1 New orbital service linking (lackdog, 5yce Rail Staon, :irkhill Industrial Estate, Craibstone Park 3 Ride, :ingswells Park 3 Ride and Westhill with: ♦ ew bridge over the River Don. ew public transport 2 The route follows AC0 (Ellon Road), The Parkway, Scotstown Road, Desmond acve travel only bridge over River Don Drive, new route through development at 4randhome and over the River Don, Stoneywood Road and Dyce Drive, Scla6e Park, :epplehills Road, 8airley Road and the ACEE to (esthill. Advantages 5isadvantages ♦ Connects the large planned residenal areas at 4randhome and ♦ Fnlikely to be a"racve for longer trips between Blackdog and Dyce, ewhills directly with the employment opportunies at Bridge of Don, :ingswells and (esthill due to the distance and routeing via Dyce Murcar, :irkhill Industrial Estate, Dyce, :ingswells and (esthill Railway Staon ♦ Connects directly with Dyce Railway Staon ♦ Dourney me by private car on A(PR sll signi*cantly 1uicker for longer 5ourneys (e.g. between Blackdog Dyce, :ingswells and (esthill) ♦ Serves e)isng communies in Bridge of Don, Middleton Park, Bucksburn and
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