$1 the NO.8 SPAEE IiAmER EVIL, MEAN, AND ROTTEN. A fantasy game for the bad guys? Yea, verily. Monsters! Monsters! is the new fantasy role-playing game from Metagaming Concepts. No more good-guy heroes. In Monsters! Monsters!, you become a monster character - come up from the dungeons - stalk into town - and wreak havoc. The eviller you are, the more experience points you'll earn... Monsters! Monsters! was designed by Ken SI. Andre, I lavishly illustrated by Liz Danforth, and edited by Steve Jackson of the Meta­ gaming staff. As with Our previous game, Stellar Conquest, every effort was made to provide a clear, complete rule system. Major omis­ sions and contradictions that plague other game systems 3re avoided by a carefully organized format. This is an excellent game for novice Game Masters and new fantasy bu rrs - and should be a relief for ex­ perienced garners exhausted by confusing rule systems. Monsters! Monsters! is a 52-page, 8 Y, by II rule book with Danforth's full­ color cover. Also included 3re four maps for the Game Master to use in setting up an initial adventure. Rulnsn"I(ofl5lf1dud~: IfI,roduC:liofl GomtMasln'lfI' ilfld :klUp CIw~ItrCrHIion £xpH~nc:rPoints :kqu~n(,'t ofPIQ)' Combill (indudin, Gtntrvl Discussion. Combilt Tum StqUtfl", WQndt"nl £lItmltS. Rtoe:lion TQbf" SilvlfII Rolls, UnusuQf Combfll, UIIQrmtt! Combfll, Qnd WtflpomJ MQltic: So put a new twist in your gaming - try Monsters! Monsters! Approved as an outlet for antisocial ten­ dencies by the American Psychologists and Crazies Association. I METAGAMING CONCEPTS Box 15346 Austin, Texas 18161 Subscribers to our maga­ zine The Space Gamer get a discount price - $5.00. The Space Gamer appears bi­ monthly. A year (six issues) is $5.00; two years (twelve copyright © 1976, Melagaming Concepts. issues), $9.00. 3 THE SPAEE GAmER art· nau na. B Where We're Going Mostly business this time. Order problems/information: The Computer Games: TSG #7 feedback holiday season is coming so expect showed less support for computer a bit longer than usual delivery games than we'd hoped. Not that time. Third class mail is delivered there wasn't a lot of enthusiastic after first class mail if there is interest. It's just that MicroGames a backlog. and the fantasy role game did IN '!HIS ISSUE Also, be sure and let us know better. Price did seem to be a your new address as soon as you factor based on comments but the make a move- TSG is currently Bulk Universe idea rated a bit higher 3 Where We're Going fIT Mailed. Bulk Mail isn't fowarded than a computerized Metastar system unless you specifically tell the 80. A game that put you into con­ 16 Books COO U.S. Postal Service you will pay tact with other garners, computer 17 Feedback & Game Ratings postage on all mail fowarded. controlled sophistication, ratings, 21 Otherwise, the TSGs are returned to etc, etc, seemed a natural. News & Plugs us. I wish there were a way of doing 23 Art Showcase: Chung When you write to us it is best more than a bare bones game cheap. to keep your order information on a A$I,OOO hobby computer won't cut it 26 Letters seperate sheet from letters. We are A $40,000 IBM System 32 falls SPIDJIATIONS less likely to miss it that way. short, too. The advent of 16K bit With over 1,000 circulation we do MOS RAMs, cheaper peripheral de­ 4 Triplanetary: Suggestions for Steve Jackson get lots of mail. All is read at vices, and advanced microprocessor Revision least twice during the normal mail CPUs is going to help. But, it will still cost several times what 7 processing cycle. Actual letters The Soviet Manned Space Program: Robert Taylor of comment, problems, etc., will it takes to get a STELLAR CONQUEST The Next Three Years get handled three to five times. or GODSFIRE to market. Only a fraction of letters can be We do have the expertise to do 8 Sim::msen 's Trinity and Grand Duels Scott Rusch answered but we do listen very well a really superior job on computer FEATURES to all you say. TSG readers have games. More effort will go into taken us at our word about airing lowering cost. It may be that an 10 GODSFIRE Sheet gripes and problems as well as initially simpler version that can 11 Laser Weapons Conpared to Projectile Steven List giving us praise. We can't ignore cost $1 per turn will be offered. you like government and the phone Or, an even more complex version Weapons company. might be offered for the same MicroGames Project: Our Micro­ 13 THE TIHIU: Innovations Applauded William Brogden price. $1.25-$1.50 per turn may Games were the suprise hit of last seem expensive, but if you are get­ 14 Present at the Birth of Monsters: Ken St. Andre issue's feedback. All segments of ting 10-20 hours of play value from evolution of a game our readership were favorable to­ each game turn and corresponding ward the idea except for the com­ with other players, it's dirt cheap 25 GODSFIRE: Design Notes pleXity/sophistication buffs where A $1.50 paperback reads in two to REVIEWS reaction was still fair. The two three hours. $1.50 in quarters in­ key elements seem to be price and 18 to one of the new video games like stooting is not the Whole Story: 1bny Watson the shorter playtime. Also crucial TANK, BIPLANE, etc. is gone in fif­ STI>.RSHIP Review is a playable, well designed game. teen to twenty minutes. So, before Based on your response Micro­ you sneer at $1.25, think about 19 SORCERER: a review Linda Brzus owicz Games go up on our project list. To what other entertainments cost. 20 S'i'ARSHIP 'IRooPERS: a review Sumner Clarr n be a success, ie. economically Sure, a stand-alone game like possible, they will have to attain GODSFIRE is $15 for possibly hun­ a 50% to 100% larger distribution dreds of hours of play by two to than our"first games. So, let your six garners; but, you don't get such FRONI' COVER: Kenneth Rahnan local store know YQQ like SF&F gam­ complicated servicing and back­ ing and tell a friend we'll send ground computation either. $2.50 ARTISTS: Chung, Pileggi, Jaquays, Tiffin him a copy of TSG for the asking. to $3.00 per month for unique gamin~ With a little luck and your is pretty cheap. PUBLISHER: Howard T'hcmpson EDITDR: C. Ben Ostrander support TSG #9 (Jan/Feb) may see Let us know your thoughts and the announcement of the first of a ideas on computer games. A more de­ series of MicroGames. With pricing tailed feedback form based on your THE. SPACE GAMER. is published bi-rronthly by Metagaming Concepts, Box 15346 a sensitive factor don't look for comments will tell us better how to Austin, TX 7876L Copyright fc) 1976 by Metagaming Conc pts. All rights super components. Counters won't -:\0 it. re~erved. A Sl.X-l.ssue subscdjifion is $5, twelve issues $9, USA and Can­ be fully die-cut but there will be adl.an postal addresses only. Contrirutions are solicited at the base rate a color cover booklet and map. Most Good gaming, of ~¢ per ;..ord cash or l¢ per word purchase credit. Base art rate is $4 per effort will go into making the Howard Thompson page cash, $8 per page purchase credit. News itS1ls and prcxJuct announce­ rules work. Specialty short games ments accepted subject to editorial discretion. for pros that are also good starts for novices is the Goal. 4 5 get, it rolls to see whether the tion and combat-odds calculation SpEculATioNS next is attacked, and so on. Thus, have become intuitive, it may im­ if a mine enters an asteroid hex prove the game. Certainly it is more containing a dreadnaught and a cor­ realistic. TRIPLANETARY: ing. (An extra hexsheet is helpful sa ir, it rolls, first, for the All instructions are written. SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR REVISION in figuring this). Ships which leave asteroids; then (if it misses) for A ship may be ordered to accelerate under other circumstances are elimi­ the dreadnaught, and then (if it to the 'hex "northeast" of its pro­ nated." misses again) for the corsair. If jected endpoint--this is "a". The by Steve Jackson This is both more realistic the mine misses all its targets, it next hex clockwise is "b", and so (although still artificial) and much continues unaffected. on. (See Figure 1.) An overload less fr~strating. ~ote, too, that If and when a mine actually maneuver may be indicated, for in­ although you may not pursue a dis­ attacks, no special CRT is need~d. stance, as "aa." Ships not ordered TRIPLANETARY has to be consid­ abled enemy off the board, you can The mine attacks with a combat to accelerate move to their pro­ ered a first-class wargame. Because set up a reception committee at the strength of ,4, with no reductions. jected endpoints. of its SF slant, it will never point where he must return. A min~which makes an attack is Combat instructions specify command the following of, for in­ destroyed, regardless of its effect what shipes) are to fire at what stance, DIPLOMACY. However, it is Mines and Torpedoes on the target. target(s). Obviously, odds cannot be an excellent example of its genre. Under the present rules, tor­ Since any mumber of smart computed until we see where the The adaptation of "pulp" space opera pedoes are much too deadly.
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