THE FIFTY-NINTH REPORT O F T H E BASEL GERMAN EVANGELICAL MISSION IN SOUTH-WESTERN INDIA FOR THE YEAR 1898 MANGALORE PRINTED AT THE BASEL MISSION PRESS 1899 European Missionaries of the Basel German Evangelical Mission. Corrected up to the ist May 1899. [The letter (m) after the names signifies “ married” , and the letter (w) “ widower” . The names of unordained missionaries are marked with an asterisk.] Native Date of .Name A ctive Station Country Service 1. W. Stokes (m) India 1860 Kaity (Coonoor) 2. S. Walter (m) Switzerland 1865 Vaniyankulam 3. J. A. Brasche (m) Germany 1869 Udipi 4. G. Ritter (m) do. 1869 Mulki 5. W. Sikemeier (m) Holland 1870 Mercara 6. "W. P. Schönthal (m)* Germany 1870 Cannanore 7. G. Hirner (m)* do. 1871 Mangalore 8. J. Hermelink (m) do. 1872 do. 9. G. Grossmann (m) Switzerland 1874 Kotageri 10. W. Lütze (m) Germany 1875 Kaity 11. J. B. Veil (m)* do. 1875 Mercara 12. L. J. Frohnmeyer (m) do. 1876 Tellicherry (Nettur) 13. A. Ruhland (m) do. 1876 do. 14. C. G. EBlen (m) do. 1876 Udipi 15. I. Weismann (m) do. 1878 ChomBala 16. Chr. Keppler (m) do. 1879 Udipi 17. J. J. Jaus (m) do. 1879 Calicut 18. F. Stierlin (m)* do. 1880 Mangalore 19. C. W. Dilger (m) do. 1880 Cottayam ^ 20. K. Ernst (m) do. 1881 Mangalore 21. J. Fischer (m) do. 1881 Anandapur 22. F. Eisfelder (m) do. 1882 Guledgudd 23. K. Schaal (m) do. 1888 Cannanore 24. M. SchaiBle (m) do. 1883 Mangalore 25. K. Hole (m) do. 1884 Palghat 26. D. Berli (m) Switzerland 1885 HuBli 27. G. Peter (m) do. 1885 Cannanore 28. J. Waidelich (m) Germany 1885 Bettigeri-Gadag 29. 0 . Bode (m) do. 1886 Dharwar 80. F. HuBer (m)* Switzerland 1886 Mangalore 31. A. Glattfelder (m)* do. 1886 do. 32. Paul Buchli (m)* do. 1887 do. Engaged in Bible Revision work. 1* 4 Native D ate of Name A ctiv e Station Country Service 1 S3. J. SieBer (m)* Switzerland 1887 Mangalore 34. W. Bader (m) Germany 1888 Codacal 35. G. "Wieland (m) do. 1889 Kaity 36. J. Bucher (m) do. 1890 Mangalore 37. H.Bretschneider(m)* do. 1890 Udipi (Malpe) 38. Th. üBer (m) do. 1890 Tellicherry 39. S. Stamm (m)* Switzerland 1891 Mangalore 40. 0 . Singer (m) Germany 1891 Honavar 41. F. Boas (m)* do. 1891 Codacal 42. Ph. Stier (m) do. 1891 Basrur-Kundapur 43. H. Kessler (m)* Switzerland 1891 Calicut 44. M. BreidenBach (m) Germany 1892 Karkal 45. Tr. Lutz (m) Switzerland 1892 Guledgudd 46. J. Bächle (m) Germany 1893 Mulki 47. Iv. Mayer (m) do. 1893 HuBli 48. A. Metz do. 1893 Bijapur 49. 0 . Eckelmann (m)* do. 1894 Codacal 50. P. Borel (m) do. 1894 Kasaragod 51. Ch. Fritz (m) do. 1894 Kaity (Coonoor) 52. P. Sengle (m) do. 1894 Tellicherry (Nettur) 53. Ch. GeBhardt (m)* do. 1894 Palghat 54. Tr. Reusch. (m) do. 1895 Dharwar 55. Joh. KnoBloch * do. 1895 Calicut 56. W. Stokes, m . B ., c . m . e d .* India 1895 do. 57. R. Schilling (m) Switzerland 1895 ChomBala 58. R. Büchner Germany 1896 HuBli 59. G. Fischer (m) do. 1896 Mangalore 60. F. Heinecken (m) do. 1896 Bettigeri-Gadag 61. A. Schosser do. 1896 Kasaragod 62. J. Müller do. 1896 Udipi 63. H. Wolpert do. 1896 Anandapur 64. E. Lüthi Switzerland 1896 Basrur-Kundapur 65. H. Kühner* Germany 1896 Calicut 66. H. EidenBenz* Switzerland 1896 Cannanore 67. W. Rath Germany 1896 Mercara 68. L. W eBer* do. 1897 Mangalore 69. Chr. Dürr do. 1897 Karkal 70. G. Renschler do. 1897 Vaniyankulam 71. K. Buesch* do. 1897 Calicut 5 Native D ate of Name A ctiv e Station Country Service 72. W. Spaich Germany 1898 Mangalore 78. H. Stokes* India 1898 do. 74. K. Gross * Germany 1898 do. 75. M. Stuckert* Switzerland 1898 do. 76. W. Heckelmann* Germany 1898 Calicut 77. Fr. Braun do. 1898 Guledgudd 78. Fr. Singer do. 1898 Codacal 7 9 .A. Scheuer do. 1899 Tellicherry 80. J. Pfleiderer do. 1899 Dharwar 81. A. BeierBach* do. 1899 Mangalore Single Ladies. 82. Miss M. Hanhart Switzerland 1895 Vaniyankulam 83. Miss E. Kaundinya India 1897 Mangalore 84. Miss H. Krauss Germany 1898 do. At Home. 85. Ch. A. E. Diez (w) Germany 1851 late of Kasaragod 86. J. Baumann (w)* Switzerland 1874 do. Palghat 87. R. Schenkel (w) Germany 1874 do. Mercara 88. L. Gengnagjel (m) do. 1875 do. Basrur 89. M. Hoch (m) Switzerland 1876 do. Mangalore 90. G. Benner (m)* Germany 1877 do. Palghat 91. H. Altenmüller (w)* do. 1878 do. Mangalore 92. J. G. Kühnle (m) do. 1878 do. Palghat 93. C. D. Warth (w) do. 1878 do. HuBli 94. B. Lüthi (m) Switzerland 1884 do. Bettigeri 95. J. Götz (m) Germany 1886 do. Karkal 96. H. Risch (m) Germany 1888 do. Bettigeri 97. R. Bosshardt (m) Switzerland 1888 do. Codacal 98. Fr. Volz (m)* Germany 1888 do. Calicut 99. "W. Weischedel (m)* do. 1889 do. Mangalore 100. "W. Jung (m)* do. 1891 do. do. 101. E. Hiller Australia 1894 do. Palghat 102. J. FahrenBerger Germany 1895 do. Vaniyankulam Tabular View of Stations, Agents and Churches of the B. Gr, E. Mission. 1st JANUARY 1 8 9 9. Agents of the Mission Native Church European Native Agents Mission­ Changes during the year under report State of the aries Churches on Decrease Increase Total of 1st Jan. 1899 New STATIONS Converts e> a 0 K* 0 Catechista 0 Non-Christian st st January 1898 -o within within a station’s area Evangalists Evangalists and 1 Total Total number of Chr. Chr. School-mistresses Colporteurs Bible-Women Native Native Pastors Approximate population Sisters Out-Stations Out-Stations * Brethren Chr. Chr. School-masters Church-members on other other places 1 1 School-masters I I Total Total number of Catechumens Communicants Children Net increase Deaths Excommunications Departures Adults Re-admissions Births Arrivals from Church-members I. South-Canara. 1. Mangalore 1834 368000 6 17 15 5 13 0 4 25 11 20 2. Mulki . 1845 120000 6 2 2 2 6 0 0 8 3 4 2533 62 5 125 33 13 82 5 179 120 0 1586 2653 105 3. U dipi . 1854 126200 9 5 4 3 10 0 0 20 3 5 702 8 3 108 0 1 23 23 101 36 0 372 738 23 4. Karlcal . 1872 70000 1 0 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 1845 18 25 230 14 6 47 11 160 0 35 937 1810 78 5. Basrur . 1876 157700 3 3 2 0 7 1 0 3 0 4 108 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 3 0 1 58 107 7 6. Kasaragod 1886 210300 7 2 0 0 9 0 0 6 4 20 114 2 0 22 0 0 5 0 21 2 0 48 116 0 149 0 40 1 5 4 0 35 0 1 70 148 2 1052200 32 31 23 10 48 1 6 63 21 53 6 . II. Coorg. 5451 96 33 534 48 25 173 39 499 121 0 3071 5572 215 7. Mercara 1870 105700 1 3 2 0 5 1 0 1 0 0 8. Anandapur , 1853 88300 0 2 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 132 3 4 8 0 0 4 0 10 0 1 69 131 4 195 11 0 3 7 5 5 194000 1 5 3 0 8 1 0 2 0 0 8 6 7 0 133 202 0 III. S. Mahratta. 3 2 7 14 4 16 3 7 9 5 16 6 0 202 333 4 9. Dharwar 1837 29 1 3 0 0 0 2 2 0 4 0 0 6 0 10 I o. H ubli . 1839 5 3 0 6 0 0 1 3 2 1 4 0 2 4 .0 ? 241 11 2 99 1 0 12 0 16 0 83 83 158 0 11. Bettigeri 1841 290000 2 3 3 0 7 0 2 8 1 2 370 20 0 46 0 0 23 0 28 0 15 202 355 6 12. Guledgudd 1851 278600 12 3 2 0 7 0 0 8 3 0 555 18 2 28 0 0 27 0 63 42 0 285 579 4 13. Bijapur 1885 457100 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 4 0 2 559 5 5 61 4 7 26 0 129 95 0 296 654 0 14. Honavar 1845 320000 3 1 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 0 30 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 11 10 0 23 40 0 79 7 0 3 5 2167600 18 13 11 1 29 1 4 33 4 16 3 8 0 0 20 0 46 84 0 IV. Malabar. 1834 57 16 245 5 7 93 0 267 54 0 935 1888 10 15. Canuanore . 1841 320000 4 4 3 2 5 3 4 10 6 5 16. Tellicherry 1839 196000 3 4 3 1 6 0 4 17 3 18 974 18 6 70 38 18 16 1 113 92 0 584 1066 42 17. Chombala (Mahe) 304000 7 2 2 0 5 2 2 8 7 9 614 14 0 96 - 23 7 20 4 44 0 12 304 602 13 18. Calicut 340800 2 9 2 1 8 2 3 17 11 14 515 9 0 52 34 10 4 1 37 25 0 253 540 24 19. Codacal. 562400 12 4 3 1 11 4 2 13 2 7 1530 81 3 119 69 53 46 3 136 104 0 986 1634 123 20. Vaniyankulam 445500 4 3 2 0 6 1 2 6 0 6 1297 33 2 133 26 36 45 8 121 68 0 668 1365 43 21.
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