The Janua ry e 10 Cents 1937 19 a Copy AGAINST WA ND FASCISM THE FIGHT BOOK SHOP Tn es TO RUN TTS UL ISHKENAZI ‘The Fight Book Shop is a service which has just been initiated for our Picture Books readers. Ie will send you any book, no matter where published, at the zp Brey OF ART YOUNG. With an Invroduetion » opoa pee regular retail price. Your books will be delivered to your door ‘Vanguard promptly, postage + $3.00 prepaid PORT si AND SELF-PORTRAITS. By Georges Schreiber. Tee is Seen ie of doe ingso8!zhiD| ost) igs Otte Conese ts World Affairs cea RULERS OF AMERICA. By Anna Rochester. International Publishers. .$3.50 DAYS OF WRATH. By André Malraux. Random House $1.75 HISTORY OF THE HAYMARKET AFFAIR. By Henry David. Farrar BIG MONEY. By John Dos Pa Hi: Bs $2.50 snd Reet oe y I Cees JEFFERSON IN POWER. By Claude G. Bowers. Houghton Mifflin. a . sD $3.75 A WORLD I NEVER MADE. By James T. Farrell. Vanguard $2.50 JOHN REED. By Granville Hicks. Macmillan fea THE WAR GOES ON. By i sholon Auch, Putnsm $200 INSIDE BUROPE. By John Gunther. Harper sd EDUCATION BEFORE VERDUN. By Amold Zweig. Viking $2.50 UNDER THE AXE OF FASCISM. By Gaetano Salvemini. Viking. .. $3.00 Te aes eee re seq THEJEWS OF GERMANY. By Marvin Lowenthal Longs, Gren$300 { A TIME 70 REMEMBER. By Lane 7s Zeganith, iSO Random e Howe...$200 pnatActWORLD POLITICS t0 chaos 1918-36. bye By hanes R. Palme Caen Dutt, Done Random House. $2.50 oe CO-OP: A NOVEL OF LIVING TOGETHER. By Upton Sinclair. Farrar SPAIN IN REVOLT. By Harry Gannes and Theodore Repard. Knopf. .$2.00 and Rinchace $250 HEARST: LORD OF SAN SIMEON. By Oliver Carlson and Emnest CRADLE OF LIFE. By Louis Adamic. Harper 250 IMPERIAL Sutherland HEARSE: Bates. By Viking. eidigad Special paper covered complete edition. .$1.25 STORIES OF THREE DECADES. By Thomas Mann. Knopf. $3.00 Lindberg’ ‘Blaos Pro 42278 Essays and Literature THE FIGHT BOOK SHOP 268 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. ¥. ‘THE PEOPLE, YES. By Carl Sandburg. Harcourt, Brace. $2.50 For the elon + please send, postage prepaid, the following ks WHY KEEP THEM ALIVE? By Paul de Kruif. Harcourt, Brace. ... ..$3.00 THE FLOWERING OF NEW ENGLAND. By Van Wyck Brooks. Dutton . $4.00 ‘THE BIBLE DESIGNED TO BE READ AS LIVING LITERATURE. Name The Old and New Testaments, in the King James Version. Arranged Address and Edited by Ernest Sutherland Bates. Simon and Schuster... .. $3.75 January 1937, FIGHT With the Readers The Contributors * * f our earliest recollections is of a HARRY F, WARD, head of the Ameri us parent taking a little boy to the can League Against’ War and Fascism Not exactly a pleasant memory, and Chairman of the American Civil Lib- you would say. And we would ordinarily erties Union, has been active in various agree. But in this case it is a pleasant social movements for over three decades. memory. For in the dentist’s office he Mr. Ward is Professor of Christian saw for the first time a publication called Ethics, Union Theological Seminary, and Judge. (Or was it Puck?) ‘one of the founders and Secretary of the ‘Methodist Federation for Social Service. FORGOTTEN was the toothache and He has contributed to The Nation, di the ominous looking man dressed in white, nals of Academy of Political and Social and the fond parent. For the little boy Science, Locomotive Engineers’ Journal, found a picture magazine with funny Christian Century, ete ete, and is the looking people in it, and among the pic- author of In Place of Profit, The Labor tures there were two which held him. Movement, The New Social Order— YEARS later when the litle boy grew Principles and Programs, etc. etc. up somewhat (by that time he had head- The Spanish delegation in America, Isabel de Palens aches), some one gave him a copy of the Luis Sarasola, Marcelino Domingo, and Harry F. GEORGE SELDES—we can never get old Masses. enough of him and we hope some day to make the boy Puck, forget or his Judge, toothache was and able the to convince him of the great contribution Masses was able, to tighten the screws he would make to the cause of peace jn the young man’s head. And there, be- and liberty by taking a page every month ‘ween the pages of that brilliant maga PN den lS) sis Use in Tue Ficut, Mr. Seldes is not only ne, he founda familiar name. ‘The fa great factual journalist but that rare rhame was Art Young. thing, a man who understands the social January, 1937 forces at play. NOW the young man has grown a little REDFERN MASON, who writes the older. And to his desk came the other article on San Francisco, has long been day a book titled The Best of Art Young. vouuste 4 NUMBER 3 a resident of that city and is a writer Books are precious things to that man of many years’ standing. He has con- who went to the dentist when he was a tributed t0 the Atlantic Monthly, etc, little boy. But when books keep piling and is the author of The Song Lore of up on one’s desk they become just a little Undermining Liberty Treland, Musical Cameos, Rebel Ireland less precious. But this book - By George Seldes and The Girl Who Knows How, the last EVERY once in a while—not so often, being a genial satize. on San. Francisco, unfortunately—a man is able to record No Pasaran! Mr. Mason was with the Knights. of the times he is living in. Huckleberry By Marcel dcier WL UstRATED Columbus during the World War and Finn was such a book and Das Kapital later visited seven capitals from Brussels ‘was another. And now comes Art Young The Fascist International . to Rome to investigate the subsidizing with this record which gives us America. By Harry F. Ward 1LUSTRATED BY M. PASS of opera and symphony. jim. You get mad with The Golden Gate City... WILLIAM GROPPER, who made this ery with him. You see little month's inside full paze—it's on Spain— children slaving in mills; you see them By Redfern Mason is now writing a book (we always like standing on a cold bitter night looking the idea of artists writing) which Covici- at the sky and saying, ""Chee, Annie, look Fascist Order Visits Madrid. .... ae ee pails) Friede will publish this year. ‘The book at de stars—thick as bed-bugs!”” Art By William Gropper will, of course, be illustrated and Mr. Young pioneered against Hearst and the ill, of course, be the illustrator. corrupt press long before any of us ever Hitler's War Cry .... ‘ ‘ e215, to tell all and that's say- heard the name Hearst. He makes us ing a mouthful. We predict “trouble.” understand and see war, the fight for By Johannes Steel 1LLUSTRATED BY WILLIAM WESTLEY Democracy and freedom, the trade unions, JOHANNES STEEL, the foreign cor- Sacco and Vanzetti, the workers and A Love Story Seber eee aslG, respondent who writes in this issue on farmers struggle for’a better life. By Ruth Crawford \LUSTRATED BY SAM SWERDLOF Hitler’s war moves, was formerly at- tached to the German Minister of Eco- LOOK at these drawings, reader, and Shut Up! ............ ci enpets (2h nomics as economic observer abroad. you will understand America better and By Elizabeth Noble why America is inherently opposed to Mr. Steel is now at work on a new Fascism, and why if we don't struggle book to be titled First Papers, which against Fascism we are liable to get it The Americas he aS 22, Farrar and Rinehart will publish this here, too. By Dorothy McConnell 11LUSTRATED BY HARRISON MOORE. spring. DOROTHY McCONNELL is now in LOOK at these drawings, reader, and South America, where she is a delegate laugh with Art Young at the stupidit DEPARTMENTS to the People’s Congress for Peace and and sham in this war-makers! wor an observer at the Inter-American Con- are not the laughs of the Ne 12 Wall Street....... ference. ‘This special article was air- ~ You see they are “sophisticated, mailed before the Conference ended. ng comes out of an apple 14 Building the League Miss McConnell is Secretary of the Wo- in Wisconsin. sssss:18 Youth Notes... men’s Section of the American League FOR some reason or other, we like the and is the author of a number of books idea of an apple barrel in Wisconsin. ‘Oh Say, Can You See?. .31 for children. She has been editor of a And if you know an apple barrel, you church publication. know this book. Here in these pages a rare human being, who is a rare artist, JOSEPH PASS, Editor ELIZABETH NOBLE is the pseudo- saw and felt and thought and put it down Me Fight Assngt War and Fascism, published, monthly by the Navona nym for an American art critic. on paper for you to see and feel and Executive Committee of the American League Against War and Fascism, think, He has given a record of his time 268 Fourth Avenue, New York, N.Y. Chairman, Harry F, Ward RUTH CRAWFORD is a native of Vice-Chairmen, Robert Morss Lovett, Mrs. Vietor L. Berger, Earl Brow- ‘Terre Haute and has contributed to and the things he saw from day to day. get, Max "Hayes, Jacob Micky: Treaures, Willan P. Mangold Scribner's, Today, ete, and has worked Secretarial Staff: Executive, Paul Reid; Administration, ‘THIS book is a promise that the world Education, Robert K.
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