BOARD OF DIRECTORS B. AMBROSENO . Presidenl W.N. DEAN . Vice Presidenl L. F. FEHLNER . .Secretary C.S. ANDREN . Treasurer R. ABRACZINSKAS WILD GOOSE ASSOCIATION P. D. ABRAMSON I.M. BEUKERS G.G. HAROULES NEWSLETTER L.D. H1GC;INBOTHAM J.D. ILLGEN V.L. IOfiNSON E. L. McGANN 8.1. UTTAM J.P. VAN ETTEN V.I. WEIHE ITEM - The Coast Guard has just come through a difficult encounter with Congress over funding for Loran-C and especially for upgrading the aging transmitter network. As you know, budgets for non-defense agencies are being slashed, and there will be a continuing fight to maintain and improve Loran, Up to now, Congress has heard about Loran4 only from the Coast Guard and the FAA. No users of the system have come fcrth to tell kcx useful a system it la, LOT It eonld be ~adt more useful,. and how difficult it would be to replace it. YGA members can rectify that situation, Write your Congress- man and Senator and tell him how important Loran is to you and to others. Send letters also to key committee members in Congress, because these are the ones who guide the congress- ional policy making. Pages 6-12 contain names and addresses of key congressional committee members. Send letters to the Chairmen especially, and any members who may be from your state, ITEM - WGA Tenth Annual Convention. This year's convention was held from 21 to 23 October 1981 and deemed a huge success by all. Seventy-two attended this year's convention. Due to current budget difficulties, DOT representation was sparce (6 Coast Guard persons attended compared to 49 last year). The sessions included papers covering Loran-C charts and calibration. technology, &id stabil ity and test and evaluation. Excellent speakers for the luncheons included Lloyd Higginbotham and Admiral A1 Manning. Chuck Sl ocombe provided a very entertaining presentation on the unusual abilities of the "Whale". The golf tournament winner had a score in the high 90s. Can we really classify these matches as a tournament with such scores? Bob Frank is recuperating from an illness and was unable to play tennis this year. We are all very glad to see Bob at this year's convention. He has promised to organize a tournament next year. Manufacturers of Loran-C and satellite navigation equipment displayed and demonstrated equipment (the type of equipment and technology was a repeat from the 22 June 1981 Loran-C seminar held at Marina Del Rey, CA. The type of equipment was listed in the last newsletter.) Special thanks is extended to the equipment manufacturers. The entire WGA membership greatly appreciates the outstanding job Walt Dean, Convention Chairman, did this year. Additionally, special thanks goes to CDR Jim Alexander - Arrangements; Capt. J.F. Culbertson - Speakers; L.D. Higginbotham - Hospitality; and, of course, those of you who presented such fine technical papers. Finally , the session chairmen (Larry Cortl and - Teledyne; Cdr. Jim Alexander - USCG; Tony Mortimer - Canadian Hydrographic Service, and Capt. Jim Culbertson - USCG) did an excellent job in leading each of the technical sessions. ITEM Acknowledgements. The WGA thanks the following companies for their contributions to the support of the Tenth Annual Convention: ASEC Austron Navigation Megapu 1se EPSCO Dahl Loran Service Internav Digital Marine Jaycor Furuno USA Micro1 ogic ITT Avionics Navigation Systems Morrow S IMRAD Offshore Navigation SPERRY S I -TEX Te 1edyne Sys tems TAS C Texas Instruments ITEM: Awards 1981. Congratulations to the following recipients from the entire WGA membership: Medal of Merit - James P. Van Etten, ITT Avionics Division, for significant and long-lasting contributions to Loran from 1942 to present. President's Award - Leo F. Fehlner, Appf ied Physics Lahratory, for technical direction of R&D in signal processing improving accuracy and reliability of Loran-C. Best Paper Award - William F. Polhemus for "Operational and Economic Benefits Deriving from Use of Loran-C RNAV". WGA Service - William Rice for 1980 Convention Chairman; Cdr. Dave Amos, 1980 Technical Chairman; Cdr. Jim Alexander for exceptional Loran-C U.S. West Coast Activities. ITEM - Deceased Members. Deepest sympathy is extended from the WGA to the famil ies of the following deceased members: Captain W .R. Fearn Commander Brendt Mil 1 s ITEM - A paper entitled "Savings in Time and Energy Through Loran-C" was presented by Barney Ambroseno (EPSCO) at the 1981 Long Island Fisherman Forum. ITEM - Annual WGA Dues. Annual Dues New Members This slight increase is necessary because of the increases due to postage and printing. ITEM - Proceedings. Due to the cost of printing the Proceedings (Papers presented at each year's convention), a cost of $8.00 per copy must be charged for those members who desire the proceedings but could not attend the convention (the cost of the proceedings was included in the registration fee for those who did attend this year's WGA convention). Please follow instructions on the attached form if you desire a copy of the WGA Tenth Annual Proceedings. ITEM - El eventh Annual Convention. Washington, D.C. has been selected for the 11th Annual WGA Convention. Start making plans to submit a paper and attend. ITEM - SRD LABS announces the first Loran4 Receiver with fully automatic bearing correction for magnetic variation. The magnetic bearing to each waypoint is computed automatically and updated as the vessel moves along its course. The CLX-85M Loran C Navigator provides lati tudellongi tude, TD' s (Time Delays) or steering information in two bright LED displays. The CLX-85M provides a unique method of correcting latitude1 1 ongi tude errors inherent in a1 1 1 ati tude/l ongi tude sets. The operator merely enters a correct known position into the Loran and the computer automatically applies this as a correction to a1 1 other 1ati tude/l ongi tude readings. CLX-85M provides all other navigator features such a speed, time and distance to waypoint, etc., which are standard with the basic CLX-85M. This new Loran also features a built-in ECD (Envelope to Cycle Difference) corrector, an important feature for areas where the path from the transmitters causes serious signal distortion. SRD LABS, INC. , 381 McGl i ncey Lane, Campbell , CA 95008 ITEM - "The Book of Lights" by Chaim Potok. Albert Einstein ponders the young rabbi 's last name: "Loran. That is, I be1 ieve, also the name of a navigational instrument, is it not?" As usual, the physicist is correct: the acronym for long-range navigation also describes the hero of Chaim Potok's fifth and most ambitious novel. Your Newsletter Editor wishes to thank the following WGA members for newsietter contributions: Leo Fehlner, Lloyd Higginbotham, Walt Dean, and Bob Frank. If you have any items for the Newsletter, please send them to the Editor: John D. Illgen Manager, Field Testing and Technology Kaman Tempo 816 State Street, P.O. Drawer QQ Santa Barbara, Cal i forni a 931 02 or telephone Sharon Garland at (805) 963-6460 or 963-6458. Members* of Congress whose position relative to Loran funding is particularly important. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries 1334 Longworth House Of'f ice Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202/225-4047) Chairman, Walter B. Jones (N.C.) Ranking Minority Member, Gene Snyder (KY) Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Navigation Room 545, House Annex f2 Washington, DOC. 20515 (202/226-3533) Chairman, Gerry E. Studds (Mass.) Ranking Minority Member, Don Young (Alaska) Subcommittee on Merchant Marine Room 531, House Annex #2 Washington, D.C, 20515 (202/226-3500) Chairman, Mario Biaggi (N.Y.) Ranking Minority Member, Paul N. McCloskey (Calif .) C) Committee on Appropriations H213 Capitol Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202/225-2771) Chairman, Jamie L, Whitten (Miss. ) Ranking Minority Member, Silvio 0. Conte (Mass.) Subcommittee on Defense H144 Capitol auilding Washington, DOC. 20515 (202/225-2847) Cha i rman , Joseph P. Adda bbo (N .Y, ) Ranking Minority Member, Jack Edwards (Alaska) Subcommittee on Transportation 2358 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202/225-2141) Chairman, Adam Benj amin, Jr . (Ind. ) Ranking Minority Member, Lawrence ~oughlin (pa.) Committee on Armed Services 2120 Rayburn House Off ice Building Washington, DOC. 20515 (202/225-4151) Chairman, Melvin Price (Ill.) Ranking Minority Member, William L. Dickinson (Ala.) Committee on Government O~erations 2157 Rayburn House Office Building Washing ton, D.C. 20515 (202/225-5051) Chairman, Jack Brooks (Texas) Ranking Minority Member, Frank Horton (N .Y.) Subcommittee on Government Activities and Transportation B350A Rayburn House Off ice Suilding Washington, D.C. 20515 (202/225-7920) Chairman, John L. Burton (Calif.) Ranking Minority Member, Robert S. Walker (Pa.) SENATE (D Committee on ~ppropriations S128 Capitol Building Washington, D.C. 20510 (202/224-7282) Chairman, Mark 0. Hatfield (Ore.) Ranking Minority Member, William Proxmire (Wis.) Subcommittee on Defense 1225 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 (202/224-7203) Chairm,an, Ted Stevens (Alaska) Ranking Minority Member, John C. Stennis (Miss.) Subcommittee on Transportation 1406 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 (202/224-7281) Chairman, Mark Andrews (N.D.) Ranking Minority Member, Lawton Chiles (Fla.) (D Committee on Armed Services Suite 212, Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 (202/224-3871) Chairman, John Tower (Texas) Ranking Minority Member, John C. Stennis (Miss.) Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Suite 5202, Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 (202/224-5115) Chairman, Bob Packwood (Ore.) Ranking Minority Member, Howard W. Cannon (Nev.) Subcommittee on Merchant Narine 126 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 (202/224-4766) Chairman, Slade Gorton (Wash.) Ranking Minority Member, Daniel K. Inouye (Hawaii) Subcommittee on Surface Transportation A-709, Immigration Washington, D.C.
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