2010 Space Telescope Science Institute Calibration Workshop Cover page and artwork designed by Pam Jeffries. The multi-color image of Omega Centau- rus was obtained during the Service Mission Observatory Verificiation (SMOV) after SM4. It is a composite of data obtained with the WFC3 UVIS channel, using the F814W, F606W, F438W, F336W, F275W and F225W filters. The COS spectrum (upper) is of 30 Dor016, a massive O2-type star. This star was observed as part of the SMOV, using the G130M and G160M gratings in the COS Far UV channel. A STIS spectrum of HDE 2699810, a near twin, is also shown (lower). These COS data were published by Evans et al. 2010, ApJ 715, L74. The 2010 STScI Calibration Workshop Hubble after SM4 Preparing JWST Proceedings of a Workshop held at the Space Telescope Science Institute Baltimore, Maryland 21-23 July 2010 Edited by Susana Deustua and Cristina Oliveira Published and distributed by the Space Telescope Science Institute 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA iii For Rodger E. Doxsey The proceedings of this workshop are dedicated to the memory of Rodger E. Doxsey, cham- pion of the Hubble Space Telescope and former Head of the Hubble Mission Office at the Space Telescope Science Institute. Rodger’s tireless efforts to ensure that Hubble remain at the forefront of astronomical research by constantly improving upon the quality of science data calibrations challenged and inspired us all. Though we miss him dearly, we carry on with this tradition of Hubble data improvements and share that information with you in this volume, just as he would have wanted. Contents Preface ......................................... ix TheOrganizingCommittee . x ParticipantList.................................... xi Part 1. Workshop Schedule WorkshopSchedule................................... 3 Part 2. Invited and Contributed Talks The Legacy of the Hubble Space Telescope Spectrographs . ........... 9 Science Capabilities fo the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph . .............. 10 The On-Orbit Performance of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph............ 11 COS FUV Flat Fields and Signal-to-Noise Characteristics . ............. 23 COSSensitivityTrendsinCycle17. ...... 34 Performance of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph afterSM4 ........ 41 IroningOuttheWrinklesinSTIS. ..... 51 Slitless Spectroscopy with HST Instruments . .......... 71 An insight into the flux calibration of Gaia G-band images and BP/RP spectropho- tometry ....................................... 80 ACCESS: Mission Overview, Design and Status . ........ 102 SNDICE: A Calibrated Multi-Wavelength Light Source for Optical Telescope Cali- bration with a Stability and a Precision of 10−4 ................. 115 WFPC2Filtersafter16YearsonOrbit . 127 The Legacy of the Hubble Space Telescope Spectrographs . ........... 136 UpdateonNICMOSReferenceFlies . 137 NICMOS Coronagraphy: Recalibration and the NICMOS Legacy Archive PSF Library148 Calibration of the HST NICMOS F110W Using High Redshift Red-Sequence Galaxies 160 AnOverviewofDetectors . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 161 New Scientific Capabilities of the HST WFC3 . ....... 162 Performance and Calibration of Wide Field Camera 3 . ......... 163 The Photometric Performance and Calibration of WFC3 . .......... 164 WFC3UVISandIRflat-fields . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 172 Fringing in the WFC3/UVIS detector . 183 WFC3 IR ”Blobs”, IR Sky Flats and the measured IR background levels . 195 HST/WFC3In-OrbitGrismPerformance . 205 WFC3/IR Channel Behavior: Dark Current, Bad Pixels, and Count Non-Linearity . 215 Persistence in the WFC3 IR Detector . 226 WFC3 Image Calibration and Reduction Software . ........ 232 First On-orbit Measurements of the WFC3-IR Count-rate Non-Linearity . 238 ACSafterSM4: NewLifeforanOldWorkhorse . 239 An Empirical Pixel-Based CTE Correction for ACS/WFC . ......... 252 Red Leak Effects in Observations of Solar System Objects with ACS/SBC . 265 Application of the SIDECAR ASIC as the Detector Controller for ACS and the JWST Near-IRInstruments ................................ 269 TheAstrometricContextofHSTin2010 . 270 v vi Contents Multi – Wavelength Geometric Distortion Solution for WFC3/UVIS and IR . 271 Fine Guidance Sensors: Calibration Status . ......... 281 A New Technique for Measuring Absolute Proper Motions with HST: Using Back- ground Galaxies as Positional References . 288 Cross-matching the Hubble Legacy Archive . ........ 295 Some Thoughts on Cross-calibration in the Mid-Infrared . ............. 305 James Webb Space Telescope Calibration . ....... 316 Status of the James Webb Space Telescope Integrated Science Instrument Module System........................................ 323 Design Aspects of the JWST Calibration Pipeline Software . ............ 350 Essentials of JWST Flux Calibration . ....... 357 Candidate Calibrators for the In-Orbit Spectrophotometric Calibration of the MIRI Medium Resolution Spectrograph Onboard the James Webb Space Telescope 363 JWSTOperationsandthePhaseIandIIProcess . 373 BetaDrizzle: A Redesign of the MultiDrizzle Package . ............ 376 Part 3. Contributed Posters Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Commissioning: Overview of COS Servicing Mission ObservatoryVerification . 385 On-OrbitPerformanceoftheCOSDetectors . ....... 386 Cosmic Origins Spectrograph: On-Orbit Performance of Target Acquisitions . 394 Wavelength Calibration of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph .............. 402 COS External Spectroscopic Performance: Spectral and Spatial Resolution . 413 COS Data Processing Improvements Based on HST SMOV Results . ......... 420 Trend of Dark Rates of the COS and STIS NUV MAMA Detectors . 429 Monitoring of the Wavelength Calibration Lamps for the Hubble Space Telescope . 433 Updated Statusand Performance ofthe STISCCD . 443 Removing the Pattern Noise from all STISSide-2CCDdata . 449 Post - SM4 Flux Calibration of the STIS Echelle Modes . ......... 456 The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Flat Fielding . ............ 462 Calibration of B,V,R,I Photometry for the Wide Field Channel of the HST Advanced CameraforSurveys................................. 474 Post-SM4 ACS/WFC Bias Striping: Characterization And Mitigation . 475 ACS/WFCCrosstalk................................... 487 TheNIRSpecCalibrationConcept . 491 NIRSpec - the JWST Multi-Object Spectrograph . ........ 492 DitheringwithJWST’sNIRCam . 493 The JWST Tunable Filter Imager and its Calibration . ......... 501 JWSTFineGuidanceSensorCalibration . 505 DetectingCosmicRaysinInfraredData . ....... 511 WFC3/UVIS Detectors: On-orbit Performance . ........ 519 Anomalies and Artifacts of the WFC3 UVIS and IR Detectors: An Overview . 526 WFC3 UVIS Full Well Depths, and Linearity Near and Beyond Saturation . 534 Measurement of the Count-Rate Non-linearity in WFC3-IR Detectors . 535 WFC3 Low-Frequency Flat Field Corrections . ........ 536 WFC3: On-Orbit Measurement of the Point Spread Function on the WFC3 Detectors 537 An example reduction of WFC3/IR slitless data . ........ 546 WFC3/IRFilterWedge ................................. 555 Dither and drizzle strategies for Wide Field Camera 3 . ........... 561 Contents vii NewNICMOSFlat-fields ................................ 567 New Bad Pixel Mask Reference Files for the Post-NCS Era . ......... 576 The Detection and Removal of Large-scale Detector Background Structures in NIC- MOSObservations ................................. 586 CalibratingtheHSTFocalPlanepostSM4 . 596 HSTCycle19ExposureTimeCalculators . 600 UBVRI-ZY and ugriz zeropoints from 20 calspec standards . ........... 606 Recovery of Very Low Signal-to-Noise Transiting Lightcurves Using Self-coherence . 617 Index ............................................ 619 ix Preface We thank all the participants and organizers for making this workshop a success. The workshop was sponsored by the Instruments Division at STScI, and we thank all the members of the Organizing Committee, as well as Robin Auer, Roz Baxter, Steve Dignan, Pam Jeffries, Thomas Marufu, Jeff Nesbitt and his crew, Greg Pabst, Susan Rose, Dixie Shipley, Calvin Tullos, Anna Maria Valenzuela, and Mike Wiggs, for all their logistical and administrative support, without which, the workshop would not have been so smoothly run. Thanks also to Irene Stein and the Caf´eAzafran folks for providing the tasty food, coffee and tea during the workshop. We also thank NASA Headquarters, the HST Project at the Goddard Space Flight Center, and the Space Shuttle Program support staff at the Johnson Space Flight Center and Kennedy Space Center for their outstanding support of all HST servicing activities. We dedicate these proceedings to the memory of Rodger Doxsey. The Editors Susana Deustua and Cristina Oliveira January 2011 x The Organizing Committee The Organizing Committee Susana Deustua co-chair Cristina Oliveira co-chair Rachel Anderson Azalee Bostroem Ralph Bohlin Marco Chiaberge Colin Cox Rosa Diaz Parviz Ghavamian Karl Gordon Tony Keyes Knox Long Aparna Maybhate Sami Niemi Massimo Robberto Elena Sabbi Michael A. Wolfe xi Participant List Thomas Ake CSC & Space Telescope Science Institute Alessandra Aloisi Space Telescope Science Institute Jay Anderson Space Telescope Science Institute Rachel Anderson Space Telescope Science Institute Barbara Anthony-Twarog University of Kansas Amber Armstrong Space Telescope Science Institute Thomas Ayres University of Colorado Sylvia Baggett Space Telescope Science Institute Brian Baptista Indiana University Elizabeth Barker Space Telescope Science Institute Tracy Beck Space Telescope Science Institute St´ephane B´eland University of Colorado
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