The 6th Symp. on Accelerator Science and Technology, 1987, Tokyo, japan (©lonics, Tokyo, 1987} TEST SYSTEM FOR KEK PS CONTROL USING VME COMPUTERS AND PRIVATE NETWORK H. Nakagawa, E. Kadokura, K. Ishii and T. Katoh KEK, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics Oho-mach, Tsukuba, Ibaraki-ken, 305 Japan ABSTRACT The control system for KEK 12 GeV Proton Synchrotron will be replaced with a new micro-computer system with a new computer network system. The VME-bus based multi-microcomputer system has been introduced into the test control system. A private network system named 'mini-KOP' for test is a 'token-bUs' system with 9600 bps MODEM. Special extended PASCAL program 'OBJP' is also made for network support and simple 60MB 2HO 200 programming. The OBJP is built from the analysis of FLOPPY OISI\ control programs. HARO 0 ISK In this paper we describe the prototype system; rxxl ~x, NAME the VME-computer construction, the mini-KOP, the OBJP LlU.J i, NODE No. programs and operation of the system. Fig. 1 Test control system ~ith VME-computers. INTRODUCTION MELCOM-70 multi-computer system has been used as of control computers for VME-computers which are widely used standard bus 12 GeV proton synchrotron for computers. about 14 years[1]. The By using VME-computer in standard Euro Card system is composed of eight 16- format[3] bit mini-computers; a multi-purpose with reliable two-piece connectors, the central computer, a system can be constructed data-logging one and six satellite to be very flexible and the ones. The data multi-CPU board configuration logging computer is called 'software is possible. development The test system consists computer', because this is used for programming of eleven VME-computers; at a software development computer, early time. Now, the central computer is used operation console both for computers and data-taking computers. programming and real-time tasks such as accelerator They control the 20/40 MeV beam transport line devices, condition displays, human interface for operation and booster network control. injection system power supplies and main ring dynamic steering Satellite computers magnet power supplies. have one or two process In the new system, input/output controllers for M68000 family CPUs and VERSAdos data taking and device operating system are used control. As they have small size memory for both real-time control and poor CPU task and programming. The power, the programs are simple and premitive. software development computer and satellite computers communicate Due to poor CPU power of the satellite computers with each other through a home-made network which is called and heavy duty of the central computer, response of the mini-KOP. system is The prototype control system is described in this very slow for human interface. Power of the paper. 16-bit mini-computer is limited mainly by memory work space; summation of system program, real-time tasks and a user program is limited to 64 kW. Large scale data SYSTEM CONFIGURATION analysis program cannot run on this system. Recently, the failure rate of the system has so increased and the Eleven VME-computes are maintenance of the system becomes distributed around the very difficult. accelerator as shown in Fig.l. Both Replacement of the system 'SD' and 'TOP' are has been decided related installed in the programming room and other to the reason written above[2]. computers New system is composed are in the control room and sub-control rooms. A software development computer 'SD' has three terminals, two 60MB hard disks. Three persons can make program simultaneously using the computer, because it is a multi-user system. The 'SD' has both the main CPU 0: board called MVME-121 (MC68010 + MC68451) 0 and a ~ communication CPU u board (M68000 family). Fig.2 shows w z the configuration of the 'SD' system. It has both a .. 0 0 ~ Ill 0 0 z 0 ~ 0 0: ..J graphic display controller and a display monitor 0 0 0 u for ... ; ; 0: u "'0 ... .., ... ... 0: '"'.., checking the network. Under VERSAdos, both real-time I I I '"'I ... w I '"' w u ..J w w w 0 Ill Ill w w tasks whicn are related to the network and transient :Iii :Iii :Iii 0 ·- ·- :Iii :Iii 0 "0 Ill ... 0 II) tasks for programming run on about 5M~ .."' > > > Ill "' > > - .. en memory . u :E :Iii :Iii :11>- >- ...... II) w 0 a: Ten satellite computers have no disk memory and no terminal. But they have various process input/output 60MB boards; A/D, D/A, digital input/output, graphic display 2DD Floppy disk Hard disk controller, pulse-train gernerator and MIL-1553B like serial device controller. The configuration of the 60MB satellite computers are classified 2HD Floppy disk by CPU into two Hard disk types !iS shown in Fig.3. First generation has an MC68000 CPU on the main CPU board and the second generation has an MC68020 and an MC68881 on the main CPU board. In both generations, the home-made network devices are same. Both 'OP' and 'TOP' are operation console computers. They have graphic displays and a touch-panel for human interface. We adopted multi-displays ins ted of multi-windows on single display for simplification Fig. 2 Configuration of the software development both of programming and operation. COIIrpUter 'SD'. The '20/40 BT' controls the all power supplies of the 20 MeV and 40 MeV beam transport lines. A vacuum -239- CPU S-RAM D-RAM RS-232C _!'\, Both pointers are manipulated by special tasks on /" I / VERSAdos. Server task works on transmission by "TRAP ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ #6" command in an application task. Receiver task works 0 0 :> > 0 Fl RS T !0 !0 every 0.1 second and checks the pointer. If new data I I "'I "'I "'I GENERATION has arrived in the buffer, it activates a new task or ~ AD. DA. RELAY etc. ...,="" ...,="" "' "' :;; it sends the message to the destination task. ... ... ,__> "" :;; :;; >-"' >-"' -~ !---MAIN PART---+---PERIPHERAl---1 Table 1 Data types on the network. ~ ~ TYPE CODE 0 CPU DATA TYPE "" "'I 0 0 = ~ GRAPHIC 0 v v 0 SECOND 0 ~ 0 :> <? !0 DISPlAY CONTROllER etc. GENERATION I "'I I I ~ J.."' J.."' "' :!E :;; :;; :;; AD. OA ..... etc. :> :> :> "' ~ :;; :> -"" ,__ ... M :;; :;; ~ >-"' :;; ABSOLUTE LOAD MODULES ( S-FORMAT ) 1 cPu s-kAM.J oJAM /. c1pu l COMMUNICATION D-RAM RS-ZJZC S-RAM y CPU VERSAdos ( S-FORMAT ) Fig. 3 Basic configuration of satellite computers. In our system of first generation, MC68000 CPU = is used. In second generation, MC68020 CPU is =G $XXXXXX used. START FROM $XXXXXX gauge and valve status of the lines are connected to L POSITION INDEPENDNT the 'VAC'. The 'H-' controls the power supplies of the ( DISK FORMAT ) booster synchrotron injection magnets for the charge MAIN exchnge injection. CPU The 'M1', 'M2', 'M3' and 'M4' are for control of Q MESSAGE TO A TASK the power supplies of dynamic steering magnets of the main ring. They will be used for other purpose at each location. The 'MON' watches the beam intensity signals of SOFTWARE -OS and OBJP- all accelerators of the proton synchrotron and takes the data of the 20/40 MeV BT profile monitor. VERSAdos is a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system for the M68000 family CPU in a VME-module made by Motorola. The kernel of the VERSAdos is the RMS68K NETWORK Real-time Executive which provides task services and supports memory management. It also allows inter-task The each VME-computer communicates through a home­ communication. made network (mini-KOP}. The network interface of a The VERSAdos can generate both hard disk operating VME-computer is composed of a CPU board, memory boards, system and diskless operating system. At 'SD', the hard a serial I/0 board and an RS-232c modem. The bit rate disk operating system is used. On the other hand, all of network is 9600 bps. The scheme is base-band and satellite computers have diskless VERSAdos. token-bus. The token rotation time of the network is The inter-task communication is expanded for about 0.2 second with no data and it depends on the network support by the network server task. In this data length. system, any task can communicate with all tasks in any The maximum data transfer rate depends on the bit computer in the network. rate and is 1kB/second. The maximum number of packet Both Pascal and assembly language system are used transmission per node depends on the token rotation for programming. Pascal is expanded for network support time, about 4 times per second. by a program called 'OBJP'. Fortran is now under test Fig.4 shows the packet frame in the network. In for use in this system. this network, duplicate header method is used for error The programming model by 'OBJP' is shown in fig.5. check of the header. Check-sum method is used for error By the 'OBJP', some routines are built in the task check of the data part. Most of the frames on the automatically, which are as follows, network are with no data and no check-sum part. The data types of the network are categorized as 1} creates an Asynchronous ~ervice gueue of listed in Table 1. One group is for the communication message receive buffer, CPU, the other group is for the main CPU with VERSAdos. 2) "WAIT" for message, New communication program and the VERSAdos which are in 3} selects a subroutine by "message selector", absolute load modules are handled by the communication 4} calls a server for message transmission. CPU (MACR0-6001 of second generation in Fig.3). Application task modules and messages between tasks are When a message arrives at a task, the message transferred from communication CPU to the main CPU comes into the ASQ, then "WAIT" state turns to "RUN" (MVME-130 of second generation in Fig.3} and handled by state.
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