VOLUME 126 • NO. 12 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 2020 1 SECTION • 14 PAGES • $1 Your Hometown Newspaper Since 1894 Thank a Veteran and a Serviceman Every Day TEXAS Hand-cut Steaks. *~ElVDS* The Freshest Ingredients. ~~ 115 South Madison St. • On the square • Madisonville 936-348-3927 texaslegends.net Though no local cases reported, COVID-19 makes impact in county Staff Reports respiratory virus identified in Health Organization declared break by a week . late 2019 in China, has spread the novel coronavirus a “pan- The Madison County Fair As of mid-Tuesday morn- across Texas, at first centered demic,” while a case reported and Rodeo Association post- ing, there were still no reported on the more populous cities . in Montgomery County – two poned opening ceremonies cases of COVID-19, also known Some more rural counties, counties south of Madison and the FCS auction sched- as the novel coronavirus, in cases in our immediate com- though, have begun report- County – may be the first signs uled for Thursday, as well as munity,” Madison County Madison County, though the ing incidents, including Lamb of “community spread” in the rodeo set for Friday and spread creeps ever closer with Emergency Management Co- County in West Texas, which Texas . Saturday . The MCFA revised a reported case in neighboring ordinator Shelly Butts said via has a population similar to Following the cue of other Brazos County . e-mail Tuesday . “We are work- Madison County . school districts in the state, the schedule for the fair, and “We are not aware of any ing with Texas Department of The Brazos County Health Madisonville Consolidated said all shows be closed to the cases in Madison County at this State Health Servicwes on this District Tuesday confirmed a Independent School district public, with attendance lim- time; however, since there are issue . I am not aware of any positive case of COVID-19 in said Friday it would cancel ited to an exhibitor and two private labs that are now test- self-reporting guidance at this Brazos County, a female in her all classes and school-related other people . ing for the virus, we could see time .” 20s . activities until March 30 . The a delay in becoming aware of COVID-19, a severe acute On March 11, The World move extends students’ spring SEE COVID-19 PAGE 11 City agrees to debt measure, contract, kicking off new police facility build By Roy R. Reynolds – from JP Morgan Chase, Re- another emergency half-per- publisher@madisonville gents Bank, Prosperity Bank centage-point cut . The meteor.com and TIB Bank – that arrived spread of COVID-19 has sent Monday morning before Dow Jones Industrial Aver- Tumbling interest rates advising members of the age into a bear market for the in the wake of the spread of Madisonville City Council to first time in 11 years . the novel coronavirus may approve a 15-year non-call- “(Four Bids) was a good prove a benefit to the City able note from JP Morgan showing, considering the of Madisonville, which ac- Chase . Muncipal debt often anxieties in the market- cepted a bid during a special has a five-year callable op- place,” Guy Goodson of the meeting Monday night for tion that allows a government law firm Germer PLLC, also $1 25. million in debt across to refinance a note if interest advising Councilmembers on 15 years with an interest rate rates have fallen or the body the matter . “It’s a very com- of 1 .28% . is able to pay the remainder petitive rate . It shows that The measure, tax and reve- of the note early . they think a lot about (the nue certificates of obligation, With interest rates so low, city’s) credit rating .” will fund a new public safety though, advisors told coun- After accepting the bid facility for the Madisonville cil members there was little from JP Morgan Chase, the Police Department and ren- need . council also awarded a con- ovations to City Hall . “This rate is so low, you struction contract for the Certificates of obligation probably wouldn’t be able new police building of up are debt issuances allowed to refinance after five years,” to $958,558 to Madison- under state law without voter said Ben Rosenberg of U S. ville-based Texas Source approval under strict condi- Capital Advisors . “We just Contracting . With that tions . They can only be used got really lucky with all that’s award, Fred Patterson of for construction, demolition going on .” Patterson Architects told or restoration of structures; The total interest cost Councilmembers that con- purchase materials, sup- on the note will be only struction should be able to plies, equipment, machinery, $124,456, Rosenberg said . begin before May . buildings, land and rights of The U S. Federal Reserve “This is something we’ve COURTESY PHOTO way; and pay for related pro- Sunday cut its target inter- looked at for several years, A hog that was shot on Kevin Counsil’s property in Madisonville. fessional services . est rate to nearly zero in but now it’s becoming a real- City financial and legal response to the COVID-19 ity,” Madisonville Mayor Bill advisors reviewed four bids pandemic, just weeks after Parten said . Wild Hogs NZISD manages abrupt changes By Campbell Atkins One of those changes was Feral hogs creating problem, campbell.atkins@ the annual STAAR Test re- madisonvillemeteor.com quirement, which Gov . Greg revenue for area residents Abbott officially waived Mon- The North Zulch Indepen- day . By CAMPBELL ATKINS Over the last two decades dent School District (NZISD) “I think it kind of relieves campbell.atkins@ especially, countless farmers held their annual board stress on the students and the madisonvillemeteor.com and ranchers have worked meeting for March Thursday schools,” said Andrus . “We tirelessly to manage the dam- before all school activities hit will still hold them account- s the pickup rum- age inflicted on their property pause as a result of the Coro- able and have our local test- bles along through by the ever-growing popula- navirus . ing to make sure our students a once-smooth tion of swine invaders . “It is constant right now are growing . But we have a hayfield on Kevin “When you kill these hogs COURTESY PHOTO and we are just trying to keep lot more important things to Counsil’s ranch in out, there will be another un- North Zulch Elementary up with all the updates,” said focus on right now like the A Student of the Month Madisonville, the feral hog related group that comes into Superintendent Alan Andrus health of our students and Grant Cooley poses with problem in rural Texas be- Elementary Principal Janie on the situation that, as of communities .” comes all too visible . SEE WILD HOGS PAGE 11 Pope at the monthly board Tuesday, curtailed all school meeting Thursday. activities through March 29 . SEE NZISD PAGE 11 Native given Marine leadership role By Campbell Atkins Jaster earned his Bachelor of time, two of my buddies in the said Jaster . “They had given me campbell.atkins@ Science degree in geology from graduate program would fre- some broachers, and by the madisonvillemeteor.com Centenary College of Louisiana quently exchange stories about time I got home, I had already in 1994 and a Master of Science their time in the service,” said pivoted my direction in life .” Madisonville native Allan degree from the University of Jaster . He was commissioned a Jaster was promoted to Colo- Arkansas in 1997 . It was his He ultimately found his way Second Lieutenant in August nel in the United State Marine time at Arkansas that would to the Marine Corp recruiting of 1997 before attending The Corps this month upon assign- ultimately set the stage for the office in Fayetteville, where he Basic School and later the En- ment to his current position as rest of his life . inquired about further infor- gineer Officer Course . His first COURTESY PHOTO the Commanding Officer of the “I was going through this mation for a possible career in duty assignment was with 7th Colonel Allen G. Jaster, 1st Civil Affairs Group at Camp questioning phase in my aca- the service himself . Commanding Officer, United Pendleton, Calif . demic career, while at the same “That was pretty much it,” SEE JASTER PAGE 11 States Marine Corps INSIDE THE METEOR For no one can lay Normangee Tractor D eep Root s. New Id eas. Business . 8 any foundation other Churches . .7 . than the one already Classifieds . 9-10 (936)396-3101 Obituary . 2 laid, which is Jesus Opinion . 4 NormangeeTractor.com 333 N. May Street The Records . 5 Christ. 936.348.3777 Sports . 12-14 www.fnbhunt svilletx.com Bank OF MADIS ONV ILLE —1 Corinthians “Nobody Beats Normangee Tractor” A Division of Fir st Na tional Bank of Huntsville 3:11 1il Mcmba FDIC . IIIIJI!IJIJIJIIII IIIl l lll 11111. www.madisonvillemeteor.com PAGE 2 THE MADISONVILLE METEOR MARCH 18, 2020 Governor issues statewide disaster declaration AUSTIN — Gov. Greg COST WAIVING mentals of the Lone Star REVENUE TO BE ercise designed to simu- Abbott on March 13 de- REQUESTED State’s economy remain DISTRIBUTED late a scenario in which clared a state of disaster Earlier last week, Ab- strong, Texas Comptrol- Comptroller Hegar on comptroller employees in all Texas counties and bott and the Texas De- ler Glenn Hegar said on March 11 announced he were required to work listed actions agencies partment of Insurance March 9. would send cities, coun- from home. This exercise are taking to contain asked health insurers Texas has exposure ties, transit systems and will allow the agency to and minimize the spread and health maintenance if oil prices remain de- special purpose taxing identify and address any of the COVID-19 novel organizations operating pressed for a sustained districts $766.2 million in weaknesses in our con- coronavirus, a conta- in Texas to waive costs period of time, and local sales tax allocations tinuity plan under con- gious flu-like respiratory associated with the test- slowdowns in economic for March.
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