DOCUMENT RESUME ED 164 808 08 CZ ,018 245 'AUTHOR Upton, Anne L.; Barrett, Samuel L. TITLE. Operational Model foi Career Deieldpment.and Vocational Preparation. Final Report. TITUTION . California.State Dept. of Education, Sacramento..; - Fremont Unified SchoolDistrict, Calif.; Huntington: Beach Union High School'District; Calif. spois AGENCY Office of ,Education (DUE), WaShington, D.C. BUREAU NO 502A960015' c PUB'DATE. Oct 78 . GRANT.' 391-75-0089 NOTE: 412p4Alot available in hard copy due to ,- .reproducibility problems. For related documents see , ED 145-104-107 . .. t -'. EDRS PRICE k MF-$0..83 Plus Postage. BC Not Available from_EDRS. 'DESCRIPTORS Academic Achievekent; Career Awareness; takeer Choice; *Career Development; *Career ucation; "Career Exploration; Community Involvement; Curriculum Development; *Daily Living Skills; Decision Making;. DemonstratioPrograms; Interpersonal Competence; Occupational Clusters; *Performance Based EdUation; Program Delopment; Program Evaluation; School Communit Cooperation; Secondary Education; *Staff Impr v ent; Student Attitudes; TeaCher Role; *Voca ional Education IDENTIFIERS California; Fremont Unified School District CA; Huntington Beach Union High School District CA ABSTRACT 'Three California State Department units' (vocational education, pupil personnel services, and -career education) and two school districts (Fremont Unified and. Huntington Beach- Union High) established a consortium to-develop demonstration sites for Model career development aftd,vocational-geyaration systems and staff development programs. The Buttingt Beach Union Hiqh project developed and articulated a K-12 competency-based career education model. Data collected was inappropriate for dettriining whether . growth was.statistically.iignificant, but stpdent understanding increased after the program. Vithout'a control group, it could not be stated that gains would not have; occurred without the career education experience. The Fremont Unified project developed and implemented a career decision making course. A6tivities were developed to meet objectives of six components:'career guidance center, career decision making., staff development/infusion,: articulation; cqpmunity involvement,.and dissemination. Data-was analyzed by a tlard-Party evaluator. Although many objectives were met, a. teacher's strike affected objectifes that required extensive . teacher involvement. (Appendixee include the third-party evaluation report, Fremont Unified School. Di'strictla skill's assessment,. 'articulated 'K -1.2 career education proge mg, career decision faking materials, and Huntington Beach Union gh School District's career 40( development competency model and student assessient forms;. see note for Huntington Beach's K-12 'Curriculum guides.) (A.uthoiltSS) FINAL REPORT Project No; 504960015 Grant-No.. 0EG-391-75-0089 , BST COPYAVAILABLE Operational .Model for Career Development and Vocational Preparation , I /A,Exemplary Project inVocational Education Conducted Under Part D oUPublic Law 90-576 . Anne L. Upton .., In Coordination with Samuel L. Barrett California State' Department of Education 721 Capitol Mall Sacramento, California95814 OCtober 1978, U.S. DI PARTPAINT OP ICIALTN, !EDUCATION i WHAM NATIONAL INSTITUTE OP !EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACZLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- ATiND IT POINTS OF OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION PDSMON OR POLICY FINAL REPORT Project No." 502A960015i fr Grant No. OE1;-391-75-0089 OperatTbnal Model for CareerDevelopment_ and Vocational Preparation Exemplary Project r9 Vocational Education Conducted Under Part D of Public;: Law 90 -576 The project reported herein was performed pursuant to'airant from the Office" of-Education, U.S. Department of Health, EducatAn, and Welfare: Contractors undertaking such projects under Government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their professiona4 judgement in the conduct ofthelproject. Points of view or opin.' ions stated do not, theefore, necessarily reRresent offici 1 ' Office of Education Obsition or poliCy. Anne L. Upton. In eboranation with . Samuel 1. Barrett California State Department of Education ' 721 Capitol Mall .Sacramento, California 95,814 October1978 'V* CONTENTS SUMMARY put Abstract , 1 B. Time Period COvered by Report 1 C. Goals and 0§jectives of the Project 1 Results: Accomplishments ..... 2 Evaluation F. Conclusions .tlo- . 4 G. .RecOmmendations 8 11. 11ACKGROUNDAND RATIONALE OF THE PROJECT A. Background 9 B. Problem) and Need 9. C. Goals and Objectives 15 1.< Fremont Unified SChool District Project 15. 2. Huntington Beach Union High School District Project 18 lit. MAJOR ACTIVITIESANDEVENTS i . 1. Fremont Uitified.SchoorDistrict Project 40, 2. Huntington Beach Union High SchoolSchool District _ #Project itt . 22. IV. PROBLEMS . 1. Fremont Unified School District Project- 2.J 2. Huntington Beach Union. High School District Project ... 29 ' _ i V. PUBLICITY° ACTIVITIES I. Fremont Unified School District Project 30 2. Huntington Beach'Union High_School District .... "project 31 ,s VIA. _DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES JP . 34* 1. Fremont Unified.SChool District Project . , . ,-- 2. Huntington Beach Union figh School. District project . 35 VII. DATA COLLECTION AND EVALUATION 1. Fremont Unified School District. Pmject 39 2. Huntington Beach Union High School District Project ( 39. VIII. STAFF EMPLOYMENT AND UTILIZATION 1. FreMont Unified School District Project 40 Summary 42 2. Huntington Beach Union High School District' Project . 43 Summary 44 IX. APPENDICES Appendix A Final Third Party Evaluation Report Appendix B Fremont Unified School' District Skills Assessment Appendix C Articulated K-12 Career Education Program FreMont Unified School District A Appendix - cCareer Decision-Making, Fremont Unified School District pendix E Careei Deirelopment. Competency Model Huntington Beach Union High School District Appendix F Competency Based Curriculum Guides .K-3, 4 -6., 7-8, 912 Huntington Beach Union High School District . , -, Appendix G Student A sesment/Forms . Huntington Beach Union High School Distri,ct , . Appendix H-, Publicity, Fremont Unified and Huntington .11 Beach Union High School District , 4 I. SUMMARY A. Abstract Three California State Department units (Vocational Education, Pupil Personnel Set-Vices, and tareer EdUcation) and two California school districts have established a consortium designed to deVelop two demonstration sites for. modelcareer development and vocational preparation systems and staff development programs.The two school . district sites are Fremont Unified School District in Alameda'County and Huntington Beach Union High School District in Orange County.The two school districts represent different organizatiorial patterns, different populations, and different types of problems and strengths. Each has implemented 4 number of different approaches to the Implemenfition of this project, to that the efforts will complement each other.' The final products include two models instead of one, so that districts wishing to adopt or adapt a prograni can choose tfe one most appropriate for their Situation and population. 8. Time Period Covered by the Report July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1978 C. fGoals and.Objectives of the Pro4ect Because of the dual nature of this. project With two school -districts representing different organizational patterns,, populations, and.types of problems and strengths, this report will reflect the individual' differences bf-each project site.. o 1. Fremont Unified-School District PrCject This project consisted of five basic goals/components which were: (1) To provide administration and coordination for the project. (2) To conduct a Battell Institute designed needs assessment. (3) -To'design an,operational plan to Implement an articulated career education system K-12. (4) To design and implement an ,internal elT-lituation system.; . (5): To disseMinate those components of thecomprehensive career education system1k -12 to other school districts statewide. 2. Huntington Beach Union Nigh School Distriot Project .5J. ' . .11iTt projece,consistea:of six basic goals/components which were: To,providefor administration and coordination of the project. , 4 To conduct a needs assessment.. To develdp a career,competency model. (4) TO implement the career competency model. (5) To provide for the articulation for career education between the two prOject school sites.. (6) To disseminate statewide thecomponents of the Cemprifiensive< career. Edutat ion Systems 3. State Department of Education Component This project is unicioe'because of the triad nature of the consortium between three State Department Units (Vocational Education, Pupil Personnel Services, and the Career Education Unit) and two California school distriCts fFremont Unified School District and Huntington Beach.Onion High School DiStric Onof the major strengths of the project has been the development of operational models that utilize thEconcepts. that have been developed by Vocational. EducatkoN Pupil Personnel Services Unit, and the Career'EdUcation Unit, of the pate Department of Education. This sharing effort between the State DePardoent of Education and the individual school distridt sites.The State Departmentsobjectives in this consortium follow: 1. To provide districts co reflation, assistance with program development' and Implementation, and ssistance with Staff development and evaluation. 2. To provide the DepartmenOf H,E.W.:;
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