February 26, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5445 EXTENSIONS O ~F REMARKS OUR NATIONAL EPIDEMIC There may be violence towards others or one­ RESOLUTION self. Sexual freedom may be another form We, Lithuanian Americans of the State of of acting out, in which only during the act Arizona, assembled this 11th of February, of love can the person feel a sense of belong­ 1973 in Phoenix to commemorate the 55th HON. BILL ALEXANDER ing and lessen the feeling of isolation. For OF ARKANSAS anniversary of the restoration of Lithuania's others, sexual union is the acting 9ut of independence, protest-- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aggressive fantasies, and passing on venereal 1. The continuation of the forcible occupa­ Monday, February 26, 1973 disease is an aggressive act in disguise. tion and illegal annexation of the Republic other persons may abuse drugs as a form of Lithuania by the Soviet Union, which Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, in my of acting out or as an attempt to achieve a fact has been officially confirmed by the recent travels and visits to the high sense of belonging to a group, a subculture findings of the Select Committee on Com­ schools and junior highs in the First or a family of drug users. munist Aggression of the House of Repre­ Congressional District of Arkansas, I no­ Western society as a whole is drug oriented sentatives, 83rd Congress of the United if not actually drug addicted. No one is im­ States, ticed a growing interest in and awareness mune and no one can escape blame. of the drug problem by the students 2. The subjection of the Lithuanian people We have become intolerant of discomfort to alien subjugation, domination and ex­ themselves. While the use of drugs has and pain. We do not accept frustration, de­ ploitation which constitutes a denial of fun­ not reached the dimensions there that it pression and disappointment as part of every­ damental human rights, contrary to the has in other areas, an increasing number day life. We insist on instant solutions, and Charter of the United Nations, of secondary school students are daily we find it difficult to postpone gratification. 3. The colonization of the land by the Rus­ coming into contact with and experi­ The pharmaceutical industries have made sians and continuation of their efforts to enormous strides in the past 30 to 40 years, force to change the ethnic character of the menting with various types of drugs. Be­ and a number of "wonder chemicals" have cause of the students' interest and con­ population of Lithuania, thereby commit­ eliminated some diseases. By inference, we ting the offence of genocide, cern over this problem, I initiated a drug believe that eventually we will find chemical 4. The suppression of religious life in abuse conference in which 175 students, answers to all human and social problems. Lithuania by c.losing the churches and per­ PTA members, teachers, and counselors We have invented for ourselves a life style secution and jailing of priests for religious from various parts of the First District for whioh neither the human body nor the instruction of youth. participated. human mind was designed; and we use We demand that the Soviet Union shall chemicals to cope with the unpleasant side withdraw its armed forces, administrative ap­ We were fortunate to have as our key­ effects of this life. note speaker, Dr. John Buckman, asso­ paratus and the imported colonists from The chemical has become the companion, Lithuania, thus permitting the Lithuanian ciate professor of psychiatry at the Uni­ the panacea but also the instrument of self­ people to freely exercize their sovereign versity of Virginia School of Medicine. deception and the executioner. It also has rights, Dr. Buckman, a British citizen who is a been a means of expression of individual mis­ We respectfully express our gratitude to native of Poland, is a member of the Gov­ ery and group confiict. We use chemicals to the United States Government for the non· ernor's council on narcotics and drug combat illness, to prolong life, to kill, to pro­ recognition of the Soviet occupation and an­ mote a feeling of belonging and also to docu­ nexation of Lithuania, abuse in the area of social aspects of drug ment the claim of being different. We use abuse. He is the author of over 20 articles We respectfully request President Nixon to them to proclaim our freedom and at the direct the attention of world opinion at the for various medical journals. I, along same time become slaves. We use them to be­ United Nations and of the other appropriate with the other participants in the con­ come more aware and sensitiv-e, but also to international forums on behalf of the res­ ference learned much from Dr. Buckman numb and to exclude reality. We use them to toration of sovereign rights CYf the Baltic and in the next 3 days, I would like to punish others by provoking guilt, but we also people which policy was recommended to the share some of his research findings with use them to be ca.ught and punished by pro­ President of the United States by the House you: voking anger. Concurrent Resolution 416 of the 89th Con­ But the use of drugs has other, deeper, gress, [From the Washington Star and News, more primitive and less well understood July 16, 1972] We urgently request our Government to meanings. Symbolically the drug is a magical make all possible efforts to have Simas Ku­ OUR NATIONAL EPIDEMIC substance, often deeply desired but also dirka returned to this country with his (By Dr. John Buckman) feared. It is desired for its nutritious and family. healing properties because often it reduces The copies of this resolution shall be The individual, family and social problems pain, hunger, anxiety and anger. of the postwar era are crystalizing into three mailed to President Richard M. Nixon, Secre­ By the use of forbidden drugs, some of our tary of State William P. Rogers, to both Sen­ \najor reactions in the 70s: violence, soelal early fantasies of omnipotence are revived. disease and drug abuse. ators and all the Members of Congress from We are tempted to see "if we can handle it"­ the State of Arizona and the Press. The postwar generation in the western or we play Russian roulette. world, born into great enlightenment and Drugs are being used to continue the wealth, has become more aware of some over­ pole.riz81tion between the young and the old, whelming problems such as the population the "haves" and the "have nots" and the explosion, pollution, starvation in the midst establlshmen·t and the disenfranchised. OPPOSITION TO HEW-LABOR of plenty and international tension. There is no simple solution. What is needed CONTINUING RESOLUTION The wealthy often have found themselves is more understanding of the individual and morally and intellectually bankrupt. The social reasons for drug abuse as well as young see themselves as disenfranchised and greater knowledge about drugs themselves. alienated. The poor have found further justi­ HON. MARVIN L. ESCH fication for refusing to work for slave wages OF XYCHIGAN and escaped into increasing the size of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES family as a means of welfare support and protection against extermination. FIFTY-FIFI'H ANNIVERSARY OF Monday, February 26, 1973 Individual and international paranoia has LITHUANIAN INDEPENDENCE Mr. ESCH. Mr. Speaker, last week I increased with families and nations escalat­ ing their armaments. cast my vote against passing the HEW­ In short, for a number of poorly under­ HON. BARRY GOLDWATER Labor continuing resolution because I stood reasons, the promised age of plenty OF ARIZONA was afraid that there were many among has brought with its dawn the fear of hydro­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES us who, in the haste of passing this leg­ gen bomb extermination, fragmentation of islation, had little idea what the conse­ the nuclear family and a growing inability to Monday, February 26, 1973 quences were. It is my firm belief that a cope with individual and group aggressive Mr. GOLDWATER. Mr. President, I better course of action would have been impulses. ask unanimous consent that a resolution to pass a 30- or 60-day resolution, to give All this is documented by the increase in the Congress time to think about what self-destructive behavior and other attempts framed by the Lithuanian Americans of to deal with the uncontrolled and uncon­ the State of Arizona be inserted in the it was doing. trollable impulses by what is called acting Extensions of Remarks. Mr. Speaker, it is clear that now that out--activity which serves to diminish ten­ There being no objection, the resolu­ this resolution has passed, it is very pos­ sion produced by psychological pain. tion was ordered to be printed in the sible that those programs which have This acting out may take many forms. RECORD, as follows: been zero funded in the President's 1974 5446 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 26, 1973 budget proposals will be arbitrarily ter­ LEGISLATION TO EXPAND THE AD­ of one of America's oldest forms of gov­ minated at the end of this fiscal year. At VISORY COMMISSION ON INTER­ ernment. The great value of townships is the same time, it is highly unlikely that GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS reflected in Thomas Jefferson's descrip­ the Congress will have developed legis­ tion of them as "pure and elementary lation for the next fiscal year. What republics." Townships keep decisionmak­ Congress has done in passing this reso­ HON. TOM RAILSBACK ing close to home, insuring greater citi­ lution, is to have prejudged programs OF ILLINOIS zen oontrol over government services in education and labor for the next fiscal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which most closely touch their lives.
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