Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1988 Daily Egyptian 1988 2-12-1988 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 12, 1988 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1988 Volume 74, Issue 96 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 12, 1988." (Feb 1988). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1988 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1988 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Friday, February 12,1988, Vol. 7(No. 96, 32 Pages Camille: Financial survey 'flawed' By Holly J. Corrington Staff Writer But he also nid the survey decided by Congress, he said. which could result in their Gus Bode provided the bPst information This formula produces getting less financial aid. A survey that helped available IU1d will be used to student·family contribution Many of the students who detennine how much financial determine the 1988-89 financial estimates that are subtracted answered the survey rely on aid SIU-C students may get aid budget. from the budget. The tbeU' parents to cover many was flawed, the director of "You have to belie\-e what remainder of the budget is expenses and they diil not Student Work and Financial you get back," Camille said at used lor financial need through r~port some expenses that Assistance said Wednesday a meeting of the GPSC. college work-study programs otber students have. The result night. Stul..e.nts apply for fmancia! and loans. was an est:im.Pte of average Director Joe Camille agreed aid through federal forms such Members of the council said student expenses far below with members of the Graduate as ACT·FFS, which list income the survey underestimated expenses fc.r many off~mpus and Professional student and assets of students and expenses for many graduate andself-supportedstudents. Council who charged that the their P3.I"eDts, camille said. students, non-traditional "Many non-traditional Gus says Joe Chameleon Ia survey inadequately estimated The income and assets are run students and independent showing his true color, and expenses for many students. through a formula that is undergraduate students, See SURVEY, Page 7 It's not green. Police resolve burglaries Jury: Nofziger By John Mohler Staff Writer guilty of illegal The arrest of two men netted Carbondale poiice at least $25,000 in stolen (lroperty, police said at a lobbying charges press conference Thursd..ty. WASHINGTON (UP., - illegal Jobbying. Lt. Larry Hill said Calvert Lyn Nof· ,the political Nofziger also was acquitted Johnson. 30, Route 2, Car­ operator helped Ronald of that illegal lobbying charge. bondale, and Kevin L. Reagan =capture the The eyes of Nofziger's wife, Koontz, 22, 8011 North St., presidency, was convicted Bonnie, glazed over with tears Murphysboro, confessed to Thursday on three cw.nts of as she sat quietly in the f"lrst committing about 20 illegal lobbying for the raw of the courtroom with residential burglaries since scandal-torn Wedtech Corp. their two daughters. they were released on parole and two other clients. Nofziger faces six years in froD'! a half-way bouse in The eight-man, four-woman prison and a $39,000 nne when NO\ember. jury deliberated for 6 Y.z hours he is sentenced March 25. His Police Chief Ed Hogan over Wednesday and Thursday la~ said they would ap­ said Johnson and Koontz before rIDding the ex-White peal thedecision. DLay be implicated in many House aide guilty of three of Outside U.s. District Court, more of the 100 burglaries the four· influence peddling Nofziger .. prdessed his in­ reported since Dee. 1. charg<lS against him. nocence, as be bad since the "I think when we're done T.be charges involved investigatiGll began a year with these two ... half of (the . business contacts Nofziger before the trial. burglaries) will be C(lQ­ Imide with Edwin Meese and "I feel I'm innocent. I don't sidered solved," Hogan said. other White Hoose officials think I did anything wrong," Koontz's and J obnson's ~ than a year after he left he said.. "It's a lousy law. All recollections of other government in January 1982 to men are not equal under the burglaries were vague "due open a consulting business. law." to the sheer number" they Such contacts viOlate a key Although McKay defended had committed, Hogan said. provision of the Ethics ill. the strength of the law, he Hogan said about 50 Government Act, and Nof­ displa:; c!d little glee at the burglaries occurred in the ziger'S trial marks the first outc-me of the trial, ealling it same time last year. prosecution of violations under a "long, hard battle." Police recovered stolen that law. "We think the jury's verdict handguns, jewel~y, confums we bad a caoo to televisions, valuable COlDS, Carbondale Police Detective Lt. Larry Hili display:; Items Independent prosecutor make," he said, but added, "I VCRs, and stereos, as well recovered during a burglary Investigation Thursday at the James McKay accused Nof­ hate to see someone get c0n­ as clothes, a shovel, dogfood police station. ziger of trying to cash in GIl his victed of a felony. That's just and COllking oil. h . date has ot been friendship with Meese and tough.': Hill said the possession of chandise, " containing 90 ernng n other White House aides to win the handguns is a violation of percent of the recovered set. business for three of his l'lients The most .,witically sen- role for which additional goods. Koontz IS bemg held ~t tl?e _ Wed tech, Fairchild sitive charge m the case in­ ~rgesmaybefiled. Koontz was indic.ted ~ Jackson County Jall m Republic Corp. and a maritime volved a memo Nofziger sent Koontz was arrested Feb. three counts of residential Murphysboro. union. ~ Meese 011 April 8, 1982, !l.wbenhedisobeyeda traffic burglary Thursday at theJ~ontz nd }~cated Nofziger, who sr"'l"ted his urging the Wllite House signal while under aur--.Jackson County Courthouse, . ::d ~edn da. ~gh~:: trademark Mickey ..douse tie cou~selor or even t~e veillance by police. Police the JacksOn ~,g~i<" ~~ .ao:n y mid. He throughout his month-long president to help Wedtech WID earlier received a tip im- Attorney's office said. tak to w~Irisoi'r ..wI displayed little emotion a ~ IDillion ~y contract to plicating Koontz in the ~er ~rges .may beof C:Oty J-:U in Mariou and as ih~tOOl tch:ck -_4 ~ild sman engmes. burglaries. Hill said filed pending exammation verdict, but shook co- N~ ............tered __ Koontz's home was police records., a defendant Mark Bragg's hand pivotal May 19 White House -. "literally full of mer- spokeswoman said. A SeeBURGLARY,Page7 when he was acquitted of one charge of aiding and abetting See NOFZIGER, Page. This Moming Board postpones reply on grievance By John Baldwin that the Board members have not seen the Dental studl.~ts Staff Writer Because of this, the Board was Mt presented with the papers Goben ~ material." tearn at work The Board of Trustees Thursday mitted for his appeal. '. He said the Board probably ,.·oold - Persp£~tlve.5 postponed a decision on whether an "Since we do not have the appeal papers receive the information and be able to electrical engineering professor's before us, we are not fully informed," make a decision within two months. Post office grievance should go to an outside ar­ Board member IvanA. Elliott Jr., said. Goben said he was unfairly denied bitrator. compensation after a Judicial Review reduces hours But a union spokesman disputed Board panel decided in December 1986 Charles A. Goben submitted requests Elliott's claim. "They've got everything -Page12 for a vote on binding arbitration for his that some of Goben's achievements had grievance and for an appeal unless they've lost something," Illinois not been properly considered for merit EducatiOl. Association organizer Charles salary increases. Women defeat simultaneously. Under binding ar­ Zucker said in a press confeJ'eDce after SWMissouri bitration, a case is beard by a neutral the Board meeting. After the Jw:licial Review Board vote, party from outside the University. The IEA is one of two unions vying to College of EngiJleering and Technology - Sports 32 Goben was informed by the chancellor's represent faculty and staff if \.bey choose Dean Kenneth Tempelmeyer told then­ office that the Board would consider his to unionize. president Albert Somit that Goben had Sunny, 15. request for binding arbitration first and But Thomas Britton, vice chancellor for received credit for the achievemen~, delay his request for an appeal. administration, said, "The bottom line is according to an lEA news release. ,_u.~u ....... u.. ~ I ! Newswrapc,. Hamburger RESUl\lE ~orld/nation February Special! laserset Resume & Contras, Sandinistas set 39(: 50 copies $19.88 for 2nd peace-talk round ThE lAsERGp 4pbic MANAGUA. Nicaragua (UPI) - i-ragua's Contra rebels CuiTa:. denied Thursday they are trying to dbay peace talks with the Cheeseburger another service of government and said they would attend the next round of negotiations in Guatemala }o'eb. 18 to 20. The talks - the second KOPIES & MORE face-to-face meeting between the government and the rebels - 607 S. Illinois Ave were scheduled to take place in Guatemala this week, but postponed because the mediatur, Nicaraguan Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo, could not attend. The two sides will discuss a ~'.".II~~ii~:rr~'I.II.'" cease-fire to end the 7-year-old war the Contras have been 49(: waging to overthrow the Sandinista regime.
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