Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83853-5 — The Making of Medieval Rome Hendrik Dey Index More Information INDEX Adelspapsttum, 171, 186 aqua alessandrina, 283 Porta Tiburtina (S. Lorenzo), 107, 253, Adeodatus, Pope, 87 Aqua Antoniniana, 24 257 Aëtius, Flavius, general, 52 Aqua Claudia, 22, 91, 115, 120, 146, Aurelian, Emperor, 23 Agatho, Pope, 273 147–8, 151 Aventine Hill, 40, 162, 228–30 Aistulf, King of the Lombards, 110 Aqua Jovia (Iobia), 91, 115, 137, 151 Avignon, removal of papacy to, 8–9, 213, Alaric I, King of the Visigoths, 36 Aqua Marcia-Tepula-Julia, 283 217 sacks Rome in 410, 37 Aqua Sabbatina. See aqueducts: Aqua Avitus, Emperor, 54 Alberic I, Duke of Spoleto, 141 Traiana Alberic II, princeps Romanorum, 142, 148, Aqua Traiana, 20, 75, 91, 115, 137, 164, Ballardini, Antonella, 119 159, 167, 294 273 baptisteries, 29 Alberti, Leon Battista, 257–8 Aqua Virgo, 18, 91, 115, 137, 252 Lateran, 77, 193 Albinus, urban prefect, 42 Arcadius, Emperor, 37 S. Anastasia, 265 Alexander II, Pope, 172, 189 archaeology, medieval S. Vitale, 265 Alexander III, Pope, 2, 196 methods and practices, 5–6, 41, 89, 144, SS. Quattro Coronati, 265, 295 Alexander IV, Pope, 238 201–4, 219 Barbarossa. See Frederick I, King/Emperor Alexander V, Pope, 253 arches, triumphal, 37 barons (barones Urbis), 213–16, 253 Alfanus camerarius, 194, 200 Arcionii family, 187 urban strongholds of, 228–34 Amalasunta, Queen of the Ostrogoths, 64, arcus Constantini, 20 Bartolo da Sassoferrato, 301 66 Argiletum, 127, 131, 203 Basilica Aemilia, 15, 39, 44, 55, 62, 75, 133, Ammianus Marcellinus, 25 ascesa Proti, 159 202 Anacletus II, antipope, 195, 297, 298 Athalaric, King of the Ostrogoths, 66 basilica argentaria, 16 Anastasius, Cardinal, 192–4 atrium Libertatis, 43, 62 Basilica Hilariana, 40, 178 Anastasius, Pope, 85 atrium Minervae, 11, 46 Basilica Julia, 15, 44, 134 Annibaldi family, 187, 215, 253, 302 Aula Gotica, 236–8 basilica nova. See Basilica of Maxentius annona, 34–5, 42, 51–2, 65, 72 Aurelian Wall, 3, 35–6, 62, 67, 73, Basilica of Junius Bassus, 58 end of, 93–4 79, 95, 107, 115, 117, 124, Basilica of Maxentius, 15, 30, 156 Anonimo Romano, 301–6 137, 148, 206–9, 223, 253, basilica Salvatoris. See churches: Lateran Anonymous Valesianus, 273 257, 305 Basilica (St. John Lateran) Anthemius, Emperor, 54 Porta Appia, 73, 76, 253 Basilica Ulpia, 17, 48, 128 Antiochus, prefect of Italy, 72 Porta Asinaria (S. Giovanni), 151 Baths of Agrippa, 18, 46 aqueducts, 7, 23, 46, 62, 67, 75, 91, 115, Porta Maggiore, 145–8, 253 Baths of Caracalla, 24, 46, 62, 196, 279 173 Porta Metronia, 148–50, 206–7 Baths of Constantine, 46, 62, 279 Acqua Marana, 151, 252 Porta Ostiensis (S. Paolo), 253 Baths of Decius, 46, 279 332 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83853-5 — The Making of Medieval Rome Hendrik Dey Index More Information INDEX 333 Baths of Diocletian, 24, 46, 279 campus Lateranensis, 119, 247 10th-century ‘crisis’ of, 139–42 Baths of Nero, 46, 161 Campus Martius, 17–19, 44, 89, 96, 160–2, 11th-century architectural patronage, Baths of Titus, 22 174, 177, 178, 203–4, 230–2, 248–50, 188–9 Baths of Trajan, 22, 23, 97, 268, 279 253, 256, 295 12th-century architectural patronage, Belisarius, 66, 67 Canale di Ponte, 251, 255–6 190–205 founds a xenodochium, 84 Cannapara, 134 12th-century cityscaping initiatives, bell towers. See churches: campanili (bell Capitoline Hill, 14, 240–2, 251, 257 201–5 towers) Capocci family, 183 13th/14th-century architectural Benedetto campanino, 165, 167 Giovanni Capocci, 210 patronage, 238–48 Benedetto Carushomo, 206 Raniero Capocci, Cardinal, 303 15th-century architectural patronage, Benedict IX, Pope, 171 carcer Mamertinus, 276 255–9 Benedict of Soracte, 84 Carocci, Sandro, 216 administrative apparatus in Byzantine Benedict X, antipope, 172 Carolingian Renaissance, 121 period, 70–1 Benedict XII, Pope, 248 Carpegna Falconieri, Tommaso charitable activities in the early Middle Benedict, canon of St. Peter’s, 80, 205 di, 185 Ages, 93–4 Berardi family, 174 casali, 216 Christianization of Roman Forum, 82–5 Boethius, senator, 278 Cassiodorus Senator Great Reform movement, 171–3, 185–7 Bolgia, Claudia, 241 Variae, 61–3, 64 late antique expansion of, 25–32 Boniface IV, Pope, 74, 83, 87 Variae, 65 Lateran bureaucracy, 143 Boniface IX, Pope, 218, 248, 253 Castel Sant’Angelo, 67, 115, 124, 164, 181, patrimonium Sancti Petri, 114 Boniface VIII, Pope, 216, 237, 244, 247 206, 210, 232, 253, 255 under Byzantine rule, 74–5 Bordi, Giulia, 153, 293 castelli, 216 churches Borgo. See Vatican Castra Misenatium, 21 annular crypt, 121 Brancaleone degli Andalò, 185, 217, 303 Castra Peregrina, 40 campanili (bell-towers), 198–201, 223 brick stamps Cavallini, Pietro, 239, 241, 243–4, 247 cemetery-basilicas, 27–8 of Athalaric, 272 Celestine II, Pope, 47 Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, Oratory of, 83, of Theodoric, 62 Celestine III, Pope, 215 85, 106, 202 bridges Cencius camerarius, 213, 249 See also Lateran Basilica (St. John Lateran), 26, Pons Cestius, 164, 207, 250 Honorius III, Pope 38, 46, 87, 115, 141, 165, 245–7 Pons Fabricius, 164, 174, 250 Cencius praefecti Stephani, 181 S. Adriano, 70, 82, 84, 166, 191, 201, 293 Pons Iudaeorum, 174 ceramics, 7, 176 S. Agata dei Goti, 57 Pons Maior, 164, 174, 250, 305 8th-century decline in imports, 104 S. Agnese, 277 Ponte Lucano, 73 African Red Slip (ARS), 98, 104 S. Agnese fuori le mura, 27, 63, 77 Ponte Mammolo, 73 Byzantine era, 96 S. Agnese in Agone, 94 Ponte Milvio, 206 Forum Ware, 7, 176–7 S. Anastasia, 26, 31, 79–80, 276 Ponte Nomentano, 73 maiolica, 179 S. Andrea (on Via Labicana), 277 Ponte Salario, 73 Roman proto-maiolica, 179 S. Andrea in Catabarbara, 58 Ponte Sant’Angelo, 2, 79, 124, 162, 181, sparse-glazed ware, 7, 177–8 S. Angelo in Pescheria, 111, 251, 252 203, 250, 251, 255–6 Charlemagne, King of the Franks, 110 S. Balbina, 31 burials palace at Aachen, 284 S. Bartolomeo all’Isola, 191, 223 at cemetery-basilicas, 27–8 Charles of Anjou, 217, 237 S. Biagio alla Pagnotta, 189 distribution and characteristics of, 94–6 Charles the Bald, Emperor, 141 S. Bibiana, 271 first intramural instances of, 38 charters, 144, 181 S. Cecilia, 40, 121–3, 189, 205, 243, 269 Registrum Sublacense, 145–51 S. Ciriaco, 277 Cadalus of Parma, antipope, 172, 181 Church of Rome S. Clemente, 30, 57, 189, 192–4, 201, Caelian Hill, 22, 39–40, 148–51, 178, 5th-century assertion of ecclesiastical 204, 223, 293 191–4 primacy, 69–70 S. Cosimato, 189, 223 Caetani family, 216, 228 5th-century church-building, 46–51 S. Crisogono, 121, 194–5, 204 Francesco Caetani, Cardinal, 238 8th-century architectural patronage, S. Ermete (on Via Salaria), 277 palace on the Via Appia (Capodibove), 105–8, 111–20 S. Francesca Romana. See churches: 226 8th-century break with Byzantium, S. Maria Nova Callixtus II, Pope, 194 102–4 S. Giovanni a Porta Latina, 277 Campo de’ Fiori, 251 9th-century architectural patronage, S. Gregorio Magno, 192 campsores, 250 120–5 S. Lorenzo de ascesa, 168 campus Agonis. See Piazza Navona 9th-century privatization of public S. Lorenzo fuori le mura, 27, 46, 77, 86, 210 campus Agrippae, 23 spaces, 135–6 S. Lorenzo in Damaso, 85, 89 campus Bruttianus et Codetanus, 20 10th/11th-century architectural S. Lorenzo in Lucina, 46, 223 campus Kaloleonis, 158 patronage, 165 S. Lorenzo in Miranda, 293 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83853-5 — The Making of Medieval Rome Hendrik Dey Index More Information 334 INDEX churches (cont.) S. Vitale (titulus Vestinae), 57, 85 Frangipane and Annibaldi fortresses at, S. Lucia de Calcarario, 282 Sancta Sanctorum chapel, 120 228 S. Lucia in Selci, 278 SS. Alessio e Bonifacio, 293 high medieval occupation of, 152 S. Lucia in xenodochio Anichiorum, 282 SS. Apostoli, 86, 158, 252, 294 late antique cemetery at, 38 S. Marco, 26, 31, 85, 284 SS. Cosma e Damiano, 63–4, 82, 130 senatorial inscriptions at, 60 S. Maria ad martyres. See churches: SS. Giovanni e Paolo (titulus colossus of Nero, 16 Pantheon Pammachii), 30, 57, 85, 148 column of Marcus Aurelius, 18 S. Maria Antiqua, 78, 83, 84, 105–6, 111, SS. Marcellino e Pietro, 108 column of Phokas, 75, 286 128, 165 SS. Marcellino e Pietro flm, 27 column of Trajan, 17, 209 S. Maria de ferarriis, 249 SS. Nereo ed Achilleo, 296 Concordat of Worms, 190, 194, 202 S. Maria de inferno, 202 SS. Quattro Coronati, 31, 192–3, 224, Conrad III, King/Emperor, 206 S. Maria degli Angeli, 24 284 Constans II, Emperor, 74 S. Maria in Aquiro, 108 SS. Quattro Coronati (cardinal’s palace), Constantine I, Emperor, 3, 23, 26, 28, 121 S. Maria in Aracoeli, 240–2, 252 234–8 Constantinople, 70 S. Maria in Campo Carlèo, 168 SS. Quirico e Giulitta, 293 Church council “in Trullo,” 104 S. Maria in Cannapara, 83 SS. Sergio e Bacco, 83, 85, 252, 300 Cosmidion monastery, 82 S. Maria in Cappella, 189 SS. Sergio e Bacco (at the Vatican), 108 Hagia Sophia, 63 S. Maria in Cosmedin, 82, 194 St. Paul’s, 26, 28, 46, 86, 125, 137, 165, imperial palace, 120 S. Maria in Domnica, 121–3, 148 210, 247, 269, 278, 297 Mese, 81 S. Maria in gradibus, chapel of, 165 St. Peter’s, 2, 26, 46, 79, 86, 106, 113, Constantius II, Emperor, 25 S. Maria in Monticelli, 191 124, 166, 247, 253, 257–8, 300 constitutio pragmatica. See Pragmatic S.
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