Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 7-26-1973 The BG News July 26, 1973 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News July 26, 1973" (1973). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2871. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2871 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. An bowling GrMn, Ohio Independent Thursday. July 26, 1973 Student Volume 57 Number 4 Voice THe BG news Minorities demand position revamping By Jose Cull In a memorandum submitted to In minority programs should have." the Sufi Reporter Kothe last week, the Black Caucus said statement said any restructuring ol the position ol In the statement. Dr Kothe said he The positions of inlerim-only CO- assistant to the provost lor minority will recommend to the vice president assistants to the provost (or minority alfairs must include more than just a lor resource planning that the co- alfairs remain vacant relabelling ol the present position ordinator ol minority programs be Disagreement and dissatisfaction The statement said the restructuring seated on Budget Council from the Black Caucus and the Chicano must include the following He said the Other two committee community concerning the name and •Changing Ihe title from assistant to memberships are determined by the function of assistant to the provost for the provoal for minority allairs University charter and bylaws of the minority affairs have slowed the - Qranting real responsibilities and Hoard ol Trustees administration's task of filling these authority which include a seat as a in Rathe suggested that the Black posts voting member ol Budget council. Caucus select a representative University Provost Kenneth W Academic Council and ihe President s delegation ol Iroin one to eight persons Kothe last week offered part-time Council to discuss matters further. appointments to in John Scott, - Budgel analysis and fiscal officer The Coordinator ol Minority associate professor of speech. Floyd lor all minority programs Programs is responsible for the Bagwell, a counselor in the Student administration, development and Development Program, and Angola IN A STATEMENT submitted to 1)1 liialion ol minority programs. Serna, a graduate student and member Kothe late lasl week, Semi and Reyes e include Upward Hound, the of the Chicane community. submitted their resignations i in Development Program, the "We. as Chicano representatives Ethnic Studies Program and Project DR. ROTHE also accepted July 20 were oi the understanding thai tins ap- Search the recommendation from La Union de pointment was to be a lair and equal Esludiantes Latinos that he appoint representation of the minorities on this THE STATEMENT said this person Serna and Hubert Iteyes. a member of campus will report to the provost and will: the Chican.i community, to work in "We have llius learned thai Ihe Assist in a progressive increase in conjunction with Bagwell and Dr Black Caucus representatives have employment of minority faculty and Newiphoto by Mkhaet 0. Orane Scott declined the appointment to this posi staff, and enrollment of minority However. Bagwell. Dr. Scott. Serna lion And. it is with the concept ol Ian students, in order lo achieve a multi- Powerless Despite a now boiler and gat tlorago tank at tho University Power Plant, the and Reyes have since rejected the pott representation that we regret to ethnic university profile, inordinate planning anil facility will continue to burn coal duo to tho energy criiii. lions until the administration agrees to announce our resignation lo the CO tower a number of demands. interim position as assistants to Ihe development of minority academic provOSl for minority affairs," Ihe programs; statement said -Serve as a budget supervisor and Iteyes and Serna said they agreed fiscal officer for minority programs: that the Minority Allairs is in need ol -Programmalically communicate Power plant plan de-energized restructuring and suggested a the needs of minorities to Ihe faculty coordinator <•■ minority allairs would and administration. be appropriate Seek external funding lor new programs Iroin the federal govern- By Weady Click THEN ALONG CAME the energy requested until 1974 and would not be the job site The mammoth caldron In a statement sent to the Black shortage in late 1972 ' We h.ive been allocated until 1975. Beatty added Caucus July 24, In Kothe said he ment and elsewhere. .uses about 1.000 pounds of coal per -Serve as a consultant and 'The energy crisis has stymied unable lo purchase oil and gas because We ran t file for money sooner than- Asur, or the equivalent in gas or oil. agreed with the proposal that Ihe administrative liaison to the university efforts by the University Power Plant of the shortage. Beatty explained November. 1974.' the director said, position should carry specific Beatty noted. community concerning minority to reduce air pollution.' claimed F Thus, they will continue to burn coal, because the legislature has us The construction of an oil storage budgetary authority and responsibility "The job description does require a allairs Eugene Beatty. director of buildings despite the new facilities scheduled to submit capital requests tank, the second stage of the plan, is title other than assistant It The nature of the position requires and facilities "Coal will be burned llic majorit) "' every two years. Our last requisition nearly completed The third phase, corresponds best to the oilier positions that the person have a terminal 1974.' he predicted If the crisis was in November of 1972 connecting up and piping the new Plant officials decided over three in ihe provost's oil ice which carry the degree, regardless of academic continues, and we re forced 10 use boiler, is expected to be finished by years ago to change their fuel from title 'coordinator' and my preference specially Some administrative coal, we may install devices lo clean Jan 1. 1974, according to the director. coal to a combination of oil. gas and is. therefore to change Ihe title to experience is necessary and salary the air as it comes out the smoke THE PLANT IS still executing its Two major delays have thwarted the coal in an effort to reduce pollution and coordinator ol minority programs depends upon the qualifications of the stack PreclpitatOTI and scrubbers three stage plan to prepare for an plan The state legislature deliberated damaging hot ash effluent. The Statement said Dr Kothe person hired placed inside the slack would I liter out eventual fuel change at the end of the from Julv ol 1971 to May of 1972 before expects those who cany Ihe title ol The slate legislature allotted {700.000 particles of pollution energy crisis. Beatty said appropriating money for the project vice provosl to carry out whatever The BC News plans to publish in May 1972 for a new boiler and a This air-cleansing system would coal The first phase was to order a new The other hindrance to progress was duties may arise which Dr Kothe is a literary supplement in the Aug. storage tank to accommodate the new an estimated hall million dollars and boiler that could be fired with gas or getting contract bids from eight or nine forced to delegate by the pressure ol 9 issue Creative writing fuels Construction began Tequire approval by the stale oil, as well as coal, the stand-by fuel It construction companies, the number other work submissions should be mailed or immediatelv legislature. Funds lor it could not be took a year for it to be built and sent to now involved "SUCH A STATUS would hamper delivered to the News office, 106 and limit the independent University Hall, no later than Excessive costs delay construction responsibility which the coordinator of Friday Aug. 3. of Wood County Animal Shelter Editor's sole: This is the secoad a lot of good suggestions for the The facility does not come under The new shelter, twice promised by article la a two-part series examiaiag architects " federal scrutiny, but if it did. it would the Commissioners, will probably not the "pet problem" in Wood Coaaty. He is not discouraged by the over- violate at least 60 provisions of the get finished until next year. bidding last week Miller added. Federal Animal Act of 1970. according Ault said. "1 don't expect the shelter By Lit Bobbltt We're optimistic and we think that it to former City Dog Warden Bill to be built by the first of the year. will get off the ground by August 1 Barrows. Contractors have told us that it will "We definitely need a new animal , hope that rebids will open by August The method now used by the wardens take at least 180 days to build.' shelter, but we don't need a gold-plated 15" to exterminate the dogs is by shooting But, he adds. There is a definite one." said Wayne Roe. former The only thing that discourages them through the head with a .22 need for the shelter, no question about caretaker at the Wood County Dog Miller is that the society was lounded automatic pistol, at different times of it What we need to do now is look into Pound around the animal shelter, and as soon the week. the building to see what changes need His statement seems to reflect the as that is finished, some people will The Humane Society has proposed to be made.
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