March 31, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 8099 HOUSE OF REPRE ~ SENTATIVE ~ S-Monday, March 31, 1969 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Mexico from April 2 through April 8, To the Congress of the United States: The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, 1969, in lieu of Mr. BAYH and Mr. MUR­ It is my sad duty to inform you offici­ D.D., offered the following prayer: PHY, excused. ally of the death of Dwight David Eisen­ Yea, though I walk through the valley hower, the thirty-fourth President of the ot the shadow of death, I will tear no evil: TRANSFER OF SPECIAL ORDER United States. tor Thou art with me.-Psalm 23: 4. We have lost a great leader, a great Almighty and Eternal God, the com­ Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ friend and a great man. I know there are forter of Thy children and the strength imous consent thS~t the special order many members of the Congress who had of those who put their trust in Thee, we granted to me for Wednesday may be the privilege of serving under his military assemble this day with sorrow in our transferred to tomorrow. leadership, and who later, during his hearts at the passing of General of the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to eight years as President, shared with Army Dwight David Eisenhower, our be­ the request of the gentleman from him in the building of a better America. loved 34th President. Even in the sad­ Oklahoma? He had a profound respect for the tradi­ ness of farewell we think fondly of him There was no objection. tions, the institutions and the instru­ who walked so worthily in our midst and ments of our Nation. He leaves to the who served so well as the leader of our POSTPONEMENT OF SPECIAL Congress and to all Americans the spirit country. ORDERS of patriotism and statesmanship beyond party which marked his entire career. As We mourn his passing because he re­ Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ fiected in his own personality the tradi­ we grieve at his death, we all will recall imous consent that the special orders that spirit, which can guide and sustain tion of a free people and revealed in his scheduled for today be postponed until life the shrine of our Nation's faith and us in our tasks ahead. He has been an in­ hope. tomorrow. spiration to us all, and ours is a better The SPEAKER. Is there objection to government because he walked among We thank Thee for him, for his cour­ the request of the gentleman from age of mind and heart, for his strength us. Oklahoma? RICHARD NIXON. of character, for his desire to do what he There was no objection. firmly believed to be right and for his TI;IE WHITE HOUSE, March 28, 1969. devotion to his family and to his country. Certainly our United States is a better GENERAL LEAVE TO EXTEND-AND GENERAL LEAVE TO EXTEND ON TRmUTE TO THE LATE HONORABLE nS~tion-stronger and freer-because he DWIGHT DAVID EISENHOWER lived and led us in war and in peace. THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF So we honor the memory of this great FORMER PRESIDENT DWIGHT The SPEAKER. The gentleman from and good man, "who more than self his DAVID EISENHOWER Pennsylvania (Mr. MoRGAN) will assume country loved," and in so doing we dedi­ Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ the chair. cate ourselves anew to Thee and to our The SPEAKER pro tempore <Mr. imous consent that, without establishing MoRGAN) . The Chair recognizes the Nation in the global struggle between a precedent, aJl Members may have the democracy and dictatorship. privilege of inserting their remarks and gentleman from Massachusetts, the dis­ Comfort the family with Thy sustain­ tinguished Speaker of the House. including extraneous material therewith Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I ing spirit and strengthen them for these in the body of the RECORD today, and that hours and for the days to come. Keep all Members may have 3 legislative days ask unanimous consent to insert at this them and us, steady and strong, this day in which to extend their remarks in the point in the RECORD the eulogy delivered and forever more. Amen. on President Eisenhower yesterday in RECORD on the life and character the rotunda by President Nixon. of our former President, Dwighlt David The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Eisenhower. THE JOURNAL objection to the request of the gentleman The SPEAKER. Is there objection to from Massachusetts? The Journal of the proceedings of the request of the gentleman from There was no objection. Thursday, March 27, 1969, was read and Oklahoma? The President's eulogy to Dwight David approved. There was no objection. Eisenhower follows: PREsiDENT'S EuLOGY TO EisENHOWER AT COMMUNICATION FROM THE CLERK RITES IN CAPITOL'S ROTUNDA MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE OF THE HOUSE Mrs. Eisenhower, your excellencies, friends of Dwight David Eisenhower in America and A message from the Senate by Mr. Ar­ The SPEAKER laid before the House throughout the world. rington, one of its clerks, announced that the following communication from the We gather today in mourning but also in the Senate had passed without amend­ Clerk of the House of Representatives: gratitude. We mourn Dwight Eisenhower's ment a joint resolution of the House of MARcH 28, 1969. death. But we are grateful for his life. the following title: The Honorable the SPEAKER, We gather also conscious of the fact that, H.J. Res. 584. Joint resolut ion making a U.S. House of Representati ves: in paying tribute to Dwight Eisenhower, we supplemental appropriation for the fiscal year DEAR Sm: I have the honor to transmit celebrate greatness. When we think of his ending June 30, 1969, and for other purposes. herewith a sealed envelope addressed to the place in history, we think inevitably of the Speaker of the House of Representatives other giants of those days of World War ll. The message also announced that the from the President of the United States, re­ And we think of the qualities of greatness Vice President, pursuant to Public Law ceived in the Clerk's omce at 3:85 p.m., on and what his were that made his unique 170, 74th Congress, appointed Mr. BAYH Friday, March 28, 1969, and said to contain among all. as a delegate on the part of the Senate to a message from the President wherein he in­ Once, perhaps without intending to do so, forms the Congress of the death of former he himself put his finger on it. attend the Interparliamentary Union President Eisenhower. It was 1945, shortly after VE Day at a Meeting to be held in Vienna, Austria, With kind regards, I am ceremony in London's historic Guildhall. The April 7 through Aprill3, 1969. Sincerely, triumphant Supreme Commander of the The message also announced that the W. PAT JENNINGS, Olerk. Allied Forces in Europe was ofilcially given Vice President, pursuant to Public Law the freedom of the city of London. 77-250, appointed Mr. HRUSKA to be a In an eloquent address that day, Dwight member of the Joint Committee on Re­ OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION OF THE Eisenhower said: duction of Nonessential Federal Expendi­ DEATH OF DWIGHT DAVID EISEN­ "I come from the heart of America." tures in lieu of Mr. ALLOTT, resigned. HOWER, THE 34TH PRESIDENT OF MEANING FOR AMERICANS The message also announced that the THE UNITED STATES-MESSAGE Perhaps no one sentence could better sum Vice President, pursuant to Public Law FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE up what Dwight Eisenhower meant to a UNITED STATES whole generation of Americans. He did come 86--420, appointed Mr. BYRD of West Vir- from the heart of America, not only from its ginia and Mr. JAVITS to attend the Mex­ The SPEAKER laid before the House geographical heart but from its spiritual ico-United States Interparliamentary the following message from the President heart. He exemplified what millions of par­ Conference to be held in three cities in of the United States: ents hoped that their sons would be--strong 8100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE March 31, 1969 and courageous and honest and compassion­ us who worked with him than to the rest of Some men are considered great because ate. the world. He was a strong man. He was they lead great armies, or they lead powerful And with his own great qualities of heart, shrewd. He was decisive. Time and again I nations. For eight years now, Dwight Eisen­ he personified the best in America. It is, I have seen him make decisions that probably hower has neither commanded an army nor think, a special tribute to Dwight Eisenhower made the difference between war and peace led a nation. And yet he remained through that, despite all of his great deeds and his for America and the world. his final days the world's most admired and triumphs, we find ourselves today thinking That was always when he was at his best. respected man, truly the firSit citizen of the first, not of his deeds, but of his character. No matter how heated the arguments were, world. It was the character of the man-not what he was always then the coolest man in the SOURCE OF HIS GREATNESS he dtd, but what he was--that so capttc"ed room. Dwight Eisenhower was that rarest of As we marvel at this, it leads us again the trust and faith and affection of his own men-an authentic hero.
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