![HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES of That Agency](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 6661 the future, as such reports as this tend to The nominations of sun dry persons and GOVERNOR OF TERRITORY OF HAWAII discourage our endeavors to assist the Gov­ officers for appointment and/ or promotion in ernment in the prosecution of the war and the Navy. Ingram M. Stainback to be Governor cf to lower the confidence of our citizens in By Mr. McKELLAR, from the Committee on the Territory of Hawaii. governmental efficiency. Post Offices and Post Roads: POSTMASTERS Thanking you for your attention to the Sundry postmasters. ARKANSAS above matter, we remain Dewey Carter, Elkins. ALLEN R o GERS, Commandzr. The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there be no further reports of committees, the LOUISIANA Mr. CLARK of Missouri. Mr. Presi­ clerk will state the nominations on the Eubert M. Creel, Franklinton. dent, I asked to have that letter read at calendar. VIRGI NIA tb~ desk because, as I said, it is only one POSTMASTERS Mabel C. Croclcett, Bishop. of several similar instances which have The legislative clerk proceeded to read been called to my attention. I was in­ APPOINTMENT TO TEMPORARY .SERVICE IN THE sundry nominations of postmasters. NAVY formed by a very responsible Government Mr. RADCLIFFE. I ask unanimous official not connect€d with the C. C. C. consent that the nominations of post­ Capt. Ralph F. Wood to be a rear admiral in but connected with the Forestry Service the Navy for temporary service. to rank from masters be confirmed en bloc. May 1, 1942. that at the C. C. C. camp located near The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Troy, Mo., when the camp was clos€d, objection, the postmaster nominations PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY more than 200 trucks, some of them with are confirmed en bloc. MARINE CORPS practically new tires, were simply aban­ To be second lieutenants THE NAVY doned when the members of the camp Theodcre H. Abbey, Jr. walked out, and not even a caretaker was The legislative clerk read the nomi­ Robert J . Bolish left to guard that Government property. nation of Capt. Ralph F. Wood to be rear Robert B. Brown I have been informed by the Senator admiral, to rank from May 1, 1942. George H. Curtis, Jr. from Iowa [Mr. HERRING] that at Des Mr. RADCLIFFE. I ask that the nom­ Gerald P. Foster Moines a large number of trucks, 3 or 4 ination be confirmed. James W. Hendrick years old, in good condition, are about to William C. Evers The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Donald Gatchell be junked, while at the same time the objection, the nomination is confirmed. Robert J. Kisgen post office in Des Moines is using trucks 'I:HE MARINE CORPS Merle S. Rowles 10 or 12 years old, which could be re­ Donald C. Soper placed by the other trucks. All Senators The legislative clerk proceeded to read are familiar witl:i the fact that when the st~ndry nominations in the Marine Corps. appropriation bill was passed terminat­ Mr. RADCLIFFE. I ask unanimous ing the C. C. C. an appropriation of consent that the nominations in the Ma­ $8,000,000 was made for the liquidation rine Corps be confirmed en bloc. - HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of that agency. If the practice of de­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the Marine Corps nominations stroying or neglecting or abandoning MONDAY, JULY 27, 1942 Government property is as widespread a.s are confirmed en bl.oc. these instances seem_to indicate, it calls That completes the calendar. The House met at 12 o'clock neon. fc_· disciplinary action. I commend that Mr. RADCLIFFE. I ask that the Pres­ The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ situation to the attention of the respon­ ident be immediately notified of all nom­ gomery, D. D., offered the following sible Government officials and depart­ inations this day confirmed. prayer: mental officials having jurisdiction of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without matter. It seems to me to b~ an ab3o­ objection, it is so ordered. Lead on, 0 Love eternal, arming us lut€ly inexcusable waste of public prop­ ADJOURNMENT TO THURSDAY with a faith deep and positive until perils erty. and dangers are past and victory breaks EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. RADCLIFFE. As in legislative like the morning. To Thee we offer our session, I move that the Senate adjourn tribute of praise with the prayer that to­ Mr. RADCLIFFE. I move that the until Thursday :1ext. morrow may be better than today, when Senate proceed to the consideration of The motion was agreed to; and <at 5 human brotherhood shall touch the executive business. o'clock and 15 minutes p.m.) the Senate springs of the world's soul. Under an The motion was agreed to; and the a.Qjourned until Thursday, July 30, 1942, open sky let our supreme honor be man­ Senate proceeded to the consideration of at 12 o'clock noon. ifested wherever man is broken and executive business. pleading for deliverance. EXECUTIVE N.iESSAGE REFERRED NOMINATION Blessed Lord, be Thou still cur strength The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. Executive nomination received by the and shield, bearing our country on RosiER in the chair) laid before the Sen­ Senate July 27 (legislative day of July through sacrifices until America, the ate a message from the President of the 23)' 1942: guardian of democratic institutions, United States nominating Wyatt T. UNITED STATES MARSHAL rises in a searching passion for the life Reese, of· Mississippi, to be United States Wyatt T. Reese, of Mississippi, to be United and the tranquillity of a heartsick world. marshal for the southern district of Mis­ States marshal for the southern district of Our Father, in abiding grief our homes sissippi, vice Emil J. Adam, Sr., resigned, Mississippi, vice Emil J. Adam, Sr., resigned. and parents are losing the light and and withdrawing the nominations of two bonds of loved ones, but Oh, forbid that postmasters, which nominating message WITHDRAWALS they should be forfeited at the price of pleasure and frivolity. For the sake of was referred to the Committee on the Executive nominations withdrawn Judiciary. their conscience and :Lor the love of the from the Senate July 27 (legislative day land which J:>lesses them ·with shelter, (For nominations this day received and of July 23), 1942: comfort, and fadeless hope, do Thou call nominations withdrawn, see the end of PosTMASTERS to the bystander and the su!ker in am­ Senate proceedings.) ... COLORADO bush. Shake them free from the dust of EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Rice A. Palmer to be postmaster at Red-· prejudice and shame, arousing them to cliff, in the State of Colorado. hear the Macedonian cry of earth's be­ The following favorable reports of TENNESSEE nighted peoples, with their dire calam­ nominations were submitted: George D. Mcisaac to be postmaster at Sig­ ities; Oh, may they climb higher to the By Mr. WALSH, from the Committee on nal Mountain, in the State of Tennessee. virtues of gratitude and self-sacrifice­ Naval Affairs: in the name of Him who lives forever­ Rear Admiral Daniel J. Callaghan, to be a CONFffiMATIONS more. Amen. rear admiral In the Navy for temporary serv­ ice, to rank from April 26, 1942, to correct the Executive nominations confirmed by The Journal of the proceedings of Fri­ date of rank as previously nominated and the Senate July 27 (legislative day of day, July 24, 1942, was read and ap­ confirmed; and July 23), 1942: proved. 6662 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JULY 27 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT H. R. 5695. An act to amend the Civilian braska to negotiate and enter into a com­ Pilot Training Act of 1939 so as to provide pact for the division of the waters of the A message in writing from the Presi­ for the training of civilian aviation techni­ dent of the United States was communi­ cians and mechanics. Republican River. cated to the House by Mr. Miller, one of Tile Clerk read the title of the bill. his secretaries, who also informed the PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE The SPEAKER. Is there objection to House that on the following dates the Mr. VOORillS of California. Mr. the request of the gentleman from President approved and signed bills and Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Kansas? a joint resolution of the House of the today after the close of other special or­ Mr .. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, re­ following titles: ders I may address the House for 10 serving the right to object, this is the bill On July 15, 1942: minutes. about which the gentleman from Kansas H. R. 7282. An act to amend the act en­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection? [Mr. CARLso~ and the gentleman from titled "An Act to Incorporate the Disabled There was no objection. Colorado [Mr. LEWIS] spoke to the gen­ American Veterans of the World War," ap­ tleman from Michiga:Q [Mr. MICHENER], proved June 17, 1932, so as to change the RUSSIA'S POSITION IN THE WAR the acting minority leader, and myself? name to "Disabled American Veterans" and Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. CARLSON. If the gentleman will to extend m3mbership eligibility therein to unanimous consent to address the Fouse permit, I will state that is the biU about American citizens, honorably discharged which the gentleman from Coloradc.. [Mr. from the active military or naval forces of for 1 minute and to revise and extend my the United States, or of some country allied remarkS. LEwrs] and I spoke; and if permission with the United States, who have been either The SPEAKER. Is there objection? is granted to take this up and pass it, I wounded, injured, or disabled by reason of There was no objection.
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