1938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 811 3838. Also. petition of the Federal Commodities Surplus Pope Sheppard Thomas, Okla. Vandenberg Reynolds Shipstead Thomas, Utah Van Nuys Corporation Local, United Federal Workers of America, urg­ Russell Smathers Townsend Walsh llng passage of the 5-day week for Federal employees; to the Schwartz Smith Truman Committee on the Civil Service. Schwellenbach Steiwer Tydings 3839. Also, petition of the United States Immigration and Mr. LEWIS. I announce that the Senator from Rhode Naturalization Local 53, U. F. W. of A, endorsing House bill Island [Mr. GREEN] and the Senator from Delaware [Mr. 8431, the Federal Workweek Act <H. R. 8428), the Federal HuGHES] are absent from the Senate because of illness. Workers Appeals Act; to the Committee on the Civil Service. The Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. GERRY] and the 3840. By Mr. DELANEY: Petition of the Puerto Rico Post, Senator from New York [Mr. WAGNER] are absent because No. 1105, American Legion, Brooklyn, N.Y., requesting sup­ of colds. port of petition No. 3729, which urges that the rights of The Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIETERICH] and the Sena­ citizenship be conferred on natives of the Philippine Islands tors from Montana [Mr. MURRAY and Mr. WHEELER], and now residing in the United States; to the Committee on the the Senator from Maryland [Mr. RADCLIFFE] are detained on Judiciary. important public business. 3841. By Mr. DEMUTH: Resolution of the Pennsylvania The Senator from Arkansas [Mr. MILLER] is absent, at­ State Planning Board, urging upon Congress the creation of tending a meeting of the project committee of the Rivers a permanent national planning board and suggesting that and Harbors Congress. the establishment of planning and conservation regions and I ask that this announcement be entered of record for agencies, as provided by the Norris, Mansfield, and similar the day. bills, be deferred pending study by, and report of recom­ Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from North mendation from, said proposed national planning board; to Dakota [Mr. NYEJ is unavoidably detained from the Senate. the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-two Senators have 3842. By Mr. PFEIFER: Petition of the Chamber of Com­ answered to their names. A quorum is present. merce of the State of New York, New York City, opposing any interruption of the pneumatic-tube mail service in the PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS city of New York; to the Committee on the Post Office and The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a telegram Post Roads. from the secretary of the Mississippi Senate embodying a resolution adopted by the Legislature of the State of Missis­ sippi, which was ordered to lie on the table and to be printed SENATE in the RECORD, as follows: THURSDAY, JANUARY ~0, JACKSON, MISS., January 20, 1938. 1938 Hon. JoHN NANcE GARNER. (Legislative day ot Wednesday, January 5, 1938) • Vice President of the United. states, President of the Senate, Washington, D. C.: The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration The folloWing joint resolution unanimously passed both houses of the recess. of the Mississippi State Legislature and was today approved by Governor Hugh L_. White: THE JOURNAL "Senate Joint Resolution 1 On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, "Declaring the attitude o! the Legislature of the State of Mis­ the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ sissippi on the so-called antllynch bill now pending in the Senate dar day Wednesday, January 19, 1938, was dispensed with. of these United States. and the Journal was approved. "Whereas there is now .being debated in the Senate of the United States a bill generally known as the antilynching bill; and MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE "Whereas this bill. if enacted into law, would be an invasion of A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. the sovereign rights of the individual States of these United States; and Chaffee, one of its reading clerks, announced that the House "Whereas this said antilynching bill, if enacted into law, would had passed the following bill and joint resolution, in which penalize innocent parties; and 1t requested the concurrence of the Senate: "Whereas the enactment of this bill by the Congress of the H. R. 8432. An act to provide for a :flowage easement on United States would be an insult to the citizenship of the entire South; and certain ceded Chippewa Indian lands bordering Lake of the "Whereas the relations between the races in Mississippi are Woods, Warroad River, tJ.nd Rainy River, Minn., and for more amicable at this time than at any time since the Civil War, other purposes; and and the passage of this said bill would greatly endanger this H. J. Res. 530. Joint resolution authorizing the President status; and "Whereas this bill is a vicious attack upon the democratic form to invite foreign countries to participate in the ceremonies of government and upon the theory of States' rights and is con­ to commemorate the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary trary to the purposes of the framers of the Constitution and the of the national ratification of the Constitution of the United founders of our Federal Government: Now, therefore, be it States in Philadelphia, Pa., June 17 to 21, 1938. "Resolved, That the Legislature of the State of Mississippi views With grave concern this attempt to foist this political legislation CALL OF THE ROLL upon the Southern States, and urges the Senate of the United Mr. LEWIS. I suggest the absence of a quorum, and, in States to uphold the theory of States' rights upon which our Federal Government was founded, and submits that the passage order , to assure the presence of one, I ask that the roll be of the said bill would be a violation of the Constitution of the called. United States and an insult to the Southern States and the cit­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll izens thereof; that Hon. PAT HARRISON and Hon. THEO. G. BILBO, Senators from Mississippi, and the Honorable WILLIAM E. BoRAH be The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following commended for their actions in opposing the passage of said bill; Senators answered to their names: and that the contents of this resolution be immediately tele­ Adams Burke Glllette Logan graphed to the Presiding Omcer of the United States Senate. Andrews Byrd Glass Lonergan Enrolled resolution being forwarded by mail." Ashurst Byrnes Guffey Lundeen MISSISSIPPI STATE SENATE, Austin Capper Harrison McAdoo By RAIFORD WATSON, SecretaT'IJ. Bailey Caraway Hatch McCarran Bankhead Chavez Hayden McGill The VICE PRESIDENT also laid before the Senate tele­ Barkley Clark Herring McKellar grams in the nature of petitions from members of the Com­ Berry Connally Hill McNary Bilbo Copeland Hitchcock Maloney mittee Pro Spanish Democracy, and the Communist Party, Bone Davis Holt Minton Eighteenth Assembly District, New York City, N.Y., praying Borah Donahey Johnson, Call!. Neely Bridges Duffy Johnson, Colo. Norris for the enactment of the bill (H. R. 1507) to assure to per­ Brown, Mich. Ellender King O'Ma.honey sons within the jurisdiction of every State the eq:ual protec­ Brown, N.H. Frazier La Follette Overton Bulkley George Lewis Pepper tion of the laws and to punish the crime of lynching, which Bulow Gibson Lodge Pittman were ordered to lie on the table. 812 _CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 20 Mr. BYRNES presented the following concurrent resolu­ PRINTING SUPPLEMENT TO COMPILATION ENTITLED' "TREATIES, tion of the legislature of the State of South Carolina, which CONVENTIONS, INTERNATIONAL ACTS, PROTOCOLS, AND AGREE­ was ordered to lie on the table: MENTS" Mr. HAYDEN. From the Committee on Printing, I re­ Concurrent resolution thanking Senator WILLIAM E. BORAH, of Idaho, for his valiant, able, and patriotic fight against the pas­ port back favorably, without amendment, a resolution for sage of the so-called antilynching bill now pending in the which I ask immediate consideration. United States Senate The VICE PRESIDENT. The resolution will be read. Whereas the so-called antilynching bill now pending in the The resolution (S. Res. 220) submitted by Mr. PITTMAN United States Senate and the Senators from the South are making on the lOth instant was read, considered by unanimous a serious and unavoidable fight against its passage because it re­ flects on the South and its efforts for the enforcement of all laws consent, and agreed to, as follows: and its ability to handle a diffi.cult question under the conditions; Resolved, That there shall be compiled and printed as a Senate and document a supplement to the compilation entitled "Treaties, Whereas the b111 is unfair, unreasonable, and grossly sectional Conventions, International Acts, Protocols, and Agreements Be­ because it would impose big fines on law-enforcement officers in tween the United States and Other Powers,'' which shall be revised the South when they are powerless to prevent bands of men from up to and including December 31, 1937, and that 500 additional taking persons charged with the most heinous of all crimes--that copies be printed and bound for the use of the Committee on of rape--a crime that the lowest order of beasts, save man, never Foreign Relations of the Senate. commits, from their custody for immediate and speedy execution, while it leaves unmentioned and untouched thugs and gangsters EXECUTIVE REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE who, well dressed, parade in high-powered automobiles along the As in executive session, streets of the greatest city in the world and shoot down unsus­ Mr. pecting men and women for the money and jewelry they may find HARRISON, from the Committee on Finance, reported on their dead bodies; and favorably the nomination of Rufus W.
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