HINDUSTANTIMES, MUMBAI 14 | nation | WEDNESDAY,JANUARY26, 2011 HOWHAPPY WHATMAKES ARE YOU? YOUHAPPY? Very happy Parents 74.6% 44.5% M: 46.1% F: 43.0% Friends 27.1% M: 25.7% F: 28.1% Girlfriend/boyfriend 3.7% M: 4.4% F: 3.1% Money M F 73.6% 75.7% 7.8% M: 9.6 % www.hindustantimes.com/youthspeak Neither happy F: 6.0% nor unhappy 20.7% College 10.8% M: 7.8% F: 13.1% Stateofmind Cities Work Full-time Full-time coveredin 5.4% Survey conducted by MaRS Agegroup student employed the survey M: 5.4 % Sample size: 10,000 F: 5.3 % 18-25 65% 17.5% 18 M F 20.8% 20.6% ■ Parents arethe most important source of happiness for young urban Indians ■ Aslightly higher percentage of males Unhappy (46.1%) than females (43%) saythey derivemaximum happiness from their 4.7% parents ■ Among the six big cities, Mumbai has the highest proportion (55.8%) of youth who derivemaximum happiness from their parents HOWOFTEN DO M F 5.6% 3.7% YOUREAD YOUR HOROSCOPES? ■ About three quarters, 74.6%, arehappy and 20.7% areneither happynor unhappy ■ Jaipur has the highest proportion of Daily happyyoung people (91%) ■ Mumbai comes second with 89.5% 22.3% ■ 79.5% of Delhi youth saythey are M: 20.1% happy F: 24.7% ■ Guwahati and Bhubaneswarare the only unhappycities (43.5% and 47.3%, respectively). In every other city,more than 50% people arehappy WHATISMOST IMPORTANT? Sometimes 47.9% Never 29.8% To be happy M: 47.0% 47.3% F: 48.7% M: 32.8% F: 26.6% ■ Morethan one in fiveread horoscopes daily; no wonder we have daily columns. To be rich ■ Kochi (61.2%) and Kolkata (58.1%) have the 31.0% highest proportion of people who never read horoscopes, probably as aresult of the com- munist influence. To makeother people’s lives better 16.8% HOWWORRIED ARE YOUABOUT To live YOUR FUTURE? long 95% 4.2% Somewhat 42.8% OF INDIAN YOUTH ARE HAPPY ? AJAY AGGARWAL/HT PHOTO 4.0% 16.5% 29.7% 48.7% F: M: 4.5% F: F: F: M: 17.2% M: 46.0% M: 32.2% ■ Young India wants to be happyand rich, in that order Traditional values,modern outlook ■ One out of fiveyoungsters in both Delhi and Mumbai saytheir most M: F: important goal in life is to makeothers’ 39.4% 46.2% lives better ■ Bhubaneswaristhe only city where Alot GEN XGOALS: 80% want to be happyand rich; 84% areworried about their future young Indians rank service towards others higher than happiness and money 42.3% Praveen Donthi Mumbai with 89.5%happyyouth. Today, family is ajoy to come back to,” growth is helping the youth to go ■ [email protected] Ourcountry,likeany other,finds its says RBalakrishnan,chairman,Lowe beyond government jobs and pursue vitality in its young.But wheredothey Lintas Communication Group. their dreams. “Indian cities todayare ? oday’sIndian youth is comfortable derivetheir happiness from?Inthe sur- Mumbai leads the pack of big met- globalised. People can stayhereand DO YOUBELIEVE straddling different worlds. vey,almost half of the young –44.5%– roswith 55.6%ofyouth saying parents engageglobally.Theyhaveaccess to IN GOD? He/she is very happy, respects par- said parents aretheir source of hap- arethe source of happiness while in the best of both worlds and theycan T ents, believesinGod, readshoroscopes, piness. Friends come adistant second, Delhi, 45.4%think so. leadatruly glocal life,”saysGowda. No is rational, grounded, ambitious and with a27.1% vote share. Girl/boyfriends Confidenceinthe securitycoverpro- wonder Indian urban youth arepur- Yes money-minded –and, unlikeprevious hadtobecontent with 3.7%.Young India vided by parents reflects in 42% of suing happiness –80% of them want generations, not at all apologetic about says it’s all about loving your parents. youngsterssaying theyare only “some- to be happyand rich”. 90.6% anyofthese. Does thatmean the young areless what”worried about their future. A M: 88.4% Whatishappiness?For me it is play- independent now? “It means thatindi- better college, most people said, would- F: 93.0% M: F: ing with ‘saana bear’, my friend’sthree- vidualism is still afar cry,” says Vivek n’tmakethem happier. MORE ON WEB 45.6% 39.1% ■ Buzz on the street: Watch what young India year-old daughter.Charles Schulz sim- Kumar,professor of sociology, “When youbecome ateenager, you Not at all plysaid, “Happiness is awarm puppy”. Jawaharlal Nehru University. “Inthis understandthe unfairness of the world wants from life! Logonto Afriend, who’sjust come back from eraofglobalisation, when primordial –lackofauniform playing field and the www.hindustantimes.com/youthspeak 14.9% snow-cladKashmir,saysitcould be sentiments areatrisk, family remains importanceoffamily support,”says found in adownhill sledgeride. the most reliable source of securityand RajeevGowda, professor,Indian TALK TO US Happiness, it seems, is manythings. support,”headds. Institute of Management, Bangalore. ■ Howhappyare you? Do youbelieveinGod? According to HT’syouth survey,con- To the question, what would make Then, what arethe youth most trou- Discuss these and other issues. Logonto ducted across 18 cities among 18-25- them happier,31.7% answered “more bled about –landing ajob or becoming www.hindustantimes.com/youthspeak year-olds, happiness is the soundtrack money” and 41%wished for“moresuc- successful?Almost 80% of people said of young India at the moment. Three cessful parents”. Finding romancewas they areworried about achieving suc- out of four young Indians (74.6%) said important only forameagre4.2%. cess or finding ajob. Tune into Fever 104 FM for further details theyare,yes, very happy. Another 20.7% Is it then all about loving your par- “The previous generation went on Hindustan Times’ Youth Survey said theyare neither happynor sad. ents’ money? “Today’sgeneration are throughtimes of scarcity. The youth No M: F: Pink CityJaipur is the happiest: 91% more friends with their parents unlike todaydon’t have to worry about sur- ON FRIDAY... M: 8.4% 15.0% 14.7% 6.5% F: 4.6% replied in the affirmative. Breathing the previous generation thatfeared and vival, so theythink about success,”says Career and money ■ Kolkata has the highest proportion of down its neck is Maximum City hadaformal relationship with them. Gowda. He thinks robust economic Rest: Don’t know people (30.8%) who arenot worried about their futureatall. ■ In Delhi, 88.4% of youngsters believeinGod; ■ The youth in Chandigarh aremost wor- in Mumbai, the figureis93% ried about their future; 64.8% saythey VOXPOP:RANDOM VOICESOFTHE YOUTH IN MUMBAI ■ Kolkata has the highest percentage of non- worry alot. believers (11.5%) AASHIKA SADH 21 YEARS SAHIL VORA 21 YEARS Lawstudent Computer engineering student WHATWORRIES Achieving success MY IDEAOFHAPPINESS: Complete independence and MY IDEAOFHAPPINESS: Chilling with friends and family, YOUTHE MOST? watching my favourite footballteamwin. 48.8% freedom to do what Iwant to do. Howyou look IASK GOD FOR: My happiness and my family’shealthand IASK GODFOR: Everyone around me to be happy; that M: 54.7% F: 42.9% wealth. wayIwill be happy. 8.5% ICHECK MY HOROSCOPEBECAUSE: Ifind it interesting ICHECK MY HOROSCOPEBECAUSE: Sometimes when M: 3.6%; F: 13.4% Getting ajob —not because Ibelieveinit. youare going through tough times, youseek extrahelp. 31.6% What people IWORRYMOSTABOUT: All my relationships that I IWORRYMOSTABOUT: Notgiving something my M: 35.6% think about you have built over the years. best shot and then regretting later. F: 27.6 % 7. 6% M: 4.4%; F: 10.8% ■ 43% of Delhi youth are most worried about Methodology: Hindustan Times commissioned market research agency MaRS to conduct December 14, 2010. Target respondents –unmarried men (51%) and women (49%) in the 18-21 years achieving success the Youth Survey among 10,000 urban youth in 18 state capitals and major towns across India —Delhi, and 21-25 years age groups —wereadministered astructured questionnaire. About 65% of the Others: 3.5% ■ In Mumbai and Bangalore, Lucknow, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Ludhiana in the north, Kolkata, Patna, Bhubaneswar, Guwahati and respondents were full-time students. The rest were almost equally divided between students who the figurerises to 60% Ranchi in the east, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad and Indoreinthe west, and Chennai, Bangalore, were employedpart-time and people who were employedfull-time. Their answers were collated and Hyderabad and Kochi in the south. The field work wasconducted between November 10 and analysed using appropriate statistical tools. GRAPHICS: MUKESH SAH HINDUSTANTIMES, MUMBAI FRIDAY,JANUARY28, 2011 | nation | 19 Theresponsible hedonists GOLDRUSH Most saynotogovtjobs KumKum Dasgupta kerafter job security?” ■ [email protected] If the young areambitious, they’re cautious too.While 74.1% don’t aspire is online avatar is Guitar foragovernment job,itremains apop- George.Till afew yearsago,his ular option (25.9%). “Insmaller cities ambition wastobecome apro- with hardly anyopportunity, a sarkari H fessional guitarist.Now,five job ensures financial security,”says www.hindustantimes.com/youthspeak days aweek, Guitar Georgeaka Pritha Kumar,19, astudent from Ranchi. Subhayu Mukherji, 24, is aBeatles-lov- The survey shows thatthe next two ing and Steve Jobs-worshipping “techie” most sought-after positions are: being at CognizantTechnologies in Kolkata. aCEO in amultinational corporation “It’s all very dandy when youdogigs (18%) and aself-employedprofession- in college. But there’snomoney,” al (17.8%). Unsurprisingly,very few Mukherjisaysabout his first love. (6.7%) want to join politics or the social Career &money Cities LikeMukherji, about 42% of young sector (8.3%). And there’snot much Full-time Full-time coveredin Indians saysalary is their main moti- rush forforeign jobs. Agegroup students employed the survey vation while selecting acareer.And sur- Santanu Gupta, whoteaches eco- Survey conducted by MaRS prise! The young in communist Kolkata nomics in XLRI, Jamshedpur,says, Sample size: 10,000 18-25 65% 17.5% 18 (47%)and Kochi (67%)are moremoney- “Salaries and prices areequalising.” minded than their counterparts in Delhi Agrees Narayan: “Expensiveforeign (46%), Mumbai (31%), Bangalore(30%) courses don’t alwaystranslate into high- Chennai (29.9%), Bangalore(30.2%) and er salaries.” Hyderabad(27.6%).
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