The Class of '53 Presents 1 c O 9 N 5 C 3 H Dedication To our sponsor, Miss Eunice Harm, we, the Senior Class of 1953, dedicate our annual in small appreciation for her untiring efforts. Our Administration PRINCIPAL OF KEY WEST HIGH SCHOOL EDWARD O. SCHWEITZER OFFICE STAFF CHARLEEN ROBERTS MARGARET WELLONS Secretary Registrar LIBRARIAN- -MARY TREVOR FINE ARTS HAROLD CASTERTON THOMAS WHITLEY THOMAS LANE SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Robert McQuain, Helen Darby, Donna Chapman, Andrew Garcia, Walther Lazier LANGUAGE ARTS DEPARTMENT Loretta Pratt, Ida Kennedy, Emily Case, Eunice Harra, Don Jaeschke, Billie Crowley, Mary Milner, Josef Hurka, Jeanne Maner, Richard Ertzman, Marion Stark MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT Margaret Weisel, Mary J, Skillern, Peter Simpson, Joel Martin, Rose McCardle, Edna England APPLIED ARTS DEPARTMENT SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT Rosemary Cabrera, Charles Perkins, Mary Carter Buckner, Rebecca Martin, Hilda Salis, Benjamin Sweeting and Jeanne Sisk Ed Beckman, Margaret Tobin, Paul Davis, Margaret Hughes and Winston Jones Graduating Seniors Senior Class Officers Sitting: Charles Taylor - Pres. Standing: Vita Barroso - Editor Evelyn Nettles - Sec. Robert Sawyer - V. Pres. Jimmie Collins - Treas. Standing: William Chapman Thomas Lane Sitting: Rebecca Martin Eunice Harra SENIOR CLASS SPONSORS BARBARA ANN ADAMS "BOBBY" "YA KNOW?" BLANCHE ADELE ALLIGOOD "B. A.A., JR. " "DO YOU WANNA BUY—?" CHARLES WILLARD BAKER "CHARLIE" "YOU DON'T SAY" ROSE BAKER "ROSIE" "OH MY!" PAUL BARR "BUD- VITA JOY BARROSO "PUMPKIN" "MOVE IT OR LOSE IT" CLINTON NEIL BERGSTROM "NEIL" "THAT'S FOR SURE” CLEMENTS BETANCOURT "CLEMENTS" RALPH BETANCOURT, Jr. "POPPY" "HEY PAL" JANICE LOU BOPST "JAN" KATHERINE BRADY "KATHY" "OH NO!” OSA ANN BRANTHOOVER "OATS" "WHY SURE" PAUL BRAUN "PAUL" "MOVE IT OR HAVE IT ALTERATED" NANCY HELEN BROOKS "NAN" "SPECTACULAR" MARY ESTHER BUTLER "BLONDIE" "DEAR JOHN" HORTEN SI A CALLEJA "TENCHY" "YA DON'T SAY" YVONNE CAMILLIER "DENNY- JOHN MARTIN CAMFIELD "JOHN" ELEANOR JEAN CANOVA "JEANNE" "YOU ALL" JOHN EDWARD CASTRO "EDDIE" MURPHY CATES "MURPH" 'YOUR FEET DON'T FIT NO LUNCH" JIMMIE COLLINS "JANE" "COMMO SE LLAMA" MARGARET CORMACK "BE BE" BETTY LOUISE COOPER "COOPER" THAT BIRD! TOM CORNELL "CORNELL” "WELL! CHECK THAT" FAYE CURRY "FISH" "OH! HUSH" GALE CURRY "GALE" "YOU AREN'T KIDDING" LORRAINE CURRY "RAINIE" "YOU THINK SO Hmm--" MYRNA CURRY "SLEEPY" "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER' CAROL FRANCES DALTON "CRUMIE" "ANY-WHO" ALICE MARIE GARCIA "ALICIA" 'YOUR PICTURE ISN’T READY" DONALD GECK "DON" GEORGE FRANKLIN GIBSON "GIBSON" "DON’T MESS AROUND" JACK PHILIP GIBSON "JACK" LUCILO GONZALEZ "LUCY” "WHAT YOU WANT ME TO GO NAKED?" HUNTER NILO HARDEN "SONNY" "NO MAN, DON’T SAY THAT" MAXINE HATLEY "MAX" "BIG WRETCH" MONA HONEY "HONEY" GLORIA HYRE "GLORY" "YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT! GERALDINE INGRAHAM "GERALDINE" ANNETTE JOHNSON "NETTIE" "I'LL CLUE YOU" FRANCINE JOHNSON "FRAN" FOR GOODNESS SAKES BARBARA ANN JOLLY "FISH" "MY DEAR" JOE LADD "CONCHO GOMA" GENE LANG "JUICY" "DON'T FLUB UP THE WORKS" PATRICIA ANNE LEWIN "PAT" "I DON'T KNOW" JOYCE ANN LOUNDERS "JAL" "WELL, PIN A ROSE ON YOU!" FAYE LOWE "FIFI" "HOT DOGS AND SOURKRAUT ” SHERMAN McCASLIN "DOC" "NOW I WOULDN'T SAY THAT" JOHN McKILLIP "JOHN" harold McMasters "MAC" DALE JEAN MITCHELL "PICKLES" "GO BLOW SHMOO" EVELYN ANNE NETTLES "ELYVEN" "TERRIFIC" ANTHONY FR£D NILES "POOKIE" "STILL LOVE ME?” JAVIER OROPEZA "HARVEY" "NOT ME MISS HARRA!” ROBERT PAGES "ROBERTO" MARLENE PARK "PICKLES" "OH CRUMB" PEGGY PAULK "CHICKEN" "THAT'S TOUGH" MARTHA BEATRICE PEREZ "BLACKIE" "IS MY FRIEND HERE TODAY?" JAMES PETTIS "JIMMY" "WHAT YOU SAY! " DORIS FAY PIARROT "MONKEY” "GEE SU" HARRY PRITCHARD, JR. "FRENCHY" "I RECKON" JEAN PUMPHREY "PUMPKIN" "I CANIE" CAROLYN ELISABETH REEVES "CAROL" "QUICK LIKE A BUNNY RABBIT" FRANK ROBERTS "BOW WOW" "GEE SU" CLAUDE ROBERTS "CLO" KERMIT ROBERTS "KERMIT" WILLIAM E. P. ROBERTS, II "BILLY" "WHAT'S NEW" ROSALIE ELIZABETH ROWAN "BETTY" "WHAT A BLANK" LILLIAN RUSSELL "SHORTY" "HEAVENS" JOEL WILSON SASNETT "THE WHIP" "THAT'S MY BOY" ELIZABETH MAYFIELD SHEPPARD "BETTY" "SUGAR" ELIZABETH MARIE SPENCER "BRAINS” "OH DEAR" FRANCES IMOGENE STANSELL "JEANIE" "I MAY BE LITTLE BUT I'M SOLID" ROBERT STAVES "TERRY ANN" "YOU WANT TO BET" CHARLES TAYLOR "CHARLIE" "HO KAY CHARLIE" DOLORES TAYLOR "DEE" "I RECKON SO" PHILIP E. THOMPSON "FELIPE" "OH YEA! " SHIRLEY THOMPSON "CUTIE" "GOLLY DAY" PEGGY TIFT "PEG" WHAT YA KNOW CHICKEN?" DOUGHERTY TORANO "STINKY" YOU’RE FULL OF PRUNES" DELIA ELIZABETH TOUCHTON "DEE" "I SAY OLE CHUM" LEO TOUGAS "LEO" SHIRLEY J. TRUDEAU "TRUDY" "HAS ANYONE SEEN TOMMY?" BASIL TYNES "BASIL" "LETS PLAY HOOKEY" ERME DE LA CARIDAD VALDES "ERME" "THAT’S COLOSSAL" CONSUELO VALDEZ "POOCHIE" "OH! DEAR" DOLORES VALDEZ "DEL" ALDO VIDAL "MIKAN" "YOU WANNA BET" DOLORES ANN VILLATE "LOLLY" OH CRUMB! CAMILLE LENORA WALTERSON "CAMEL" "NO, I'M NOT LIZZY, I'M CAMILLE" ELIZABETH LOUISE WALTERSON "LIZZY" "NO, I'M NOT CAMILLE, I'M LIZZY" JACK WARD "JACK" "IT AIN'T FAIR" LORRAINE FRANCES WARNOCK "WINKIE" "HURRY" CLINTON WARREN "WARREN" "OH MY LORD- REXFORD BARNETTE WEECH, JR. "REX" "I WASN'T TALKING" SHIRLEY WEECH "SHI RELY" JACK WELLS "STONEWALL JACKSON" "GO ON BOY AND SHOOT THOMAS E. WEST "CAPTAIN" "WHERE'S TRUDY??” NORMA ZEH "JEAN" SENIORS NOT PICTURED ADOLPH ALCALA ALFRED HUGO LINK GEORGIA BAILEY JAMES DAWSON LYLES CANDIDO BARCELO HOWARD MATHENY PETER HILTON ROBERT SAWYER PETER S. KNIGHT Last Will and Testament We, the undersigned Seniors of the Key West High School, Class of '53, being of sound mind and dis­ posing memory, do hereby declare this to be our last will and testament, thereby revoking all previous wills and codicils. I, Barbara Adams, leave to Katherine Boaz my educated pencil in the hope that it will render as much help to her as it did to me. I, Blanche Alligood, leave my sales talk and appetite to Barbara Pritchard, the hungry Junior. I, Charles Baker, leave to George Lastres my retiring ways and quiet manners to use as he may. I, Rose Baker, leave to Clara Gardner my shorthand Dook. I, Vita Barroso, do hereby leave to Deanna Archer my big mouth, hoping that she can get more out of it than I have. We, Neil Bergstrom and Donald Geek, do present to Butch Stewart our ability to be bad and look innocent. I, Clements Betancourt, leave my ability to get along with Mrs. Prinz to her future students. I, Janice Bopst, leave to the future Senior High students my miraculous ability to stay awake in office practice class. I, Katherine Brady, do hereby bequeath my red hair to Myrna Gohring. We -- Maxine Hatley, Gale Curry, and Osa Branthoover--leave to Sylvia Eley and Arlene Semler our height because they need it more than we do. I, Paul Brain, leave my chair in the trombone section to anyone who will work for it. I, Nancy Brooks, do hereby leave all the fun I had in the band to Teressa Bardwell. I, Hortensia Calleja, leave to Jo Ann Stickney my ability to make a report without giggling. I, Yvonne Camalier, leave to Jackie Conant my ability to be devilish and look coy at the same time. I, Johnny Camfield, leave to Barbara Hunter my ability to skip school without being caught. I, Jeanne Canova, leave to Ray Winkle my ability to make everyone think I am shy. I, Eddie Castro, leave to my sister, Dora Castro, all the nice times I have had in high school. I, Murphy Cates, leave my undying love for convertibles to Charles Hjort. I, Jimmy Collins, hereby leave all the troubles of the Senior treasurer's job to the unfortunate treasurer of '54 with the hope that he enjoys it. We, Betty Cooper and Basil Tynes, leave to Barbara Pritchard and Mario Roque our ability to catch the eye of all likely pickups and to carry on from there. We, Shirley Thompson and Margaret Cormack, leave our ability to flirt so innocently and when caught to blush so quietly to any upcoming Senior who can use it as well as we did. I, Tom Cornell, leave to anyone who is willing to work my chair in the trombone section. I, Faye Curry, leave to my cousin, Norma, my ability to be bad and look innocent. I, Lorraine Curry, leave to Jerry Navarro my place in the D.C.T. ’room and all the privileges of a D. C. T. student. I, Myrna Curry, do hereby leave my ability to sleep through all my classes to Richard Watson, who is always so wide awake. I, Carol Dalton, leave to any Junior girl who takes physics my ability to concentrate on the class. I, Alice Garcia, hereby leave to Barbara Pritchard, an incoming Senior, my ability to be class photog­ rapher. I, George Gibson, will to my good friend, Ervin Higgs, my second year algebra grades and my ability to obtain information when it is needed. I, Jack Gibson, leave to my little sister, Virginia Gibson, the pleasure of being the only Gibson in school. I, Lucy Gonzalez, leave my sports ability to Don Cruz. I, Sonny Harden, leave my desire to be a mortician and my skill in driving to Donnie Carbonell. I, Mona Honey, leave to my sister Wanda Jo my ability to sing in the bathtub — at home. I, Gloria Hyre, will my love for dancing to Deanna Archer in the hope that she may have as much fun as I have. I, Geraldine Ingraham, hereby leave as my last bequest to Jo Ann Pinder my undying love for one boy. I, Annette Johnson, leave my favorite bottle of 33 Bleach to Lee Bopst to use as she may. We, Francine Johnson and Barbara Jolly, leave to Patsy Jones and Linda Jolly our ability to skip classes and get away with it. I, Joe Ladd, leave to PeeWee Johnny Vidal my excess height.
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