REGIME OF BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY, 1998 A SELECT ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF M^6ttv of Hibrarp Sc information ^titntt 1998-99 f BY GHUFRAN MOHSIN RollNo. 98LSM-22 Enrolement No. X-8222 Under the Supervision of Ms. Sudharma Haridasan (Lecturer) DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH (INDIA) 1999 I 4 ^^«« iVJ .^ - _ _ ^ .... ''^ii^^-''^:K^ Phone :(0571) 400039 Internal 193 Telex : 564-230 AMU IN Fax : 91-0571-400528 DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY, ALIGARH-202 002 (UP), INDIA Ref. No Dated This is to certify that the IVI.L. & I.Sc. dissertation of Mr. Ghufran Mohsin on Regime of Bharatiya Janata Party, 1998 - : A select annotated bibliography was compiled under my supervision and guidance. (Ms. Sudharma Haridasan) Lecturer CONTENTS Page No. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AIM, SCOPE & METHODOLOGY III PART -ONE INTRODUCTION 1-19 PART - TWO BIBLIOGRAPHY 20-149 PART-THREE AUTHOR INDEX 150-154 TITLE INDEX 155-162 SUBJECT INDEX 163-168 LIST OF PERIODICALS DOCUMENTED 169 cirznoimie^ Ian atone beiougkt for kelp and on him alone we depend. J/- feet kiaklu indebted in exprediina mu profound 6enie of aratitude to mu dianified duperuidor, %. SuA arm.a ^J^aridadan, cyLecturer, <Jjepartment of cJLioraru (jf information ence, ^.Wl.y. ^ligark. J4er eite emed and araceful a uidance immenieCu kelped me tkrougkout tkid project. Jr feel immende pleasure in expredding mu regardd, deep 6en6e of gratitude and keartful deuotion to f-^rof. .JDkabakat ^J4uiain, Ck airman, epartment of cJLibraru tsf information Sci ence, J.n.tl Jhcjark, for Lis constant encouragement, untiring cooperation and prouiding me adeauate fcicilitn in the department. ^ am ueru grateful to mu dijtcngiiijiied teacher una iKeader, 'm. S.W.J.Q. Zaidi for prouidinCj necesiartt facilitiei and elegant advice during tkii u/orh. J appreciate tlie efforts of mcj te ackeri u/ko gaue me important duggedtiond and moral support. ^ am aldo tka nhful to tlie non-teaching •^l^'-ff of the .J-) epartment of cJLibrarii Cv information Science for rendering Ir uariaoie kelp in dearcnina j^or material. J/- expre66 mu iincere gratitude to rrlr. J^. /\aldul JJ adan, rt/auiana ^^zad <=J~loraru, ^vv,///. 6/., ^^llaark. _///d doilcltuae and diicernlble peripectlnlim. kaue cruclallu contributed to tke formulation or tnld didiertation. Jj" mudt record mu dincere appreciation to alt mu c(adimate6 who kaue provided a dtimului, ere atlve and conduilue atmoipkere In tke 6ucce66ful completion of m u di66eratlo n eipeclaCiu mu friend, jflflr. vDa^eer .^kmad ^\azmi for kid kelp at different itaaei. W^ tale parentd kaue aLaui Len a 6ource of 6plrituat auldance durlna tke formatlue ueard of mu life. ^ am Indebted to USkabl ff/d. ^kannaz ^atlma for ker kelp and loulna auldance tk at enabled me in tke completion of mu worn, rr/u keartful tkanki are aido due to mu brotkerd /f/r. J^ued /f/ondin r^aza and irlr. J^i^ed /L.akeer ff/okiln ^or tkeir encouraaement tkrouakout mu academic perdulte. Jr obedlentiu and dutlPuilu offer mu sincere gratitude to ail tkeie beneracton of mine.ml J/- am ueru tkankfui to rf/r. vDoou of ^^tda C^omput en WHO/ko aiadid a nealneat anaand ccmeiutlmelu luptnatuplng jotlob. AIM AND SCOPE The Bhartiya Janata Party in power proved to be strong in taking decisions, providing security as well as prosperity to its countrymen. All this inspired me to select the topic "The Regime of Bhartiya Janata Party 1998". This is an attempt to take up all the major achievements and failures of the BJP/^vtJ through the selection of articles related closely with its various activities viz. the Pokhran Tests, Resolution of the Cauvery Conflict, the Mandir- Masjid Issue, Bus Service from Delhi to Lahore and Calcutta to Dhaka, being covered within the preview of the study. This dissertation provides an annotated bibliography of all the relevant material related to the significant events and mishaps attempting to be exhaustive in its coverage. In the process, it has included 200 articles dealing with BJP's rule which may prove useful for all those who have are slight interest in Indian Politics. Part one of this dissertation deals with introduction of the topic covered. Part two consists of an annotated bibliography of 200 articles on the topic. Part three consists of indices, author, title and subject. METHODOLOGY : The primary sources were consulted in the following libraries, i) Maulana Azad Libraries, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. ii) Coaching and Guidence Cell, A.M.U., aligarh. iii) Seminar Library, Department of Library Science, A.M.U., Aligarh. iv) Bharatiya Janata Party, Central Office (New Delhi). Ill STANDARD FOLLOWED : The Indian standards recommended for bibliographical reference (18:2381-1963) and Classified Catalogue Code (CCC) of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan have been followed. In some cases where ISI do not give any guidance, I have taken appropriate decision. ARRANGEMENT : The entries are arranged under subject heading which are arranged alphabetically following letter by letter method. The entry element of the author is in capitals, followed by the secondary element in parenthesis using capital and small letters and then the title of the articles, subtitle (if any) then by the volume number, issued number, the year, month and date giving by using inclusive notation of the pages of the articles. The each entry is than followed by an informative abstracts of the articles. Entries of periodical articels are arranged as follows : a) Serial Number b) Name of the Author/Author c) A full stop (.) d) Title of the contribution including subtitle and alternative title if any e) A full stop (.) f) Title of periodical being underlined g) A full stop (.) h) Volume number i) Comma (,) j) Issue number k) Semi colon (;) I) Year iv m) Comma (,) n) Month 0) Comma (,) P) Date q) Semi colon (;) r) Inclusive pages of the articles s) A full stop (.) SPECIMEN ENTRY : .139 CHATTERJEE (Partha). How we Loved the bomb and Later Rule it-Economic and Political Weekly. 33, 34; 1998, June, 13; 1437-1441. EXPLANATION : This article is taken from the periodical "Economic and Political Weekly" How we loved the bomb and later rule it" written by "Chatterjee (Partha)" in 34th number of 33rd volume of 13th June 1998, on the pages from 1437 to 1441 against this entry. SUBJECT HEADING : Attempt has been made to give co-extensive subject heading as much as possible, it will facilitate the readers to find out desired artjcle(s) from this bibliography. INDEX : The index part consists of indices, author, title and subject. The index guides to the specific entry or entries in the bibliography. It is hoped that it will be found useful in consultation of the bibliography. r •\ PART OME lMTR0t)VCT10>< I —i INTRODUCTION Genesis of Bharatiya Janata Party : The genesis of the Bharatiya Janata Party should be traced to the Preindependent period in India when sections of Hindus felt that the congress part^ Mahatma Gandhi was unnecessarily appeasing the Muslims and neglecting the interests of the Hindus who constituted the majority. The history of the formation of Bharatiya Jana Sangh under the inspiring leadership of late Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee in 1951 is well known though not its back ground. The Late Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee/talented leader of the Mahasabha had been importuned by Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru and Patel to Join the first control cabinet in spite of the fact that he did not join the congress. In 1951 Dr. Mukherjee started work in East Bengal and also Delhi, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and other states. The first all India session of the new party, Jana Sangh was held in Delhi on 21st October, 1951, where Dr. Mukherjee was unanimously elected its first president. The first major attempt to suppress the RSS was made in 1948, after the murder of Mahatma Gandhi. Various (Canards were spread by its opponents that the murderer belonged to the RSS that he had confessed and all sorts of unbelievable trash. The RSS became very popular in northern India but after Gandhiji's association it was banned by the (^G^vtj The ban was lifted with great difficulty. The main goal of the RSS was to see a free, prosperous and great India emerging on the International scene. The progress of the RSS under its second Sarsanghehalok Shri Golwalkar from 1940 to 1973 was multi dimensional. The RSS also contributed to the fight for independence. After his demise the RSS workers who had already joined the Jana Sangh came to position of prominence in that organisation because there seemed to be no others alternative. The Jana Sangh came to the election fray in 1952 under the leadership of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukerjee. It is one of the post independence political parties. It having won only 3 out of the 93 seats it contested. Only 35 out of a total of 725 Jana Sangh candidate to the state assembles could win. When it fought the 1957 election it was supposed to be a leaderless party having no programme or policies or any economic ideology for that matter. But the election results were encouraging, It had won 4 Lok Sabha and 46 Assembly seats its percentage of votes rising to almost 6. Its representatives, Atal Behari Vajpayee came to Lok-Sabha to raise its voice. Under the leadership of Dean Dayal Upadhyaya, the emphasis in the Bharatiya Jana Sangh from 1957 to 1962 was on strengthening the Organisation. After Deendayalji's death in 1966, the progress continued. But the political situation started undergoing a qualitative change from 1971 onwards. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was born under stunning circumstances over which it had no control, circumstances which were both tragic and grotesque.
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