Part L: Germany's Defeat World War I

Part L: Germany's Defeat World War I

Part l: Germany's Defeat tn World War I uing $e6sr ddde of th.206 mtuy,c+ c.M/r 600,000 Jtu r€pd€d 1 'bout My ffi the fare.t Bbwhs indE6'riz.d Fd or ih. ?op,rador Ho{t€,rhg pFni@ F6on in EuoF_ Ge@n det prcduction - rh4 .f ,em nrbdl4atEiddsmdstu@de vrsededEndsinele indrabr otindeirrizatid lhd.vnibLnidi9,nda@bg4ot|gd, - hld iu.t d.Ed.r a* of Bi64 rhe b'dllPl:a ol @t Frahd hdd l.@ kbm a ed€€nnne dE Intuldial R@olud@ By 1919ca@ny pbdued @d6t bbh.d Ia@ olcgDh P.l1ri6 tEly u'E rirc @ .Et {an.tid Bribin. CerM .d@ wa3 epdialrt ricb dd rh€ devetopdd L' dE.IEnr6l nd deicl indarlB Gltln p€oPl€ @ ju.dy Pprd of 6dr olldire pd G6rny b dE foEftDnt.f what @ €tLd r€ lsibse MuidaB$&4 B..h ad Be.hl)qHir -sdid Induibl Revoludn. tn addtd@ rhe c:F dtuchacethea'dsch r,ddd'rl6op16.!dr nh popula6@ which rrl@&d lron {! hillion tl s xd aid Heget h.d md. {Eh nEt mt onlJ' o; $71 b mE rhd 6s nilion in 1911, @ sowinS G.dlq d:rb4 tdr d.n oI €uope 6e th,n dut of rh. orhe eior EwPen Po@ Mdt ol IIE l€0 nrdsrm dds M rh& aoubr€d O.m.n '. poltldl .y.t !,, dsi4dungthi! peid4a dlliN ofc@pee Th. adhPlidhadb of die c-tmd P&Pt€ 6Lft tlE out'€id. Byl9ll,trlErIDn|rl p.en w.E€p€.i.lyElEr, cn|uAtotth.ta*rhlr .r th. bel G@ian lator loe w.rr€d h hdlls. c.llhy.Ild tut edata aou6rudl 1a/r. UlJ*e b dE tud:rds or dE l@camn &ibn!Fl:@ddRGia-ofri6*erwftui si..y^dRlns w6 *all+duad ad lbnosltl@ Con- fied F&i6xy attl* 6d of dE Mddre &6 - tlp pulory.dedd ff .hildrq 6u rhe !s6 ofan( b Gm l,rl5 66a€d rIE nodfr lte divid.d up bdan Pdid€d all [email protected] witn ba6ic Ednl& dozd or b6r n!6 ln rll. 136&, ono 'bong rn wi|ine,edmlli3bU*flr.i0i!{a.tsbhC@y Biq.di tlr. p.nre Dinbte ot dE lgt p@elfd re b@ ln66rrof rtuoBrilin MlE -nie c.@ stib, Ihsi{ .nbr*ed .n . enp.jSn to Ped of G6@B we ctutrd.s-vior62p€td oabau,nbdcaery.Toadd*ln3selqB!trr* idqutr ngd@Edv6sEnbhbend3Tpffi ts led ?rusi, b qthory in 9e ag.iGr Dglluk, rhe Au&ifl Enl4,!d Fe Atbr cel!6 !.jriado& Bismrcl @k€d to *i:t and dl@l deb3e. Many of Empe-s n6t $€$den rhe Powd of rne dde and h indd* ndcal novemd i pdtidc ud dhid tuir ongiE C€Dan /s inft@ abmd. sbbirig a orderweF nighry vatued in 8Gm,r*,s cljffiy, Apeialty 6 FoluEonary pdrihEt mve'luts a foo$old 8'ined THE RoaD ro SARAJE\,o h ma.y Eftp€d @unbi€. Bimaftk bok a eG pbnsd .pproa.h b @u@ring rhe Fblurionria. A!,trE 20th century h€3&, cemhy had one on dle one hm4 rhe lny and rhe polre @re sivd inPlacbleqemy rd€. c.lrrh uin@dm rmk bed powa b.mtut.ivir u@51wMe&e gftm- plae onry aftd rh€ prsie any idti.rd a hudr- nd'cticbdtfury66dhbtrdoE6'heolna atugdder o. rhe FFtdr h $e rn hand,BLhjrcradoptedrtlolrubinpbveondi: or 13m. & a Eutt, Frre wa rdrd b 6 ove. drc 6otu ror workds rhat pur het ordhary c.rnans Fovinm oI abe Td Lornine b G€rnmy dd b ar4d oJ drer oukrpab in Bdhii bd Fm€. pay Gffiy s brlion iir6. e h nud of EftP€. cruy ha+.i3iddals cemy's sowins3ftlsrhad nndm nisd *lulqr€ No naft! how su(atur, fcw cs@c outd&abovetheddclasift6wnichtheywert w€ll rn 1907, they joired the Frrncn in fotus tle hn. The c.rtlE rridrgr.eduq4imlFE4whi.h Tripre Entcnre b .oun&' cemm peer. csmany w6vdyddvq69e$iw,ddng(rugtinf@ed t:d prcvoha Brihin by dbn!!d. ih*aivi'ioB Momve. dE ofiier6rpd of fiec6 pb8lam ro build up ib Mvr whle cene l.adeB mndxhyedbpFsitiofuiglvclllllEtwde algftd tur a lff8e nd wae n@s$ry to pFrRt tn i ffid 6i nhb€B ol dr€ uppd cra$. oD69/3 wqldwide dlMacial iikab ad d&- c€@yt npid hdEriati,?rion pas lrur€d,haiN 6bd6. the Bnr:sh sw the c€ifrd buitd np ae in cill'h Kie9. & dE num!€r of indusdial work a fr6r to theii ld\g4brdin€ doiiEne at sa e6 8Ew, s did tne #ngih of the s{ial Lren@atic Par9orc€@ny (sPD), ttu kadinswqr.ine .ra$ A Cetmen nanina srrtenary n*t be ac pdrr. c€l!m/3 prriddr. dE Rej.nsb& w* i- kitulznA?d tobe inmprnde @iA1 ds dbtm cE6ingry bm by kcion b.ke4 rhe upper clas, 6J rh. B;.ish EaPn , ad @ if thtt EftPne dnlpp.nrcd, the ulioh oI tle mititary p.rei md de KrrjnE cr6. l.i.n.nyl uik the rt n'u| pwt it de 3ylhelide6ism.klefioftreinr3$,hen,d aftdt stete wra @flN tteu d tt @nbiru hr tta hord€d . sbk tnat was efiicicnr bnt reeisrad ro tidd$e ofsr.h an inflbus Idit spintl. ctu3r. wnib ax aduu hid llm tne risht io rcb in -sdkr olFciol of the Bndrh Fofli'n ofre narl']s of lne k rer (a dld lnat o -oes!") le htle or ad hr ninide6. voiins dErrery€ dEir courys pdidons dr Iuldt lead- .r the resional l€vel €nsured rhnt 'eshfuions ihc ins *Pdr!. Tn€y Emkd cehan effda b celffi nobirity -d walthy indsbialisb h.rd thc 6h6lish dipro@ric and coDder&r foorhotds in hg6r shaE af inn!re. nle gbups oppced m- Africa rhe Midtlle risr, md dhs .@ or Bdtish in- id.hds6 in rhe lolidel6Fbadd rmined loJ,aj l]ugw. M@*ftile/ REie otriciair feared th* rhe gwth of c@n nitib'y power ua prt oi a plm C€trltry wa3 in tlny i6p€cb ude€atiq b srab enibr 6!n ure Rusim EnpiE Ttuy als. bur rhe soveffienr did not ah4pi io .ohptebly idt dur rhe hign bnfis camrmy inF3ed.n R6sn tupoutdisfrL A@GidrabledegEothhrebd md dric freedoa wE pcmitr.d. c,lrlny at the Fcd wifi tneh66le Po@ ce.nh rades M or se aruy wE ihe Ene or hrdse polirior, hc@insry believed rhi drr ]{n Mound€d. rn !€pore. they se.gthcncd then allane wirh the STALEMATE AT TI'E BATTLEFRONT AsteHunS.rir Empne horielly, rhis atliance brcushtcelru'bbdffuG'ontwndutnay Inthefusrmdn6ollh?wa,c€I]rwylaun.hed lead6 h:d long $ught b avoid. a (a$ive olfetuive agaict Frece dEr almo* ep Erd Patu hsephmbd, hlraBs, Flgrhmd Bniish roFe h"xed rheadvre oI ihe G.lrrm rny. By tlu on June 23, 1e1,1, s€rb nadonarbb Essiturd ddly dnm D.$sid6 adopd bch snriaE, e! Hunsatu dudn4 E s.EFvo. rhe alssimdon er ding inio hishry roruhed pddoc $it wee dilfi.dr b aik.k the drydopftnr aI rtu m.hhe gu fd r wilh i\e suppon of rheircm allis, rne Aaba healy duery gave defeme rh€ advahge over oI- gdvemmenr cued an uld@tun demndinS rhat rer. Ddn€ t€ n*t tou }€G, dntoc or srdieF died in Fdeir barde rhat stftly.haig.d drb.r porid.rr dvi9. TIE Aubim dtuM prdpkd a suestul.In he Au38i 1914 dE c.tu.ePul*d Arsd d€d:red wd asatur serbb i ld€ Jdy 1e14 RNian red6 orded tneirafry b be€in Fepring rhe lol1owing nonths. |rr.y t@k rhe ofre$i'e md .d- for wa! G€rrro GaaeF weE suddany ontrcnbd !tredde€Pne6el4iblyofdeRu$nEqP!F 3yMdch1912mjlibyqback,ndi@6ighG' celru niibry sbar€gy drl€d ror ceffiy b ery ar hone tolcd R@bt nnd, Ts Ni.rol6 Il, b atuck swiltly ad deisivelt as had b€a $e .e i ,EP don! Ei+t ttl4dB rad, a o.mGr s.vm d'e Fm.Prussia Wa, b pEvenr b€ing squ*d nent unde. rhe l6der+ip or v.L r?hjn *ized powa RKia. Acor.ting ro the ed biling pls ro pdr Rsia ari or rhe ffi- or the lxlm, Bnbin g{ ib uval sP{ionty kndkout blo* isajBr Fa€ 6y n.in8 iluoush B€l gi@ tudbu& rd dE NedEbn& b ou6,'*the m{y ws cut ofl frcn its colod6, a wen a fbh Fmch amy md €pM Pdd G€trlhy wotld thd be abre b .onenhe ib em€is o 1d of ihe bldkade weF rcEEd by pdr had6b in 1916 and le1z plus an mcually cold winrc! in rd rhe s.]'li€fiq plh b su@€d, dr cetu ould noi ano* the rKim amy b gd a head sd citi6 who mul'l nd alford dr bla.k mrkd pne ior in pRparilg lor wd cmequ{rly, fie Gelmn gov- food ud tuel, weF pushed b eE b e@cn|oldercdi6nilibrybmbirizcaidd.claEd More tlu! ,@,!co cffi civirid di€d dtrg h. wd agaiGr tu*ia on Au8!* 1. Two days lat.r, wd62elllofiJleblcradeMe cernanydedared sai dn Fran e, Ru66iatally. cellrhadian profpEd the Bn6sh b.ldlne ffi.n cmmy on Augur 4. wodd wd I had begun. unlike Eftgeh onllicb ol rlE 13rh dd 19th which the shggle ffi .d limid b the bard€Iield ship oI ihe sPD in rhe RenhsbS supponed fte wa Each side bied b dipple rhe orhel3 glrmny d h- cffod byvoting b pftvide s€ hilibrywi$addiuoml deroine norate dn the hone tunL Even neltal rund! c€rl]E work6, ld\g ssFed or dftloyalty counbis, su.h 6 *r u.ibt sbb, foud rhi their by top govemnent officials, pabioliaily rarlied abilib/ b bde Gely wisr Ewpewas h dhgd.

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