r**m FORECAST TEMPERATURES Fair tonight and Wedneadar. but locally Bleb W <»t I am) Low W unsettled In mountain* today; no change SAM. READIlfOS IN OTHER CITIES 88 tempera tore; moderate wind* elf (bore. OCEAM TIDES TOMOBBOW ties Angelee . M!8«!t tat* Cltr _»n Tampa _____ -801 Denver __M Rtah I Low PltUburgh _ _84 New Tork SS t:U a.m.i 7:11 p.m.(3:Il a.m.; 1:47 p.m. De* Moines . .Ml Kan*** CUT SS tBM BUBS BUM SETS LOOK New Orleans -Tti San Franelaeo 84 1:13 o'clock ' | 1:44 o'clock EVE .MlChlcago n Boston * Devoted to Developing UM Great Bay District Member Associated Press—Established Oct, 13, 1875 VOLUME LvTI NUMBER 194 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST <J1, 1931 IRICE TWO CENTS MYSTERY GUN INTRODUCED BY CLARK DEFENSE 4IIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIII.II iiiiiiii.iiiiiiuii-iiitiii.iiiiiii iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiii BOB SHULER WINS RADIO LICENSE FIGHTISUSPECTS ATTORNEYS HINT MORATORIUM ON SANTA MONICANS WEAPON WILL PROVE STRONG COMMISSIONER YOST GIVES MEAT DECLARED Budget Slashing Many Defects to GET FIRST RAIN BY GOV. ROLPH OF NEW SEASON LINK IN CHAIN OF EVIDENCE APPROVAL TO MINISTERIAL State Executive Likes to Marks Effort to Be Corrected by Hundredth of Inch Falls Proclaim So He Calls in District, Gauge LOS ANOELES, Aug. 11 (CNS)—A new mystery gun, ths for *Fi»h Week* Hera Shows tenth pistol laid before the eyes of ths Jury ln the David H. STATION, ADDING CRITICISM SEQUOIA LODGE. Sequoia Na­ Keep Down Tax New State Laws Happy New Year I Clark murder trial, today was Introduced by ths defense with tional Park, Aug. 11 (U.R)—It's got If there are any Santa Monicans the Intimation that it had been part of the arsenal of Charlie so that a governor has a hard job Additional Cuts Proposed! Measures Passed by 1931 who measure time in terms of rain Crawford. The sensational move by the defense came when proclaiming these days without a years they bad occasion to cele­ W. I. Gilbert, defense attorney, threw down before Ray Radke. WASHINGTON, Aug. 11 (AP)—Ellis A. Yost, chief lot of objections cropping out to Would Para Total Legislature in Effect brate today, because a light shower examiner of the radio commission, today recommended re­ spoil tht fun, but Governor James early this morning brought to their confidential secretary to Crawford, a new double-barreled Rolph, Jr., mindful of the storm By $600,000 Midnight Thursday atteattoa the fact that Santa newal of the license of station KOEF, Trinity Methodist aroused by his proposed six-day Monies has entered tte rain sea­ derringer of .41 caliber. "Did you ever see that gun before?" Church, South, Los Angeles, operated by ths Rev. Dt. Bob holiday, has solved ttn problem. LOS ANGELES, Aug. 11 LOS ANOELES, Aug. 11 son of 19SS. dramatically asked the attorney of ths witness who had Shuler. Yost held the public Interest would be served by "I'll proclaim a fish week," hit (CNS) — Work Of ths 1931 Rain started a few minutes be­ testified that he saw his employer carrying a pistol "every granting Or. Shuler's renewal appli­ excellency thought. (CNS)—With an actual cut of fore 7 a m. as a light drizzle and i time he came into the of flea" "No, cation, but expressed the opinion the So proclaim he did, and bt It $4,055,718 already made and California legislature, which continued for about two hours. At answered the witness, and the new minister had been "extremely indis­ known that the next tew days are recommendation by County enacted 1,220 bills for ths gov­ tin gauge on top of tte dty ball double-barreled derringer—the tenth a precipitation of .01 Inch was re­ Murder Suspect creet in some of kit broadcasts." "Governor's fish week." Auditor Herbert A. Payne for ernor's signature, will attain gun in a case which started out Suiting hit actions to hit proc­ fruition at midnight Thursday, when corded, twit It appeared that ln as the "gunless shooting," with ae Tin commission, ta recess until lamation, with a company of state approximately $600,000 additional some sections of the Bay area the death weapon ever discovered—WM fall, has yet to pass oo the exam­ slashes, assurance was given today the new legislation, much of tt re­ fall was slightly heavier. It was iner's recommendation, officials tnd other prominent per­ marked for identification. sons, tin governor left for ttn at the opening of public hearings medial, becomes effective. tin first rain officially recorded Radke then denied that he had "Evidently broadcasts were made on tht general county budget that Laws ot taxation, labor, stock sales, for tte new rain year ia Santa by him before investigation and in­ higher reaches of the mountains to ever seen Crawford carry still an­ angle for trout. the new tax rate for 1031-32 would traffic, debt limitation and oil con­ Monica. other pistol—a "white-handled gun.** quiry to determine the correctness remain at the present rate, 88 cents servation are among those to be ef­ of sueh broadcasts," Yost said. Eight of tte ten guns, five of per $100 of assessed valuation. fected by new legislation, nuch of them identified as belonging to "The practice of reflecting upon Tin county's tentative budget which changes old measures to ob­ Charlie Crawford and another the the character of a citizen, based compiled after conferences during viate glaring defects, it was pointed property of his bodyguard brother, solely on rumors and unverified re­ June totaled $50,734,955, but only i out todty by Robert W. Kenny, dep­ George, already are marked as ex­ ports, resulting in Injury both to Un uty county counsel. Lindys Continue Bay Realty Board $26,791,985 of thit sum has to be hibits in the case. business and reputation of such raised from taxation, tht residue Property Owners Benefit citizen, ls indefensible. Promises Surprise coming from special district funds, Kenny, who represented the board Atoo marked for identification to Points of Criticism including drainage, flood control, of supervisors at the last session ot the .38 Colt revolver, declared by - Injury or injustice by reason of Wants Taxes Cut lighting, sewer and similar sources. the legislature, discussed today some Nome Hop After the clerk who sold the original to a radio broadcast may be irrepara- Other Revenue Sources et the new bills aad their predicted be virtually idcntleal with tte one le. Unjust attacks upon religious Payne's report to the board today effect on the statute structure of ttto which Clark purchased the day be­ «enominations increase religious showed a total of $1,222,847 cut from state. fore tte shooting, at the same time prejudice tnd arouse community salaries and wages; $982,731 from Owners of real property will bene­ advertising hto identity with hand­ strife and antagonism; unwarranted Below 88c Rate maintenance and operation; $1,670,- fit especially from the debt limita­ ForceUanding shakes and campaign cards ln hit criticism of tin courts and public 140 from capital outlay, and $180,- tion bill sponsored by memben of race for tte municipal bench. officials tends to destroy confidence 000 from interests and debt reduc­ the Southern California delegation. In addition to these weapons, af the people ln free government Leaders Pleased by Move tion due to transfer of this obli­ Kenny declares. The bill prohibits! Flying Colonel and Wife j which comprise the "arsenal" of tin and is against public interest." gation to the good-roads fund, special assessment proceedings that trial, there to the shadow of at least The report pointed out thtt a for Economy, But Ask which It obtained from state gas cost more thaa fifty per cent of the Fogbound for Hours in two "phantom gnat"—that SS Colt broadcasting license "does not con­ Other Slashes and license tax money. value of tte property affected, and Kotzebue Sound which Clark purchased and at lea«- fer upon anyone tbs right or priv­ Tin report shows that ttw county- kills any Improvement on which fifty |one other gun of Crawford, a .38 would obtain additional revenue by per cent of Interested property own­ ilege to broadcast any false, slan­ BULLETIN Colt ter which te obtained a gun derous or libelous matter," sad said Although gratified by thsth e sale to tin United States gov­ ers protest. permit within recent years Los Angeles county board of ernment for $325,000 of the property NOME. Aag. il of) —roi. aad any abuse of ttn privileges con­ Radical amendments in the blue-; Mrs. C. A. Lindbergh reached here Tilt bullets which killed Crawford ferred by a radio license would supervisors' action yesterday at New High and Temple streets for sky law gives the corporation com-f and Spencer wen that from a 38 a portion of the new postoffice rite, at 1:25 p. BU Pacific standard weigh heavily against the licensee tn announcing a slash of all mlssioner's office greater powers to time, today from Shtamaref, oa caliber Colt, according to experts, upon the question of renewal. budgets to a point whets ths with additional available surplus cope with stock frauds, while the who read tte signatures of guns in The 24-page opinion reviewed the revenue from other sources of Sharkey oil conservation bills are! Kotirbu. sound, where they were 88-cent tax rate can be retained, forced down Ittt alght ta a flight David H. Clark, as he appears the leaden pellets. Shuler case la detail. It said the $885,000.
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