ASPPB Acronym List -A- -C- AASPB American Association of State CATF Competency Assessment Task Force Psychology Boards (former name of (ASPPB) ASPPB) CAPP Committee for the Advancement of ABPP American Board of Professional Professional Practice (APA) Psychology www.abpp.org http://www.apa.org/practice/leadership/c app/index.aspx ACCA Advisory Committee on Colleague Assistance (APA) CCHPTP Council of Clinical Health Psychology http://www.apa.org/practice/leadership/c Training Programs olleague-assistance.aspx http://community.wvu.edu/~ktl000/CCHP TP/index.htm ACCTA Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies http://www.accta.net/ CCOPP Council of Credentialing Organizations in Professional Psychology ACPRO Association of Canadian Psychology http://www.apa.org/ed/graduate/specializ Regulatory Organizations e/ccopp.aspx http://www.acpro-aocrp.ca/ CCPPP Canadian Council of Professional APA American Psychological Association Psychology Programs www.apa.org http://www.ccppp.ca/ APA Council APA Council of Representatives CCPTP Council of Counseling Psychology http://www.apa.org/about/governance/co Training Programs uncil/index.aspx http://www.ccptp.org/ APAGS American Psychological Association of CCTC Council of Chairs of Training Councils Graduate Students (APA) http://psychtrainingcouncils.org/ www.apa.org/apags/ CDSPP Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs APPIC Association of Psychology Postdoctoral https://sites.google.com/site/cdspphome/ and Internship Centers www.appic.org CEC Committee on Exam Coordination ASPPB Association of State and Provincial (ASPPB) Psychology Boards www.asppb.net CECP APA Committee on Early Career Psychologists http://www.apa.org/careers/early- -B- career/committee/index.aspx BARC Board Administrators/Registrars CESPPA Council of Executives of State, Committee (ASPPB) Provincial (and Territorial) Psychological Associations BEA APA Board of Educational Affairs http://www.apa.org/ed/governance/bea/i CLEAR Council on Licensure, Enforcement and ndex.aspx Regulation http://www.clearhq.org/ BPA APA Board of Professional Affairs CoA APA Commission on Accreditation http://www.apa.org/practice/leadership/b http://www.apa.org/ed/accreditation/ pa/index.aspx CODI ASPPB Committee on Disciplinary Issues (ASPPB) COPPPP Council of Postdoctoral Programs in Professional Psychology ASPPB Acronym List Page 2 CoS Council of Specialties in Professional -H- Psychology http://cospp.org/ HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and CPA Canadian Psychological Association Accountability Act http://www.cpa.ca/ CPQ Certificate of Professional Qualification -I- in Psychology IAAP International Association of Applied CRHSPP Canadian Register of Health Service Psychology http://www.iaapsy.org/ Providers in Psychology http://www.crhspp.ca/ ICE Institute for Credentialing Excellence (formerly NOCA) CRSPPP APA Commission for the Recognition of http://www.credentialingexcellence.org/ Specialties and Proficiencies in Professional Psychology IDC Item Development Committee http://www.apa.org/ed/graduate/specializ e/crsppp.aspx I/O Industrial Organizational (Psychology) CUDCP Council of University Directors of Clinical IPC Interjurisdictional Practice Certificate Psychology http://cudcp.us/ -J- -D- JDAC Joint Designation Appeals Committee Division 13 APA Society of Consulting Psychology (ASPPB/NR) http://www.apadivisions.org/division- 13/index.aspx JDC Joint Designation Committee (ASPPB/NR) -E- -M- EFPA European Federation of Psychologists MARC Model Act and Regulations Committee Associations http://www.efpa.eu/ (ASPPB) ELC APA Education Leadership Conference MOB Mobility Committee (ASPPB) http://www.apa.org/ed/governance/elc/in dex.aspx MOCAL Task Force on Maintenance of Competence and Licensure (ASPPB) EPPP Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology MYM Midyear Meeting ExC Examination Committee (ASPPB) -N- -F- NCSPP National Council of Schools of Professional Psychology FAC Finance & Audit Committee (ASPPB) http://www.ncspp.info/ FARB Federation of Associations of Regulatory NOCA Former name of Institute for Boards http://www.farb.org/ Credentialing Excellence (ICE) ASPPB Acronym List Page 3 NOMS Nominations Committee (ASPPB) NR National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology http://www.nationalregister.org/ -P- P&P Policies & Procedures PARRP Practice Analysis Research Review Panel Task Force PEPPP Practice Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (at Prometric testing centers) PEPPPO Practice Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology Online (online) PES Professional Examination Service http://www.proexam.org/ PLUS Psychology Licensure Universal System -S- SIOP Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology – APA Division 14 http://www.siop.org/ http://www.apa.org/about/division/div14. aspx SLC APA State Leadership Conference http://www.apapracticecentral.org/advoc acy/state/slc.aspx .
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