A Review of the Species of the Tribe Acanthaclisini From

A Review of the Species of the Tribe Acanthaclisini From

Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica , 29 (3) : 509 - 515 (J uly , 2004) ISSN 100020739 动物分类学报 A REVIEW OF THE SPECIES OF THE TRIBE ACANTHACLISINI FROM CHINA (NERUOPTERA, MYRMELEONTIDAE) BAO Rong , WAN G Xin2Li Depart ment of Entomology , China A gricultural U niversity , Beijing 100094 , China Abst ract In this paper five species of the Acanthaclisini from China were reviewed. Acanthaclisis pallida Mclachlan and Stiphroneura inclusa ( Walker) as newly record species are described. Centroclisis negligens (Navás) , Heoclisis kawaii (Naka2 hara) and Heoclisis japonica (Maclachlan) are redescribed. Alloclisis hainanica Yang is p roposed as a new synonym of Centro2 clisis negligens (Navás) and Neriga limoiana Yang a new synonym of Stiphroneura inclusa ( Walker) . A key to Chinese species of Acanthaclisini is given. Key wor ds Myrmeleontidae, Acanthaclisini , new record, China. The Acanthaclisini belongs to the M yrmeleontidae Synclisis Navás , 1919. Bol . Soc. Ent . Espana , 2 : 218. which is diagnosed by forewing vein CuP originating at Diagnosis. Tibial spurs bent at nearly right angle , or very near basal crossvein; forewin g vein 2A vari2 often with flange. Hindfemur with elongate sensory able ; pretarsal claw strongly arched near base; tibial hair; forewing costal area predominately biareolate; sp urs strongly curved, sometimes bent at ri ght angle claws smaller than tibial sp urs ; pronotum as wide as (Stang , 1994) . The Acanthaclisini contains 18 gene2 long or wider than long; distal labial palp us with an ra , 100 species in the world. The distribution covers elongate slit2like sensoryopening ; male ectop roct with the whole world. The lar gest genus seems to be Centro2 postventral lobe more than 3 times longer than wide clisis with about 50 species ( HÊzel , 1986 ) . Three (Stang & Miller , 1985) . species of the Acanthaclisini have been reported in Distribution. Palearctic Region. China p reviously. The p resent paper is a further study of the Acanthaclisini from China, with two genus and Acanthaclisis p alli da Mclachla n , 1887 New two species newly recorded and three species re2 record to China Acanthaclisis pallida Mclachlan , 1887. Horae Soc. Ent . Ross., 21 : described from the countr y. 453.HÊzel , 1970 : 128 ; Krivokhastsky , 1996 : 15. All material examined in this paper are deposited in the Insect Collection of China Agricultural Universi2 Female. Pale tawny brown species , forewing 372 ty and the Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology , 40 mm , hindwing 35237 mm , body length 43245 mm. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing , China. Head. Vertex morderatel y raised with white hairs. Eyes dark brownish grey ; face yellow with Key t o t he species of Acanthaclisini in China 1. Hindwing with two large dark spots ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ white hairs; palpi tawny , maxillary palpi pale brown. ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Stip hroneura i ncli usa Wal ker Distal labial palpus with an elongate silt2like sensory2 Hindwing without large dark spot ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 2 opening. Antennae clavate, yellow basally , antennae ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 21 Tibial spurs bent at nearly right angle, often with flange 3 brown with fine yellowish annulations. Tibial spurs gently curved ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 4 Thorax. Pronotum ( Fig ) wider than long yel 31 Forewing costal area mostly simple ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 11 2 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Centroclisis negligens (Navás) low brown with double median brown stripes , slender Forewing costal area predominately biareolate ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ dorsolateral brown stripe diverging toward posterior ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Acanthaclisis p allida Mclachla n angles , posterior angles brown ; pterothorax with 41 Pronotum with four distinct black stripes ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ brown media stripe; later lobes brown, posterior long ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Heoclisis japonica (Maclachla n) Pronotum withont four distinct black stripes ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ white hairs. ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Heoclisis kawaii (Naka hara) Legs. Yellow. Midleg and hindleg with brown marks white hairs. Sp ur strongly arched, extending Acanthaclisis Ru mbur , 1842 New record to China Acanthaclisis Rumbur , 1842. Hist. Nat. Ins. Nevr., 378; Stange & about to apex of t3. Claw simple , strongly curved. Miller , 1985 : 32.Type species : Myrmeleon occitanicum Villers , 1789. Wings ( Figs113214 ) . Most longitudinal veins Received 2 Aug. 2003 , accepted 6 Apr. 2004. 509 015 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 动物分类学报 Vol. 29 No. 3 tawny. Costal area of forewing biareolate, upper series Centroclisis negligens ( Navás ) Stange & Wang , 1997 : 52 ; Miller & of cellules much smaller than lower series. On the Stange , 1999 : 73. Alloclisis hainanica Yang , 2002 : 299. forewing a long brown stripe along CuA12vein. Banksian line developed. Male. Large and brown species, forewing 46 Abdomen. Mainly tawny with white hairs. Geni2 mm , hindwing 37 mm , body length 40 mm. talia ( Fig15) : ectoproct oval, with black setae; lateral Head. Vertex inflated and bilobed; brown with gonapop hyses long with digging setae , posterior go2 two transverse rows of small spots , face yellow , with napop hyses digitiform; anterior gonapop hyses small. white and black long setaes ; clypeus and labrum yel2 Male. Similar to female. Hair2pencils occur be2 low , maxillary and labial brown; terminal segment of tween tergite Ⅵ and Ⅶ, pilula axillaries p resent . Ab2 labial palp us enlarged; antennae brown with fine yel2 domen brown, ectoproct with elongate postventral lobe lowish annulations , basal segment pale brown; ocular covered with white and black setae ( Fig19) ; gonarcus , rim with long setae being much longer than width of mediuncus and parameres as in Fig110. scape. Material examined. China , Xinjiang : 1 ♀, 1 ♂, Thorax. Pronotum ( Fig12) slightly shorter than Bachu , 14 J une 1996 , J IAN G Ming2Xiang leg. ; 1 ♀, broad, with a broad mid2dorsal stripe and two slender 3 ♂♂, Hami , J une 1981 , XU E Shi2Lai leg. ; 2 ♀♀, irregular dorsolateral stripes , posterior angle and most Tulufan , 25 Aug. 1979 , 26 Aug. 1979 , L I Fa2Sheng of posterior broder black; meso2and metanotum dark leg. ; 2 ♀ ♀, Hetian , 9 Sep . 1979 , 21 J uly 1981 , brown with narrow yellow stripes; head and thorax L IU Zhi2Bing leg. ; 8 ♀ ♀, 4 ♂ ♂; 1 ♀, Hetian , covered with long black and white setae. J une 1981 , YAN G Sheng2Ming leg. ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Legs. Mainly dark brown, tibiae luteous with Wen , 1956 , HUAN G Da2Wei leg. ; 1 ♀, Hetian , 9 large dark brown spots; tibial sp urs strongly arched Sep . 1979 , HUAN G Da2Wei leg. ; 3 ♀♀, Hetian , 9 with flange, about as long as three basal segments of Sep . 1979 ; 1 ♀, Tulufan , 26 Aug. 1979 , YAN G tarsus together ; T1 shorter than T5 ; claws strongly Chi2Kun leg. ; 1 ♀, Tulufan , 20 Aug. 1964 ; 1 ♀, curved; all legs covered with long white and black se2 Kashi , 24 J une 1980 , GUO Shang2Bei leg. ; China , tae; forefemur and midfemur with at least two elon gate Ningxia , 1 ♀,Eqi Park , 30 J uly 1991 , YAN G Cai2 sensory hairs. Xia leg. Wings ( Fig115) .Hyaline, forewings with small Remarks. This species has two colour morp he : the brown shadows along CuA1 ; costal space rather nar2 typical one has a interrupting pale brown stripe along row , cross veins mainl y undivided, only 728 distal CuA1 vein, the other one has a long brown stripe along cross veins (before pterostigma) forked; venation pale CuA1 vein. These two colour morphe occur in the same with dark interruptions; Sc with a brown dash at base area. of each costal veinlet; R marked with brown dashes al 2 ternating with pale interval; Rs, M and CuA with lon g Centroclisis N avás , 1909 brown dashes; many cross veins totall y dark ; Cent roclisis Navás , 1909. Butll. Inst . Catal . Hist . Nat ., 6 : 71. Stange & Miller , 1985 : 31.Type species : Centroclisis lanosa pterostigma distinct yellowish; hindwing with 7 cross Navás , 1909. veins before origin of Rs. Banksian line conspicuous in Neboda Navás , 1911. Rev. Russ. Ent ., 11 : 116.Type species : Nebo2 both wings ; pilula axillaries p resent . á da ngeligens Nav s , 1911. Abdomen. Dark brown, shorter than win gs. Sograssa Navás , 1924. Ann. Soc. Sci . Br uxelles , 43 : 71.Type ( ) species : Sogra superba Navás , 1912. Female. Similar to male. Genitalia Fig16 : ec2 Alloclisis Yang , 2002. Yang , 2002 : 299.Type species : Alloclisis toprocts oval with black long setae, lateral gonapop hy2 hainanica Yang , 2002. ses round with black di gging setae , posterior go2 Diagnosis. Tibial spurs bent at nearly right angle ; napop hyses digitiform. hindfemur with elongate sensory hair; forewing costal Material examined. 1 ♂, Diaoluo Mountain, area mostly simple; forefemur and midfemur with at Guangdong Prov. , 24 May 1997 , YAN G Chi2Kun least two elongate sensory hairs; ocular rim with long and CHENG Gui2Fang leg. ; 1 ♀, Jianfengling , setae (much longer than wider of scape) . Hainan Prov. , 22 J une 1982 , GU Mao2Bin leg. ; 1 ♀, Distribution. Europe , China. Nada, Hainan Prov. , 9 J une 1964 , PIN G Zheng2 Ming leg. ; 1 ♀, Dianbai, Guangdong Prov. , 12217 Centroclisis negligens ( á ) N av s , 1911 J une 1982 , XIE Ying2Shu leg. Neboda negligens Navás , 1911. Rev. Russ. Ent ., 11 (1) : 116. Figs11212. 124. Pronotum 11 Acanthaclisis Pallida. 21 Centroclisis negligens. 31 Heoclisis kawaii. 41 Heoclisis japonica. Scale bar : 1 mm. 528. Female terminalia. 51 Acanthaclisis pallida. 61 Centroclisis negligens. 71 Heoclisis kawaii. 81 Heoclisis japonica. Scale bar : 1 mm. Abbreviations. Ep r , ectoproct; Ga, anterior go2 napop hyses ; Gp , posterior gonapop hyses; Gl, lateral gonapop hyses. 9212. Male terminalia. 91 Acanthaclisis pal2 lida , lateral side view. 101 Acanthaclisis pallida gonarcus2parameres2komplex.

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