DOCUMENT RESUME ED 082 021 CE 000 297 TITE Aviation Boatswain's Mate H1 and C. NAVPERS 10303-B. Rate Training Manual. INSTITUTION Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington, D.C. REPORT NO NAVPERS-10303-B PUB DATE 71 NOTE 119p.; Revised edition AVAILABLE FROM superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Stock Number 0500-094-3110) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS *Aviation Technology; Equipment; *Job Training; *Manuals; *Military Personnel; *Military Training; *Seamen; Skilled Occupations; Vocational Education IDENTIFIERS *Aviation Boatswain's Mate ABSTRACT A guide for advancement of Navy personnel in the Aviation Boatswain's Mate H (ABH) rating is provided in this self-study training manual. The chapters outline the qualifications and responsibilities of Aviation Boatswains involved in aircraft handling equipment, aircraft handling, aircraft crashes, firefighting, crew entrapment, shipboard firfighting, and administration. There are extensive diagrams, drawings, and photographs. (KP) r" U.S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DJCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW 02 OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFF ICI AL NA.TIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY BOA.SWAIN'S MA.E H 1 & C I TILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY PREFACE This Navy Rate Training Manual is one of a series of training manuals prepared especially for men of the Navy studying for advancement in the Aviation Boatswain's Mate H (ABH) rating. This manual was designed to be a self-study manual. The predominant factor in the selection of the contents of this train- ing manual has been the 1969 revision of the Manual of Qualifications for Advancement, NavPers 18068 (Series), as it relates to the ABH rating at the first class and chief petty officer levels. Aviation Boatswain's Mate H 1 & C was prepared by the Navy Train- ing Puolications Center, Millington, Tennessee, for the Bureau of Naval Personnel.Credit for technical assistance is given to the Aviation Boatswain's Mate School, Lakehurst, New Jersey, the Naval Aviation Integrated Logistic Support Center, Patuxent River, Maryland, and the Naval Air Systems Command. 1971 Edition Stock Ordering No. 0500-094-3110 1 THE UNITED STATESNAVY. GUARDIAN OF OUR COUNTRY The United States Navy is responside for maintaining control of the sea and is a ready force on watch at home and overseas, capable of strong action to preserve the peace or of instant offensive action to win in war. It is upon the maintenanc, of this control that our country's glorious future depends; the United State: Navy exists to mal e it so. WE SERVE WITH HONOR Tradition, valor, and victory are the Navy's heritage from the past. To these may be added dedication, discipline, and vigilance as the watchwords of the present and the future. At home or on distant stations we serve with pride, confident in the respect of our country, our shipmates, and our families. Our responsibilities sober us; our adversities strengthen us. Service to God and Country is our special privilege. We serve with honor. THE FUTURE OF THE NAVY The Navy will always employ new weapons, new techniques, and greater power to protect and defend the United States on the sea, under the sea, and in the air. Now and in the future, control of the sea gives the United States her greatest advantage for the maintenance of peace and for victory in war. Mobility, surprise, dispersal, and offensive power are the keynotes of the new Navy.The roots of the Navy lie in a strong belief in the future, in continued dedication to our tasks, and in reflection on our heritage from the past. Never have our opportunities and our responsibilities been greater. ii CONTENTS CHAPTER Page 1.Aviation Boatswain's Mate H rating 1 2.Aircraft handling equipment 12 3.Aircraft handling 34 4.Aircraft crashes, firefighting, and crew entrapment 50 5.Shipboard firefighting 83 6.Administration 3 91 INDEX 111 READING LIST USAFI TEXTS United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI) courses for additional reading and study are available through your Educational Services Offi- cer.* The following courses are recommended: D 700 General Aeronautics E 275 General Science I E 276 General Science II *"Miembers of the United States Armed Forces Reserve components, when on active duty, are eligible to enroll for USAFI courses, services, and materials if the orders calling them to active duty specify a period of 120 days or more." iv CHAPTER 1 AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATE H RATING The requirements for advancement are many. Subdivisions of certain general ratings are Experience has proved that one requirement identified as SERVICE RATINGS. These serv- for advancement is study.This is essential if iceratingsidentify areas ofspecializa' the petty officer is to keep up with a rapidly within the scope of a general rating.Service changing Navy. Study relates to those efforts ratings are established in those general ratings necessary to acquire ,related knowledge from in which specialization is essential for efficient both the written word and from the practical utilization of personnel. Although service rat- aspects of a job. For the ABH the knowledge ings can exist at any petty officer level, they required for advancement is acquired from the are most COMMOr at the P03 and P02 levels. study of training manuals and other publica- Both Regular Navy and Naval Reserve person- tions, and from on-the-job training and practi- nel may hold service ratings. cal experience. This Rate Training Madual is designed te: ABH RATING aid the ABH2 in preparing for advancement Lo The ABH rating is a service rating and is ABH1 and the ABH1 in preparing for ABHC, included in Navy Occupational Group IX (Avia- based primarily on the professional require- tion).The general rating, . AB, applies at the ments or qualifications for ABH1 and ABHC. as E-8 and E-9 levels. (See fig. 1-1). contained in the Manual of Qualifications for. The Manual of Qualifications for Advance- Advancement, NavPers 18068 (Series).For ment, NavPers 18068 (Series), states that ABH's examination purposes, this manual should be are responsible for the movement and spotting studied in conjunction with ABH 3 & 2, NavPers of aircraft,- both ashore and afloat; operate and 10300-B since some material on the examina- service ground handling and hoisting equipment; tion for advLucement may be thoroughly ex- and perform aircraft crash rescue firefighting, plained in that publication and not repeated in crash removal, and damage control duties. this manual.In preparation for examination, ABH's also supervise the securing of aircraft Military Requirements for Petty Officer 1 & C, and equipment and perform duties in connection NavPers 10057-B, which covers the military with launching and recovery of aircraft. requirements forall seniorpettyofficers, The ABH1 must be qualified to supervise should also be studied. and conduct inventories and maintain custody records, prepare equipment failure reports, ENLISTED RATING STRUCTURE direct flight deck damage control parties, and know the procedures and equipment needed for The present enlisted rating structure in- jettisoning aircraft and equipment. cludes two types of ratings:general ratings In addition to'the above listed requirements and service ratings. for ABH1, the ABHC must inspect work areas, GENERAL RATINGS are designed to provide tools, and equipment to detect potentially haz- paths of advancement and career development. ardous and unsafe conditions and take correc- A general rating identifies a broad Occupational tive action, and screen defective components field of related duties and functions requiring for feasibility of repair. similar aptitudes and qualifications.General Along with th,-; necessary tours of se"._ duty, ratings provide theprimary. means used to a wide variety of assignments ashore is avail- identify billet requirements and personnel qual- able to the ABH. In addition to air station ifications. Some general ratings include serv- assignments which usually entail a billet in air ice ratings; others do not. Both Regular Navy terminal duties or crash-rescue duties,the and Naval Reserve personnel may hold general ABH1 and ABHC are eligible for assignment to ratings. instructor duty. AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATE H 1 & C LDO /// / / / / //1// WARRANT cwo . cwo CWO OFF ICZR W-2 W-3 W-4 W-1 ; I ABC M E - 9 1.1 r APPRENTICE 1 E -2 WARRANT OFFICER INPUT ZONE RECRUIT E- I LDO INPUT ZONE AB.: Figure 1-1.Paths of advancement. Some of the instructor billets available to assignment to instructor duty is contained in ABH's are as follows: the Enlisted Transfer Manual, NavPers 15909 1. Aviation Boatswain's Mate School, NATTU, series. Lakehurst, New Jersey. Chief Aviation Boatswain's Mates are eligi- 2. Aviation Familiarization School, NATTC, ble for assignment to duty with the Navy Train- Memphis, Tennessee. ing Publications Center (NTPC), NAS Memphis, Instructor billets are normally filled on a Millington, Tennessee, as Technical Writers. voluntary basis. Detailed information concerning CPO's assigned to NTPC assist in, the preparation 2 Chapter 1 AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATE H RATING and revision of Rate Training Manuals for the for bystrengthinothers. Criticalself- Group IX (Aviation) ratings. evaluation will enable you to realize the traits Chief Aviation Boatswain's Mates are also in which you are strong, and to capitalize on eligible for assignment to duty with the Naval them. At the same time, you must constae-ly Examining Center, Great Lakes, Illinois, as strive to improve on the traits in which you are Item Writers. CPO's assigned to the Examin- weak. ing t:enter assist in the preparation of Navy- Your success as a leader will be decided, wide advancement examinations forenlisted for the most part, by your achievements in personnel.
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