18954 Federal Register I VoL 57. No. 85 I Friday. May 1. 199Z I Proposed Rules DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION West 7th Avenue. Anchorage. Alaska FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 99513. Mr. William M. Mosley. Air Traffic Federal Aviation Administration For Iowa. Kansas, Missouri. and Rules Branch. ATP-230. Federal Nebraska: Aviation Administration. 800 14 CFR Part 71 Manager, Air Traffic Division. ACE--liOO. Independence Avenue. SW.. Washington. DC Z0591. telephone (202) [Docket No. 26852; Notice 'No. 92-51 Central Region Headquarters. 601 East 12th Street. Federal Building. Kansas 267-9251. Comments of a general na ture RIN 2'2G-AE'8 should be addressed to Mr. Mosley: City. Missouri 64106. ho-wever. comments that address a Terminal Airspace Reconllguration For Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey. specific control zone or transition area New York, Pennsylvania. Virginia. and should be addressed to the appropriate AGENCY: Federal Aviation West Virginia: FAA region. which is listed under Administration (FAA). DOT, Manager. Air Traffic Division. AEA-SOO. AI!lDRESSES. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking Eastern Region Headquarters. JFK SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATK)N: (NPRM). International Airport. Fitzgerald Comments Invited SUMMARY: This document proposes to Federal Building.lamaica. N'ew York amend the Federal Aviation Regulations 11430. Interested persons are invited to (FAR) by revising all control zones and For Illinois, Indiana, North Dakota. parNcipate in the making of the transition areas and specific terminal Michigan. Minnesota. Ohit>, South plioposed rule by submitting such control areas (TeAs) and airport radar Dakota. and Wisconsin: written data, views, or arguments as service areas (ARSAs). The revisions Manager. Air Traffic Division. AGL-500, they may desire. Comments relating to propose to: (1) Modify the lateral and Great Lakes Region Headquarters.. the economic. environmental, energy. or vertical dimensions of the control zones O'Hare Lake Office Cent... 2300 East federalism impacts that might result and transition areas; (2l revise the Devon A venue. Des Plaines, lHinQis from adoption of the proposals lateral dimension of the surface area of 80018. contained in this NPRM also are invited. Substantive comments should be the Anchorage. Alaska ARSA: (3) lower For Connecticut. New Hampshire. the vertical limit of the Chicago. accompanied by actual and anticipated Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island. cost impact statements. as appropriate. Midway Airport. lllinois ARSA so it and Vermont: does not overlap the Chicago, O'Hare Comments should identify the regulatory Manager. Air Traffic Division. A!'\j'E-SOO. Intematit>nal Alrport TeA: (4) replace docket number and should be submitted the El Toro. California Special Air New England Region Headquarters. 12 in triplicate to the Rules Docket address Traffic Rules Area with a Class D New Engl'and Executive Park, specified above. All comments received airspace area; and (5) modify the names Burlington. Massachusetts 01803. 00 or before the closing date for and the language in the airspace For Colorado, Idaho. Montana. comments will be considered by the descriptions of specific TCAs and Oregon. Utah. Washington. end Administrator before action is taken on ARSAs. This proposal would ease the Wyoming: 'he proposed amendments. The conversion from existing. £ontrof zones Manager.. Ai~ Tr.affic Division, ANM­ pr:oposals contained in this NPRM may and transition areas to the new airspace 500. Northwest Mountain Region be changed in light of comments designations establisbed under the Headquarte... 1601 Lind Avenue, SW.. received. All comments received will be Airspace Reclassificatien final rofe. Renton. Washington 98055--4056. available in the Rules Docket. before which is effective. September 16. 1993. For Atabama. Florida, Georgia. and after the closing date for comments. and would be consistent with. the Kellluck~. Mississippi. North Carolina. for examination by interested persons. primary intention ofAirspace Puerto Rico. South Carolina, Tennessee, A report summarizing each substantive Reclassification to simplify airspece and Virgin fsrands: public contact with FAA personnel designations. concerned with this rulemaking will be Manager. Air Traffic Division. ASO-SOO. filed in the docket. Commenters wishing DATES: Comments must be submitted on Southern Region Headquarte... 3400 or before lune 15.1992. to have the FAA acknowledge receipt of Nonnan Berry Drive. East Point tneir comments on this NPRM must ADDRESSES: Comments on this NPRM Geo<gia 30344. inelude a preadddressed. stamped should be mailed. in triplicate. to: Mailing Address: postcard on which the following Federal Aviation Administration, Office P.O. Box 20838. Allanta. Georgia 30320. statement is made: "Comments to of the Chief Counsel. Attention: Rules For Arkansas, Louisiana. New Do<:ket Number 26852." The poslcard Docket (ACC-10). Docket No. 26852. 800 will be date stamped and mailed to the Independence Avenue. SW., Mexico. Oklahoma. and Texas: Manager. Air Tramc Division, ASW­ commenler. Washington. DC 20591. Comments delivered must be marked Docket No. 500. Southwest Region Headquarte.... Avallability of NPRMs 26852. Comments may be examined in 4400 Blue Mound Road. Fort Worth. Texas 76193-0530. Any person may obtain a copy of this room 915G weekdays between 8:30 a.m. For American Samoa. Arizona, NPRM by submitting a request to the and 5 p.m., except on Federal holidays. Federal Aviation Administration. Office The informal docket may also be California. Hawaii. Japan. Mariana Islands. Marshall Islands. Nevada: of Public Affairs. Attention: Public examined during normal business hOUfS Inquiry Center. APA-220, 800 at the office of the Regional Air Traffic Manager. Air Traffic Division. AWP­ Independence Avenue, SW., Western~Pacific Division. The addresses of the offices 500, Region W....hington. DC 20591. or by calling and the corresponding states. territories, Headquarters. 15000 Aviation (202) Z87-3484. Communications must and commonwealths are listed below. Boulevard. Hawthorne. California. identify the docket number of this For Alaska: Mailing Address: NPR.'liI. Manager. Air Traffic Division. AAL-500. P.O. Box 92007. Worldway Postal PeTS()f1S interested in being placed on Alaskan Region Headquarters. 222 Center. Los Angeles. California 90009. a mailing list for future NPRMs should Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 65 / Friday, May 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules 18955 request from the above office a copy of control tower and an airport traffic area implementation of the Airspace Advisory Circular 1t-2A. Notice of that are not associated with the primary Reclassification final rule, the criteria Proposed Rulemaking Distribution airport of a TeA or an ARSA (current use the existing terminology when S>'stem. which describes the application terminology), or a Class 0 airspace area referring to these airspace areas. procedure. (future terminology); (2) a control zone However. the FAA's proposed changes for an airport without an operating Background affect existing airspace designations and control tower (current terminology) or a the parallel airspace designations that Related Agency Actions Class E airspace area that extends become effective on September 15, 1993. On December 17,1991, the final rule upward from the surface (future A copy of FAA Order 7400.2C can be terminology); or (3) a transition area for Airspace Reclassification was found in Docket Number 26852 or published (56 FR 65638). The new (current terminology) or a Class E ohtained through the Document airspace classes are effective September airspace area that extends upward from Inspection Facility, APA-220, Federal 16, 1993. Tbe final rule amends FAR part other than the surface (future Aviation Administration, 800 terminology). These reviews do not 71 to reclassify U.S. airspace in Independence Avenue. SW., change any requirements for operations accordance with the airspace classes Washington, DC 20591, (202) 267-3484. under visual flight rules (VFR) or adopted by the International Civil instrument flight rules (!FR). Re~Tisions to Criteria. The revised Aviation Organization (ICAO). The reviews of certain existing criteria in FAA Order 7400.2C include Under the amended part 71. positive airspace areas focus on control zones, the following elements: (1) Converting control area (peAs). jet routes. and area transition areas, and offshore airspace. the lateral unit of measurement for high routes are classified as Class A The first of these reviews, which is conlrol zones and transition areas from airspace areas; TeAs are classified as addressed in this NPRM, focuses on statute miles to nautical miles; (2) Class B airspace areas; ARSAs are control zones and transition areas. A conforming existing control zones classified as Class C airspace areas; subsequent NPRM will address offshore associated with TCAs or ARSAs to be control zones for airports with operating airspace and any supplementary congruent with the lateral dimensions of control towers and airport traffic areas airspace matters. The FAA expects that the surface areas of existing TeAs or that are not associated with the primary the proposals in both NPRMs would be ARSAs; (3) redesignating control zones airport of a TCA or an ARSA are effective no later than September 16, to contain intended operations under classified as Class D airspace areas; all 1993, the effective date of the Airspace IFR; (4) redesignating the verticallimil other controlled airspace areas are Reclassification final rule. of control zones
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