WINTER 2020 Living Compassionate CMenaL Massoud Discovering a whole new world of food Plants to the People Nourishing, supporting, and building communities Fish Farm Reality New undercover investigation exposes OVYYPÄJHUPTHSJY\LS[` Relentless Mercy For Animals recaps a hugely successful year ÌL`ÜÌ ÕëÀvÕ`Ü>ÞÃ]Üi ÌÀi>ÌÌ iÜÌ ÃÕV ÕiÌ>VÀÕiÌÞ° DEAR FRIENDS, "ÕÀëiViÃÜi`ÃÌëÜiÀÛiÀÌ i `i>vÌ iÀÃiÌiVi>``Û`Õ>ÌÞ ÞÕÀiiLiÀÌ iwÀÃÌÌiÞÕi` Ì >Ìà Õ`LiÃLÛÕð ÕÌÜi>ÀiÌ Ì>>>½ÃiÞiÃ>`Ì Õ} Ì]wow, }À>Ì°"ÕÀv`ÃÞÃÌiÃÌ iÜ>ÞÌ there’s someone looking back at me¶"À> Ãp`ÕÃÌÀ>âi`]V`]>`VVi>i`p ÌiÜ iÞÕÜiÀiÃ>`>`viÌVvÀÌi` «ÀiVÃiÞLiV>ÕÃiwe knowÌ >ÌÜ >ÌÜi` LÞ> Õ>V«>¶*iÀ >«Ã]i Ì>>ÃÃÜÀ}° i]ÞÕ}ÀiÜÕ«>ÀÕ`>>Ã>`ÜiÀi iV >Ìi`LÞÌ iÀV«iÝiÀÛiÃ>` 7i>ÃÜvÀ ÃÌÀÞÌ >Ì>ÃÞÃÌi >LÌið"À>ÞLi]ii]ÞÕ½ÛiviÌÌ i `iÃ}i`Ì >À]`iÃÌÀÞ]>`«iÀ«iÌÕ>Ìi `ii«]>V }}ÀivÌ >ÌvÜÃÌ iÃÃv ÕÃÌViÃÌÃÕÃÌ>>Li°ƂÃÌ ii>Ì >>>vÀi`° `ÕÃÌÀÞ >ÃvÀ>VÌÕÀi`Õ`iÀÌ iÜi} Ìv Ì iVÀ>ÛÀÕÃ]Üi½ÛiÃiiÌ >ÌLÕ`} >ÌiÞ]>ÃÌ iÜÀ`ÃiiÃÌëÀ>Ì >v`ÃÞÃÌiÌ iL>VÃvÌ iÃÌ V >Ã]½ÛivÕ`ÞÃivÀiyiVÌ}>` ÛÕiÀ>Li Õ>Ã>` Õ>ÃÃÌ> >««ÀiV>Ì}Ì iiÝÌÀ>À`>ÀÞViVÌà ÀiV«ivÀÀiÃiVÞ° ÜivÀÜÌ >>ðÞÌÜV>Ìà >Ûi Lii>ÃÕÀVivVvÀÌvÀi>`Þ 7 >ÌwillVÀi>Ìi>ÕÃÌ>`ÃÕÃÌ>>Li `Ã]Ì iÀ«ÕÀÀÃÀiÃÌ }Ì >>Þ v`ÃÞÃÌi¶/ i>ÃÜiÀÃëi\ÕÀ Ì iÀÀii`Þ°,iViÌÞ]Ü>ÃÛi`Ì ViVÌÛiV«>Ãð7 iÜiV >i Ìi>ÀÃ>`ÞLÞMy Octopus Teacher]> Ì i>`À>Ì>`i«>Ì ÞÜiviivÀÌ i w>LÕÌÌ iÌi`iÀÀi>Ìà «LiÌÜii `Û`Õ>>>ÃÕÀÛiÃÌ>VÌvÀ >`ÛiÀ>` ÃVi>«>°/ ÃÜii] >>>Ã]ÜiLiViÌ i`ÀÛ}vÀVi vÕ`ÞÃiv>Ì>Ã>VÌÕ>ÀÞ]ÃÌÌ}> Ì >ÌÃLÕ`}>LiÌÌiÀÜÀ`vÀ>v yÜiÀÞwi`ÃÕÀÀÕ`i`LÞVÜÃ]iv Ì ip>`vÀ«i«i>`Ì i«>iÌÌ° Ü p>vÌiÀLÃiÀÛ}ivÀ>Ü iÜÌ ÌÀi«`>Ìp>««À>V i`ÌVÞv>Vi ƂÃÞÕ½Ài>`Ì ÃÃÃÕi]Üi½Ài>} i>iÀÕëի«Þ° >Ûi>à >` >ÃÌÕ`}«À}ÀiÃÃvÀ>>ÃÌ}iÌ iÀ] Ì i«i>ÃÕÀivëi`}ÌiÜÌ > i iÛiÌ iÃiV >i}}Ìið̽Ã> ÀiÃVÕi`vÀ>v>VÌÀÞv>À>` >ÛiviÌ À>`>«i>ÃÕÀiÌw} ÌÌ ÃL>ÌÌi Þ i>ÀÌÃÜi>Ãà iiÃÌi`ÌÞiV] ÜÌ ÞÕ° ÀiÌÀÕÃÌ}>`VÕ``ÞÌ >½`iÛiÀ >Ûi Coverr Photo: Alexi Lubomirski }ÕiÃÃi`à i½`Li]}Ûi iÀ«>ÃÌ° 7Ì }À>ÌÌÕ`i] ̽ë>vÕp i>ÀÌLÀi>}]iÛipÌÜ Ì >Ì`iëÌi>>ýVi>ÀV>«>VÌiÃÌ Ûi>`LiÛi`]ÌÌ ]Ìvii]Ì iÝ«iÀiVi >««iÃÃ>`>}Õà ]>` i> i> >ÀVjà > President % EXCLUSIVE CODE: 30 OFF GIFT2020 ShopMFA.com is stocked with gifts for anyone on your list! 7i>««ÀiV>ÌiÞÕÀÃÕ««ÀÌ°ÀÜÌ ÀÕ} >Õ>ÀÞ£x]ÓäÓ£] ÀiViÛiÎä¯IvvÞÕÀiÝÌ- «Ƃ°V«ÕÀV >Ãi°/>««ÞÞÕÀëiV> ÃÕ««ÀÌiÀ`ÃVÕÌ]iÌiÀ«ÀV`iºGIFT2020»`ÕÀ}V iVÕÌ° *Terms and Conditions: / ÃÎä¯`ÃVÕÌÃÛ>`vÀiÌiÕÃiÌÜ>À`Ì i«ÕÀV >ÃivvÕ«ÀViÌiÃÞ° ÃVÕÌV>ÌLiVLi`ÜÌ >Þ Ì iÀvviÀÃÀ«ÀÌð ÃVÕÌÃÌ>««V>LiÌÜ>À`«>ÃÌ«ÕÀV >ÃiÃÀÀiÌÕÀi`iÀV >`Ãi° ÃVÕÌ>««iÃÌiÀV >`ÃiÞ>`V>Ì Li>««i`ÌÜ>À`ÌiÀ>ÌÕÀi]à ««}>` >`}V >À}iÃ]Ì>ÝiÃ]ÀÌ iÀviið ÃVÕÌ >ÃV>à Û>Õi]ÃÌÀ>ÃviÀ>Li]ÜÌLiÀi«>Vi`vÃÌÀ ÃÌi]>`V>ÌLi>ÕVÌi`ÀÃ`° V>à ÉVÀi`ÌL>V°iÀVÞÀƂ>ÃÀiÃiÀÛiÃÌ iÀ} ÌÌ`vÞÀ`ÃVÌÕiÌ Ã«À}À>>Ì>ÞÌiÜÌ ÕÌÌVi° Hungry Planet®: Delicious Cooking Potential Hungry at chef-crafted plant-based meats that are better for you—fewer In her new cookbook, Living home? calories, less fat—delivered to Lively: 80 Plant-Based Recipes to your door AND coming soon Activate Your Power and Feed Your to a store near you! Potential, 19-year-old chef, activist, and health coach Haile Thomas details easy steps to better nourish our bodies and souls. C redit: K e i th Alli son | CC BY-SA 2. VEG 0 Beyond Expectations Plant-Based Despite COVID-19 shutdowns, Beyond Meat’s second- TREND Champions quarter revenue leaped to $113 million—an impressive Acclaimed plant-based 69 percent increase! This athletes, including Olympic far exceeded Wall Street’s medalist Dotsie Bausch, ultra- forecast of $99 million. WINTER athlete Rich Roll, and NFL linebacker Derrick Morgan, were featured in the PSA Milk Prego+ Does a Body Bad that aired on the Today Show. Plant Protein Sauce brand Prego launched its wÀÃÌÛi}>i>ÌÃ>ÕVi\*Ài}³ Plant Protein Meatless Meat. Currently on its way to retailers nationwide, the product mixes classic Prego tomato sauce with meatless crumbles. Lizzo Says It's Easy Ài` Ài À À i` i`Ì `Ì ` Ì Ì \ \ ^ ^ ^ ^ i In a video on TikTok, Lizzo saidsaid to herher >Ì > >ÌÕÀiy >ÌÕÀ Ì ÌÕÀiy The Amazon, Documented ÕÀiy iy nearly nine million followers,ers, “Being >à N >à > >à N à N *À`ÕVi`LÞ Þ>Ìi`w>iÀV > N Ài> Ài>à Ài>à plant-based and vegan has bbeeneen pretty i> i i>à > > Siewierski, musician Moby, and philanthropist Peter à Ìi Ì Ì Ìi°V Ì i easy.” The video has garneredered overr a i i°V V i°V i i° Eastwood, the new documentary Takeout explores V million views and nearly 600,0000,000 likes. the role of meat production in Brazil’s devastating À>vÀiÃÌwÀið WINTER 2020 COMPASSIONATE LIVING 3 Members on a Mercy For Animals has some of the most inspirational friends in the movement! Read on to get inspired and learn more about two standout supporters that make our life-changing work possible! Roger is also the founder of Blue Horizon À«À>̽Ã>vw>Ìi]Blue Horizon International Foundation. The foundation invests in organizations working to “remove animals from the global food chain” and focuses on education, activism, and legislation. Mercy For Animals is honored to receive support from Elisa Wolfe this foundation. Roger said, “I’m happy to support organizations like yours that are very Elisa Wolfe credits her father for her kind heart. professional and experienced in helping animals A philanthropist who has supported many and inform people what is really going on in worthy causes, Elisa grew up surrounded by food production.” loving family members who set a great example for how to treat others. Her father, a fellow By following his heart and making career philanthropist, taught her the value of leaving a choices that inspired and motivated him, legacy of good. ,}iÀ >ÃLiVi> Õ}iÞyÕiÌ>w}ÕÀi in the movement to create a kinder, more According to Elisa, “It’s just a wonderful thing sustainable world. His approach “combines to do, being able to give to charities or both philanthropy and business with the mutual organizations or places like Mercy For Animals goal to change as many plates from meat to money to do what they do, to help in this world.” plants as possible.”” Roger Lienhard Of all her philanthropic endeavors, including those in the art world, Elisa derives the most Roger Lienhard is on a mission to create a food joy from the impact she makes for animals. She system that harms no one, “neither the animals wÀÃÌLiV>iÛÛi`ÜÌ iÀVÞÀƂ>à or the planet, nor the humans.” As a serial 2001 after a tornado hit a factory farm in Croton, entrepreneur, Roger has founded and sold several Ohio, and she saw Mercy For Animals staff on IT, advertising, and marketing companies. After the news working to rescue trapped chickens. switching to plant-based eating, Roger sought She connected with Mercy For Animals’ founder, Milo Runkle, and has remained a supporter out like-minded people who dreamed of a world Join uss inin shapingshaping a without animal suffering. In 2014, he founded Blue throughout the years. She hopes that through Horizon Corporation—an investment company her bequest, Mercy For Animals will increase its focused on food—where he currently serves as better world capacity to educate and inspire people to have executive chairman. Blue Horizon Corporation compassion for farmed animals. supports companies and organizations focused Guarantee that your on moving toward a more sustainable food voice for animals v>ÞÌ }V>Li`iÌyÕiVi system through innovation, technology, and people, to become aware of the reality entrepreneurship. will carry on. of what is going on, that is the goal. Learn More: We want people to be made aware My personal mission since becoming MercyForAnimals.org/Will of the reality of what is going on with vegan is to put an end to animal Ì iÃi>>Ã]vÌ i ÀÀwVÜ>ÞÌ iÞ½Ài suffering. Part of my journey into this treated, raised, and living. lifestyle connected me with many like- minded people and organizations, one of Elisa lives in Granville, Ohio, where she provides which, of course, was Mercy For Animals. a home for many animals, including dogs, cats, donkeys, and goats. 4 COMPASSIONATE LIVING WINTER 2020 ACTION REPORT 01 Promoting Plant-Based In Brazil, we co-hosted online food-industry trainingning sessions for creating aandnd promoting plant-baseded options in restaurants. Unilever, Seara (JBS), Marfrig, NotCo, Domino’s, and Subway were among the participating companies excited to explore the plant-based market. 02 04 Star-Struck Support Creating the New Normal A new Mercy For Animals global campaign illustrates why animals Mercy For Animals’ managing need a new normal too. Together we can change the way we think director in Brazil, Sandra Lopes, about animals. Join the movement. went live on Instagram with music legend and Mercy For Animals supporter Moby. They discussed the link between meat consumptionn and the destruction of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. Reports show that cattle ranching drives 80 percent of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. 03 Progress for Chickens 05 *ÀiÃÃÕÀivÀiÀVÞÀ Suing the USDA Animals helped secure a neww law in Colorado that requiress bbyy iÀVÞÀƂ>Ãi`>vi`iÀ>>ÜÃÕÌwi`LÞ/ iÕ>i 2025 all eggs sold in the statete Society of the United States that challenges the USDA’s inadequate to come from hens who are LÀ`yÕÀiëÃi«>°*ÀiÛiÌ}Ì iiiÀ}iVi>`ëÀi>` free from cages and allowed too of dangerous pathogens should be a top priority for the federal exhibit more natural behaviors.s government.
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