MASARYK UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION BACHELOR THESIS Brno 2018 Jakub POSPÍŠIL MASARYK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Education Department of Geography MAPPING OF SUBURBANIZATION IN VYŠKOV DISTRICT BY USING AERIAL PHOTOS Bachelor thesis Jakub POSPÍŠIL RNDr. Hana Svobodová, Ph.D. __________________________________________________________________________ Brno 2018 BIBLIOGRAFICKÝ ZÁZNAM Autor: Jakub Pospíšil Masarykova univerzita Pedagogická fakulta Katedra geografie The title of the work Mapping of suburbanization in Vyškov District by using aerial photographs Název práce: Mapování suburbanizace v okrese Vyškov pomocí leteckých snímků Studijní program: PdF B-SPE Specializace v pedagogice, bakalářský studijní program Studijní obor: PdF AJ3 Pedagogické asistentství anglického jazyka a literatury pro základní školy a PdF ZE3 Pedagogické asistentství zeměpisu pro základní školy Vedoucí práce: RNDr. Hana Svobodová, Ph.D. Akademický rok: 2017/2018 Počet stran: 52 Key words: suburbanization, Vyškov District, mapping, remote sensing, aerial photographs, comparation Klíčová slova: suburbanizace, okres Vyškov, mapování, DPZ, letecké snímky, komparace ABSTRACT This bachelor thesis "Mapping suburbanization in Vyškov District by using aerial photographs" consists of two parts. In the first part - theoretical, there is basic information about remote sensing, about the company that took the aerial photographs for the map portal mapy.cz and information about suburbanization. There are described the methods, the process of creation, division and modification of aerial photographs, the technology which is used to take the photos as well as development and types of suburbanization. The second part – practical part, deals with the comparison and description of aerial photographs of municipalities in Vyškov District, which were selected on the basis of the 2006/1996 and 2016/1996 index of change. In this section, there are two cartograms showing indexes of changes on the basis of which the criteria for selection of municipalities were chosen. ABSTRAKT Tato bakalářská práce „Mapování suburbanizace v okrese Vyškov pomocí leteckých snímků“ se skládá ze dvou částí. V první části – teoretické se nacházejí základní informace o dálkovém průzkumu Země, o firmě, která pořizuje letecké snímky pro mapový portál mapy.cz a o suburbanizaci. Jsou zde popsány metody, vznik, dělení a úpravy leteckých snímků, zařízení, které jsou využívány k tvorbě snímků stejně jako vývoj i druhy suburbanizace. Druhá část – praktická se zabývá samotným porovnáním a popisem leteckých snímků obcí v okrese Vyškov, které byly zvoleny na základě indexu změny 2006/1996 a 2016/1996. V této části se nacházejí dva kartogramy, znázorňující indexy změn, na základě kterých byla zvolena kritéria pro výběr obcí. PROHLÁŠENÍ „Prohlašuji, že jsem závěrečnou bakalářskou práci vypracoval samostatně, s využitím pouze citovaných pramenů, dalších informací a zdrojů v souladu s Disciplinárním řádem pro studenty Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity a se zákonem č. 121/2000 Sb., o právu autorském, o právech souvisejících s právem autorským a o změně některých zákonů (autorský zákon), ve znění pozdějších předpisů.“ Ve Vyškově dne: .............................. Jakub Pospíšil ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor RNDr. Hana Svobodová, Ph.D. for her guidance, support and helpful comments on this thesis. Secondly, I would like to also thank my family and close friends for their help and support. TABLE OF CONTENT 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 9 2 AIMS AND METHODS .............................................................................................. 10 2.1 Aims of the thesis .................................................................................................. 10 2.2 Methods of the thesis ............................................................................................ 10 3 CHARAKTERISTICS OF VYŠKOV DISTRICT ....................................................... 11 4 BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF REMOTE SENSING ........................................... 12 4.1 Methods of remote sensing ................................................................................... 12 4.2 Aerial photography ................................................................................................ 13 4.2.1 Creation of aerial photographs ....................................................................... 14 4.2.2 Types of aerial photographs ........................................................................... 15 4.2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of vertical and oblique aerial photos ............ 15 4.2.4 Editing of aerial photos .................................................................................. 16 5 AIRCRAFT MAP BACKGROUND MAPY.CZ ......................................................... 17 5.1 TopGis Company .................................................................................................. 18 5.1.1 Aircrafts ......................................................................................................... 18 5.1.2 Sensing systems ............................................................................................. 19 6 SUBURBANIZATION ................................................................................................ 21 6.1 Development phases of suburbanization ............................................................... 23 6.2 Types of suburbanization ...................................................................................... 24 6.2.1 Residential suburbanization ........................................................................... 24 6.2.2 Commercial suburbanization ......................................................................... 24 6.3 Consequences of suburbanization ......................................................................... 25 6.4 Suburbanization in the Czech Republic ................................................................ 26 7 DATA IN METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................... 27 7.1 Acquisition of data ................................................................................................ 27 7.2 Data processing ..................................................................................................... 27 7 7.2.1 Population data processing ............................................................................ 27 7.2.2 Cartograms of indexes of changes ................................................................. 30 8 RESULTS ..................................................................................................................... 33 8.1 Comparison of aerial photos ................................................................................. 33 8.1.1 Comparison of the village of Heršpice .......................................................... 34 8.1.2 Comparison of the village of Hodějice .......................................................... 35 8.1.3 Comparison of the village of Holubice .......................................................... 36 8.1.4 Comparison of the village of Kobeřice u Brna .............................................. 37 8.1.5 Comparison of the village of Lovčičky ......................................................... 38 8.1.6 Comparison of the village of Lysovice .......................................................... 39 8.1.7 Comparison of the villages of Luleč a Nemojany ......................................... 40 8.1.8 Comparison of the village Nevojice .............................................................. 41 8.1.9 Comparison of the village Olšany ................................................................. 42 8.1.10 Comparison of the village Pístovice .............................................................. 43 8.1.11 Comparison of the village Račice .................................................................. 44 8.1.12 Comparison of the village Rostěnice-Zvonovice ........................................... 45 8.1.13 Comparison of the village Velešovice ........................................................... 46 8.1.14 Comparison of the village Zbýšov ................................................................. 47 8.1.15 Comparison of the village Zelená Hora ......................................................... 48 9 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 49 10 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 51 10.1 Literature ............................................................................................................... 51 10.2 Internet sources ..................................................................................................... 52 8 1 INTRODUCTION This bachelor thesis deals with comparison to aerial photographs of selected municipalities in chosen years in Vyškov district. Vyškov district is a well-known area to me and nobody has written a work which concern with similar topic. One day this thesis can be used at lower and higher secondary schools in Vyškov district, because topic “Vyškov District” is taught at both of these schools, which has geography in their Framework Educational Programmes for Basic Education. Later in my studies I would like to continue my dissertation
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