Horticulture Value Chain Infrastructure Project (RRP UZB 51041) Initial Environmental Examination Project number: 51041-002 September 2018 Draft UZB: Horticulture Value Chain Infrastructure Project Andijan Agro-Logistic Center Prepared by the Rural Reconstruction Agency (RRA), Republic of Uzbekistan for the Asian Development Bank (ADB). This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................ii GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................................... iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 3 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 7 2. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK AND STANDARDS ................. 8 2.1. Institutional set up of agriculture and environmental sectors ................................... 8 2.1.1. Institutional set up of agriculture sector ............................................................ 8 2.1.2. Institutional set up of environmental protection ................................................ 9 2.2. Policy and Legal Framework ................................................................................. 11 2.2.1. ADB Safeguards Policy .................................................................................. 11 2.2.2. National Environmental Regulatory Framework ............................................. 13 2.2.3. National EIA requirements ............................................................................. 15 2.2.4. International Environmental Legislation.......................................................... 21 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................ 22 3.1. Post-harvest and Processing Auxiliary Warehouses, both for export and for internal distribution and consumption ........................................................................................... 24 3.2. Railway Terminal/Dry Pot. Customs ...................................................................... 28 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT ................................................................... 32 4.1. Climatic data ............................................................................................................ 33 4.2. Water recourses ................................................................................................... 38 4.3. Biological resources .............................................................................................. 41 4.4. Socio-economic conditions ................................................................................... 42 4.5. Cultural heritage ................................................................................................... 43 5. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES ............. 43 5.1. Pre-construction stage ............................................................................................. 45 5.2. Construction stage ................................................................................................... 49 5.3. Operational stage ..................................................................................................... 67 6. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION, AND PARTICIPATION ................ 73 7. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISMS ........................................................................ 75 7.1. Objectives ............................................................................................................. 75 7.2. Grievance Redress Mechanism ............................................................................ 76 7.3. GRM Records and Documentation ....................................................................... 77 8. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ..................................................................... 78 8.1. Environmental Mitigation measures ...................................................................... 79 8.2. Environmental Monitoring ..................................................................................... 91 8.3 Reporting .............................................................................................................. 96 8.4. Implementation arrangements .............................................................................. 96 8.4.1 Institutional arrangements EMP implementation ............................................ 96 8.4.2 Capacity building activity ................................................................................ 98 8.4.3 Cost estimation for EMP implementation ....................................................... 99 9. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................ 101 10. ATTACHMENTS ......................................................................................................... 102 Attachment 1. Air Measurements Results ......................................................................... 102 Attachment 2. Noise measurements Results and photos .................................................. 104 Attachment 3. Water Measurements Results .................................................................... 112 Attachment 4: Prohibited Investment Activities List ........................................................... 114 Attachment 5. Public Consultation ..................................................................................... 115 i LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADB - Asian Development Bank ALC - Agro-logistic center ECC - education and communication campaign EHS - environmental, health, and safety EIA - environment impact assessment EMP - environmental management plan EMR - environmental monitoring report EO - environmental officer ES - environmental specialist GDP - gross domestic product GRM - grievance redress mechanism HTC - hydrothermal coefficient ICWC - Interstate Commission for Water Coordination IEE - initial environmental examination IFC - International Finance Institute LARP - land acquisition resettlement plan MAC - maximum allowable concentrations MAD - maximum allowed discharges MAWR - Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources MoH - Ministry of Health MFT - Ministry of Foregin Trade OHS Plan - occupational health and safety plan PC - public consultation PCB - polychlorinated biphenyl PMC - project management consultant PMO - project management organization PPE - personal protection equipment PSC - project management and supervision consultant RCA - rural citizen Assembly RCM - Resolution of Cabinet of Ministry RRA - Rural Reconstruction Agency RUz - Republic of Uzbekistan SCEEP - State Committee on Ecology and Environment Protection SEE - State Environment Expertise SEMP - site environmental management plans SNR - sanitarian norms and rules SPS - Safeguards Policy Statement SSEMP - site-specific environmental management plans STD - sexually communicable diseases SWMP - special waste management plan UHF - Uzbek Food Holding US - United State UZB - Uzbekistan ii GLOSSARY Glavgosexpertisa State Department responsible for Conducting Environmental Expertise Under SNPC Khokim Governor of administrative unit Khokimiyat Regional government authority KMK National acronym for Construction norms and regulations Makhalla A community of neighbors, which is based on full independence and self-governance. OVOS National acronym for EIA assessment process PZVOS National acronym for Concept Statement on Environmental Impact SanR&N Sanitary - epidemiological norms and regulations Som Local currency SNiP Set of basic regulatory requirements and regulations governing the design and construction in all sectors of national economy of Uzbekistan Uzbekenergo Managerial body in the electric power and coal industries, which are major structural components of the national economy Uzhydromet State governing body specially authorized for the solution of tasks in the field of hydrometeorology in the Republic of Uzbekistan and in its activities, it is accountable to Cabinet of Ministers ZVOS National acronym for Statement on Environmental impact ZEP National acronym for Statement on Environmental Consequences NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed project will finance the establishment of agro-logistics centers (ALCs), initially for horticulture, in two provinces - Andijan and Samarqand - taking into account international best iii practices. Such infrastructure will provide all necessary facilities and services under one roof: storage, auction, food safety certification, customs clearance, quarantine, transport, shipping, expert market advice, trade finance and commercial banking etc. Significantly larger volumes of products with improved
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