Cambridge University Press 0521796687 - Community Media: People, Places, and Communication Technologies Kevin Howley Index More information Index ABC 21, 28, 163, 170 Alpert, Jon 61, 133–4, 136, 143, 144–8, WRTV 98 153, 154–5, 156, 157–75, 183, 260 Aberdeen, Me FM 48 alternative media 26, 115 Aborigines, Australian 228, 229, 238 and community media 4–5 radio for 44–5 defined 4–5 access, Alternative Media Center (AMC), New advocates of television 54–7 York City 54–5, 146, 149, 237 at the margins 160–75 AMARC see World Association of denial of community media to Community Radio Broadcasters international meetings 13–16 Amnesty International 79 and participation 114, 154–6 Amsterdam, local television 55–6 to electronic community 73, 244–9, Andersen, Liz 178 256–7 Anderson, Benedict, Imagined Communities to information production and 5–6 distribution 20–1, 25–6, 28 Ang, Ien 3, 35 see also public access model animations 52, 57 Access One 254 anti-war protests 10, 114, 145 “access radio” pilot program 48 AOL 21 accommodation 33, 45 apathy, political 19, 35 accountability 33, 83 Appadurai, A. 40 Accuracy in Media (AIM) 162 Aquino, Corrizon 172 ACM see Alliance for Community Media Argentina 46, 72, 81 activism 16, 64, 71, 135, 141–2, 152, articulation 6–7, 259–64 185 Ash, David 219 Adorno, Theodor 29 Asia 51 Adrian, Lynne 63 Asian Women’s Project Ltd 48 advertising 24, 231 Asians, in UK 48 advocacy, and neutrality 59 Aspell, Tom 174 advocacy journalism 66, 130, 160, 169–71, assimilation 45, 142 175–6, 222 Associated Press (AP) 126 Afghanistan 173, 174 Association of Independent Video and Africa 51 Filmmakers (AIVF) 182 community radio 46–7 Atton, Chris 4, 222–3 African American radio 108 audience studies 3, 31, 36, 117 Africans, in UK 48 audio cassette players 35–6 agency, role in rearticulating social Aufderheide, Patricia 62, 169 formations 6–7, 12, 268–9 AUSSAT 254 agit prop 52, 175–83 Australia, Agora Telematica, Rome 78–9 community television 60 alienation 35, 199 telecommunications policy 254–5 All India Radio (AIR) 49, 50 Victoria 7, 8, 10, 228–30 Alliance for Community Media (ACM) 9 see also Aborigines, Australian 295 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521796687 - Community Media: People, Places, and Communication Technologies Kevin Howley Index More information 296 Index Australian Academic and Research Bio Devastation 2000 meeting 15 Network (AARNet) 236, 254 Neighborhood Network 34 authoritarian regimes 32 Spare Change 68, 71 authority 32 Boulder Weekly, The 13 Boyle, Deirdre 26, 136, 156, 170 Barlow, William 85, 107, 108, 114 Brazil 46, 81 Barnett, Julie 103 Breaking Away (film) 91 Bates, Adrian 237, 240, 241, 246–7, 248, Bristol Channel 59 251, 261 British Empire 187–8 BBC 59 Brokaw, Tom 173, 174 commercial marketing 22 Browne, Donald 44–5, 174 community access TV 59 Bulletin Board System (BBS) 72, 236 Community Programme Unit 59 Burke, Michael 191–2, 193–4, 212–14, local radio 48 215, 261 World News Hour 129, 130 Burns, Red 54 BBS see Bulletin Board System Bush Administration, Beamish, Ann 76 invasion of Iraq 133 Beebe, Mark 97 and September 11th terrorism 20–1 Behl, Neena 31–2 Bush Radio, South Africa 46–7 Bekken, Jon 83 Bytes for Belfast 75 Bell, John 184 belongingness 6, 7, 16, 263, 266 cable radio 48 Benjamin, Burton “Bud” 164 cable television 36–7, 55, 58, 149, 175 Benton Foundation, Digital Divide list Cambodia 170, 172 serve 81 Cameron, Duncan 61 Berkeley, California 40–2 Canada 30, 68, 69, 184–225 Community Memory project 73–4 community radio 45–6 Bertelsmann 21 community television 51–5, 57–8 Better Business Bureau 65 Free-Net 77–8 Biederbecke, Leon “Bix” 90 social assistance programs 193–9, Big Issue, The (TBI), UK 69, 70, 71, 72 211–13 Bingham, Mark 93 Canada Fund 60 Bio Devastation, Boston 2000 meeting 15 Canada, Kathy 93 Bird, Jon 71 Canadian Assistance Program, abolition of Blacks 189, 195 193–4 Blacksburg Electronic Village (BEV), Canadian Radio-Television and Virginia 80 Telecommunications Commission Blindspot 15 (CRTC) 57 Bloomington, Indiana 1–2, 7, 9, 59, Canales-Leyton, Juan Carlos 192–3, 210, 86–91, 259–60, 262 219 Area Arts Council (BAAC) 101–2 capital accumulation 24, 30 Bloomington Community Radio (BCR) capital investment 231–2 96–103, 114, 115–16 capitalism 5–6, 18–19 Community Radio Lawn Service 98, Caribbeans, in UK 48 99 Carli, Carlo 235 Community Radio Project (CRP) Inc. Carmichael, “Hoagy” (Howard Hoagland) 92–103 90 Waldron Arts Center 102–3, 105 Carrothers, Chad 128–9 WQAX 106–7, 109–10 Castro, Fidel 164, 170 see also WFHB CBS 21, 28, 163, 164, 176 Boden, Paul 67 Center for Civic Networking (CCN) 79–80 Body Shop Foundation 71 Central and Eastern Europe 18, 22, 70, Bolivia 44, 62 139 Booth, P. 4 Centre for Diverse Visible Cultures 193 Boston, Challenge for Change, Canada 51–5, 237 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521796687 - Community Media: People, Places, and Communication Technologies Kevin Howley Index More information Index 297 Channel 4, Independent Film and Video commercialization 23–4, 41 Department 59 “committed” media see advocacy Channel 6 problem 94–100 commodification, Chantal (pseud.) 198 of culture 34 Charas Inc. 141 of public communication 25, 26 charity 64, 221 communication, Chat the Planet 183 and community 5–6, 10, 227, 256–7, Chemeski, Chet 98 258–69 Chiapas, Mexico 180, 182 and democratic society 2–3 Chicago, Communication Act (UK) 48 StreetWise 66 communication and information WCFL 107 technology (CIT) 8, 10–11, 263 Chile 46 communication policy, China 18, 22 global 15–16, 28, 50–1 Chinese, in New York 139–40, 147–8 influence of broadcasting industry on Chinese Consolidated Benevolent 23–4 Association (CCBA) 139 communication studies 10, 33 Chinese Exclusion Act (1882–1943) 139 communication technologies, Cimon, Eric 69 and inequities of access 25–6 cinema verit´e51–2 role in nationalism 6 CIT see computer and information Communication White Paper (UK 2000) technologies 48 “citizen’s media” 5 communicative competence 20 citizenship 20, 78–80, 268 communicative democracy 2, 41, 46, 50, civic networks 78–80 62, 84, 151, 199, 222–5, 259 civic participation 10, 19, 268 communism 22, 27, 163, 170 civil disobedience 17 community, civil rights 38, 264 and communication 5–6, 10, 227, civil society, and the public sphere 19–20 256–7, 258–69 CIVNET, Russian and American civic defining 5 network 79 dynamic evolving social construction 82 Clark, Anthony 214 and identity 264–5 Clark, Ramsey 173, 174 ideological functions 115–16, 117 Clark, Robert 234–5 imagined 5–6, 226–57, 265 class differences 25 inclusive notion 115–16, 117, 124 Clear Creek Sounds 94, 95 “knowable” 125, 187, 264–9 Cleveland, Ohio, Free-Net 76 in real life (IRL) 72–82 CMA see Community Media Association symbolic construction of 5–6, 224–5, CMC see computer-mediated 259 communication virtual 72–3, 227 Co-op Radio 57–8 Community Action on Homelessness Coalition on Homelessness (COH) 66–7 (CAH) 221–2 Cohen, Anthony 6 Community Advocates Network (CAN) Cold War 41 211–13 Cole, Harry 101 community building 259, 262 collective action 32, 82, 145–6, 185 and community television 56–62 collective identity 2, 4, 11, 38, 141–2, 259, community computer centres 247–8, 253 262, 267 community computer network 7, 226, colonialism, legacy of 31, 188 261–2 Columbia Journalism Review 23 see also VICNET Columbia, Missouri, KOPN 114–15 community information networks 78–80 Columbia Studios 28 community media, commercial media 23–4 and alternative media 4–5 programming 112 articulating 259–64 and public service broadcasting 22 case studies 5, 7 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521796687 - Community Media: People, Places, and Communication Technologies Kevin Howley Index More information 298 Index community media (cont.) creativity 31 defined 2 critical theory 8 global and local 39–82, 264–9 cross-cultural communication 9, 54–5, locating 13–38 117, 132, 134, 180, 183, 260, 263 relationship with mainstream media CRTC see Canadian Radio-Television and 36–7 Telecommunications Commission role in civic participation 10, 19, 268 Cuba 137, 143, 148, 161, 162–8, 170 significant features 15–16 cultural analysis, as site of cultural analysis 2–7, 10, of community media 2–7, 5, 10, 224–5, 224–5, 258–69 258–69 as socio-cultural mediation 33–8 methodology 7 Community Media Association (CMA) multiperspectival 267 48, 59 cultural capital 115, 246 Community Media Education Society cultural change, role of communication in (CMES) 57 33–4, 36–7 Community Memory project, Berkeley, cultural contact 31–2 California 73–4 cultural forms, community networks 73–5 in construction of national and cultural see also civic networks; community identities 34 computer networks homogenization 29, 33, 34, 267 community outreach see outreach, and technological development 28–30 community cultural globalization 26–33, 267 Community Technology Center Network cultural histories, preserving local 16 (CTC Net) 75 cultural identities, Community Tele Vision (CTV), Fiji 60–1 and American popular culture 30 computer and information technologies and cultural forms 34, 37 (CIT) 78, 263–4 and multiculturalism 45 computer literacy skills transfer 236–9, cultural imperialism 8, 30–3 247–8, 252–3 challenged 39–82 computer-mediated communication criticism of thesis 30–1 (CMC) 10, 72–82, 258, 264 defined 30 see also VICNET cultural politics 39–40, 132, 241–2 Congress of Black Women of Canada 194 and technological form 133–83 Conner, Russell 143 cultural production,
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