194·5 CONGRESSIONAL .RECORD-SENATE 8879 Traffic Organizations, railroad labor; and Mr. PITTENGER: Committee on Claims. PETITIONS, ETC. true!{ and bus associations. H. R. 3095. A bill for the relief of Ellis Duke, also known as Elias Duke; with amendment Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions The second week will be devoted to (Rept. No. 963). Referred to the Committee and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk various State commissions, agricultural of the Whole House. and referred as follows: associations, National Industrial Traffic Mr. McGEHEE: Committee on Claims. 1176. By Mr. BARRETT of Wyoming: Peti­ LeaJgue and various citizens' traffic asso­ H. R. 3987. A bill for the relief of Myrtle C. tion of Ben. R. Simpers and 32 citizens of ciations and traffic boards and chambers Radabaugh; without amendment (Rept. No. Park County, Wyo., in favor of H. R. 2000; of commerce. 964). Referred to the Committee of the to the Committee on the Judiciary. It is going to be necessary .to limit the Whole House. · 1177. By Mr. LECOMPTE: Petition of Mrs. time for this hearing if possible. It is Mr. McGEHEE: Committee on Claims. Claude A. Babb, What Cheer, Iowa, and other also desired to avoid any repetition in H. R. 4018. A bill for the relief of Robert A. citizens of Thornburg and What Cheer, Iowa, Hudson; with amendment (Rept. No. 965). urging that the draft be continued so that statements before the committee. Referred to the Committee of the Whole men n'ow in service may be released; to the The committee would be pleased to House. Committee on Military Affairs. have those who are intending to appear Mr. McGEHEE: Committee on Claims. 1178. By Mr. SHORT: Petition of Harley to a;dvise the clerk promptly the least H. R. 4048. A bill to provide for an appeal C. Rusk and other citizens of Jasper County, amount of time they will need in which to to the Supreme Court of the United States Mo., urging the passage of the Bryson bill, present their testimony. from the decisions of the Court of Claims in H. R. 2082; to the Committee on the Judi­ two suits instituted by H. B. Nelson (doing ciary. business as tb.e H. B. Nelson· Construction 1179. Also, petition of C. S. Henry and other REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUBLIC Co.); without amendment (Rept. No. 966). citizens of Joplin, Mo., favoring a· SO-year­ BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Referred to the Committee of the Whole service retirement for rail workers; to the Under clause 2 of rule- XIII, reports House. Committee on Interstate ·and Foreign Com­ of committees were delivered to the Clerk merce. for printing and reference to the proper PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS calendar, as follows: · Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public 'bills Mr. ELLIOTT: Joint Committee on the ahd resolutions were introduced and sev­ SENATE Disposition of E'xecutive Papers. House Re- , port No. 961. Report on the disposition of erally referred as follows: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1945 certain papers of sundry executive depart­ By Mr . .HENRY: ments. Ordered to be printed. H. R. 4143. A bill to amend Revised Stat­ <Legislative day of Monday, September Mr. RANDOLPH: Committee on the Dis­ utes 4921 (U. S. C. A., title 35, patents, sec. 10, 1945) trict of C.0lumbia. H. R. 3.636. A bill relat­ 70) providing that damages be asrertained ing to the sale, in the District of Columbia, on the basis of compensation for infringe­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, of certain small rockfish; without amend­ ment, as in actions for infringement in the on the expiration of the recess. ment (Rept. No. 967). Referred to the House United States Court of Claims; to the Com­ The Reverend Bernard Braskamp, Calendar. mittee on Patents~ . D. D., pastor of the Gunton Temple Me­ Mr. RANDOLPH: Committee on the Dis:­ By Mr. IZAC: morial Presbyterian Church, Washing­ trict of Columbia. H. R. 3867. A bill to H. R. 4144. A bill to amend the Pay Read­ amend the Code of Laws for the District of justment Act of 1942, as amended; to the ton, D. C., offered the following prayer: Columbia with respect to the making and Committee on Military Affairs. 0 Thou who art man's unfailing publishing of annual reports by trust com­ By Mr. MAY: friend, grant that in this moment of panies; without amendment (Rept. No. 968). H. R. 4145. A bill to authorize payment for prayer we may enter the fellowship of Referred to the House Calendar. accumulated and accrued annual leave to all who are seekers and finders of God. Mr. RANDOLPH: Committee o~ the Dis­ persons whose. civilian appointments were We pray that our spirits may be illu­ trict 'of Columbia. H. R. 3868. A bill to pro­ terminated pursuant to section· 4 of the act vide that veterans may obtain copies of pub­ of December 22, 1942 (56 Stat. 1073)-; to the mined by Thy spirit and touched to lic records in the District of Columbia, with­ Committee on-Military Affairs. finer issues. Make us the beneficiaries of out the payment of any fees, for use in pre­ ·By Mr. McGLINCHEY: some new experience ·of divine wisdom senting claims to the Veterans' Administra­ H. R. 4146. A bill to di~·ect the discharge of and power with which to meet the tasks tion; without amendment (Rept. No. 969). fathers; to the Committee on Military-Affairs. and responsibilities that challenge the Referred to the Committee of the Whole By Mr. TRAYNOR: consecration of oU:r noblest manhood. House on the State of the Union. H. R . 4147. A bill to establish a Chiropody Emancipate our minds and hearts Mr. RANDO~PH: Committee on 'the Dis­ (Podiatry) Corps in the Medical Corps of from doubt and fear and everything that trict of Columbia. H. R. 3873. A bill to pro­ the Unitedr States Army; to the Committee is contrary to Thy holy will. Sustain us vide for the opening of a road within the on Military Affairs. boundaries of the District of Columbia Train­ in fidelity to the lofty principles which ing School property in Anne Arundel County, By Mr. DICKSTEIN: Thou hast ordained. May we earnestly Md.; without amendment (Rept. No. 970). H. R. 4148. A bill to amend the Nationality - covet the benediction which Thou dost Referred to the Committee of the Whole Act of 1940; to the Committee on Immigra­ tion and Naturalization. · bestow upon the faithful. House on the State of · the Union. Hear us in the name of the Christ. Mr. MANASCO: Committee on Expendi­ H. R. 4149. A bill to provide for the estab­ lishment of lawful entry into the United Amen. • tures in the Executive Departments. ~· R. 4129. A bill to provide for reorganizing agen­ States of certain alien.s not subject to de­ THE JOURNAL cies of the Government, and for other pur­ portation who entered the United ~tates prior to July 1, 1924; to ,the Committee on Im­ . On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by pe~ses; without amendment (Rept. No. 971). unanimous consent, the reading of the Referred to the committee of the Whole migration and Naturalization. House on the State of the Union. By Mr. CELLER: Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ H. R. 4150. A bill to amend the Contract dar day Thursday, September 20, 1945, Settlement Act of 1944 to provide severance was dispensed with, and the Journal was REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PRIVATE pay for employees · whose employment has approved. BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS terminated by reason of cancellation or ter­ MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT mination of Government contracts resulting Under clause 2 ·of rule XIII, reports of from the cessation of hostilities, and for other A message in writing from the Presi­ committees were delivered to the Clerk purposes; to.the Committee on the Judiciary. dent of the United States submitting a · for printing and reference to the proper By Mr. STIGLER: nomination was communicated • to the calendar, as follows: H. R. 4151. A bill to encourage the provi­ Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ Mr. McGEHEE: Committee on Claims. sion of useful public works, and for other taries. related purposes; to the Committee on Pub- S. 559. An act to amend the act entitled "Ari. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE act to provide for reimbursement of officers, lic Buildings and Grounds. · enlisted men, and others, in the naval service By Mr. REES of Kansas: A message from the House of Repre­ of the United States for property lost, dam- H. Res. 354. Resolution authorizing an in­ sentatives, }}y Mr. Maurer, one of its . aged, or destroyed ih such service," approved vestigation of the diversion of sugar to brew­ reading· clerks, announced that the House October 27, 1943, so as to make.the provisions ers, and for other purposes; to the Commit­ had passed the following bill and joint thereof effective with respect to losses occur­ tee on Rules. ring on or after October 31, 1941; . without By Mr. PRICE of Florida: resolution, in which it requested the con­ amendment (Rept. No. 962). Referred to the H. Res. 355. Resolution authorizing report currence of the Senate: Committee of the Whole House on the State on Army .demobilization; to the Committee H. R. 1196. Ail act to make permanent the of the Union. · on · Military Affairs• . · judgeship provi'ded for .bY the act entitled .. 8880 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE . SEPTEMBER 24 "An .act to provide for the ·appointment of clear thinking, candor, and courage? It miracle of radar, death-dealing rays, or an additional district judge for the eastern seems to me we have not.
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