INDEX AAC 1EG Aachen (Prussia), 956 ; technical Abyssinia (Ethiopia), communica- schools, 958 tions, 678 Aalborg (Denmark), 826 - defence, 677 Aalesund (Norway), 1139 - emperor, 675 Aarau (Switzerland), 1302 - finance, 676, 677 Aargau (Switzerland), 1299, 1302 - government, 675 Aarhus (Denmark), 826 - justice, 676 Aba (Belg. Congo), 259 - now a sovereign independent Abaco Island (Bahamas), 277 state, 675 Abadan (Persia) (Iran), 1165 - religion and education, 676 Abaiang Island (Pacific), 296 Acajutla (Salvador), port, 1266 Abancay (Peru), 1174 Acarigua (Venezuela), 1342 Abdul Aziz ibn Sa'ud, king of Saudi Acarnania (Greece), 978 Arabia (Saudieh), 691 Accra (Gold Coast), 247 Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, sultan Accrington, population, 15 (Kedah), 192 Achafa (Greece), 978 Abdullah Ibn Hussein, amir of Achimota Prince of Wales college Trans-Jordan, 205 (Gold Coast), 247 Abdullah, sultan (Pahangl, 1es Acholi (Uganda), 213 Abemama Is. (Pacific), 296 Acklin's Island (Bahamas), 277 Abeokuta (Nigeria), 242 Aconcagua (Chile), prov., 760 Abercorn (N. Rhodesia), 238 Acre (Palestine), 197, 204 ; port, 208 Aberdeen, burgh, population, IS Acre Territory (Brazil), 7 41 ; rubber, - county, 18 745 - university, 24 Adana (Turkey), vilayet and town, Aberdeen (South Dakota), 630 1322 Aberystwyth college, 24 Addis Ababa (Abyssinia), 676 sqq Abeshr (Wadai), 926 Adelaide (S. Austl'alia), 390 ; port, Al.Jidjan (French West Africa), 938 393; univ., 391 - wireless station, 940 Adelie, Terre, 951 Abo (Finland), 865 Aden, colony of, 88, 89; protectorate, Abo-Bjorneborg (Finland), 864 89; area and population, 88 ; Aboisso (French West Africa), 938 governor, 90 Abruzzie e Molise (Italy), 1027 Admiralty Is. (N. Guinea), 428 Ahu Zenima (Egypt), 858 Adrar (Mauritania), 940 A1,yssinia (Ethiopia), 675 sqq Adrar (Spanish Sahara), 1281 - adherence to the W ashiogton - area and population, 1281 Agreement, 675 Adrianople (Turkey), town, 1322 - agriculture and industry, 677 lEgean Islands, 1043 sqq - area and population, 675, 676 - Greek, 978, 979, 983 - commerce, 677 - Italian, 1043 sqq 1sus 1364 TIIE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1943 ALA .iEgean Islands, Turkish, 1321 Agra (prov.), see United Provinces lEtolia (Greece), 978 - (town), 116, 119, 162 Afghanistan, 680 sqq Agram or Zagreb (Yugoslavia), 1351 - area and population, 681 - univ., 1353 - banking and currency, 683 Agri (Turkey), vile.yet, 1322 - commerce and communications, Agrigento {Italy), 1028 683 Aguadulce (Panama), port, 1150 - defence, 682 Aguascalientes (Mexico), state, 1083; - finance, 681, 682 town, 1083 - government, 681 Ahmedabad (India), 116, 148 ·- justice, 681 Ahmed ibn Jabir, sultan of Kuwait, - production and industry, 682 696 - religion and education, 681 Ahuachapan (Salvador), 1264 - weights and measures, 683 Ahvenanmaa (Finl:\nd), 864 Afgoi (It. Som.), 1043 Ahwaz (Persia) (Iran), 1165, 1166 Africa, Central, Protectorate, see Aidin (Asia Minor), see Aydin Nyasa.land Protectorate, 222 Aigun (China), port. 771 sqq Ain (France), dept., 876 - Colonies in, Belgian, 725 sqq Ain Galakka (Kanem), 926 -- British, 208 .,qq Ain Sefra (Algeria), 915 -- French, 264, 900, 914 sqq Aisne (France), dept., 876 - - Italian, 1041 sqq Aitutaki Island (Cook Islands), 424 -- Portuguese, 1191 sqq Aix-Marseilles (France), univ., 882 -- Spanish, 1272, 1281, 1282 (see Ajk (Hungary), coal, 1006 also Morocco, Spanish Zone, Ajmer, town (India), 118, 139 1094 sqq) Ajmer-Merwara (India), 113, 119, - East (British), 208 sqq 126, 139 -- (Italian), 1041 sqq - agriculture, 126, 127 - - (Port.), 1199 sqq - area and pop., 113, 139 - Equatorial (French), 924 sqq - births and deaths, 113, 116 - NoTth (French), 900, 914 sqq - education, 139 ( see also Algeria, Morocco, - finance, 139 Tunis) - forests, 128 - - (Italian), 1039 sqq - government, 111 - - (Spanish), 1272 (see also - land revenue, 127 Morocco, Spanish Zone, 1094 - - tenure, 127 sqq) - religion, 117 - South (British), 229 sqq Akershus (Norway), 1138 -- Union of, 433 sqq Akjoujt (Mauritania), 940 - South-West(British), 460 sqq Akola (India), 150 - West (British), 240 sqq Akron (Ohio), 493, 615; univ., 615 - - (French), 263, 264, 900, 930 Aksu (Sin-Kiang), 785 sqq Akureyri (Iceland), 1011 - - (Port.), 1191 sqq Alava (Spain), 1272 -- (Spanish), 1281 sqq Alabama, 489, 533 sqq Afrikya, .see Tunis - agriculture, 508, 535 Afyon (Turkey), vile.yet, 1322, 1328 - area and population, 489, 533, 534 Agalega Is. (Mauritius), 222 - constitution and government, 533 Agafia (Guam), 669 - cotton, 510, 535 Agar (India), 169 - finance, 534 Agdenes (Norway), fort, 1141 - port, 540 Agder,Austand Vest(Norway), 1138 - production and industry, 508, 535 Agion Oros (Greece), 97!? - public lands, 508 INDEX 1365 ALA ALE Alabama, religion, education aud Alberta (Canada), area and pop., welfare, 534 305, 325 - representation, 485, 533 - births, marriages, deaths, 306, - univ., 534 325 Alagoas (Brazil), state, 741, 7 42 -coal, 326 Ala'idin Sulaiman Shah, sultan - commerce and communicafions, (Selangor}, 188 326 Alajuela (Costa Rica}, 803; town, - constitution and government, 323, 803 324 Aland (Finland), 864 - crops, 313, 314 Alaska, 490, 654 sqq - education, 308, 325 - area and pop., 490, 654, 655 - finance, 325, 326 - commerce and communications, - fisheries, 326 656, 657 - forests, 315, 326 - defence, 501 - justice and crime, 3:25 - education and jnstice, 655 - lieutenant-governor, 304, 3:.l4 - finance, 655 - live stock, 314 - fisheries, 656 - local government, 3:24, 3:2.'i - gold, 511, 656 - mining, 315, 326 - government, 487, 6/\4 - ministry, 324 - highway, 657 and Map 1 - municipal districts, 3:24 - mining, 511, 656 - natural gas, 326 - national park, 654 -- petroleum, 326 - production and industl'J, 510, 656 - political parties, 3:2-! - religion and public welfare, 655 - production aIHi industry, 313: - representation, 654 aqq, 326 - timber, 656 - railways, 326 - troops in, 501 - religion, 307 Aiava (Spain), 1272 - representation, 324 Albacete (Spain}, province, 1272; - senate and house of commons, 302, town, 127::: 32-! Albania, 685 sqq - telephones, 326 - air routes and wireless stations, - wheat, 313 688 Albuquerque (New Mexico), 603;. - area and population 696 univ., 603 - bankiug and currency, 688, 689 Albury (New Sonth Wales), 366 - commerce, 688 Alcazar (Mororco), 1094 - communic.ltions, 688 Alcoy (Spain), 1272 - conquered by Italy, 686, l 024 Aldabra Islands (Seychelles), 226 - defence, 687 Alderney, government, 79 ; popu- - finance, 687 lation, 19 ; occupied by - in revolt, 686 Germans, 79 - justice, 687 Aldershot Command (U.K.}, 44 - king, 686 Alegranza Is. (Spain), 1272 - new constitution of 1939, 686 Aleppo (Syria), 910 sqq; town, 911, - production and industry, 687, 913 688 Alessandria(ltaly), 1028 - religion and education, 686, 687 Alexandretta (Syria}, 910, 911 ; Alba Julia (Rumania), 1214 Sanjaks, 910; incorporation in Albany (New York}, 493, 606 Turkish republic, 1322 Albany (W. Australia), 396 Alexandria (Egypt}, 849 Alberta (Canada), 301, 323 sqq - religion and education, 850 - agriculture, 313 sqq, 32 6 - shipping, 857, 858 1366 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1943 ALE AND Alexandria (Egypt), town, 848, 849 Alphonse Island (Seychelles), 226 - trade, 857 Alsace-Lorraine, 877, 954 Alexandroupolis (Greece), 979 - area and population, 878 Algarve (Portugal), prov., 1191 - univ., 883, 884 Algeria, 900, 914 aqq Al Suda (Yemen), 694 - agriculture and industry, 917,918 Altona (Germany), port, 969 - allied troops landed, 915 A.ltoona (Pa,), 623 - area and pop., 900,915, 916 Alvsborg (Sweden), province, 12Si - commerce, 918 Alwar (India), 118, 169 - defence, 917 Amala (India), 170 - faculties, 883 Amapala (Honduras), 997 - finance, 916, 917 Amarah (Iraq), 1017 - government, 914, 915 Amarillo (Texas), 635 - governor-general, 915 Amasya (Turkey), vilayet, 1322 - justice and crime, 916 Amazonas (Brazil), state, 741; - naval station, 889 rubber, 745 - religion and education, 882, 916 - (Colombia), 795 - representation, 914 - (Peru), department, 117 4 - shipping and communications, - (Venezuela), ter., 1342 918, 919 Amb,,do (French Somali Coast), 933 - university, 882, 916 Amblt!a (India), 118 Al Ghail (Yemen), 694 Ambato (Ecuador), 840 Algiers (Alger), 915, 916 Ambeno (Portuguese Timor), 1203 - naval station, 889 Amboina (Netherlands Indies), 1118 - university, 882, 916 Ambrym Is. (New Hebrides), 297 Al H,izm (Yemen), 694 America, see Unitecl States Alicante (Spain), 1272 ; town, 1272 - British Colonies, Dominions, etc., Aligarh (India), 118; univ., 119, 162 in, 265 sqq (see also Bermuda, Alingsos (Sweden), 1288 Canada, West Indies, etc.) Al Jauf (Yemen), 694 - French cols. in, 900, 9H sqq Al Khamr (Yemen), 694 Amersfoort (Netherlands), 1108 Alma-Ata (Kazakh S.S.R.), 1228 Amherst (Nova Scotia), 334 Alma-At.a (U,S.S.R.), univ., 1230 Amiens (France), 879 Alkmaar (Netherlands), 1108 Amindivis Is. (Laccadives), 153 Allahabad (India), 116, 161; uni- Amirantes Islands (Seychelles), 226 versity, 119, 162 Amman (Trans-Jordan), 206 Allentown (Pa.), 623 Amoy (China), port, 771 Alliance (Ohio), 615 Amrapur (India), 170 Allier (France), dept., 876 Amraoti (India), 150 Al Matamma (Yemen), 694 Amritsar (India), 116, 157 Almelo (Netherhntls), 1108 Amsterdam (Netherlands), 1108 sqq; Almeria (Spain), prov., 1272 univ., 1110 - minerals, 1277 ; town, 1272 Amsterdam (New York), 606 Almimnte (Panama), port, 806 Amsterdam Island (Reunion), 931 Alofi Is. (Fr. Pacific), 949 Anaconda (Montana), 591 Alofi (Nine Is.), wireless station, 424 Anacostia,D. C. (naval airstation),504 Alor Star (Kedah), 192 Anaiza (Saudi Arabia),
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