CENSUS 1961 KERALA STATE DISTRICT' CENSUS HANDSOOK 4 TRICHUR M. K. DEVASSY 8. 4., B. L. OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE SUPERINTENDENT OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, KEIlALA AND THE UNION TERR..~TORY OF LACCADIVE1 MINICOY AND AMINDIVI ISLANDS 1!)66 PRINTED AT THE GI!O}tGE PRES:!: __ OTtAPALAM 1966 PREFACE 'rhe District Census Ha.ndbooks were started for the first time in thet history of the decennial cens~ses in India in 1951. The Handbooks of the Travancore-Cochin and Madras States in the 1951 Census contained, besides a. snort account of the distriot aud., the people, important Census tables for the distriot and a. village direotory consisting of the area, houses, population, number of litera.tes, the distribution of population by livelihood classes, the number of institutions and general information on amenities eto., in respect of every village. In the 1961 Census it was decided with the ooncurrence of the Stiate Government to continue the publication of the District Census Handbo9ks. The Contents of the District Census Handbooks -of the 1961 Census are, however, a little more ambitious than those of the 1951 Census Handbooks in that besides the items of information mentioned above a large number of tables giving general information about the districts have been added. The numb~r of such tables comes to 38 besides 44 inset tables excluding those given in respect of Census data. As far &s possible, an attempt has been ma.de through these ta.bles to give an epitome of the progress made by the district in various fields during the inter-cen&al period 1951-61. The book is divided into three pa.rts. Part A gives a general description of the distriot, the progress made during the last decade, a review of the population, literacy, employment and unemployment, huusehold economic data etc., of the district baaed on Census data and a gazetteer. The appendices to this part contain the various tables of general. information on which the review of progress has been based. Part B contains the Census da.ta of 1961 comprising the general popUlation tables, eoonomic tables including household economic tables, Bocial and cultural tables and \ speoial tables for Scheduled Castes a.nd Scheduled Tribes. Part C is the Village 'Directory. It is hoped that this Handbook will serve as & useful refe~enoe ,book ~1l the Triohur distriot. A book of this kind could not have been compiled but for the hea.rty co-operation a.bd goodwill extended by the \1ariouB departments of the State a.nd Central Govert;lments to whose kindness I am deepJy indebted. The District Census Handbook Seotion of my office consisting of a Sta.tistioal Assistant and a couple of Compilers has been in charge of the entire work of collection and compilation of the data for this handbook. At the time of a.ddressing the various depal'tments for collection of information for the District Census Hand­ books Shri H. Padmanabha Iyer of the Bureau of Economics and Statistics was the Statistica.l Assistant in charge of the Seotion. After a short period of work in this Section he was transferred to the Tabulation Office, Kozhikode, as th" Tabulation Officer. He was succeeded by Shri S. Jayashanker of the Bureau of Economics and Statistics 8S Sta.ti~tjca.l AESi&tant in chalge of this handbook. While Shri Padmanabha Iyef has renderea exeellent. 8ervlce in piloting the work of·the collection of data for the handbo(lks, ~hri Ja}'8shanker who sncct'pdrd him has borne the brunt. of the work in the pn'pal'ation of this handbook which involved a good deal of careful analysis and labori(jlls compilation. I feel happy in acknowledging the valuable contribution made by them and particulal'ly Sbri' Ja.vasbanker in' the c(.mpilation of this important book. I should also acknowledge <the good work of the Compilers of the District Census Handbook Section, Sarvashri K. N. Ra.man and E. V. Unnikrishnan Nair and of draftsman Shri S. Krishna PHlai who bas prepare_d the entire set of maps given in the book. I should express my deep sense of gratitude to Shri P. K. Abdulla 1. A. S., Secretary to Government and Shri K. Swaminathalh Superintendent of Govern­ ment J:1resses for the warm co-operation extended by th~m for the timely prin­ ting of this hand book. The George press, Ottapalam under the able guidance of Shri N. Kumaran has executed the printing work of' this volume most efficiently and well. Above all, I am grateful to Shri Asck Mitra I. 9. S., Registrar General, for the valuable. guidtloce and help extended to me in this work. 'frivandrut'l1, 1st June, 1966 M. K. DEV ASS)' CON'rENTS PAGa PREFACE PART A GENERAL History of the district 3 Situation 3 Administrative units 3 Area, physical features and· natural division. 3 River systems 4 Mountains 6 B~ckwaters 6 Soils 7 Geology 7 Glimate 7 Forests 9 Land tenures 9 Agriculture 21 Irrigation 28 Live-stock 29 Educational Institutions 30 Public health 34 VJtal statistics 37 Electric power 37 Communications 38 Industries 41 Fisheries 45 Community development , 45 Revenue 46 Local self government 46 Co-operative societies 47 Criminal justice 49 Registration 51 Small sa'Vings scheme 5l Printing presses and periodicals 51 Enlertainments 51 Employm~nt Exchanges 51 Important. events 51 Occupied houses and househ oIds 51 Growth of population • 55 Population by taluks 5S Population by rural-urban distribution 56 Population by natural regions 57 Population density 57 Sex-ratio S9 Age 61 Marital status 62 Religion 62 Literacy and education 62 PAGE Languages 68 Birth place 68 Workers and non-workers 68 Household economic data 77 Gazetteer 81 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Normal rainfa!1 and rainy day~ (based on available data for the period 1901 to 1950) 93 Appendix 2 Rain fa 11 94 Appendix 3 Major and minor forest products for the period 1950-51 to 1960-61 97 Appendix 4 Production of important crops for the last six years 97 Appendix 5 Cpnsumer price index numbers 98 Appendix 6 Retail prices of certain commodities 98 Appendix 7 Live-stock and p()ultry-Live-stock Census, 1961 102 Appendix 8 Agricultural machinery and implements-Live-stock Census, 1961 108 Appendix 9 Colleges for the academic year 1960-61 108 Appendix 10 Technical institutions 109 Appendix 11 Patients treated in various hospitals and dispensaries by diseases for 1960-61 109 Appendix 12 Rural sanitatioll for the period 1950-51 to 1960-61 110 Appendix 13 Anti-adulteration activities for the period 1950-51 to 1960-61 110 Appendix 14 P01ymetric table of distances 111 Appendix 15 Facilities at various railway stations 113 Appendix 16 List of post offices 114 Appendix 17 Connections provided from telephone exchanges 117 Appendix 18 Handicrafts 117 Appendix 19 Annual average earnings of workmen in a category of work for the period 1950-51 to 1960-61 118 Appendix 20 Number of industrial disputes resulting in work stoppages for the years 1959 and 1960 120 Appendix 21 Number of industrial disputes resulting in work stop­ pages by causoo for the years 1959 and 1960 120 Appendix 22 Physical achievements and people's contribution for the period 1956-57 to 1960-61 122 App~ndix 23 Receipts under excise revenue for the period 1950-51 to 1960-61 123 Appendix 24 Salestax rever'IUe for the period 1950-51 to 1960-61 123 Appendix 25 Agricultural incometax and agricultural supertax classified by grade of income for the period 1957-58 to 1960-61 124 Appendix 26 Incidence of land revenue ,assessment for the period 1950-51 to 1960-61 126 Appendix 27 Receipts under entertainment tax for the period 1950-51 to 1959-60 126 Appendix 28 Income of JDunicipalities 127 A ppendi:x 29 Expenditure of municipalities 128 Appendix 30 Income of pancbayats for the period 1955-56 to 1960-61 129 PAGE Appendix 31 Expenditure of panchayats for the period 1955-56 to 19(10-61 130 Appendix 32 Nature and length of sentence of CODvicts in jails for the period 1950-51 to 1960-61 130 Appendix 33 Number of poJice stations, outposts strength of poJice personnel 'etc. for the period 1950-51 to 1960-61 131 Appendix 34 Number of registered documents and value of property transferred for the period 1950 to 1960 131 Appendix 35 Number of, printing presses and periodicals for the period 1950-51 to 1960-61. 132 Appendix 36 Cinemas conducted in the district for the period 1955-56 to 1960-61 132 Appendix 37 Employment exchange activities for the yeats 1959-60 and 1960-61 132 Appendix 38 lmpntant events during the last decade 133 PAnT B CENSUS DATA 0) STATE T4BLES I AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION 3 II VARIATION IN P(JPULATION DURING S.IXTY YEARS 4 III WORKERS A~D NON-WORKERS CLASSIFIED BY SEX 6 (ii) TjUCHUR DISTRICT TABLES A-Ge~eral Population Tables A-I AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Fly-leaf 11 Table A-I 15 Appendix I Statement showing 1951 territorial units constituting the present set-up of Trichur district 17 ,Appendix II Number of villages with a population of 5,000 and over , and towns with a population under 5.000 18 Appendix III Houseless and institutional population 19 A-II VARIATION IN POPULATION DURING FORTY YEARS Fly-leaf 20 Table A-II ; 2t Appendix Statement ~howing 195J popUlation according to the territorial jurisdiction in 1})51. changes in area and the population involved in those changes 22 A-III VILLAGES CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION Fly-leaf 23 SPECIAL TABLE A-III MURISjDESOMS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION Fly-leaf f 23 TabJe A-Ill 24 Special Table A-III 24 PAOB A-IV TOWNS (AND TOWN-GROUPS) CLASSIFIED BY POPULATIOM IN 1961 WITH VARIATION SINCE 1901 Fly-leaf 26 Table A-IV 27 Appendix I New towns added in 1961 and towns in 1951 declassified in 1961 29 Appendix II Details of constitution of towns with their area and jurisdiction 30 Appendix III List of plac.;:s which were taken into account for striking class tota Is of population at some census or other but which were excluded froID reckoning in certain CenslJoo scs when tbey did not enjoy urban status ) 1 B-EcCDO:IDic: Table.
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