01/2017 Ilmub üks kord kuus alates 1993. aastast Uued Eesti standardid Standardikavandite arvamusküsitlus Asendatud või tühistatud Eesti standardid Algupäraste standardite koostamine ja ülevaatus Standardite tõlked kommenteerimisel Uued harmoneeritud standardid Standardipealkirjade muutmine Uued eestikeelsed standardid ISSN 1406-0698 Avaldatud 03.01.2017 SISUKORD ASUTATUD, PEATATUD JA LÕPETATUD KOMITEED…………………………………………2 UUED STANDARDID JA STANDARDILAADSED DOKUMENDID ........................................ 3 ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD EESTI STANDARDID JA STANDARDILAADSED DOKUMENDID .....................................................................................................................60 STANDARDIKAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS .................................................................78 TÕLKED KOMMENTEERIMISEL ....................................................................................... 112 ALGUPÄRASTE STANDARDITE JA STANDARDILAADSETE DOKUMENTIDE KOOSTAMINE ................................................................................................................... 115 TÜHISTAMISKÜSITLUS .................................................................................................... 116 AVALDATUD EESTIKEELSED STANDARDIPARANDUSED ............................................ 117 UUED EESTIKEELSED STANDARDID JA STANDARDILAADSED DOKUMENDID ......... 118 STANDARDIPEALKIRJADE MUUTMINE........................................................................... 123 UUED HARMONEERITUD STANDARDID ......................................................................... 124 ASUTATUD, PEATATUD JA LÕPETATUD KOMITEED EVS/TK 63 „Ehitusmaterjalides sisalduvate ohtlike ainete emissiooni hindamine“ asutamine Komitee tähis: EVS/TK 63 Komitee pealkiri: Ehitusmaterjalides sisalduvate ohtlike ainete emissiooni hindamine Komitee asutamise kuupäev: 19.12.2016 Komitee käsitlusala: Ehitusmaterjalides sisalduvate ohtlike ainete emissiooni hindamise põhimõtted. Komitee esimees: Urve Kallavus EVS koordinaator Kairi Tänavsuu ([email protected]) 3 UUED STANDARDID JA STANDARDILAADSED DOKUMENDID Igakuiselt uuendatav teave eestikeelsena avaldatavate Eesti standardite kohta, sh eeldatavad kommenteerimise ja avaldamise tähtpäevad, on leitav Standardikeskuse veebilehel avaldatavast standardimisprogrammist. 01 ÜLDKÜSIMUSED. TERMINOLOOGIA. STANDARDIMINE. DOKUMENTATSIOON EVS-EN 378-1:2016 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 1: Basic requirements, definitions, classification and selection criteria This European Standard specifies the requirements for the safety of persons and property, provides guidance for the protection of the environment and establishes procedures for the operation, maintenance and repair of refrigerating systems and the recovery of refrigerants. The term "refrigerating system" used in this European Standard includes heat pumps. This part of EN 378 specifies the classification and selection criteria applicable to refrigerating systems. These classification and selection criteria are used in parts 2, 3 and 4. This standard applies: a) to refrigerating systems, stationary or mobile, of all sizes except to vehicle air conditioning systems covered by a specific product standard e.g. ISO 13043; b) to secondary cooling or heating systems; c) to the location of the refrigerating systems; d) to replaced parts and added components after adoption of this standard if they are not identical in function and in the capacity; Systems using refrigerants other than those listed in Annex E of this European Standard are not covered by this standard. Annex C specifies how to determine the amount of refrigerant permitted in a given space, which when exceeded, requires additional protective measures to reduce the risk. Annex E specifies criteria for safety and environmental considerations of different refrigerants used in refrigeration and air conditioning. This standard is not applicable to refrigerating systems and heat pumps which were manufactured before the date of its publication as a European Standard except for extensions and modifications to the system which were implemented after publication. This standard is applicable to new refrigerating systems, extensions or modifications of already existing systems, and for existing stationary systems, being transferred to and operated on another site. This standard also applies in the case of the conversion of a system to another refrigerant type, in which case conformity to the relevant clauses of parts 1 to 4 of the standard shall be assessed. Product family standards dealing with the safety of refrigerating systems takes precedence over horizontal and generic standards covering the same subject. Keel: en Alusdokumendid: EN 378-1:2016 Asendab dokumenti: EVS-EN 378-1:2008+A2:2012 EVS-EN ISO 15223-1:2016 Meditsiiniseadmed. Meditsiiniseadme märgisel, märgistusel ning kaasuvas teabes kasutatavad tingmärgid. Osa 1: Üldnõuded Medical devices - Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied - Part 1: General requirements (ISO 15223-1:2016, Corrected version 2016-12-15) Selles dokumendis täpsustatakse nõuded meditsiiniseadme märgistamisel kasutatavatele tingmärkidele, mis annavad teavet meditsiiniseadme ohutu ja tõhusa kasutamise kohta. Toodud on ka loend tingmärkidest, mis vastavad selle dokumendi nõuetele. See dokument on kohaldatav tingmärkidele, mida kasutatakse kogu maailmas turustatavate väga erinevate meditsiiniseadmete korral, ja mis seega peavad vastama erinevatele regulatiivsetele nõuetele. Neid tingmärke võib kasutada meditsiiniseadme enda peal, selle pakendi peal või sellega kaasuvas dokumentatsioonis. Selle dokumendi nõuded ei ole kohaldatavad tingmärkidele, mis on spetsifitseeritud muudes standardites. Keel: en Alusdokumendid: ISO 15223-1:2016; EN ISO 15223-1:2016 Asendab dokumenti: EVS-EN ISO 15223-1:2012 EVS-IEC 60050-466:2016 Rahvusvaheline elektrotehnika sõnastik. Osa 466: Õhuliinid International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Chapter 466: Overhead lines Keel: et-en Alusdokumendid: IEC 60050-466:1990 03 TEENUSED. ETTEVÕTTE ORGANISEERIMINE, JUHTIMINE JA KVALITEET. HALDUS. TRANSPORT. SOTSIOLOOGIA EVS 875-6:2016 Vara hindamine. Osa 6: Hindamine laenamise eesmärgil Property valuation - Part 6: Valuation for lending purposes Standardisari EVS 875 käsitleb vara hindamist. Standardite kasutusalad on vara hindamise ja hinnangute kasutamisega seotud tegevused, eelkõige laenutagatiste ja finantsaruandlusega seotud tegevused. Standardite kasutajad on vara hindajad, kinnisvaraspetsialistid, ehitusspetsialistid, keskkonnaspetsialistid, finantsaruandlusega tegelevad spetsialistid (raamatupidajad, audiitorid), krediidiasutused, kõrgemad õppeasutused. Standardisari loob aluse vara hindamise ühtsele käsitlusele, rahuldades nii era- kui ka avaliku sektori vajadusi. See standard käsitleb tagatisvarade hindamise õiguslikku regulatsiooni, üldpõhimõtteid (sh vastavate varade hindamisega seotud definitsioone), tagatisvaradeks sobivaid ja mittesobivaid varasid, tellija ja laenuandja 4 suhteid hindajaga ning ümberhindamisi. Tegemist on standardi EVS 875-6:2011 „Vara hindamine. Osa 6: Hindamine laenamise eesmärgil“ uustöötlusega. Keel: et Asendab dokumenti: EVS 875-6:2011 EVS-EN 15224:2016 Quality management systems - EN ISO 9001:2015 for healthcare This European Standard specifies requirements for a quality management system when a healthcare organization: a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide healthcare product or service that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer requirements, applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and requirements related to the quality characteristics; appropriate, correct care; availability; continuity of care; effectiveness; efficiency; equity; evidence/knowledge based care; patient centred care including physical, psychological and social integrity; patient involvement; patient safety and timelines/accessibility. NOTE 1 Statutory and regulatory requirements can be expressed as legal requirements. Requirements related to material outputs such as tissue, blood products, pharmaceuticals, cell culture products and medical devices have not been focused in the scope of this standard as they are regulated elsewhere. This standard is focused on requirements for clinical processes. Organizations that also include research or education processes, or both in their quality management system could use the requirements in this standard where applicable. This standard aims to adjust and specify the requirements, as well as the “product and service” concept and customer perspectives in EN ISO 9001:2015 to the specific conditions for healthcare providing mainly services and where customers are mainly patients. Keel: en Alusdokumendid: EN 15224:2016 Asendab dokumenti: EVS-EN 15224:2012 EVS-EN ISO 13140-1:2016 Electronic fee collection - Evaluation of on-board and roadside equipment for conformity to ISO 13141 - Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes (ISO 13140-1:2016) ISO 13140-1:2016 specifies the test suite structure (TSS) and test purposes (TP) to evaluate the conformity of on-board units (OBU) and roadside equipment (RSE) to ISO 13141. It provides a basis for conformance tests for dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) equipment (on-board units
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