.. ~ . "" . "rrhe' " .. ... - MIL. WAUKEE.' .' . .. MAGAZINE····." " .. Motor Barrel 60 Hours 6 Positions I ./ \. Where Time ;. Must Never Fail­ \ T has been truly said that "nowhere is time used I with more exactitude than on America's railroads." And this condition of affairs - brought about by the I Nation's transportation needs - is responsible for the production of such high-grade watches as the Illinois­ built especially for railroad use. The makers of Illinois watches are not content merely to meet railroad time inspection standards, but are ever building for greater accuracy and greater dependability. Ask your jeweler to show you the Bunn Special, a 2.1 jewel watch of rare value, or the Sangamo Special, a 2.3 jewel watch, the finest that we build; both adjusted to six positions and ready for sixty hours running without rewinding. I L. LIN 0 I S W ATe H E S SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS Illinois atch "High Grade ,-I Exclusively" "One" of These Homes Is DHferent From The Rest-IT'S FREE-Can You Find It'1 ~~~~~ Here are 16 six-room homes,-each one numbered. At first glance they look alike but, only 15 of them ARE exactly alike and "one" and only one is different from all the rest. Can you find the different one? It "(ill be given away ABSOLUTELY FREE Someone Who reads this offer can win it. Why not you? These Clues WW Help You If you will start at home number 1 Built Anywhere in the U. S. A. and compare it with No.2; then com­ The "one'~' beautiful home that is pare No. 2 with No.3. etc.• until different. from ·all the rest will be you have compared them all, you will given a;"ay ABSOLUTELY FREE. see that "one" and only one is' dif­ It makes no difference Where you ferent in some way fr{)m all the others. live; It c'an be built anywhere in Can you find it. You may fina this the U. S: A. We even offer to buy. a difference in the trees, shutters, win­ $1.000.00 lot for you and give you' a dows, or even the design itself might two-car garage FREE. This spacious be differ-ent. Be careful because it and beautiful, six-room home rna)' is not as easy as it looks. If·you be yours, if you rush the coupon find the "one" home that is different with your solution, name, and ad­ from all the rest. write the number dress at once. This is your oppor­ of it on the coupon below'and rush tunity to ll'et FREE a "HOME OF it to me quick with' your name and YOUR OWN." Be wise. ·don't delay. address-TODAY. You ean wia a siz'room home­ GIVEN AWAY a SX,OOO lot-aDd a Z-car garag. ALL THREE can be yours. This luxurious, colonial, six-room home. $1,000.00 cash for a lot which you can choose in any location you like-and a two-car Lincoln size garage. The home is complete and of the finest quality materials and includes all the plumbing equipment. complete warm-air heat­ ing plant, electric wiring equipment and fixtures. etc. Don't lose any time. Duplicate prizes will be paid'in case'of ties. See if you can find the "one" home that is different and send the number of it to me on the coupon or a postcard quick-Don't delay . " .' 1. M. DITTMAN, 531 So. Dearborn St.• Dept. 10, Chic:ago. ilL ': ! :·':.V! .. [. ~~~:"-'~' ....'!I!oloi!i . _ '. f········~~j;iE~·ii()~·~()ijj:4;;);;···_·..·]J?·I~ ; I. M. DITTMAN, Dept. 70, • ~• 637 So. Dearborn St., CHICAGO. Illinois. : '" "\1 • I would like to win ·this beautiful'home. lot and garage. -. : t .., '1 \. 1 tbink the different home is numhp.r ' - .,..' :1'!F.:§'i:",,';;'-~ . -.j~ NAME · _ .. 8-' ST. or R. F. D _ , ~. Be Prompt • CITy STATE . You CaD WID. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••d ·Protecting Steel Cars CONTENTS A number of railroads use NO"OX-ID . to protect steel cars, beginning with the riveted seams where trouble with Page rusting formerly started. The entire The Gallat.in "allex Line _ .._ _~_ _._ _ _ ._ _ _ .._._._ _ __ 3 frame, trucks, trucksides' and center plates, back of stakes, corrugated steel, The All' Bral'e _ .._ __ E. S. lI[cConnell_._ _ 6 Dafl'o<lils _._ ._._._ __ _ _.C. C. Carrot.t.e _ __.__ 8 inside of steel sheets and of steel roofs, and steel frames for wooden cars are The Honey ('reek Bridge o Neal Gregory __ 9 Take the Big Yellow eRrS for Yellowstone Parlc .. 10 also coated. The entire inside of all­ Obit.uaries _ __ _ _._ _ _ _ __..;10 steel coal cars is coated. l\Ienominee, Mi('hignn Convention Cit,)'" ._.. 10 This is the most effective protection Clabn Pretention . :... __ . .... 11 that has ever been developed. HeIp "'anted _ _ _._ _ __ 14, The Bureau of Safety .__ , _.._ _ _._.._ _ _._ _._ 15 Current Railroad Topics _ _ __._ _ _ _ __ 16 Dearborn Chemical Company Sports _ .. _ __ __ _..__ _ _._ _ _._ 16 310 S. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO The lIIilwaukee R. R. \\'omen's Club _ _. _._ _ ..__ _ .._ _._ ]8 299 BROADWAY, NEW YORK At. Home _ _..__.__ _ _ __ __. .22 Special COlnlnendation ~ .._.. .__. --._. 24 0" The St.eel Trail - --..- --­ - --­ -.-~.-.-..­ .._ 25 NO'O;V-'ID IRON+ '~RUST lheOrigi~~i R~tPreventive Electric Castings Steel WEHR ST·EEL COMPANY ALLOY STEELS CARBON STEELS Dependable RAIL AN'TI-CREEPE .S CHICAGO NEW YORK Page Two ~ l'!.2~VI MILWA~~,~~ MAGAZI~~ ~ The Gallatin Valley Line THE National Park season is ap­ out, the smelters and stamp hills are ,world-wide importance and world­ proaching and with it, the thoughts silent and part of her ancient history, wide fame, beca'use it is the Gateway of Milwaukee BOOSTERS turn tp­ the grain will still be growing and the to the most scenically beautiful and ward The Gallatin Gateway and the GaUatin VaUey will stiH be £roducing interesting route between the railroad Gallatin Valley Line; but long before wheat and oats and peas and potatoes and YeUowstone Park. GALLATIN just as'abundantly as it does today. GATEvVAY; with its luxurious and the new and magnificent route to Yel­ For with proper treatment, and abund­ beautiful INN 'to provide ease and com­ lowstone Park, by way of GALLA­ ant water, there is no "panning out" fort for the weary traveler is one of the TIN GATEWA Y and the canyon of in the wealth of a, fertile soil. outstanding accomplishl~ents in 'the West Gal1atin River was opened to history of the Valley. GALLATIN Park tourists by the Milwaukee Rail­ The Valley, covering 2507 square road, the little branch line 'of this rail­ ,miles, lies beautifuUy and stretches up GATEWAY INN, built at a cos1 of road known as "The G. ,V. Line" was the slopes of the Rocky Mountain foot­ a half million dollars by the Milwaukee hills. It has one hundred and fifty Railroad, is the handsomest and finest in operation and giving a good ac­ hotel in the State of Montana' and count of itself by serving a prosperous thousand acres under cultivation. The Gallatin River flows through far flung here, with the Milwaukee trains' right and great agricultural area in the Gal­ at Its door, Park tourists experience latin VaUey. fields and meadows, while over a11 is the smiling "sunshine that brings the aU the comforts of a first class hotel The G. V. Line, with western term­ from which they may step off from' golden harvest. th~ inus at Three Forks runs southeaster­ TravelerS to Yel1owstone Park, tak­ or on to the luxurious trains of ly through the Val1ey to GALLATIN Milwaukee either as they enter or ing the GALLATIN GATEWAY leave the Park. GATE\iVA Y, and to Bozeman, Mon­ Route experience the pleasure of a tana; with outstretched fingers to the sight of agricultural magnificence un­ A little off the main line of the "G. thriving towns of Belgrade, Menard, rivaled in the West, as ,they glimpse Manhattan and other points that owe V." is Belgrade, where is a large flour­ through the car windows, the roUing ing miU that makes as fine a grade of their right to being, because of the Valley and broad acres of growing ,broad, fertile VaUey which for many flour as is miUed ,anywhere in the coun­ crops that evidence the fecundity of try. Belgrade is a thriving and wide­ years has been famed as one of the the soil; and see the splendid ra'nches world's greatest grain centers-grow­ awake VaUey town with a keen and and great dairy herds that graze over intelligent interest in aU things that ing in fertility and productiveness with the rich pastures. Truly the Gallatin each succeeding year. pertain to the betterment of GaHatin Valley is a bread and milk factory Val1ey and its' prosperity. At the World's Fair, in Chicago, in for the Nation. And what has been said of Belgrade 1893, the State of Montana was fea­ Through this Western Garden of tured as "The Silver State" and ores Eden runs the G. V. Line, furnishing pertains in a like measure to Logan, and 'metals v{ere the outstanding ex­ rail facilities to a large agricultural to Manhattan and aU other market hibits;, but with no minimizing of the and stock raising area.
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