Cambridge University Press 0521602416 - The World of Catholic Renewal, 1540-1770 - Second Edition R. Po-chia Hsia Index More information Index Acarie, Madame, 146 Apostolic Missions, 59 Achille de Harlay, Bishop, 118 Aquinas, Thomas, St., 183, 184 Acosta, Antonio de, 53 architecture see church buildings Acosta, Jos´ede, 192 Argenson, Ren´edeVoyerd’,218 Acquaviva, Claudio, 133, 193 aristocracy Acta sanctorum (Acts of the Saints), 137–38 and artistic patronage, 165 African colonies (Portuguese), 196–98 in the Company of the Holy Sacrement, Akbar, Mughal emperor, 202 218 Alba, Duke of, 175 Aristotle, 184 Albert, Archduke (governor of the Low Arnauld, Antoine, 223, 230 Countries), 65, 67, 156 art and artists, 9, 159–71 see also church Albert, Cardinal (Portuguese viceroy), 44 buildings Albornoz, Bartolom´ede, 197 Counter-Reformation iconography, Albrecht V, duke of Bavaria, 77 169–71 Alcantarians, 127 devotional prints, 166–67 Aleni, Giuglio, 183 high and popular art, 165–66 Alexander VI, Pope, 98, 102, 132, 173 patronage, 162–64 Alexander VII, Pope (Fabio Chigi), 97, Augsburg, Peace of (1555), 1–2, 17, 77 108, 109, 137, 162, 169, 214, Augustine, St., 230 230 Augustinians, 28 Alexander VIII, Pope, 97 Augustinus (Jansen), 230 Alfonso I, king of Congo, 196, 198 Austria, 78, 165 see also Holy Roman Alfonso III, duke of Modena, 30 Empire Algardi, Alessandro, 171 Avila, Alonso de, 53 Allen, William, 83 Alsace, 76 Backer, Aloys de, 180 altar pieces, 165–66 Baglione, Giovanni, 169 Altoriti, Antonio, archbishop of Florence, Baldinucci, Filippo, 169 57 Balduino, Belisario, bishop of Larino, 57 Amadeo, Friar, 222 B´a˜nex, Domingo, 145 Ammanati, Bartholomeo, 161 Barbara de Jes´us,Madre, 152 Ana de San Bartolom´e,Sister, 144, 147, Barberini, Cardinal Antonio, 163 149 Barberini, Maffeo see Urban VIII, Pope Anabaptists, 56, 62, 63 Barnabites, 28, 35–36, 40 Angelics, 27, 35–36, 40 Baronius, Cardinal Cesare, 108, 134, 136, Angola, 196, 197, 198 169 Anne of Austria, queen of France, 118, Barraigo, Gregorio, 129 147 Bascio, Fra Matteo da, 29 Anti-Trinitarians, 63 Bavaria, 76, 80, 122, 225, 226, 227 Antwerp, 66, 67, 68 artistocratic patrons of the arts, 165 artistic production, 165, 166, 167 rural missions, 224 Marian sodalities, 226, 229 beatas, 151–54 253 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521602416 - The World of Catholic Renewal, 1540-1770 - Second Edition R. Po-chia Hsia Index More information 254 Index beatifications, 127, 140 Bonaventura da Potenza, 138–40 Belen, Gaspar Aquino de, 204 Boncompagni, Cardinal, 108 Belgium, 8, 44, 66–67, 68, 226, Bonomi, Francesco, bishop of Vercelli, 227 115 Bellarmine, Cardinal Roberto, 89, 108, book publishing, 172–86 see also Index of 137 Forbidden Books Benavides, Alonso de, 151 the Bible, 13, 172, 173, 174, 178, 183 Benedict XIII, Pope, 97, 98, 141 censorship see Index of Forbidden Benedict XIV, Pope, 109, 132, 143, 178, Books 216 China, 182–86, 215 Benedictines, 27, 28–29, 74, 84, 165 England, 180 Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 135, 161, 162, 163, Europe, 51–52, 68, 114, 178–82 171 hagiography, 136–38 Bertius, Petrus, 88 Holy Roman Empire, 179 Bertrand, Louis, 130, 141 Iberian colonies, 182 B´erulle, Cardinal Pierre de, 74, 149 Italy, 180 Besaozzi, Fr., 35 Japan, 182, 205, 209 Betrand, Louis, 141 Jesuits (Society of Jesus), 180–82, the Bible 183–84 translations of, 183 marriages, 177 Vulgate, 13, 172, 173, 174, 178 mathematics, 183–84 Bimio, Giovanni Pietro, 115 Mexico, 182 Bishop, William, bishop of Chalcedon, overseas, 182–86 84 Portugal, 179, 182 bishops, 111–26 see also clergy Protestantism and, 172, 174, 175, Belgium, 68 179 censorship by, 172, 173 religious books, 51–52, 175–76, 178–81, divine right of, 20–21, 22 182, 183 France, 69, 75, 117–18 science, 176, 183–84 and German College, 79 secular books, 176, 181–84 Germany, 117 translations, 184–85 Holy Roman Empire, 117 women and, 145–46 Hungary, 93–95 Boonen, Jacques, bishop of Ghent, Ireland, 92 159 Italy, 57–58 Bordini, Gio-Francesco, 117 obligation of residence and Council of Borghese, Camillo see Paul V, Pope Trent, 14, 19–20, 22 Borghese, Francesco, 101, 163 Poland, 62–63 Borghese, Giovanni Battista, 101 Portugal, 46–47 Borghese, Marcantonio, 99–100 and reform of the clergy, 121–22 Borghese, Orazio, 100 saints, 128–29 Borghini, 161 Blackwell, George, 84 Borgia, Cesare, 102 Bobadilla, Alfonso, 223 Borgia, Francisco, duke of Gandia, 127, Bobadilla, Nicolas de, 27 141 Bohemia, 75, 78–79 Borromeo, Cardinal Carlo, 57, 71, 72, the Bible, vernacular, 178 102, 107, 111–16, 136 and Council of Trent, 20 as archbishop of Milan, 55, 112–16, Jesuit missionaries, 32 125 rural missions, 224 artistic representations of, 170 Bolland, Jean, 137–38 canonization of, 129, 132, 133, 140 Bologna, 11, 57, 107–08, 159, 161 and Capuchins, 30 Bologna “Interim”, 15–16 and Council of Trent, 21, 23, 24 and Council of Trent, 15–16 and female religious orders, 37, 42 Jesuit college, 227 seminaries established by, 115 and papacy, 107–08 Borromeo, Francesco, 112 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521602416 - The World of Catholic Renewal, 1540-1770 - Second Edition R. Po-chia Hsia Index More information Index 255 Borromeo, Frederico, archbishop of Milan, Carafa, Alfonso, archbishop of Naples, 21, 116, 159, 217 122 patronage of the arts, 163 Carafa, Carlo, 17 Borromini, Francesco, 161 Carafa, Gian Pietro see Paul IV, Pope Bosnia, 95 Caravaggio, A. da, 159, 163 Bosquet, Fran¸cois,bishop of Montpellier, cardinal-nephews and papacy, 102–03 75 Carlo Emanuele I, duke of Savoy, 56 Bossuet, Bishop Jacques B´enigne, 75, Carlowitz, Peace of (1699), 95 218 Carmelites, 27, 34, 37, 135, 138 see also Bossy, John, 6, 9 Discalced Carmelites Boulenoir, Fran¸coise, 155 Carranza, Bartolom´e,archbishop of Bourbon, Henri de, bishop of Metz, 75 Toledo, 16, 48 Brancaccio, Leilo, archbishop of Taranto, Casale, Giacinto da, 30 57, 58 Castello, Castellino da, 115 Brazil, 130 Castiglione, Count, 103 Brianto, Giacomo, 161 Castiglione, Giuseppe, 161 Bri¸connet,Bishop, 11 Castilho, Pedro de, bishop of Leiria, 44 Brindisi, Lorenzo da, 30 Castro, Mattheus de, 197 Brizzi, Gian Paolo, 227 Casui Kibe, 209 Bro¨et,Paschase, 27 casuistry, 177 Broggia, Carlo Antonio, 54 catacombs, 136 Brueghel, Jan, 161 Catalani, Bishop Giuseppe, 60 Bruno, Giordano, 177 Catalina de Jes´us,Madre, 152 Buddhism and Christianity, 184 catechism schools, 67, 74, 228 in China, 207, 211, 212, 216 Caterina dei Ricci, St., 128, 131, 145, 147, and Japan, 199, 204, 206–7, 209, 148 210 Catherine nuns, 39 Catherine of Siena, St., 128, 148 Cabral, Francisco, 205 Catholic League, 49, 68, 69, 169 Caffarelli, Scipione, 101 Cecilia, St., 136 Calasanza, Joseph, 128 Cecilia del Nacimiento, 148 Calatayud, Pedro de, 54, 224 celibacy, 34, 41, 42, 122–23 Callao, Magdalena, 195 censorship see Index of Forbidden Books Calvinism, 4, 61 Cerda, Luisa de la, 148 and Council of Trent, 18 Cervini, Marcello (later Pope Marcellus in France, 69, 70–74 II), 11, 17, 97 in Netherlands, 82, 86–87, 88 Cesi, Cardinal, 108 in Poland, 62, 64, 65 Chagas, Ant´oniodas, 45 Camillius of Lellis, St., 130, 143 Chamberlain, Robert, 91 Campanella, Tommaso, 53 Chantal, Jeanne Fran¸coisede, 39, 41, 128, Campion, Edmund, 83, 84, 130, 135, 146, 147, 150 170 charities, 43, 53, 55–56 Cannes, Honor´ede, 224 Charles I, cardinal of Lorraine, 71, Cano, Melchior, 47, 48 117 Cape Verde, 196 Charles I, king of England, 70 Capuchins, 27, 29–31, 44, 67 Charles III, duke of Lorraine, 71, in Bohemia, 79 117 in France, 70, 72, 73 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 12, 13, and Ireland, 31 14–15, 16, 18, 24, 175 and Jesuits, 29, 30 chastity and female religious orders, 41, and papacy, 30 42 rural missions, 223, 224 Chˆatellier,Louis, 218, 225 saints, 127, 129, 130, 143 Chemnitz, Martin, 25 Caracciolo, Cardinal Innico, archbishop of Chiesa, Bernadino della, 214 Naples, 60, 122 Chigi, Fabio see Alexander VII, Pope © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521602416 - The World of Catholic Renewal, 1540-1770 - Second Edition R. Po-chia Hsia Index More information 256 Index China, 43, 209–16 exiled Irish clerics, 89–91 book publishing, 182–86, 199, 215 Germanici, 79 and Buddhism, 207, 211, 212, 216 in Holy Roman Empire, 77–78 Chinese Rites Controversy, 109, 185, in Iberian colonies, 192–93, 195 214, 216 incomes, 123–24 and Confucianism, 210–11, 213, 214, Japanese, 205 215, 216 ordination, 120–21 Dominicans in, 214–15 of non-Europeans, 192–93, 197, 203, Donglin movement, 211 205 first British embassy to (1792), 233 pre-Tridentine secular clergy, 120 and France, 177, 214–15 rural priests, 123, 125 Jesuit missionaries, 1, 8, 31, 161, saints, 127 209–16 training, 121 and Paul V, Pope, 212 urbanization of, 125 Chinese priests, seminary in Naples for, 7, Clerks Regular of Somascha, 28 54, 233 Clerks Regular of St. Paul, 28 Choisy, Abbot de, 125–26 Coatl, Juan, 195 Christianity, medieval, 5–6, 130–31 Cock, Hieronimus, 166 Christina, queen of Sweden, 170 Codure, Jean, 27 church buildings, 163–65 Coelho, Gaspar, 206 Ges`uchurch in Rome, 163–64, 167–69, Cohon, Anthime Denis, bishop of Nˆımes, 171 72–73, 118 high altar, 228 Colanna, Vittoria, 29 Cibo, Caterina, duchess of Camerino, Colgan, John, 90 29 colleges Cistercians, 74 diocesan seminaries, 121–22 clandestine marriages, 22–23, 74, 77 established by Borromeo, 114–15 class Irish colleges, 89, 122 and Company of the Holy Sacrement, Jesuit, 32–33, 122, 168 218 and Catholic elite, 227–28 and English Catholics, 83, 85 German College in Rome, 79–80, 94, and female
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