174 ON IIE LI G ELL A, FERUSSAC. By G. K. GUDE, F.Z.S., and B. B. "WOODWARD, F.L.S. Head 8th April, 1921. IN January, 1821, Ferussac, in his " Tableau systematique do la famille des Limagons ",1 instituted the subgenus Helicella as the sixth subgenus of his genus " Helix, Muller ". It was an agglomeration of 148 species, which, as the result of the researches of succeeding malacologists, are now referred to widely differing genera and even families. This dispersal was effected piecemeal, at different times, and under varying influences of opinion, hence there is neither method nor consistency in the conclusions arrived at by the several writers. Nor can this be wondered at, seeing that the necessary literature has, until lately, been but imperfectly known, and no agreed standard of nomenclature set up. Now, however, thanks to the untiring efforts of Mr. C. Davies Sherborn, in connexion with his " Index Animalium", and Mr. Tom Iredale (to both of whom we are greatly indebted for much valuable assistance and advice, which we here gladly acknowledge), as well as other workers, practically all the needful literature has been sought out and recorded, hence it has become highly desirable to scrutinize this composite group afresh, under the guidance of those International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature, which the majority of systematic zoologists now follow.2 The results are in some respects startling, and involve the discarding of some names that have become familiar, and the changing of others. The writers yield to no possible, or probable ciitics thereof in deploring this outcome of their researches ; but if finality in nomenclature is ever to be obtained and justice done to the pioneers in malacology, the International Eules must be strictly adhered to. Ferussac took the name for his subgenus from the nude vernacular " Helicelle " of Lamarck,3 and must consequently have the credit 1 Also cited, and by the author himself, as " Prodromus". Our citations arc all given from the January edition; the numeration of the pages in the June edition is exactly four less, owing to the omission of the " Avertissement". Both editions are quoted indiscriminately in Ferussac's later " Histoire", and that sometimes on the same page ! - The latest edition of these Rules, extracted from the Proceedings of the Ninth International Zoological Congress, Monaco, 1913 (T. 0. Smalhvood, Washington, D.C., September, 1916), has here been followed. * Extrait dn Cours de Zoologie, 1812, p. 115, last line. GUDE & WOODWARD : ON HEL1CELLA, FERUSSAC. 175 of 'l.'ie Latinized form to the exclusion of Lamarck. Fcrussac further added to Lamarck's group those of other authors, for Ins synonymy includes " Sylvicola, Humphrey ; Zoniles, Montfort; ilelicella, Lamarck ; and Vortex, Ocken [si'c]." The subgenus is further divided by him into four groups, with synonymy as follows :— . 1. Les Lomastomes, Lomastomcc. Sylvicola, Humphrey. 2. Les Aplostomes, Aplostomw [misprinted Aplolosmw]. Helix, Humphrey. Zonites. Montfort. Ilelicella, Lamarck. 3. Les Hygromanes, Hygromanes. 4. Les Heliomanes, Heliomanes. It will be noted that all these group names are intended to be in the plural, and that while the first two have been duly rendered into Latin plurals, the two Greek names have not been so treated, but are merely the vernacular repeated in italics.4 No one of them, therefore, can be employed as a generic, or sub- generic name on his authority. Gray, in 1810 5 employed them in exactly the same sense as did Ferussac.6 In the next place it is quite obvious that Ilelicella, Fer., can only be applied to certain members of the second group, as Beck, Gray, S. P. Woodward, and H. & A. Adams recognized, and cannot be resorted to for any member of the fourth group as attempted by later writers, notably Pilsbry, who were misled by Risso. Risso, who was dealing, it must be remembered, not with Mollusca in general, but only those of a limited geographical area, manifestly intended to follow Ferussac in the use of the name Ilelicella, though he does not acknowledge the authorship. He included in it only three species, algira, Linn., rupcslris, Drap., and nitida, Drap., of those in Ferussac's Aplostomae, drawing the remainder from the Hygromanes and Heliomanes. At the same time he separated out under Theba (Leach MS.) the cartusiana group, whilst confusing with them three species of the Heliomanes group—pisana, Mull., pyramidala, Drap., and conspurcata, Drap. So that even if Ferussac had not clearly indicated which group contained his typical Helicellas, Risso's assemblage could not well be taken as indication of a choice. 4 This was first pointed out by Mr. Iredale, Proe. llalac. Soc, xi, 1914, p. 176. Ferussac was notoriously careless in hi3 formation of names from classical sources, e.g. Cecilioiiles, which he meant to derive from Ccecus. 5 Turton's " Manual ", new edition. 6 Beck, " Index Moll.," p. 18, in hi3 S3-nonymy of BraiJybccna converted the two last of theni into the equally unacceptable " Hygromanse" and " Heliomanos ". 176 PROCEEDINGS OF TUB 3IALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY. v The synonymy of Risso's Theba, when restricted as just mentioned, according to our reading, should be as follows:— Genus THEBA, Risso, 1826. Type, Helix carlusiana, Miiller (selected by Pilsbry, 1895). 1819. Telia [par?] : Leach, Synop. Moll. Brit., proof sheets, p. 9). 1821. lldudla [pars]: Ferussae, Tab!, svst. Limacons, Jan. ed., p. 41 (June ed., p. 37). 1821. Zambia [pars]: Gray, London Med. Repos., xv, p. 239. [Non Oken, 1S15 (Lcpidopt.).] 1S2G. Theba (Leach MS.): Kisso, Hist. Nat. F.urop. merid., iv, p. 73. 1833. Monacha [pars]: Htzineer, ISeitr. Landesk. Oestcrr., iii, p. 95, [Non Monachm, Kaup, 1829 (Aves).] 1837 Eradt/btxrta [pars]: Beck, Index Moll., p. 18. [Non liiadxbvcnut, Dejcan, 1829 (Coleopt.).] 1837. Frutkicola [pars]: Held, Isis, xxx, lift. 12, col. 914. 1838. Cernudla [pars] : Schluter, Kurz. syst. Verzeichn., p. G. 1871. Carthusiana: Kobclt, Cat. Europ. Binnenconch., p. 11. 18S9. Lalonia: Westerlund, Fauna Palaarct. Region, ii, pp. 30 and C8. [Non Meyer, 1843 (Rept.).] 18S9. Euomplialia: ib., pp. 31 and 92. 1904. Waierlundia : Kobelt, in Rossmassler's Icon., N.F. xi, pp. 131 and 181 [n.nov. for Latonia]. Ferussac's first group, Lomastoma;, need not be dwelt on at length. It comprised thirty-seven species, two of which are indeterminate, while two are now referred to Zonitidae, and one to PupillidEB, the remaining thirty-two being distributed among various genera of the Helicidse, as shown in the list with which this paper concludes. The Aplostomse, on the other hand, since they include Ferussac's " Ilclicella, Lamarck ", demand a close scrutiny. They were divided by Ferussac into : " Les Pesons, Verticilli," ten species; " Lea Hyalines, Ilyalince," twenty-three species; and " Les Rubannies, Fasciatw," twenty species. In the first subgroup are seven species now referred to Pyramidula, Function, Palula, Ilelicodiscus, and Goniodiscus (i.e. the Helix of Humphrey et alii): and three, algira, Linn, (the type), with verticillus, For., and gemonense, Fer., belonging to Montfort's prior genus Zoniles. With a few exceptions the Fasciatse are now placed in genera belonging to one or other of the numerous subfamilies of Zonitidie. Hence Helicella, Fer., s.s., comes into use for the bulk of the Hyalinee, with Helix cellatia, Miiller, as the type (fixed by Gray in 1847).7 Three distinct genera have since been formed for certain species of the group, namely, Vitrea, Fitzinger, 1833, Petasina, Beck, 1847, and Zoniloicles, Lehmann, 1862. The synonymy of the four genera will therefore run as follows :—• 7 " List of Genera of Recent Mollusca " in Proc. Zool. Soc, 1847. This reference applies to all the citations from Gray for that year. GUDE & WOODWARD: ON HELICELLA, FERUSSAC. 177 Genus VITREA, Fitzinger, 1833. Type, Helix diaphana (Studer), Fitzinger. 1821. Helicella [pars]: Ferussac, Tabl. syst. Limacons, Jan. ed., p. 41 (Juno ed., p. 37). 1833. Discus [pars]: Fitzinger, Beitr. Landesk. Oesterr., iii, p. 99. 1833. Vitrea: ib. 1S37. Hyalinia, Ag. (Msc) [pars]: Charpentier, Neue Denkschr. Allg. Schweiz. Gesell., i [No. 2], p. 13. 1837. Polita [pars]: Held, Isis, xxx, hft. 12, col. 916. •.r ' [ Cryslallus: Lowe, Proc. Eool. Soc. Lond., 1854, xxii, p. 178. e ?' \ Aplostoma [pars]: Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll. France, ii, p. 72. Genus HELICELLA, Ferussac, 1821. Type, Helix cellaria, Miiller (selected by Gray in 1847). 1815. Vortex [pars] : Oken, Lehrb. Naturg., iii, abth. 1, p. 314. [JVon Humphrey, 1797.] 1821. Helicella [pars] : Ferussac,Tabl. syst. Limacons, Jan. ed., p. 41 (June ed., p. 37). 1833. Oxychilui [para]: Fitzinger, Beitr. Landesk. Oesterr., iii, p. 100. [Non Oxycheila, Dejean, 1825 (Coleopt.).] 1S37. Hyalinia, Ag. (Msc.) [pars]: Charpentier, Xeue Denkschr. Allg. Schweiz. Gesell., i [No. 2], p. 13. 1837. Polita [pars] : Held, Isis, xxx, hft. 12, col. 916. 1850. Hyalina [pars]: Albers, Heliceen, p. 66. [Xon, Schumacher, 1817 (Marginellidx), nee Studer, 1820 (Vitrina).] Alar' f ^uc'"a : Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Land., 1854, xxii, p. 177. jj nt' f dplosloma [pars] : Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll. France, ii, p. 72. Subgenus HELICELLA, S.S 1857. Euhyalina : Albers, Malak. BlStt., iv, p. 01. 1907. Euhyalinia : Taylor, Monog. Moll. Brit. Is. [ii], p. 18. Subgenus RETINELLA (Shuttleworth MS.), Fischer, 1877. Type, Helix olivetorum, Gmelin (indicated by Fischer).8 1877. Rdinclla (Shuttleworth MS.): Fischer, Notitisc, Malac. Shuttle- worth, ii, p. 5. 1878. JEgopina^ : Kobclt, in Rossmassler's Icon., vi, p. 15. Genus PETASINA, Beck, 1847." Type, Helix fulva, Muller (selected by Gray in 1847''). 1833. Conulus [pars] : Fitzinger, Beitr. Landesk. Oesterr., iii p. 94. [Xon Leske, 1778 (Echinod.).] 1837. Pelasia [pars]: Beck, Index Moll., p. 21. [Xon Stephens, 1828 (Lepidopt.); nee Morren, 1829 (Infusor.); nee Audinet-Serville, 1831 (Orthopt.).] 1838. Cernuella [pars]: Schluter, Kurz. sj'st. Yerzeichn., p. 6. 1847. Petasina: Beck, Amtl. Ber. 24 Versamm. Deutsch. Naturf., p. 122. 8 The well-known British species, nilidula, Drap., pura, Alder, and radiatula, Alder, arc now placed, in this subgenus on anatomical grounds.
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