. I I I / I I I I I I. Askam & lreleth I" Parish Plan I - I 2003 - 2008 I '\:Y J ] ] ] ] ] ] :!!!!The @Askam & Ireleth Parish Council 2003 Funded by - Countryside ] ~ - Agency , -.- --- - I The Rt. Hon. John Hutton MP Labour Member of Parliament for Barrow and Fumess , . Email: huttonj@parliamentuk House of Commons, ii London, SWlA OAA J Tel: 0207 - 219 6228 Fax: 0207 -219 2418 , The Residents ] of Askam and Ireleth Parish , Tuesday, 04 March 2003 , Dear Resident PARISH COUNCIL PLAN 2003 .2008 , I am certain that anyone reading the Askam and lreleth Parish Plan will immediatelyrecognisethe tremendousamount of work that has been undertaken , to producethe plan. What is also very clearly evident is the amount of partnership working that has contributed to the plan. This is only created by the determination of all involved ] to work in co-operationwith others for the benefit of the local community. I believe it to be a truism that we achieve far more by working together than we ] could ever achieve working in isolation. I feel the Parish Plan provides evidence of this. The Plan is both ambitious and I feel realistic. It outlines hopes and ., aspiration for the local community that are deliverable and offer real and genuine J improvements for local residents. The fact that it has been produced by local people on behalf of local people does, ] I feel provide a sense of ownership for the community. I take this opportunity to wish all well in the implementationof the Parish Plan and offer my support whenever or however it may be required. I also take this opportunity to congratulate all those involved in the production of the plan for a .. job very self evidentlywell done. , Yours sincerely , ~Mr~ , Rt Hon John Hutton MP , Constituency Office: 22 Hartington Street, BaITow-in-Fumess,Cumbria LAI4 5SL 1@ Telephone: 01229 431204 Fax: 01229432016 .. I _. -~.~- ] ] ] ] This document has been produced to capture and reflect the requirements of the parish of Askam & Ireleth. Funding for this 'Parish Plan' has been received from the Countryside Agency through the 'Vital Villages' funding stream, the Parish Council and in-kind support from local ] residents. ] Askam & Ireleth are located in the southwest corner ] of Cumbria on the Furness peninsula in the Borough of Barrow-in-Furness. 1 r 1 "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18) I 'In May 1987 a motley mix of three former Councillors and five complete novices from Askam and Ireleth sat around a table in the Community Centre, signed the acceptance papers, and legally I became a new statutory body named Askam and Ireleth Parish Council. 'So began a fifteen year odyssey that has seen council business transformed from a tentative I talking shop unsure of its way to a highly professional team able to deal with complex environmental issues and very relevant parochial "tea cup dramas" in equal measure. Aware from the outset that our parish consists of seven demographically exclusive communities, namely I Askam, Ireleth, Roanhead, Greenhaume, Greenscoe, The Lots and Paradise. As such the Council has endeavoured to shape its development plans and thinking to encompass the disparate views of these distinct communities. As Chairman it gives me immense pleasure to present the "Askam I and Ireleth Parish Plan 2003-2008". Whilst this plan is a continuing step in the right direction, there will always be more community work for this and future Parish Councils and members of the community to undertake. So I commend this plan in the hope that more community members I will grab the vision and get involved in the regeneration of our community.' I Alan lanes 4(~ Chainnan. Asknm nad I,e/elh Pw.ish Canned .-.rn::"-&I'-;r:,'--&',"",;e",dl ~j This five year Parish Plan builds upon and replaces the existing Five Year Development Plan, which has been reviewed during this process. The previous objectives, where still appropriate, have been incorporated. This plan will be used to direct the future focus and direction of the regeneration activities in Askam & Ireleth, primarily through the action plans contained in the implementation section. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 2 OF 50 I l I I I CONTENTS LIST EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 I CONTENTS LIST 2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 4 REFERENCES and RELATED DOCUMENTS 5 1. BACKGROUND AND GENERAL INFORMATION 6 1.1. I Historyof Settlements ............... ... ... ..................... 6 1.2. Local Government ............... ............... ..................... ... 7 1.3. Vii/age Structure ... ...... ... ............... ... 7 I 1.4. VillageProfile...... ............... ... ...... ............... ... 8 1.5. Vii/age Location... ............... ............... ......... ... 8 I 1.6. The People. ... ... .................................... ...... ...9 1.7. Sports and Social Activity 9 1.8. I Communications in the Vii/ages ... ......... .................. ......... ...9 1.9. Prior Regeneration Activity... .................. .................. ......... ...9 1.10. Plan Implementation ............... ............ ... ......... ...9 I 2. ECONOMIC 10 2.1. Businesses 10 2.2. Shops. ......... ... ......... ... ...... ............... ......10 2.3. Community Businesses 11 2.4. ~~~ 11 2.5. Employment Service .................. ...... ...... ............ ...... 11 2.6. Tourism ... ... ......... ... ... ...... 11 I 2.7. ouddon Valley Centre ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 3. ENVIRONMENTAL 14 J 3.1. Overview ... ... ...... ......... ...... 14 3.2. Site Locations ..... ... ......... ...... ...... ......... 15 3.3. Access to the Lots Beach and Sandscale Haws (a) 15 3.4. Land South of the 'Lots' (b) 16 3.5. Pocket Parks 16 3.6. Land alongside the Railway Line on oalton Road (G) 16 Bus Stop Field (e)... ......... ...... ... ... 16 I 3.8. Commonhest, Saves Lane (h) 16 3.9. Land between Beach and Sharp Street (c) 17 3.10. Land Alongside The New Road (f) 17 3.11. Old Whinfield Allotments Site (0) 18 3.12. General Aspects and Gateways to the Vii/ages 18 4. HIGHWA YS 19, 4.1. UnmadeRoads ............ 19 CONTENTS PAGE 2 OF 50 4.2. HighwayImprovements.. ... ... ... ......... ... .....22 4.3. StreetLighting 26 4.4. RoadSigns " 27 4.5. Lots Road Footway 27 5. HOUSING AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 28 5.1. Typeandmix ... ............... ... ... ... 28 5.2. Development Cordon and Future Planning Policy 28 6. VILLAGE LIFE AND INFRASTRUCTURE 30 6.1. Community Buildings 30 6.2. Community Field 30 6.3. Litter And Dog Fouling 31 6.4. Policing 31 6.5. Safety 31 6.6. All Weather Pitch 31 7. TRANSPORT LINKS 32 7.1. Overview ... ... ...... 32 7.2. Bus ...32 7.3. Train 32 7.4. Greenways 33 Footpaths 33 8. YOUTH 34 8.1. Overview ... ...... ... ... ... ... ..34 8.2. Youth Club 34 8.3. YouthSpace 35 8.4. 'Building Bonds' 36 8.5. Focus our Youth: ~ DreamScheme' 36 9. IMPLEMENTATION 37 9.1. Overview 37 9.2. Proposed Timephased Implementation and Indicative Costings 44 A. ANNEX A - METHODOLOGY 45 A.1. Methodology Overview 45 B. ANNEX B - QUESTIONNAIRES 47 B.I. Open Day/Evening Focus points 47 B.2. Focus Group Questions Overview 47 B.3. Youth Questionnaire 47 B.4. Questionnaire For Other Focus Groups 48 ANNEX C - SUMMARY 49 CONTENTS PAGE 3 OF 50 0 ] ] ] GLOSSARY OF TERMS AIPC Askam & Ireleth Parish Council ] AIRP Askam & Ireleth Regeneration Partnership BBC Barrow Borough Council ] CA Countryside Agency CCC Cumbria County Council CPO Compulsory Purchase Order ] DART Dalton Area Rural Transport DSS Department of Social Security ] FLAG Fumess Line Action Group LTP Local Transport Plan ] NOF New Opportunities Fund NWDA North West Development Agency ] OAP Old Age Person RAZ Rural Action Zone RDP Rural Development Programme ] SAC Special Area of Conservation SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] GLOSSARY OF TERMS PAGE 4 OF 50 1 I J J - GLOSSARY OF TERMS J AIPC Askam & Ireleth Parish Council AIRP Askam & Ireleth Regeneration Partnership I BBC Barrow Borough Council CA Countryside Agency I CCC Cumbria County Conncil CPO Compulsory Purchase Order I DART Dalton Area Rural Transport DSS Departmeut of Social Security I FLAG Furness Liue Action Group LTP Local Transport Plan NOF New Opportunities Fund I NWDA - North West Development Agency OAP Old Age Person J RAZ Rural Action Zone RDP Rural Development Programme I SAC Special Area of Conservation SSSI Site of Special Scieutific Interest I ] I ; 1 ] 1 - ] 1 1 GLOSSARY OF TERMS PAGE 4 OF 50 .'"" , ,;' REFERENCES AND RELATED DOCUMENTS ? Document Reference Issue Askam & Ireleth Parish Council Five Year Development Plan Local Transport Plan 200112 - 2005/6 Annual Progress LTP July Report 2 2002 r' Youth Shelters and Sports Systems - A Good Practice YSSS Second Guide. Published by Corporate Infonnation, Thames Edition #' Valley Police TVP 460 (2/2002) Building the Future Programme, Heart of Barrow ;;,' Askam and Ireleth Plan (1987), Barrow Borough Council 1987 "" Cumbria Structure Plan, Cumbria County Council 2001 Local Plan Review 2002-2006, Barrow Borough Council "'" Cumbria Biodiversity Action Plan ."" r ,"" F' 0$' ,..~ "" "'" ... ... ... REFERENCES AND RELATEDDOCUMENTS PAGE 5 OF 50 ~ I ...... 11 11 , 1.BA CKGROUND AND GENERAL INFORMATION 11 ,. 1.1. HISTORY OF SETTLEMENTS I I 'I Askam and Ireleth are unusual partners, in many ways complete opposites. Askam is situated on the eastern side of the Duddon Estuary and is a community a little over 130 years 'I old. Ireleth, by contrast, is probably a Norse settlement, a small farming village nestling on the side of moors above the Duddon Estuary, with feudal strips known colloquially as 'Dales' and mentioned in the Domesday Book. It lay on the route to Cumberland across the treacherous Duddon Sands. Marsh Grange at Dunnerholme was a Furness Abbey farmhouse and was once the home of Margaret Fell, who 11 went on to marry George Fox, founder of the Quaker movement. I Askam rose from Ascombe Marsh in 1864, as Wakefield MacKinnon and Co began construction of a blast furnace and Bessemer converter, an iron mining Klondike using the rich veins of haematite ore which was easily smelted using the techniques recently developed by the great ironmasters like Henry Bessemer. A large influx of people arrived and needed housing, so rows of terraced housing were built.
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