1962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 18659 shell. A free mru·ket in credit cannot exist the needs of a fast-expanding population 2. Economically, also, Uncle Sam needs to when one party to the transaction doesn't and promote progress; to create the jobs for adopt a more realistic policy based upon a know the full sale price. U.S. workers; and to support a mighty philosophy of "pay as you go"-not "go in defense. debt as you go." THE NATIONAL ECONOMIC PICTURE 3. The Nation also needs a reform of its tax system. With skyrocketing costs of Major U.S. Economic Goals Nationally, the economic picture reflects Government-particularly for defense-there gigantic-almost incomprehensibl«r-prog­ is a special need for fair and equitable treat­ ress. Currently, the value of goods and serv­ ment of the taxpayer. EXTENSION OF REMARKS ices amounts to about $552 billion annually. Generally, patriotic citizens are ready Despite such progress, we recognize that OF and willing to pay taxes; however, they are there are still serious problems in our system. not willing, and should not be required, HON. ALEXANDER WILEY The challenges include the following: Im­ to pay for reckless spending; mishandling of proving economic opportunities for success funds; unfavorable tax treatment of them­ OF WISCONSIN in small business-with a casualty rate of selves, or too favorable tax treatment of IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES over 17,000 annually; improving the agri­ others; or other inequitable practices that cultural economy; creating jobs for the 4 foist an unfair share of the tax burden Wednesday, September 5, 1962 million-including 60,000 in Wisconsin­ on any individual, business or other segment still regrettably unemployed; and maintain­ Mr. WILEY. Mr. President, as ana­ of the economy. ing a good rate of progress to meet the needs For the future we need also to accomplish tion in a world of great need and greater of our peopl«r-and to further outstrip the the following: challenge we are dependent upon our Communist system-challenging us on the 1. Better educating our citizens-adult and free enterprise system to provide us with economic front. in school-of the significance, and wo:-king the goods, materials, and equipment to In evaluating the national economic pic­ principles of our economic system. meet the needs of a fast-expanding pop­ ture, we must always remember that free 2. Encouraging more people, not only to ulation and promote progress, to create enterprisEr-not the Government, despite a understand and appreciate, but also con­ the jobs for U.S. workers, and to support $93 billion Federal budget-creates the fidently invest in enterprise, small and "giant's share" of U.S. jobs and goods and large, serving as a hub of economic life for a mighty defense. services. a community. In a weekend broadcast over Wiscon­ In reality, Government spending is not a 3. Encouraging community support of sin radio stations, I was privileged to measuring stick of progress. To the extent community development programs, such as review major challenges confronting our that it involves participation in normally the establishment of corporations to provide free enterprise system. I ask unanimous nongovernmental economic-human welfare financing for necessary projects. consent to have the text of this address programs, rather, this represents a failure 4. Cooperative efforts to foster new enter­ printed in the RECORD. of our system to fulfill needs of the people prises under the area redevelopment pro­ and the country. gram, now beginning to get underway in There being no objection, the excerpts Wisconsin and elsewhere. were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, To help promote greater progress, then, we should shoot for the following goals: 5. By reawakening our citizens' enter­ prising spirit full of faith and confidence, as follows: 1. Reestablishing confidence of the people MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC GOALS to improve the economic status of existing, in our economy. Lack of such confidence and creating new, enterprises for a strong, A13 a nation-in a world of great need and results in restrictive buying, overcautious free economy. greater challengEr-we are dependent upon investing, limited business and industries ex­ For security and for progress and peace our free enterprise system to provide us with pansion by job creating enterprises; and we need, then, to maintain a sound, strong the goods, materials and equipment to meet other economic "holdbacks." and vigorous economy. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT H.R. 10651. An act to amend title 28, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES United St~tes Code, with respect to fees of A message in writing from the Presi­ U.S. marshals, and for other purp9ses; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1962 dent of the United States was communi­ H.R. 11040. An act to provide for the estab­ cated to the House by Mr. Ratchford, lishment, ownership, operation, and regula­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. one of his secretaries, who also informed tion of a commercial communications satel­ The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, the House that on the following dates lite system, and for other purposes; and D.D., offered the following prayer: the President approved and signed bills H.J. Res. 864. Joint resolution making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year I Thessalonians 4: 9: But as touching and a joint resolution of the House of 1963, and for other purposes. brotherly love, ye z:ourselves are taught the following titles: On September 5, 1962: of God to love one another. On August 28, 1962: H .R. 2446. An act to provide that hy­ Almighty God, whose all-encircling H.R. 3728. An act to amend chapter 11 of draulic brake :fluid sold or shipped in com­ love and providence are boundless, in­ title 38, United States Code, to authorize merce for use in motor vehicles shall meet spire us always to think and act in terms special consideration for certain disabled certain specifications prescribed by the Sec­ veterans suffering blindness or bilateral kid­ retary of Commerce; of the common good of humanity. ney involvement; and H.R. 3801. An act to authorize the Secre­ We earnestly beseech Thee to expand H.R. 8564. An act to amend the Federal tary of the Army and the Secretary of Agri­ and enlarge our minds and hearts with Employees' Group Life Insurance Act of culture to make joint investigations and sur­ a greater concern for the health and 1954 to provide for escheat of amounts of veys of watershed areas for flood prevention happiness of all mankind. insurance to the insurance fund under such or the conservation, development, utilization, Grant that our groping souls may look act in the absence of any claim for payment, and disposal of water, and for :flood control and move forward to the dawning of that and for other purposes. and allied purposes, and to prepare joint blessed day when man's aspiration and On August 29, 1962: reports on such investigations and surveys ambition shall be free from all provincial l!.R. 11523. An act to authorize the em­ for submission to the Congress, and for other ployment without compensation from the purposes; narrowness and sectarian antipathies. Government of readers for blind Government H.R. 6984. An act to provide for a method May we be emancipated from every­ employees, and for other purposes. of payment of indirect costs of research and thing that mars and limits the spirit of On August 30, 1962: development contracted by the Federal Gov­ friendship and fraternity among the H.R. 11721. An act to authorize the pay­ ernment at universities, colleges, and other members of the human family. ment of the balance of awards for war dam­ educational institutions; Hear us in His name who taught us age compensation made by the Philippine H.R. 7736. An act to amend the act of May that the principle of our religion must War Damage Commission under the terms 13, 1960 (Private Law 86-286); of the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of H.R. 10263. An act to authorize the Secre­ be the fatherhood of God and our prac­ tary of the Air Force to adjust the legisla­ tice the brotherhood of man. Amen. April 30, 1946, and to authorize the appropri­ tive jurisdiction exercised by the United ation of $73 mlllion for that purpose. States over lands ·within Eglin Air Force On August 31, 1962: Base, Fla.; THE JOURNAL H.R. 8730. An act for the relief of Sister H.R.10825. An act to repeal the act of Mary Alphonsa (Elena Bruno) and Sister August 4, 1959 (73 Stat. 280); The Journal of the proceedings of Mary Attilia (Filipa Todaro); H.R. 11251. An act to authorize the Secre­ Tuesday, September 4, 1~62, was read H.R. 9915. An act for the relief of Um­ tary of the Army to relinquish to the State and approved. berto Brezza; of New Jersey jurisdiction over any lands .18660 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE September 6 within the Fort Hancock Military Reserva­ ried an article reporting that the Soviet of the Soviet interplanetary series. A park­ tion; Union failed in an attempt to successfully ing orbit technique is consistently exploited, H .R. 11310. An act to amend section 3515 send a space vehicle to Venus on August 25, whereby the first three stages attempt to of the Revised Statutes to eliminate tin in 1962; (2) on August 30, 1962, Dr. L. I. Sedov, launch the payload into a low earth satellite the alloy of the 1-cent piece; and a leading Soviet space expert was interviewed orbit as in the U.S.
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