BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL JOINT CABINET MEMBER AND CHIEF OFFICER WEDNESDAY, 21 MARCH 2018 AT 00:00 HOURS IN CABINET MEMBERS OFFICE, COUNCIL HOUSE, VICTORIA SQUARE, BIRMINGHAM, B1 1BB A G E N D A 1 REVIEW OF PARKS AND NATURE CONSERVATION 2018-19 FEES 3 - 18 AND CHARGES Assistant Director - Sport, Events, Open Spaces and Wellbeing 2 CONTRACT AWARD - INSURANCE RENEWALS EMPLOYERS 19 - 26 LIABILITY AND MOTOR POLICIES (P0432)- PUBLIC Item Description P R I V A T E A G E N D A 3 CONTRACT AWARD - INSURANCE RENEWALS EMPLOYERS LIABILITY AND MOTOR POLICIES (P0432)- PRIVATE Item Description Page 1 of 26 Page 2 of 26 Birmingham City Council BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC REPORT Report to: CABINET MEMBER CLEAN STREETS, RECYCLING AND ENVIRONMENT JOINTLY WITH THE CORPORATE DIRECTOR - PLACE Report of: Assistant Director – Sport, Events, Open Spaces and Wellbeing Date of Decision: 20 March 2018 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF PARKS & NATURE CONSERVATION 2018/19 FEES AND CHARGES Key Decision: Yes / No Relevant Forward Plan Ref: N/A If not in the Forward Plan: Chief Executive approved (please "X" box) O&S Chair approved Relevant Cabinet Member(s) Councillor Lisa Trickett Relevant O&S Chair: Councillor Mohammed Aikhlaq, Corporate Resources and Governance Wards affected: 1. Purpose of report: 1.1 To seek approval to introduce revised Parks & Nature Conservation fees and charges with effect from 1st April 2018. 2. Decision(s) recommended: That the Cabinet Member for Clean Streets, Recycling and Environment and the Corporate Director - Place : 2.1 Approves the implementation of the proposed 2018/19 fees and charges as outlined in Appendix 1. Lead Contact Officer(s): Steve Hollingworth Telephone No: 0121 464 2023 E-mail address: [email protected] 61c7a20e-1b9e-49ca-b459-48952a05296b.doc PublicPage 3 of 26 Page 1 of 4 Birmingham City Council 3. Consultation 3.1 Internal Officers from within Place Directorate e.g. Parks, Film Birmingham etc. have collaborated to develop the proposed fees and charges outlined in Appendix 1. 3.2 External Historically users of certain sports pitches have benefitted from subsidised services. However in recent years in an attempt to eliminate/reduce such subsidies we have worked closely with sporting associations e.g. the Birmingham Cricket League, England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) etc., when setting fees. To ensure that subsidy levels do not increase the ECB agreed to fund the installation of an additional four non turf pitches and in recognition of this investment, it was agreed that cricket fees would not increase until 2020/21. 4. Compliance Issues: 4.1 Are the recommended decisions consistent with the Council’s policies, plans and strategies? The recommendations are consistent with the City Council’s Corporate Charging Policy and reflect the outcome of an internal service review. 4.2 Financial Implications (Will decisions be carried out within existing finance and Resources?) 4.2.1 An average increase of 4.03% is proposed in the charges for services and it is anticipated that if factors remain constant this will generate additional income of £0.020m and this income will contribute towards the delivery of budget requirements to increase income in line with inflation. 4.2.2 It is proposed that the entrance fees for the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park (BWCP) are excluded from the proposed general increase to help to negate the impact of the introduction of car parking fees at Cannon Hill Park. All proposed fees are detailed in Appendix 1. 61c7a20e-1b9e-49ca-b459-48952a05296b.doc PublicPage 4 of 26 Page 2 of 4 Birmingham City Council 4.3 Legal Implications The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and the Public Health Act 1875 (as amended) enable the Council to provide recreational facilities within parks. Section 111 of the Local Government Act 1972 gives the Council the power to do anything which is calculated to facilitate, or is conducive or incidental to, the discharge of any of its functions and thereby allows for the review of charges. 4.4 Public Sector Equality Duty A copy of the Equality Act 2010 – Public Sector Duty statement is appended – Appendix 2 together with the initial equality assessment screening – Appendix 3 5. Relevant background/chronology of key events: 5.1 The City Council’s Financial Regulations and Corporate Charging Policy require fees and charges to be reviewed annually; and that where possible they are set at a level to fully recover costs and maximise income, with due regard to competitors charges. Where costs are not fully recovered and a subsidy exists this should be a conscious decision in line with service delivery policy and with budget provision. 5.2 The proposed charges are considered appropriate to achieving a balance of additional income, encouraging usage and meeting service/equality needs, taking into account the factors highlighted in 5.1 above. 5.3 In some cases the recovery of the full cost of an activity would lead to such a significant increase in fees that it would, in all likelihood, discourage the use of services by many users and therefore have a negative impact on income levels. The subsidies to such services is covered within the existing budget provision, but are reviewed as part of the annual fee setting process. 5.4 The City Council operates a Passport to Leisure scheme which offers concessionary prices to disadvantaged groups and those on low income. 6. Evaluation of alternative option(s): 6.1 A number of options for charges were considered including full cost recovery, standard price increases for all services provided etc. The proposals outlined in Appendix 1 are considered the most appropriate to achieve a balance between usage and income generation. 7. Reasons for Decision(s): 7.1 To enable revised fees and charges to be introduced, without having a detrimental impact on service usage. 61c7a20e-1b9e-49ca-b459-48952a05296b.doc PublicPage 5 of 26 Page 3 of 4 Birmingham City Council Signatures Date Cabinet Member …………………………………. ………………. Cllr Lisa Trickett, Clean Streets, Recycling and Environment ………………………………….. Chief Officer Jacqui Kennedy, Corporate Director - Place ……………… List of Background Documents used to compile this Report: Fees & Charges data supplied by other Core Cities members Financial Monitoring Statements GM87 Index List of Appendices accompanying this Report (if any): 1. Parks & Nature Conservation Proposed 2018/19 Fees & Charges 2. Public Sector Equality Duty Statement 3. Equality Analysis Initial Screening Report Version Dated 61c7a20e-1b9e-49ca-b459-48952a05296b.doc PublicPage 6 of 26 Page 4 of 4 Place Directorate - 2018/19 Fees & Charges APPENDIX 1 Parks & Nature Conservation - Applicable from 1st April 2018 Outdoor Sports / Recreational Facilities. Fees are inclusive of VAT where applicable Proposed Actual Proposed 2017/18 - Frequency of 2017/18 Effective Fee 2018/19 VAT Status Charge Fee Date 2018/19 Increase % Individual Use of Facilities Bowls Adult Standard Rated 60 mins £5.25 01/04/2018 £5.75 9.52% Juniors/Concessions Standard Rated 60 mins £3.25 01/04/2018 £3.50 7.69% Season Ticket (Standard). Standard Rated Season £80.00 01/04/2018 £85.00 6.25% Team Match Standard Rated Match £60.00 01/04/2018 £65.00 8.33% Fishing Day Ticket - Adult Standard Rated Day £11.00 01/04/2018 £12.50 13.64% Juniors/Concessions Standard Rated Day £5.50 01/04/2018 £6.00 9.09% Fishing Season Ticket:- All park sites Standard Rated Season £90.00 01/04/2018 £95.00 5.56% Team Use of Facilities Cricket see separate sheet See VAT note 1 Football: see separate sheet See VAT note 1 Rugby: see separate sheet See VAT note 1 Redgra Pitches (Inclusive of lights) Without changing facilities: Adult Standard Rated 3 Hours £56.00 01/04/2018 £59.00 5.36% Junior Standard Rated 3 Hours £28.00 01/04/2018 £29.50 5.36% With changing facilities: Adult Standard Rated 3 Hours £85.50 01/04/2018 £90.00 5.26% Junior Standard Rated 3 Hours £51.00 01/04/2018 £53.50 4.90% Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park Admission Charges Adults Exempt per visit £6.25 01/04/2018 £6.25 0.00% Adults accompanying a child under 3 years Exempt per visit £6.25 01/04/2018 £6.25 0.00% Senior Citizens, Students Exempt per visit £5.00 01/04/2018 £5.00 0.00% Child aged 3 to 15 years inclusive Exempt per visit £3.30 01/04/2018 £3.30 0.00% Children under 3 Exempt per visit Free 01/04/2018 Free N/A Family Day Ticket: Exempt per visit £20.00 01/04/2018 £20.00 0.00% (2 adults plus maximum of 3 children aged 3 - 15 years) Family Day Ticket: Exempt per visit £14.50 01/04/2018 £14.50 0.00% (1 adult + 3 child aged 3 - 15 years) Family Season Ticket: Exempt 12 mths £72.50 01/04/2018 £72.50 0.00% (2 adults plus maximum number of 3 children aged 3 - 15 years) Single Adult Season Ticket: Exempt 12 mths £52.00 01/04/2018 £52.00 0.00% (1 adult plus maximum number of 3 children aged 3- 15 years) Concessionary Season Ticket: Exempt 12 mths £46.00 01/04/2018 £46.00 0.00% (Senior Citizens) Family Season Ticket incl. Car Parking Exempt/Standard Rated 12 mths N/A 01/04/2018 £105.00 N/A (2 adults plus maximum number of 3 children aged 3 - 15 years) Single Adult Season Ticket incl. Car Parking Exempt/Standard Rated 12 mths N/A 01/04/2018 £75.00 N/A (1 adult plus maximum number of 3 children aged 3- 15 years) Exempt/Standard Rated Concessionary Season Ticket incl. Car Parking 12 mths N/A 01/04/2018 £67.00 N/A (Senior Citizens) VAT Note 1 4.05% Exempt from VAT for a series of 10 or more lets Exempt from VAT if the facility is booked for a 24 hour duration (or longer) Standard Rated for Recreational Lets Standard Rated for Registration Fee School Use- Birmingham LEA schools - not applicable / internal charge Non LEA Birmingham schools - Exempt if for educational purposes Page 7 of 26 Parks and Nature Conservation Fees and Charges 2018 - Appendix 1 APPENDIX 1 Place Directorate - 2018/19 Fees & Charges Parks & Nature Conservation - Applicable from 1st April 2018 Outdoor Sports / Recreational Facilities.
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