17110 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 4, 1975 and sha.11 be made in a.s orderly manner as amendments to the milltary procure­ PROGRAM practicable. ment authorization bill on tomorrow be Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there called up in the following order: the Senate will convene at 9 o'clock to­ objection to the request of the Senator The pending amendment at this time, morrow morning. from West Virginia? The Chair hears and the first amendment tomorrow to be After the two leaders or their designees none, and it is so ordered. considered, is amendment No. 539 by have been recognized under the standing the Senator from Alaska (Mr. GRAVEL). order, there will be a period for the After that amendment, the following transaction of routine morning business ORDER DESIGNATING PERIOD FOR amendments will follow in sequence as of not to exceed 15 minutes, with state­ THE TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE stated: ments therein limited to 5 minutes each, MORNING BUSINESS TOMORROW The Feed and Forage Act amendment; at the conclusion of which the Senate the amendment <No. 18) of the Senator will resume consideration of the military Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, from New York (Mr. JAVITS) ; the amend­ procurement authorization bill. I ask unanimous consent that on tomor­ ment <No. 282) of the Senator from The first amendment to be considered row, after the two leaders or their desig­ Pennsylvania <Mr. SCHWEIKER), the ad­ will be Senator GRAVEL'S amendment No. nees have been recognized under the vertising and recruitment: the amend­ 539, dealing with overall military man­ standing order, there be a ~riod for the ment <No. 707) of the Senator from Ohio power levels. transaction of routine mormng business (Mr. TAFT), advanced hydrofoil craft; Upon disposition of the Gravel amend­ of not to exceed 15 minutes, with state­ the amendment <No. 703) of the Senator ment, the following amendments will be ments therein limited to 5 minutes each, from Ohio (Mr. TAFT), advanced ship called up in the order stated: the Feed and that at the conclusion of routine development; amendment <No. 507) of and Forage Act amendment; the Javits morning business the Senate resume the the Senator from Kansas <Mr. DOLE), amendment No. 18; the Schweiker consideration of the military procure­ increase in Naval Reserve; the AWACS amendment No. 282, advertising and re­ ment authorization bill. amendment; the site defense amend­ cruitment; the Taft amendment No. 502, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ment; the B-1 bomber amendment; the advanced hydrofoil craft; the Taft objection, it is so ordered. amendment <No. 511) of the Senator amendment No. 503, advanced ship de­ from Oklahoma (Mr. BELLMON), to re­ velopment; the Dole amendment No. 507, store funds for the B-1; the Minuteman increase in naval reserve; the AW ACS RECESS SUBJECT TO CALL OF m; the shipbuilding overruns amend­ amendment; the site defense amend­ THE CHAIR ment; the amendment <No. 489) of the ment; the B-1 amendment; the Bellmon Senator from Indiana <Mr. HARTKE), in­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, amendment No. 511, to restore funds for dustrially funded civilians in the DOD the B-1; the Minuteman m amend­ I move that the Senate stand in recess manpower ceilings; the amendment (No. awaiting the call of the Chair. ment; the ship building overruns amend­ 492) of the Senator from Washington ment; the Hartke amendment No. 489, The motion was agreed to; and at 8: 59 (Mr. JACKSON) called the Israel amend­ p.m. the Senate took a recess, subject to industrially funded civilians in the DOD ment; the amendment (No. 491) of the manpower ceilings; the Jackson amend­ the call of the Chair. Senator from Washington (Mr. JACK­ The Senate reassembled at 9: 02 p.m., ment No. 492, Israel amendment; the SON), th& petroleum amendment; the Jackson amendment No. 491, petroleum when called to order by the Presiding amendment (No. 500) of the Senator Officer <Mr. NUNN). amendment; the Proxmire amendment from Wisconsin <Mr. PROXMIRE) , dealing No. 500, enlisted aides; and the Buckley with enlisted aides; and the amendment amendment No. 513, to restore funds to <No. 513) of the senator from New York title II, R. & D. MILITARY PROCUREMENT <Mr. BUCKLEY) to restore funds to title Other amendments will be called up, AUTHORIZATION ACT, 1976 II R. & D. but I cannot state at this time the order The Senate continued- with the con­ Other amendments will be called up, of their callup. Suffice it to say that sideration of the bill (S. 920) to author­ Mr. President, but as to their sequence I there will be several rollcall votes tomor­ ize appropriations during the fiscal year cannot state at this time. row, and the Senate probably will be in 1976, and the period of July 1, 1976, The PRESIDING OFFICER. (Mr. late, in an effort to complete action on through September 30, 1976, for procure­ NUNN). Is there objection? Without ob­ the bill on Friday, in accordance with ment of aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, jection, it is so ordered. the agreement entered. tracked combat vehicles, torpedoes, and Mr. BARTLETT. Mr. President, will other weapons, and research, develop­ the Senator yield? ment, test, and evaluation for the Armed Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. Yes. ADJOURNMENT TO 9 A.M. Forces, and to prescribe the authorized Mr. BARTLETT. Are some of these TOMORROW personnel strength for each active duty amendments without agreed times? Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, component and the Selected Reserve of Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. No. There is if there be no further business to come each Reserve component of the Armed time on each of the amendments. Some before the Senate, I move, in accordance Forces and of civilian personnel of the of them have specific time limits. Others with the previous order, that the Senate Department of Defense, and to authorize will fall into the catchall category of stand in adjournment until the hour of the military training student loans, and amendments in connection with which 9 a.m. tomorrow. for other purwses. there is a 1-hour time limitation on each The motion was agreed to; and at 9:06 Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, amendment. p.m. the Senate adjourned until tomor­ I ask unanimous consent that the Mr. BARTLETT. I thank the Senator. row, Thursday, June 5, 1975, at 9 a.m. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IOWA LEADS NATION IN GAS my colleagues to come up from the 1975, edition of the Waterloo Courier, SAVINGS depths of import quotas, licensing, duties, Waterloo, Iowa, speaks volumes as to creating an Office of Petroleum Import what volunteerism and strict enforce­ HON. CHARLES E. GRASSLEY Licensing and Purchasing, imposing a ment of the 55-mile-per-hour speed limit gasoline tax that could be as much as on interstate highways has accomplished. OF IOWA 23 cents a gallon, and other measures I encourage my colleagues to consider IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES contained in the Energy Conservation the merits of what people can do and Wednesday, June 4, 1975 and Conversion Act to reflect upon what what they have done on their own when Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. Speaker, the Iowans have done on their own-with­ asked: question of energy conservation policy out Federal direction or intervention­ IOWA LEADS NATION IN GAS SAVINGS has placed the Congress and the Presi­ to cut petroleum consumption. DEs MoINEs.-Iowans led the nation in dent at loggerheads. I would like to ask An article appearing in the May 29, gasoline conservation la.st year, according to June 4, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 17111 the Federal Highway Administration spected leaders in the fight for equaled­ "I didn't like alibi students or hustlers," (FHWA). ucational opportunity. His new endeavor he continued. "Fortunately, there weren't too The agency's figures show that Iowa's 1974 represents a reaffirmation of his lifelong many of those. But one of my most interest­ gasoline consumption declined 9.5 per cent ing learning experiences came some time ago from the 1973 figure. The decline for all 50 concern for individuals rights. when I went to teach at the University of states. Puerto Rico and the District of Co­ I am please to include in the RECORD an California at Berkeley for a while. lumbia was 3.7 per cent. article about Dr. Clark from the New "I said I was looking forw&.rd to it be· Illinois' gasoline consumption last year York Times: cause there were not too many Asian-Ameri­ dipped 4.9 per cent-also better than the KENNETH CLARK RETmING FROM C.C.N.Y. can students at C.C.N.Y. at that time. I went U.S. average-while Wisconsin's consumption (By Richard F. Shepard) out with the idea that Asian-American stu­ decreased 3 per cent, the FHWA said. dents would be more profound and would But highway officials say there are indica­ Dr. Kenneth B. Clark, who has helped pre­ stimulate me with Oriental ways of thinking. tions that gasoline use crept upward during pare generations of City College students for "They were just like the students at City, the first months of 1975, although firm data their life's work, has retired from teaching with the same number of alibi students, too. won't be available for some time. after 35 years at the school and is himself It taught me that stereotypes, even positive John Millhone, executive director of the starting a new career. ones, tend to fall. I had to travel 3,000 miles Iowa Energy Policy Council, said that three Dr.
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