OUTLIHE OP PRINCIPAL EHVEHTS IK THE DEVELOPMENT OF SHAPE ' ' Marshal-Montgomery and Joint American Military Advisory Group (JAMAG,— Major General Kibler} point up necessity for t3.élgg together the three European Regional Planning Groups, and creating a command organization under a supreme commander. HATO. Military and Defense Committees met in Washing- ton, D. C. Principal items of business on the agenda con- sisted of German Rearmament, U. S. Reinforcement of Europe, and appointment of a Supreme Commander of Europe. Although progress on these issues which U.S. insisted he treated as a "package proposal" was blocked by refusal of the French Defense Minister (Mr. Moch) to dlsnusa any but the French integrated European Army scheme. Informal discussions were held concerning the designation of a Supreme Commander. Concensus of opinion among the Defense Ministers indicated that the Commander of American nationality was desired* General Eisenhower's name was entered for consideration. U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Standing Group of HATO, and the NATO- Nations, through defense channels indicated acceptability of General Elsenhower as Supreme Commander, Europe. Informal approval of President Truman likewise obtained. JÎS initially, approached the problem of a Supreme Allied Commander on the basis that there should first be established a COSSAC headed by a Chief of Staff agreeable in advance to the Supreme Cpmraender. Further consideration of this approach, however, indicated the de- 1 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE sirability of installing General Eisenhower at the earliest practicable date for the purpose of capitalizing on his DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 - DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MIS - DÉCLASSIFIÉ - PDN(2012)0008 DISCLOSED - PUBLICLY DECLASSIFIED initiative and personality in inaugurating the enormous job to be done. General Gruenther accepted by General / 1 Eisenhower for the position of his Chief of Staff. s camber 1950 By a gr« om«nfc be tween the U.S. JCS and Qaneral Eison- Kowar1 Qanaral Gruantliar ms directed to select three assistants, and to initiate the primary planning Incident to tha establishment of SHAPE. Officers selected were: Colonal Robert J. Wood, U.S.Army (National Iter College Faculty). X>t Colonel Alfred Starbird, U.S. Army (On Engineer duty in central U.S.). Lt Colonel P. T. Carroll, U.S. Army (Instructor, » Army War College). Theaa officers reported to General Gruenther as personal assistants during the period 4-9 Dacambsr 1950. j,"-i^Lt Colonel Carroll, in the maantine, had conferred r personally with General Eisenhower, and had been told by General Eisenhower that he would definitely be Included within his organization as Supreme Commander. As it develop- ed, Lt Colonel Carroll subsequently assumed duties as General Eisenhower's senior aide. DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 - DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MIS - DÉCLASSIFIÉ - PDN(2012)0008 DISCLOSED - PUBLICLY DECLASSIFIED J 9 Dooember 1950 By agreement between the U.S. JCS and Oeneral Eisenhower, Qenaral Oruenthar was directed to select three assistants, and to initiate the primary planning incident to the establishment of SHAPE. Officers selected were: Colonel Bobert J. Wood, U.S.Army {National War College Faculty). Lt Colonel Alfred Starbird, U.S.Army (On Engineer duty in central U.S.) Lt Colonel P.T. Carroll, U.S. Array (Instructor, Army War College). These officers reported to General Gruenthor as personal assistants during the period 4-9 December 1950. General Gruenther and Colonel Wood established offices on opposite sides of mE" Ring of the Pentagon, 2nd Floor, Room 651 Lt Colonel Carroll, in the meantime, bad con- ferred personally with Oeneral Eisenhower, and had been told by General Eisenhower that he would definitely be included within his organization as Supreme Cpmmander. As it developed, Lt Colonel Carroll subsequently assumed duties as General Elsenhower's senior aide. member 1950 VGeneral Gruentjier and <I51onel StarMrd depart for .. Londons-Iip attend Defefts«. Committee Meetlbg. fed*».) . scember 1950 Qenaral Sruenther and Colonel S ta Pbitf d arrive -London. \ scomber 1950 Colonel Starbird presented General Handy with a lotto from General. Cte1Uenther In London, requesting General Handy's assistance in organizing SHAPE. ^General Handy delegated this responsibility to the Commanding General, DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE 7966th Detachmentf EUCOM. Brig General YQUQ^. Colonel DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 - DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MIS - DÉCLASSIFIÉ - PDN(2012)0008 DISCLOSED - PUBLICLY DECLASSIFIED «•bird displaced to Parla to r^connolter Fontainbl«au, and the Paris area for a temporary location for SHAPE Headquarters. Cciional Starblrd reported to Ganeral Qjruenther In \ V London. \ \ , \ \\ /t Genaral Qriienther arrived IHnKI shlngton. Colcmal ^Starblrd arrived Ip Paris and'continued reconnaissance V \ - for\temporapy looatltga of SHAPS Headquarters. Xi > ^ Colonel Starblrd reoonnoitered Verdun) Rhlems and Metz, and then reported to Oaneral Handy In Heidelberg. ferç reCOitoenda fclon of Colonel Starbipd, Ganeral GraentherVradioed Ganaral Handy ^questing that the Aatorla Hotel be made available èfl a temporary location for SBÄWä Headquarters, and tha^ General Haaây dealg-nata t£n\off IcVra "toa'S'âïst- in-advance planning- £x>r „SHAPE-lnParla. General ffiruenther, Colonal Tordan and Lt Colonel Goodpaater départ Ifeahlngton for Brussels. \ Colonel Worden, Lt Colonel Goodpaster and Me- Oolonel--StarbtTd-^eAn In Paris. Defense Committee meets in Brussels. General Gruenfeher assists Admiral Sherman-, tShe latter, re- "v --presenting General Bradley. At ten o'clock on tha morning of the 18th,,the officers designated by General Handy to assis% t in SHAPE Advance Planning meat at the Astoria Hotel «Ith Colonel Wordan,aLt Colonel Stsrbird., and Lt Col Goodpastar. These officers included: Colonel 2feuraton, U.S.A. (EUCOr) DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE CblOHBl Stt1th, U.S.A. (Paris PLANAT) DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 - DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MIS - DÉCLASSIFIÉ - PDN(2012)0008 DISCLOSED - PUBLICLY DECLASSIFIED UT c* I Pw , Captain Änderst^ USR (6th FleeO Colonel IIontelthl, BSAF (Paris PLAKAT) - - Golpnel Tallyf U.S.A {JAMAG, London) Lt Colonel Hardenhurg1 U.S.A (EUOO|l£ Lt Colonel Taylor, U.S.A. (EETCOM) Colonel Thurston assumq^dutles as the senior and personal representative of General Oruenther In Paris. At his direction work was initiated on studies dealing with: SHAPE headquaters organization. SHAPE subordinate command structure. Actlop'of SHAPE in event of an ear^y emergency, to ittdude^ plan for displacement frai^ Astoria Hotelt^o "^ontalnbleau). Phaasd operation of SHAPE headquarters to include time table of absorption of European Regional Planning Groups. S â V i s i o n s . Action required of SAC, Europe under his terms of reference (DC 24/3). Site for permanent location of SHAPE headquarters. Colonel Bronn, USA, (CStGSC) arrived in Parla to assume duty as Headquarters Commandant* General Sruenther arrived in Paris to consult with Advance Planning Group. General Gruenther departed Paris for U.S. General Gruenther arrived in Washington. Colonel Starbird departed Paris for U.S. DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 - DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MIS - DÉCLASSIFIÉ - PDN(2012)0008 DISCLOSED - PUBLICLY DECLASSIFIED Colonel Starbird reported to General Gruenther In Washington, and turned over initial draft of study * s on SHAPE organization prepared by Advance Planning Group in Paris. Dacembar 1950 Colonel Worden and Colonel Ooodpaater depart for U.S. December 1950 Lt Colonel Goodpaster reported to General Gruenther and turned over initial draft of study on SHAPE sub- ordinate command structure prepared by Advance Planning Group in Paris. DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 - DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MIS - DÉCLASSIFIÉ - PDN(2012)0008 DISCLOSED - PUBLICLY DECLASSIFIED ... , January 1951 Initial Increment of U.S. Staff personnel arrive,/ in Parla January 1951 Colonal Thurston conducts briefing for U.S. officers present for duty with SHAPE and Indicates tentativa staff organisation on functional basis to lnoludat Colonel Thurston aa Acting Chle^ of Staff} a Secretariat? and ^tudy^toups for Personnel, Intelligence, Organization and Training, Plans and Operations, and XiOglstlaa* Additional agencies comprised Headquajtkavs Êftmmandatït, Slnge^f, and PIO«At Colonel lhuraton'a directionj < -J staff study groups ConMntteJf work on studies enumerated above. January 1951 Colonel Wood, Secretary of SHAPE, arrives in Paris, and Is briefed by Staff y^tudy groups on studies above. Decision made by Colonel Wood to tara the i> establishment on duty at the moment the U.S. f/ Advance Planning Oroup, SHAPE. January 1951 Oaneral Elsenhower
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