_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , , $om, . geh:W & 5 % .no e h s s'. $(+ a% L*N & d AL eAN ** * LA . e, nl * YNAs '$n $ th'N d. Y._: -.mt*$ ,tn.. - _ .__ . r .y , ,, - . , , | f_ i i . , ; ' ' * , ATTACIDIENT #1 .f 4 , . I s i : ! ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS j UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON 25, D, C. , 3g s- ; 'g October 20, 1% 4 Juk . f. ' Honorable Glenn T. Seaborg. Chairican . U. S. Atomic Energy Commission - Washington, D. C. " Subject: REPORT ON BODEGA BAY AT01EC PARK - UNIT NO.1 Dear Dr. Seaborg: 4 5 At its fifty-fifth meeting'on May 7-9,1%4 at Argonne, Illinois, and at its fifty-eighth meeting on October 7-10,1%4, the Advisory Com- , mittee on Reactor Safeguards again considered the proposal of Pacific Gas & Electric Company to construct and operate a 10081&(t) boiling water reactor on Bodega Head north of San Francisco, California. The 2l Co=nittee had the benefit of oral discussion with representatives of j the applicant and its consultants, with the AEC Regulat6ry Staff and 1 its consultants,' including staff members of the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) and - of the reports cited below. Subcommittee meetings were held July 31, 1%2 and March 20,1%3 and members of the Co=aittee agaib visited : the excavated site on June 3,1%4. Numerous information meetings ' vere held with the applicant, the AEC Regulat'ory Staff, and with ' consultants. ; This proposal had been considered at the Co'emitteeI a forty-seventh , toerting and reported on in its letter of April 18,1%3 which stated: i * 'j " Tentative exploration indicates that the reactor and turbine buildings vill not be located on an active fault line. The Committee believes that if this point ; is established, the design criteria for the plant are adequate from the standpoint of hazards associated with baithquakes. Careful examination of the quartz-diorite iock below should be made during building excavation, to O confinn this point. Furthermore, the Committee suggests , that, during design, careful attention should be given .I bd the ability of emergency shutdown systems to operate ' ''I - properly during and subsequent to violent earth shocks, j and to the stress effects that might be introduced because ! the reactor building and the turbine building are to be ! anchored in different geological formations. The need for earthquake-induced shutdown and isolation of the primary system can be considered at a later time." ,, t t . ' J 970924'0002 851217 . - ! PDR FOIA - :.p f Z FIRESTOB5-665 PDR .g.4,,g .g.g gg.4 , , ; g g, 4,, p,j .__ _ ' i .$. N $bSUi5 O U$5dit~m E bdd'UEEd Ad.S d d.2.2iMr~ $ 2i.k^ - ~ :c t :;.;" -4; M,, ,e.. , s. ., . , ' 9 . * Att #1 - G-247 . * 1 i , i e ' i Honorable Glenn T. Seaborg 2- October 20,19% - . ' . O. The exploration suggested in the above comment has been completed, - and the geologic features discovered have led to further structural - considerations in the desigd. These geologic features include frac- tures in the underlying rock. One has been identified as the so- ca n ed "chaft fault". The character, extent, and age of the most , | recent activity of this fracture are controversial. Nevertheless, , the applicant has considered its significance in the proposed struc- | ,tural protection. , ; Proximity of the site to the San Andreas fault' system has been given j caretyl consideration. he Cocmittee has been advised by ceveral ! consultants that, during the life of the proposed reactor; there'is * a high probability that the reactor site vin experience at least one major earth shock. Bere is associated with such an earthquake & a remote possibility that the, plant will be subjected to the effect . of a shearing motion in the rock on which it would be built. The , ,q g , | 7p* USGS and USC&GS have proposed values for the intensity and accompany- " ing earth motions, including shear, which could be anticipated during the vormt earthquake. Determination of these values has been hampered 3 i by lack of authoritati've historical records and reliable measurements. l | The applicant and his consultants believe that lover values are more , realistic. The Committee considers that the USciGS and USGS values | are conservative. j i ! The applicant has proposed methods for mechanical and structural i design to meet the predicted seismic occurrences. The applicant also . has proposed to design the building to withstand up to three feet of j j shear displacec:ent along any plane at the site. S e Committee believes j that.the engineering principles and general design proposed to incorpo- i rate them are sound. These considerations afford that degree 'of assur- ! ance required for protection of the reactor in the unlikely event of the i . predicted maximum earthquake. a The USC&GS has recommended a design height for tsunami run-up at Bodega j Head. The applicant stated that the facility design and safeguard pro- cedures vin be such the plant would withstand such a tsunami safely. ' | | The Committee is of the opinion that the applicant's design objectives ' may be accomplished within the scope of present engineering knowledge. 1 -Many details of .the proposed design have not 'yet been completed. It 9 is understood that the applicant win continue to give careful attention to the following items during design and construction: limitations on j the. maximum reactivity of individual control rods; provisions to accommo-' ~ .; date possible seismic earth movements and shear displacement; consideration. 4g m . w ;;. w eg w s h e g h y w s w g . m p m e g u ., _ m.m.-cd _ . , , . , . _ _ . - .. .. A64 - ,.i5EW.,_y. mg ,.L.h.- -- ! A-n .'-+- ._.. w .M.~~ 4 N- C Q - i Ucd"E*d. N'' '" M O A * - *--'-r-4 " ! s s : -, s , . m . , .. * '| , ' | Att.#1 - b-247 > i ; , . | ~ | Honorable Glenn T. Seaborg -3- October 20,19% 'i | i l I . , . of testing or other experimental verification of structursl desigo - ) features associated with earthquake protection; provisions to assure ; adequate cooling vater in case of damge to normal and emergency ' supply systems; core behavior during earthquakes; design and tests of critical plant components such as instrumentation,.1 solation valves, and control rod operating mechanisms to withstand earthquake damage; additional considerations which may be needed if zirconium clad fuel ! 1s to be used. | . | * . i The Committee recognizes that the applicant has accepted very conserva- ' tive values for earth shear movement, earthquake magnitudes, and - j tsimami heights as design criteria. These criteria.should not be con- 1 strued as precedents for use elsewhere. * . { . r 1 | With due consideration being given to the items discussed above, the - Advisory Co=nittee on Reactor Safeguards is of the opinion that the ' | power reactor facility as proposed may be constructed at this site 'i with reasonable assurance that it may be operated without undue hazard ] to the health and safety of the public. j ' Sincerely yours, , ' fQ - Herbert Kouts Chairman i References Attached. i . I t . < i 'i - i ! ! " 1 www-~ -; --- - -- - a - - .- . - . ,. .n.-.-~-. 7 p ; Q &.%scGid: . g p .,.,..,.. p @,.4thQ.s@,.m , .. .xW4hid4b jn3.a.h.gg. .m.ef, . gg.,gy .J|; g;n - >!- t,9 ~ , . y. ., .. , ' ' , .. .. ' , + ! Atti #1 - G-247 , | . i , ' . - ; J - 1 i ! 1 - 4- , s _. Honorable Glenn T. Seaborg' October 20, 1964 ) ;9 (BodegaBay) I ~;v ;; [ References: .- L . c./j 1. Amendment No. 2, Pacific. Gas' & Elec'tric Company, Bodega Bay Atomic ,: , Park - Unit No. 1, dated April 5, 1963 , , 2. U. S. Department of the Interior ietter to Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, ,, I dated May 20, 1963, with attachments. > d . 1] 3 Amendment No. 3, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Bodega Bay i.tomic a ' Park, dated June 13,~1963 . ' 4. Amendment No. 4, Pacific Gas &' Electric Company, dated August 9,1963 'g - ,h 5 U. S. Department of the Interior letter dated September 25, 1963 to 55j Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg with attached report, TEi-837, " Geological and ps Seismic Investigations of e6 Proposed Nuclear Power Plant Site on g Bodega Head, Sonoma County, California", da.ted September 1963 . 6. U. S. Department of the Interior letter dated January 16, 1964 to . "[' 1 Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, with attached report, TEI-844, " Engineering i Geology of the Proposed Nuclear Power Plant Site on Bodega Head, ' , Sonoma County, California", dated December 1963 d | T. Amendment No. 5, Pacific Gao & Electric Company, Bodega Bay Atomic - Park,. dated January 22, 1964. - <- 8. Amendment No. 6, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, dated March 16, 1964 % '''- | 9 Amendment No. 7, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, dated March 31, 1964. e: t 10. Amendment No. 8, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, dated July 20, 1964. 11. Amendment No. 9, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, dated September 16, 1964. n J ^ 12. U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey report " Seismicity and Tsunami Report, , Bodega Head, California" dated October 1964. 4. 13 .h" U. S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey report "Engirieering GeoloEy of the Proposed Xuclear Power Plant on Bodega Head, Sonoma- ~y4 County,' California", dated October 1964. i. .:,HM _ _ - _ _ - - _ -- ., _ . .r ., , , ,, , s . ) - u . 6:pE N."-,# 24 M 9.5 '' O E 2b,dd(M*M #4'l" C'-:h'E d i C+ C u<~N'O *'e. ;- - - - --- ' -- . _ v.40b.'r w.;nrp fey ~a.;'. a9ew- --- "--mw"aw .. - -w;-~a * w - A, , # . 11 ; ' . , c - - .s .i * * ' .., ,, . ATTACHMENT #2 I . -.I , . 1, . ' . 5 I ' a q , .. J 1 I :f- ... f .jp .J :n , , '. Th' .. <,.y1 SUMMARY' ANALYSIS I .
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