I hereby give notice that a hearing by commissioners will be held on: Date: Wednesday 27 March 2019 Time: 9.30am Meeting Room: Council Chambers Venue: Level 1, Orewa Service Centre, 50 Centreway Road, Orewa, Auckland HEARING AGENDA LAND BETWEEN STATE HIGHWAY 1 AND MATAKANA ROAD WARKWORTH VOLUME TWO AUCKLAND TRANSPORT COMMISSIONERS Chairperson Alan Watson Commissioners Michael Parsonson Peter Reaburn Tanisha Hazelwood HEARINGS ADVISOR Telephone: 09 890 4940 or 021 560 871 Email: [email protected] Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Note: The reports contained within this agenda are for consideration and should not be construed as a decision of Council. Should Commissioners require further information relating to any reports, please contact the Hearings Advisor. WHAT HAPPENS AT A HEARING At the start of the hearing, the Chairperson will introduce the hearing panel and council staff and will briefly outline the procedure. The Chairperson may then call upon the parties present to introduce themselves to the panel. The Chairperson is addressed as Mr Chairman or Madam Chair. Any party intending to give written or spoken evidence in Māori or speak in sign language should advise the hearings advisor at least five working days before the hearing so that a qualified interpreter can be provided. Catering is not provided at the hearing. Please note that the hearing may be audio recorded. Scheduling submitters to be heard A timetable will be prepared approximately one week before the hearing for all submitters who have returned their hearing attendance form. Please note that during the course of the hearing changing circumstances may mean the proposed timetable is delayed or brought forward. Submitters wishing to be heard are requested to ensure they are available to attend the hearing and present their evidence when required. The hearings advisor will advise submitters of any changes to the timetable at the earliest possible opportunity. The hearing procedure The usual hearing procedure is: • The Requiring Authority (the applicant) will be called upon to present their case. The Requiring Authority may be represented by legal counsel or consultants and may call witnesses in support of the application. After the Requiring Authority has presented their case, members of the hearing panel may ask questions to clarify the information presented • The relevant local board may wish to present comments. These comments do not constitute a submission however the Local Government Act allows the local board to make the interests and preferences of the people in its area known to the hearing panel. If present, the local board will speak between the applicant and any submitters. • Submitters (for and against the application) are then called upon to speak. Submitters may also be represented by legal counsel or consultants and may call witnesses on their behalf. The hearing panel may then question each speaker. The council officer’s report will identify any submissions received outside of the submission period. At the hearing, late submitters may be asked to address the panel on why their submission should be accepted. Late submitters can speak only if the hearing panel accepts the late submission • Submitters wishing to present written information (evidence) in support of their applications or submissions should provide the number of copies indicated in the notification letter • Only members of the hearing panel can ask questions about submissions or evidence. Attendees may suggest questions for the panel to ask but it does not have to ask them. No cross-examination - either by the applicant or by those who have lodged submissions – is permitted at the hearing • After the Requiring Authority and submitters have presented their cases, the chairperson may call upon council officers to comment on any matters of fact or clarification • When those who have lodged submissions and wish to be heard have completed their presentations, the Requiring Authority or their representative has the right to summarise the application and reply to matters raised by submitters. Hearing panel members may further question the Requiring Authority at this stage • The chairperson then generally closes the hearing and the Requiring Authority, submitters and their representatives leave the room. The hearing panel will then deliberate “in committee” and make a decision on the resource consent application and a recommendation to the Requiring Authority on the Notice of Requirement. The Requiring Authority then has 30 working days to make a decision and inform council of that decision. You will be informed in writing of both decisions separately, the reasons for the decision and what your appeal rights are • The decision on the resource consent component is usually available within 15 working days of the hearing closing. Notice of Requirement and Resource Consent application Land between State Highway 1 and Matakana Road Warkworth Date: Wednesday 27 March 2019 A NOTIFIED DISCRETIONARY ACTIVITY RESOURCE CONSENT APPLICATION BY AUCKLAND TRANSPORT AND A NOTIFIED NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT TO THE AUCKLAND COUNCIL UNITARY PLAN RODNEY SECTION DISTRICT PLAN BY AUCKLAND TRANSPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO: VOLUME ONE Combined reporting officers report 13 – 120 Attachment 1 Application 121 – 122 Application material has not been reproduced and can be found here: Resource consent - https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/have-your-say/have-your-say- notified-resource-consent/notified-resource-consent-applications- open- submissions/Pages/ResourceConsentApplication.aspx?itemId=258& applNum=BUN60328269 Notice of requirement – https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/have-your-say/hearings/find- hearing/Pages/Hearing-documents.aspx?HearingId=275 Attachment 2 Updated plans 19 February 2019 123 – 148 Attachment 3 Section 92 responses 149 – 198 Attachment 4 Memo and supporting documentation regarding changes to the 199 – 244 application Attachment 5 Technical memo stormwater – Jack Turner 245 – 262 Attachment 6 Technical memo development engineering – Samuel Holmes 263 – 270 Attachment 7 Technical memo freshwater ecology – Rhian Ingley 271 – 314 Attachment 8 Technical memo – terrestrial ecology – Rue Statham 315 – 326 Attachment 9 Technical memo earthworks – Matt Byrne 327 – 342 Attachment 10 Technical memo traffic – Leo Hills 343 – 358 Attachment 11 Technical memo heritage – Joe Mills 359 – 366 Attachment 12 Technical memo noise – John Styles 367 – 378 Attachment 13 Technical memo groundwater – Sian France 379 – 398 Attachment 14 Technical memo Landscape Architecture – Julia Wick 399 – 406 Attachment 15 Technical memo open space – James Hendra 407 – 416 Attachment 16 Summary of submissions 417 – 426 Attachment 17a Copies of submissions – Notice of Requirement 427 – 542 Page 5 Notice of Requirement and Resource Consent application Land between State Highway 1 and Matakana Road Warkworth Date: Wednesday 27 March 2019 VOLUME TWO Attachment 17b Copies of submissions – Resource Consent 543 – 890 Attachment 18 Discussions with submitters regarding intersections access 891 – 894 Attachment 19 Rodney Local Board comment 895 – 900 Attachment 20 Email from David Nelson regarding showgrounds link 901 – 906 Attachment 21 Recommended regional consent conditions 907 – 960 Attachment 22 Permitted activity review – Air quality and contaminated land 961 – 968 Attachment 23 Letter to Auckland Council regarding iwi engagement and 969 – 972 consultation Attachment 24 Meeting notes – AT and NZTA discussion with Healthy Waters 973 – 976 Attachment 25 Plan Change 14 extract 977 – 1006 Attachment 26 NoR recommended conditions 1007 – 1018 Reporting Officers: Resource Consent, Gemma Hayes - Notice of Requirement, Alison Pye Reporting on a Resource Consent application for the construction, operation and maintenance of the Matakana Link Road - Tūhonohono ki Tai (Pathway to the Sea) Project. The reporting officer is recommending, subject to contrary or additional information being received at the hearing, that the application be GRANTED, subject to certain condtions. Reporting on a Notice of Requirement for the construction, operation and maintenance of the Matakana Link Road. The reporting officer is recommending that the notice(s) of requirement be CONFIRMED, subject to the amended and additional conditions and modifications. APPLICANT / REQUIRING AUTHORITY: Auckland Transport Page 6 Notice of Requirement and Resource Consent application Land between State Highway 1 and Matakana Road Warkworth Date: Wednesday 27 March 2019 SUBMITTERS ON NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT: Page 429 Shelley Anne Trotter 591 Sandspit road Warkworth Page 431 Matakana Community Group 11 Ward Rd, RD 5 Warkworth Page 433 Colin R Beckwith 273 Green Road Matakana Page 435 Wayne Franks 35 Whitmore Road Warkworth Page 437 Robin Barclay Page 439 Wendy J Parkins 181 Govan Wilson Road Matakana Page 441 Warkworth A&P Society 95A Point Wells Road Point Wells Page 445 Phil Francis PO Box 89 Matakana Page 447 Peter Hogg 24 Oak River Drive Warkworth New Zealand Transport attn: Belinda Petersen. System Design and Page 449 Agency Principal Planner Delivery Page 452 Roger and Patte Williams 56 Alnwick Street Warkworth Page 455 Warkworth Land Company attn: Vaughn Bell PO Box 5908 Page 467 Warwick and Hueline Massey PO Box 335 Warkworth c/- Terra Nova Page 469 Stellan Trust attn: Shane Hartley Planning Ltd Barker and Page 485 Stubbs Farm Estate Limited Burnette O'Connor Associates Ltd c/- Terra Nova Page 494 Goately Holdings limited attn: Shane Hartley Planning
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