..---- Index A Animal sacrifices and soap origins. 3 Absolute pressure, 300-301 Anionic surfac£ants, 154-158. See also Ace Detersivo Marsiglia, 5 Surfactams Acid value (AV), 381,399--401,448 Annual Book ofASTM Stantidrds, 399 Acne dererrems as additives, 148 Anti-acne compounds as additives, 148 Additive-base interaccions in soap cleansing Anri-irritams as additives, 148 syscems, 135-139 Anribacterial/ingredient/deodoran rlmois tu rizing Additives soaps (1994-2009) and-acne compounds, 148 history anci-i rriranrs, 148 Dove (2001-2008), 56 antimicrobial compounds. 147 Fa (2002-2008), 57 CTFA Cosmetic Handbook, 143 Ivory (2004-2008), 58-59 dermabrasive/exfoliaring agents, 144, 146 Ivory Moiscure Care (1997), 52 drug componentS, J46 Lever 2000 (2000-2009), 55 emollienrs, 144-145 Lifebuoy (2003-2008), 58 humectants/moisturizers, 144, 146 Lux (2000), 53-54 miscellaneous, 149-150 Oil of Olay (1994-2008), 49-50 occlusive agents, 144, 147 Palmolive Bars (1999-2008), 50-51 OTe acrive ingredienrs. 146 Pears (2004-2008), 58 secondary surfacrants, 148-149 Safeguard (I 999-2008), 52 syndel bars and, 170-171 Antimicrobial compounds as addicives, 147 Adverrising, 34. See also Marketing AOCS Official Test Methods, 399-400 Alcoholic saponificarion color, 405 APHA color scale, 448 Alfa-Laval dryer, 268 Ariel, 21 Alkali-free cleansing bars. See Syndel bars Armour & Company (1867), 2\-22 Alkyl polyglucosides (APG) and foaming, 168 Armour Soap Works, \1 14Alphaber--Pre(cy picwres and truism about Artow Borax Soap, 16 children's friend Wool Soap", 15-16 Art in markering/advertising, 5-8, 28,34, 72 Amalgamator with open-arm sigma blades, bar Ash and glycerine, 394 soap finishing and, 308-309 Assay ofglycerine, 394 American Family brand, 21, 76-77 Atlanric and Pacific (1969) Amphor~ric surfacrants, 154-155, 160-161. See history. 46 also Surfacranrs manufacrure of, 350 Andrew Jergens Company (I 880), 22, 30 Acmospheric systems and semi-boiled soap Angled bar soap scamping, 373 barch process of, 252-~253 • 457 • • L. Spitz compared with pressurized system, 260 CAM soap caroner infeed/transfer systems, continuous process of, 254 341 semi-continuous process of, 253-254 carton blank terminology, 345 Autoclaves and semi-boiled soap, 254-255 canon styles, 346 Automation of plants, 290-292 definitions/conversion factors, 346 Ooboy IL3 three belt contact feeder, 342 B Ooboy IL4 four belt contact feeder, 342 Bar hardness, 427-430 general information, 337 Bar smear/slough, 170 Guerze 1OOOHS horizontal Aow wrapper, Bar soap finishing 341 amalgamator with open-arm sigma blades and, soap cartoners, 345 308-309 soap wrappers, 344 chiller sizing, 331 styles, 337 cooling units, 331 plodders cutters, 323-326 extrusion group, 315-316 direct noncontact transfers for canonerl fiinishing line, 336-337 wrapper interface Mazwni LB multi refining plodder (MRP), Binacchi direct product transfer (OPT) 319,321 system, 328 packaged water chillers, 331-332 Aashstamping presses, 330 refining/pelletizing group, 315-316 Mazwni LB direct transfer (OTS) system, SAS Transavon Duplex Vacuum Plodder, 328,343-344 322-323 finishing line types/selection, 333-337 short-/long-LclO-ratio, 319 history, 61, 66 types, 314 low-temperature glycol chillers, 331,333 worms, 317-320 mixers presses amalgamator with open-arm sigma blades, Aashstamping presses, 327 308-309 soap shapes, 326 double-arm mixers with sigma blades, processing steps for, 303-308 309-310 roll mills, 311-313, 331-332 mixer-kneaders, 309-310 temperature control units, 332-333 mottled laundry soap manufacturing system, Barometric condensers, 285 374 Barrat, Thomas J., 7-8 packaging Bathing as religious/cleanliness activity, 2-3 ACMA 330 soap canoner with YT/YV Beauty soaps. See Purity/beauty/health soaps infeeds, 340 (I 872-1947) ACMA 7250/7350 soap wrappers, 339 Beecham Group, 6 ACMA 770 soap canoner with TH non­ BHT chromotographic analysis and, 413 contact infeedltransfer, 340 Binacchi "CHBS" process, 244-245, 256-259 ACMA 771 TH-non-contact soap infeed/ Binacchi "CSFA" process, 244-245 transfer, 339 Binacchi "CSWE-3" system, 237-238, 241, 243 ACMA rotary infeedltransfer systems, 338 Binacchi direct product transfer (OPT) system, ACMA TH-non-contact soap infeed/ 328 transfer, 338 Binacchi SOE dryer system, 281-282 Binacchi systems, 343-344 Binders, syndet bars and, 169 Biofuels, 383, 393 458 Soap Manufacturing Technology. B.J. Johnson Soap Company, 34 Caustic soda Bleachability, 382 characteristics/specifications/analysis of, 390 Blumenschien, Mary Green, 36 markets/prices and, 391 Boiling. See Kettle saponification production/sources/users of, 388-390 Borit, 2 requirement calculations, 437-438, 441 Brooks, Benjamin, 31 saponification and, 224 Bubbles (Millais), 8 transport/storage/handling of, 392 Buerger nomenclature for solid soap phases, 118, Cavity Transfer Mixer, 198-199 194 Centrifugal pump metering system, 227-228 Bulk of lye, 248 Centrifuged lye, 248 Bumetrizole as additive, 149 Certified colorants, 139, 142 A Busy Day (Humphrey), 28 Chardin, Jean Simeon, 78 Buteth-3 as additive, 149 Charles H. Geilfus & Company, 22 Chase, Helen, 39 C Chelating agents, chromotographic analysis and, Calculations 412-413 alkalinity/acidity adjustments, 444-447 Chemistry of soap structures. See also Physical caustic soda requirements, 437-438, 441 characteristics ofsoap raw materials FA blend molecular weight adjustment, AOCS Official Test Methods, 399-400 442-443 basic, 83-84 FA blends, 441 chromotographic analysis FA neutralization products, 442 BHT by capillary GC, 413 fat blend, 437 chelating agents by HPLC, 412-413 kettle saponification drivatized FA analysis by capillary GC, 412 finishing/fitting kettle, 219-220 drivatized FA analysis by HPLC, 411 fluctuating fat ratios, 217 FFA analysis by HPLC, 411-412 kettle settling, 218-219 glycerine content by HPLC, 412 loading kettle, 214-217 triclocarban/triclosan by HPLC, 412 primary soap making routes, 437 triglyceride analysis by HPLC, 410 saponification products - quantities, 438-440 continuous saponification and, 228-230, total fatty matter (TFM), 440 233-234 Calorimetry, 127-128 and effect of trans isomers on FA/soap Camay (1926) properties, 402-403 history, 38-39 FAs,437 Caress (1972-2009) glycerides and, 84-85 history, 47 history, 223 ingredient label compositions of, 173 iodine value (IV), 401-402 Casely, Robert E., 40 minor ingredients Cashmere Bouquet (1872), 24-26 anhydrous-soap content, 407 Cast-melt process and transparency, 200 chlorides, 408-409 Cast transparent bars, 131 FFA/free alkalinity, 409 Cast transparentltranslucent bars, 170 free-glycerine content, 408 Castill~, Spain and soap making, 3 moisture content, 407 Cataphil, ingredient label compositions of, 174 triclocarbanltriclosan by UV absorbance, Cationic surfactants, 154-155. See also 409-411 Surfactants molecular structure and, 115-116 459 • L. Spitz mush/cracking history, 48 formulation implications, 108-112 manufacture of: 350 relationship, 93 Coates, F. Graham, 36 structural implicarions, 103-108 Coconut oil (CNO), 84, 224, 378, 437, structure weakness, 98-103 451-453 oleate:laurate eutecric mixrure and, 85-87 Colbert, Jean Batiste, 4 performance models Colgare & Company maero model, 87-89 Cashmere Bouquet (1872) of, 24-25 molecular model, 89-92 Colgare Palmolive Company (1806),17-21 saponification value (SV), 401 Global Handwashing Day and, 33 soap/water inreracrions, 92-93 history, 60 srrucrure weakness Colgate clock, 19-21 consequences, 98-103 Colgate, William, 17 crystal oriencation during plodding, 95-96, Color 112-l14 alcoholic saponification color. 405 overall effeers, 97-98 analysis by colorimeter, 404 pressure effeers during plodding, 94-95 analysis by H'unrer reAectance measurement, strucrure fundamentals. 93-94 413-414 strucrure visualizarion in plodder. 96--97 analysis by phoromerric measurement, 404 syndet bars and, 162-167 color scale conversions, 405-406 titer and, 402 commercially used scales, 448 and tram isomer measurement. 403 direct bleach tesc and, 405 transparent/rranslucenr soaps and. 191-195 evaluation of raw marerials, 404 triglyceride oil structure, 379-380 Farry marrer and, 381 triglycerides, 437 Hunter reAectance measuremenr and, Cherry Ripe (Millais), 8 413-414 Chevreul, Michel Eugene, 4 refined/bleached,404-405 Chicago Family, 13 saponificarion color of FAs, 405 C, A Child, World (Millais), 8 scale conversions of: 405-406 Chill rollslflakers, 268 visual color comparisons, 413 C, Chiller sizing, bar soap finishing and, 331 Coloranrs Chlorate and caustic soda, 390 caregories of, 139-141 o Chloride and caustic soda, 390 certified, 139, 142 C, Chromorographic analysis natural, 143 C, BHT by capillary GC, 413 noncertifiable, 141-142 C, chelating agents by HPLC, 412-413 noncertified, 142 Cr drivatized FA analysis by capillary GC, 412 Combo bars. See also Syndet bars drivatized FA analysis by HPLC, 411 ingtedient label composirions of; 173-175 FFA analysis by HPLC, 411-412 surfactant advantage and, 153 glycerine concenr by HPLC, 412 surfactant composition in, 161 triclocarban/triclosan by HPLC, 412 Computer-controlled plants, 290-292 triglyceride analysis by HPLC, 410 Condensate temperarure, 300-301 Cn Clarette, 13 Cone, Fairfax M., 41 Cn Cleansing bar formulation, synder bars and, 159 Continuous saponification Cri Cleansing grains commercially available systems, 241-243 Cn Coast (1974-2008) continuous FA neutralization, 24l-243 Cn 460 Soap Manufacturing Technology. defined, 247 Crurcher and semi-boiled soap, 252-254 hiswry, 223 Crystallization, 191-195. See also Chemistry or meceri
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