INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF , THEATRE·· ART MoMAExh_0033a_MasterChecklist JANUARY 16-FEBRUARY 26, 1934 THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART II WEST FIFTY-THIRD STREET· NEW YORK INDEX OF ARTISTS WITH CATALOG NUMBERS Pilar tz , 31'3-37; Ahren, 429-430 Croning, 346-349 Poelaig, 376--379 Akimoff, 6:;6-662- Grunewald, 431-464 Primaticcio, 3-10 Appia, 96-1:22 Heckrotb, 350--354 Re,52 Helmdach, 355-358 Bahner, 135-140 Reigbert, 380-385 Heychum, 16')-179 Bakst, 261-269 Reynolds, 606--608 Hofman, 180--~oo Barsacq, 270-284 Riccius Senensis, 17 Berain, 34-40 Italian School, 1'(-33 Ricketts, 233A'B Bernstein, 48:;-488 Iuvara, 43-44 Russian School, 704-707 Beschomer, 141-144 Rutherston, "34-241 Bibiena Family, 45-46 Jones, Inigo, 18-23 Sabbattini, "3A Bibiena, 47-48 Jones, R. E., )51-568 Saee-Meiningen.Bc-cs Blanch, 203-210 jorgulesco, 56()-571 Schenk von Trapp, 386-390 Boquee Family, 56-63 Karson, 572-577 Schlepianoff 697 Bragdon, 489-491 Kodosevitch, 665--668 MoMAExh_0033a_MasterChecklist Schroeder, 391-394 Braqoe, 285 Krummer, 669 de Segcozac, 313-315 Buonealenei, 11-'16 Kushner, 670 Serlio, 1-'2. Challe, 54-55 Lagut, 301 Sberingham, 242-243 de Chirico, 426 Lamberti, 85"" Shestakoff, 698-699 Chupiatch, 66:; Larionoff 302-305 Sievert, 395-400 Craig, 123-134 Lauterer, 578-;8'2 Simonson, 6og-61 I Lebedeff 67! Sjoberg, 472 Daniel, 327-330 Leger, 306-307 Skawonius, 465-471 De Lajoue, 50--51 Levine, 672-691 Skold, 47:)-482 Derain, 286 Loeffler, 35')-362 Scehnlein, 401-403 Desprez, 64-85 Lutze, 692 Soudekine, 634-635 Dexel,211-212 Mahnke, 363-368 Stenberg, 700 Dmitrieff, 664, 7°2-7°3 Strnad, 145-168 Dobuzhinsky , 626-629 Medgvee, 421-423 Medunetsky, 693, 701 Suhr, 404-407 Dolivet, 36-38 Meiningen, see Saxe-Meiningen Survage, 316-317 Dreyfuss, 492 MesseJ,223-233 Thompson, 6I'2-616 Enters, 493-499 Meyerhold, 693 Throckmorton, 617-6'21 Essman, 500-503 Mielziner, 583-590 Torsten, 408-413 Molander, 465-471 Fraser, 213-222- Montenari, 49A Vakalo, 318-326 French School, 41-42- Mueller, 36g--372 Vigarani.oa-xo Fuerst, 287-294 Muncis, 427-428 \!yesnine, 702-J03 Fulop, 420 Nielsen, 201-202 Wachsmuth, 49 Galliari, 53 Nivinsky, 694-696 Waren,2;g-260 Geddes, 504-;46 Wenger, 622--625 Oenslager, 591-60::1, Glese, 331-:'41 Wildermann, 414-419 oin., 424-425 Golovine,6:,o--633 Wilkinson, '244-2'j1 Go~arova, 295-300 Perdriat, 308 Xavery,63A Gorelik,547-550 Peters, 603-60; Grete, 342-345 Picasso, 309-312 Zinkeisen, 2)2-:258 THEATRE ART OF THE RENAISSANCE AND BAROQUE 'The designers aye ananged chronologically. *An asteris~ indicates that the item is illu.stratedby a plate bearing the same number. SIXTEENTH CENTURY SERLIO, Sebastiano (1473-1554) iTALIAN *10 -Knight of the Swan Born in Bologna, active there and in Venice; Lent by the National Museum, Stoc~holm called to France by Francis I to work at his court; died at Fontainebleau. BUONTALENTI, Bernardo (1536-1608) I DE ARCHI'TEC'TURA LIBRI Q.UIJ\(- ITALIAN Q.UE,Venice, 1569 Born in Florence, active principally there, Lent by Mrs. Edith Isaacs, New Yor~ as well as in Pisa and Siena. His ingenious MoMAExh_0033a_MasterChecklist lA-Same work, English edition, 1611 use of fireworks won for him the nick-name Lent by R. Hall, 'Tonbridge Wells, England "Bernardo delle Girandole." 2 Setting for a corned y: after an engraving in Serho's DE ARCHI'TEC'TURA; model SIX IN'TERLUDES, Florence, 1;89' by Mrs. Lee Simonson II-The Music of the Spheres (engraved by Lent by the Dartmouth College Theatre Agostino Carracci) Museum, Hanover, N..ewHampshire 12 ---Contest between the Fairies and the Muses (engraved by Epifanio d'Alfano) PRIMATICCIO, Francesco (1504-1;70) 13 --Combat between Apolloend the Serpent ITALIAN Python (engraved by Agostino Carracci) Born in Bologna, active in Mantua; called to 14 -Appearance of Demons of Heaven and France by Francis I and worked there until Hell (engraved by Epifariio d'Alfano) his death. 15 -Arion the Cither Player (engraved by Eight costume drawings: Epifanio d'Alfano) '3 -Pageant costume 16 -The Dance is a Gift of the Gods (en' 4 -Pageant costume graved by Epifanio d'Alfano) 5 -Allegorical personage for court pageant Lent by the National Museum, Stoc~holm 6 -Fame, allegorical personage for court pageant RICCIUS SENENSIS ITALIAN 7 -Roman Knight 8 -Warrior *17 OR'TENSIO; engraving, by Hieronymus *9 -Hermes and a Mourning Woman (Eury- Bols, of setting, Siena, 1;89 dice') Lent by the National Museum, Stoc~holm SEVENTEENTH CENTURY JONES, Inigo (1;73-1652) ENGLISH Charles I of England; appointed surveyor' Born in London, studied in Italy; worked at general of public buildings in 161;. See sec' the court theatre in Denmark; architect and tion 'The Masque Designs of Inigo [ones; theatrical designer under James I and p.22. 43 j 241\ Drawing of the proscenium of the "Salle 18 MAS!ii.UE OF BLACK:NESSE ('), Ben Jon- des Machines," Tuileries, Paris, ca. 1670 son; possibly a drawing for setting of first Lent by the T essin Collection, Drottningholm scene, "consisting of small woods and here and there a void place filled with *25-26 A'TIS, Lully ; two drawings for settings, buntings." 'The Masque of Blac~nesse was Paris, 1675 presented on January 7, 1605· Chats- 26- 7 'THESEUS, Lully; two drawings for worth, No. 400: Border and Scene with a 2 settings, Paris, 1675 8tag Hunt *19 'THE MAS~UE OF !ii.UEE:NS, Ben Jon- 28 ALCESTIS, Lully; drawing for setting, son; drawing for setting, Scene II; pre' Paris, 1675 sented, February 2, 1609. Chatsworth, 29 Drawing for setting of an opera, Paris, ca. No. 17 1675 OBEROn THE FAERY PRI:NCE, Ben Nos. 25-29 lent by the :National jonson; a masque for Prince Henry, pre' Museum, Stoc/{holm sented, January I, nir r : two drawings for settings: VIGARANI (School) *20 -SceneMoMAExh_0033a_MasterChecklist I, "Nothing perceivd but a clarke 30 Drawing of setting, Colonnade with Sta- Rocke with trees beyond it; and all wild, tues. Paris, late XVIIth century ness that could be presented. Till above Lent by the National Museum, Sroc/{holm the Horizon, the Moon began to shew, and rising, a Satyre was seen (by her light) ITALIAN SCljOOL (Anonymous) to put forth head and call." Chatsworth, 31 Four drawings, designs for side scenes No. 40 32 Four drawings, designs for side wings *21 -Alternate drawing for SceneI; Chats' 33 Drawing, design for stage equipment with worth, No. 44 backdrop on rollers 22 BRI'fT A]lijA TRIUMPHA:NS, Sir Wil- Lent by the National Museum, Stoc/{holm liam Davenant; drawing for setting, Scene II:A Horrid Hell; presented, Janu- BERAIN, JEAN FRENCH ary 7, 16)8. Chatsworth No. 260 Born in St. Mihiel, Lorraine; in 1674 re- *2) LUMI:NALIA or FES'TIV AL OF LIGHT, ceived royal appointment and was commis- Sir William Davenant (?); drawing for sioned by King Louis XIV to design decora- setting, Scene I: Night; presented, Feb- dons and costumes for court festivals and ruary 6, 16)8. Chatsworth, No. )08 ceremonies. :Nos. IS to 2] lent by the Du/{e of )4 ARMIDA, Lully; drawing for setting, Devonshire, Chatsworth Paris, ca. 1680 SABBATTINI, Nicola ITALIAN )5 HESIO:NE; drawing for setting, Paris, ca. 2)A PRACTICA DI FABRICAR SCE:NE 17°1 ('Technique of Ma/{ing 'Theatre Settings), Nos. 34-35 lent by the :National 16)7 Museum, Stock..holm Lent by J. Kyrle Fletcher, Ltd., :Newport, England BERAIN, Jean and DOLIVET FRENCH Three drawings for settings, created in Paris VIGARANI, Carlo ITALIAN in 1699 and sent to Stockholm for the thea ... 24 Drawing for setting of an opera, Paris, ca. tre of Charles XII: 1660 Lent by the :National Museum, Stoc/{holm :;6 -Setting for comedies: village 44 - - - ---- " ~"~ - - """'"--~~ ~--- . 37 -Setting for comedies: village tria and Germany, died in Berlin while 38 -Setting for serious pastorals working for Frederick II. Lent by the National Museum, Stoc~holm Two drawings for settings: 47 -Interior BERAIN (School) *48 -Ancient City Lent by the National Museum, Stoc~olm Two costume drawings, ca. 1690: 39 -Shepherdess WACHSMUTH and others GERMAN(?) 40 -Shepherd or Gardener Lent by the National Museum, Stoc~holm 49 Child's Theatre, about '730--1740: five colored engravings on cardboard, com- prising four miniature wings and borders FRENCH SCHOOL (Anonymous) with actors, and one backdrop, set in a 41 Drawing for setting, late XVIIth century grooved wooden stage; engraved by 42 Drawing for setting, ca. 1700 Martin Engelbrecht after designs by Lent by the National Museum, Swc~holm Wachsmuth and others. The original series co~sisted of 189 pieces in 3I sets, ITALIAN IUV ARA,MoMAExh_0033a_MasterChecklist Filippo (1676?-1736) together with a proscenium. Born in Messina, studied in Rome under Lent by Lee Simonson, N,ew Y or~ Carlo Fontana; became architect for King of Sicily. Active in Turin, Mantua, Milan, MONTENARI, Giovanni iTALlAN Rome and Portugal. Called to Madrid by 49A DEL TEA'TRO OLIMPICO DE AN- Philip V in 1735 and died there the follow- DREA PALLADIO If.( VI:N:CENZA; ing year. second edition, Padua, 1749 Two drawings for settings, Rome, 1706: Lent by J. Kyrle Fletcher, Ltd., f.(ewport, England *43 -Open Heavens with Phoebus on High 44 -c-Piazza Prepared for Nocturnal Illumina- tion. with Triumphal Arch and Chariot DE LAJOUE, Jacques (1687-'761) FRENCH Lent by the National Museum, Swc~holm Active in Paris as painter and designer under the patronage of Mme. de Pompadour BIBIENA FAMILY eGalli da Bibiena) and Louis XV. A family which for over a hundred years 50 Theatrical composition, ca. 1740 was pre-eminent in designing for the theatre.
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